4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #90

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I agree with everything you have written. When LE first picked up on BK's vehicle in Pullman, it appears to me like he was headed home. Then something unknown happened to cause him to turn around and drive the opposite direction. I, too, am bothered by the fact that the white Elantra LE claims is BK's appeared out of nowhere on Indian Hills Rd at 3:26am in Moscow after it was last seen in Pullman at 2:47am. That's 39 minutes later. It is a 13 to 16 minute drive between the location he was last seen at in Pullman and the 700 block of Indian Hills Rd. Where was he all that time, IF that was even him???? If you look at a map of Moscow, that Indian Hills Rd. neighborhood is on the side of Moscow furthest from Pullman, well past the University and certainly NOT on the way to 1122 King Rd. The white Elantra in the Linda Lane video appears to be searching for something, backing up, circling, going around and around, making 3 point turns. This is not the behavior of a car with a driver who knows where he is going and is on a mission to kill someone. So I really do wonder if that is some kind of delivery driver who simply cannot find the address they are looking for. There is absolutely no known proof that white Elantra was parked at or near 1122 King Rd nor that the occupant got out of that vehicle at any time. There can be no doubt that the 1122 King Rd address would be difficult to locate by address if you don't know it is there because the house's front door/parking area was on Queen Rd, not King Rd. Even LE was mixed up about the address in one of the noise complaint body cam videos and called the house in as 1122 Queen Rd.

And, if that was not BK's car, then the implication, to me, is that the killer or killers must have arrived on foot. Which takes us back to the beginning of this case and a lot of interesting things said by insiders before the gag order, which point to other possible suspects.
Arrived on foot with a sheath prepared with BKs DNA.
Arrived on foot with a sheath prepared with BKs DNA.
Why, in your opinion, doesn't the prosecutor want the defense to know the chain of custody of the DNA evidence? Brady-Giglio violater included on the list maybe? Just a guess on my part. MOO.
Do you think there was a break in the chain of custody???

Supporting an unbroken chain of custody is kind of like trying to prove a negative.

It's just assumed. It is like the air we drink and the water we breath.

On the other hand...suspecting it was broken usually requires evidence. Otherwise attorneys will just send the courts on fishing trip after fishing trip running the clock up.

Supporting an unbroken chain of custody is kind of like trying to prove a negative.

It's just assumed. It is like the air we drink and the water we breath.

On the other hand...suspecting it was broken usually requires evidence. Otherwise attorneys will just send the courts on fishing trip after fishing trip running the clock up.

Yep, haven't seen any evidence in Court docs/ motions contending Chain of custody was broken. D has all reports - in discovery - re the sheath.
Any focus on COD issues at this point are simply pure speculation with no evidence. Moo. I'm not interested in arguing negative what ifs because there is nothing Moo to back them up. Moo
@Balthazar, you raise some interesting questions, and I think they're worthy of discussion and shouldn't be laughed at. A lot of people have raised these issues. But in spite of my doubts and worries, I am not ready to discard my impression that BK did it. I'm still at around 75% it's him.
Mainly because:
1) the presence of BK's DNA on the sheath. IMO, to consider that this was "planted" or got on it accidentally, would require a fantastic coincidence for the other parameters to also coincide: BK happening to also drive a white Elantra and his phone being off at the time of the crimes. BK would have to be the unluckiest guy in the world.
2) The involvement of the FBI. Yes, crooked cops do exist. But the FBI isn't affected by UofI's financial interests, or any of the sort of things that might hypothetically cause small town police corruption. If the FBI had discovered anything came from foul play, it would have been flagged. If the FBI had uncovered any truly exculpatory evidence, I am sure they would have alerted the prosecution that they have the wrong guy. The FBI doesn't have any vested interest in seeing the wrong person convicted in this case. If they had found any indication that someone else did it, they would be after that person.
On another note, you brought up the Brady/Giglio material. AFAIK (please correct me if I am wrong), Gary Tolleson was only peripherally involved in the investigation, and was not the one who interrogated BK (I believe that was Payne), or had any role in finding or processing the knife sheath (Payne again). I can't find any official mention of Tolleson's involvement other than being present at the autopsies (mentioned by the defense in their 2nd motion to compel). I would think Tolleson would have been mostly kept away from the core of the investigation in order to prevent precisely the kind of suspicions his involvement might create. At least I would HOPE so!
That being said, the more time passes and the more I get the feeling the prosecution (and media) has made it seem like this is an easy win, when it might not be. I have also been less than impressed with their little game of hide the ball in discovery matters, and I find Bill Thompson has come across as a little disingenuous saying "we can hand over something that doesn't exist" regarding the IGG material, only to end up having to hand it over months later, because it does exist.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

I suspect that @Boxer is pointing out a little problem with the plan.

Thank you for your comment. I was not being strange. I wanted to know if he was being serious or if it was that he was pointing a problem out with the plan. It was a genuine question so I could follow the context. Every once in while you read something and you think wait a minute, so thank you.
Where is the sheath?

One presumes it's with other evidence, probably still in the hands of LE. When trial happens, the State will ask it to be admitted into evidence. Most courts leave the evidence in the car of a deputy (the bailiff) but it is typically still stored in LE lockers.

I am assuming that, like many places, these evidence lockers are in the same building as the courtroom.

One presumes it's with other evidence, probably still in the hands of LE. When trial happens, the State will ask it to be admitted into evidence. Most courts leave the evidence in the car of a deputy (the bailiff) but it is typically still stored in LE lockers.

I am assuming that, like many places, these evidence lockers are in the same building as the courtroom.

I think you mean the CARE of? Because my eyebrows shot up above my hairline like Penfold's at the thought of case evidence just being in the back of a bailiff's car, with the spare and the jerry can...


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