5 Yr Old BodyBuilder Entered Into Guinness Book of World Records.....


I have never taken any exercise except sleeping an
Dec 18, 2007
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This is disturbing to me. Almost as disturbing as child pageants. I see some serious OCD and body dismorphia in this kids future if it isn't already.

He was entered into the book for fastest 10mm hand-walking while holding weight ball.....who knew there was a record for such thing.

What is disturbing is the obvious amount of time and attention which has been put into his physical appearence. I cannot imagine that this is physically healthy for him.

A child with body fat that low is NOT normal, or the result of an appropriate diet for a tiny child. A healthy child is covered with a layer of puppy fat. There's no way this child is allowed to eat the foods, in the amounts he desires naturally. There is no way that he is body building for his OWN ego needs, he barely has an ego at five years old. Another disgusting and disturbing example of parents exploiting the body and life of their child.
A child with body fat that low is NOT normal, or the result of an appropriate diet for a tiny child. A healthy child is covered with a layer of puppy fat. There's no way this child is allowed to eat the foods, in the amounts he desires naturally. There is no way that he is body building for his OWN ego needs, he barely has an ego at five years old. Another disgusting and disturbing example of parents exploiting the body and life of their child.

I don't know about this particular child.

But my own son has a rare genetic disorder known as Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. His body has very little fat, but about 40 percent more muscle. My son had an 8 pack since the age of two. He didn't work out, he ate like crazy. Even as a baby he was just incredibly strong and physically amazing.

He does martial arts and with just that and regular exercise boys get he always looks ripped. He was always stronger, faster, stamina is mind boggling and far more coordinated than even children many years older than himself. He excels at every sport. ( I can't walk and chew gum) and when he played them, coaches were calling constantly. His body requires large amounts of proteins and he's always consumed these foods in abundance naturally. He just craves it. He will never be fat. Can you even imagine???????????

Bottom line...it looks to me like this child may have the same thing. I've met a few children with the same thing over the years.

Over the years ...I've even been accused of feeding my kid steroids, forcing him to work out , lying about his age....ect!
thanks for this Gaia!!! I have huge issues with this-the low body fat, the tearing of the muscles to create the bulk and the risk of stress fractures. Bummer.
LOL Linda! Sorry! The whole name would certainly be more informative.
I don't know about this particular child.

But my own son has a rare genetic disorder known as Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. His body has very little fat, but about 40 percent more muscle. My son had an 8 pack since the age of two. He didn't work out, he ate like crazy. Even as a baby he was just incredibly strong and physically amazing.

He does martial arts and with just that and regular exercise boys get he always looks ripped. He was always stronger, faster, stamina is mind boggling and far more coordinated than even children many years older than himself. He excels at every sport. ( I can't walk and chew gum) and when he played them, coaches were calling constantly. His body requires large amounts of proteins and he's always consumed these foods in abundance naturally. He just craves it. He will never be fat. Can you even imagine???????????

Bottom line...it looks to me like this child may have the same thing. I've met a few children with the same thing over the years.

Over the years ...I've even been accused of feeding my kid steroids, forcing him to work out , lying about his age....ect!

I'm aware of that condition, but I don't think a child should be encouraged to do weight-bearing exercises before joints and bones have matured. And by weight-bearing, I mean actual weightlifting, pressing, etc.

Just because a child has more muscle and less fat doesn't mean that their skeletal system is any different than any other child.

That must be interesting, though! It's pretty rare, isn't it?
Wow, Linda, that is a fascinating condition. Your son sounds healthy and normal for his genetic difference. Possibly the little boy in the OP has a similar condition.

I can't help but feel a sense of wonder . . . most genetic mutations/differences are harmful. Sounds like your boy is the fine recipient of an IMPROVEMENT on the human genome :) . Are there any metabolic issues he has that need medical supervision? I wonder how common his condition is, among star atheletes?
I'm aware of that condition, but I don't think a child should be encouraged to do weight-bearing exercises before joints and bones have matured. And by weight-bearing, I mean actual weightlifting, pressing, etc.

Just because a child has more muscle and less fat doesn't mean that their skeletal system is any different than any other child.

That must be interesting, though! It's pretty rare, isn't it?

I agree with you totally on the weight lifting and pressing.

Oh it's pretty interesting. The only thing we have to do "special" is provide an abundance of protein. His body would start burning muscle if he doesn't consume enough. So I toss protein powder in his oatmeal in the morning and a protein milkshake at night.

I honestly don't believe it's a rare as they claim.
Wow, Linda, that is a fascinating condition. Your son sounds healthy and normal for his genetic difference. Possibly the little boy in the OP has a similar condition.

I can't help but feel a sense of wonder . . . most genetic mutations/differences are harmful. Sounds like your boy is the fine recipient of an IMPROVEMENT on the human genome :) . Are there any metabolic issues he has that need medical supervision? I wonder how common his condition is, among star atheletes?

No medical supervision. His pediatrician only recommended we supplement his protein intake.

My guess...it's common among star athletes.
There was a show on TLC in the past few weeks about a young boy with a similar condition. I don't remember what his condition was called, and I don't remember the title of the show.

But anyway, the little boy's name was Ian and his parents had adopted him when he was a baby I think. He had well developed muscles, but not to the point of the boy in the newslink. Ian was in gymnastics and was the only kid who could climb the climby rope all the way to the ceiling by himself. I think his dad took him to the gym before his bedtime to try and tire him out so he could sleep.

I don't know about anyone else, but muscley men gross me out, especially when they have veins that bulge out. :sick: I like my guys to be a little chubby. :bananalama:
I am with you buffetoflies - I am not a big fan of muscley men either. I like a little muscle but not a lot. I like my guys to have a little meat on their bones too plus it makes me feel skinnier :)

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