50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #4

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If you can think of anything else to add, please let me know
Bold mine..
I've done that thinking thing, lol. Re the part I bolded, that made me think something that I don't think I thought long on before. What is the area Benjaman was found in like, crime-wise? Is there such an element of thuggishness in the community that something of that nature would be nothing new and therefore a) cause not much arousal of interest and b) criminals would think nothing of "what if he's found" or anything like it?

Someone who is familiar with that area posted somewhere on here (maybe under the thread on Theories) stating it is a low crime area. The Burger King was located along a strip of like restaurants with a very large truck stop nearby and a train that ran behind the restaurant (if I recall correctly.) I have thought so much on this topic of BK as I think some very important clues to his background are contained in this piece of the puzzle but I very quickly came to the conclussion that perhaps exploring that avenue is not the route he or those in contact with him want us to take to try and lead us to his identity and therefore I went back to lurking (until now.) Hope that helps. Would love to hear more theories on how he got to that restaurant.
Hi Voice, I don't know how many times I've stared at the live maps and "travelled" the immediate area where he was found. On that point I just can't get past the fact that if you travel off the southbound exit ramp of 95 (for Coastal Hwy 17) ... the end of that ramp lands you practically in front of the Burger King entrance. That coupled with the statement he made on the Dr. Phil Show about going to see the ocean and Rt. 17 also being referred to as Ocean Hwy - I only have the feeling he was travelling from somewhere to somewhere. I wonder if he was the driver if he was travelling with someone, known to him or perhaps a hitchhiker... or if possibly he was a hitchhiker (altho I don't really think so) who caught a ride with a trucker.

sigh, thoughts just wander at that point.

Does anyone know what rail companies might utilize that railroad behind the Burger King?

Someone who is familiar with that area posted somewhere on here (maybe under the thread on Theories) stating it is a low crime area. The Burger King was located along a strip of like restaurants with a very large truck stop nearby and a train that ran behind the restaurant (if I recall correctly.) I have thought so much on this topic of BK as I think some very important clues to his background are contained in this piece of the puzzle but I very quickly came to the conclussion that perhaps exploring that avenue is not the route he or those in contact with him want us to take to try and lead us to his identity and therefore I went back to lurking (until now.) Hope that helps. Would love to hear more theories on how he got to that restaurant.
the one that says wm. michael stewart
Well, with no picture, I guess it wouldn't hurt to email them and ask them for a photo or provide them with a link to one of our banners or the main forum. Good searching. :blowkiss:
Hi Voice, I don't know how many times I've stared at the live maps and "travelled" the immediate area where he was found. On that point I just can't get past the fact that if you travel off the southbound exit ramp of 95 (for Coastal Hwy 17) ... the end of that ramp lands you practically in front of the Burger King entrance. That coupled with the statement he made on the Dr. Phil Show about going to see the ocean and Rt. 17 also being referred to as Ocean Hwy - I only have the feeling he was travelling from somewhere to somewhere. I wonder if he was the driver if he was travelling with someone, known to him or perhaps a hitchhiker... or if possibly he was a hitchhiker (altho I don't really think so) who caught a ride with a trucker.

sigh, thoughts just wander at that point.

Does anyone know what rail companies might utilize that railroad behind the Burger King?

This might sound stupid but if I lived in Colorado and wanted to see the ocean I would go west, not east. Makes me think he was either living somewhere other than CO. when he ended up in Georgia or was there for work, to meet someone, etc. (meaning the "to see the ocean" was secondary to whatever reason he was in or around Georgia.) Thoughts?

I think the person who knew the area that BK was found said it was Amtrak and freight...the below is the quote from the individual I mentioned earlier....(forgive me as I don't know how to put it on here any other way....)

"I just relocated from Richmond Hill. That Burger King is now closed but prior to that I ate there quite often.

The Savannah/ Hilton Head Airport is about 20 minutes from the Richmond Hill exit. As earlier stated, Burger King is maybe a quarter of a mile off of I-95.

Railroad tracks run right behind Burger King. (no more than 100 ft. away probably.) CSX freight trains share this track with Amtrak. There are a few sidings (holding areas for trains) near Richmond Hill. As far-fetched as this sounds, he could have been an Amtrak passenger that was assaulted then thrown from the train while it was in a siding. He could have then stumbled to Burger King where he collapsed behind the dumpster.

Like I said, farfetched but anything is a possibility at this point.

I would be more than happy to answer any specific questions re: Richmond Hill and the surrounding areas. "

Post #57 on the thread regarding theories.
Thanks Voice. I guess I better continue with this over there. I'll be responding to you. :)
This might sound stupid but if I lived in Colorado and wanted to see the ocean I would go west, not east. Makes me think he was either living somewhere other than CO. when he ended up in Georgia or was there for work, to meet someone, etc. (meaning the "to see the ocean" was secondary to whatever reason he was in or around Georgia.) Thoughts?

I think the person who knew the area that BK was found said it was Amtrak and freight...the below is the quote from the individual I mentioned earlier....(forgive me as I don't know how to put it on here any other way....)

"I just relocated from Richmond Hill. That Burger King is now closed but prior to that I ate there quite often.

The Savannah/ Hilton Head Airport is about 20 minutes from the Richmond Hill exit. As earlier stated, Burger King is maybe a quarter of a mile off of I-95.

Railroad tracks run right behind Burger King. (no more than 100 ft. away probably.) CSX freight trains share this track with Amtrak. There are a few sidings (holding areas for trains) near Richmond Hill. As far-fetched as this sounds, he could have been an Amtrak passenger that was assaulted then thrown from the train while it was in a siding. He could have then stumbled to Burger King where he collapsed behind the dumpster.

Like I said, farfetched but anything is a possibility at this point.

I would be more than happy to answer any specific questions re: Richmond Hill and the surrounding areas. "

Post #57 on the thread regarding theories.
re: Wm. Michael Stewart, missing since July 1988, dob 8/17/46. There is not
much info about him on the internet.
I sent email to Sheriff Moody of Graham County. This is where Robbinsville, NC is.

Uh, is it okay that I sent an email out to the sheriff? Guess I should have asked.

you GO...great job. If he is still missing and if he is not BK we can start another thread in the missing forum, right?
FOVAMP (Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons-Howard Morton's organization) sent me a suggestion last night to have Mr. Kyle's dental XRAYS sent to the major Dental organizations in CO to have them posted on the websites. This would be a way to reach many dentists at one time and see if they recognize their own work!

I think Voice is right. Another thought I had: Bonnie (TS) Aug 12-14, hit fla and exited around New Jersey, Charlie (Hur) Aug 13- 14, hit fla. and exited around Mass. and Frances (Hur) Sept 5 - 9, hit fla. and exited around Penn. I live in louisiana. Charlie was a bad boy, and if you didn't leave, you wished you had. Now comes frances, cat 4 at one stage, I am thinking, get me out of here, I am not staying for another. Maybe BK had elderly family, maybe nursing home, maybe in there own home, he was trying to get out, before frances came in. Or maybe an insurance adjuster, I know here, we get insurance adjusters from everywhere, some just have to take a class, and they go to work. They are independent contractors, i think.
FOVAMP (Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons-Howard Morton's organization) sent me a suggestion last night to have Mr. Kyle's dental XRAYS sent to the major Dental organizations in CO to have them posted on the websites. This would be a way to reach many dentists at one time and see if they recognize their own work!
Wow. How great. I say that would be a very good idea. Howard Morton seems to be really on top of things. Are there more Howard Morton's
in Indiana, maybe even Georgia?
And maybe the major dental organizations are in those other states also?
Do the major dental organizations have access to other databases? To help forensic anthropologists, etc.?
I think Voice is right. Another thought I had: Bonnie (TS) Aug 12-14, hit fla and exited around New Jersey, Charlie (Hur) Aug 13- 14, hit fla. and exited around Mass. and Frances (Hur) Sept 5 - 9, hit fla. and exited around Penn. I live in louisiana. Charlie was a bad boy, and if you didn't leave, you wished you had. Now comes frances, cat 4 at one stage, I am thinking, get me out of here, I am not staying for another. Maybe BK had elderly family, maybe nursing home, maybe in there own home, he was trying to get out, before frances came in. Or maybe an insurance adjuster, I know here, we get insurance adjusters from everywhere, some just have to take a class, and they go to work. They are independent contractors, i think.
I had thought of Hurricane Charlie, but it seems there were lots of storms around that time period.
Was he leaving because of storms? Or was he coming into the area because of storms, as you suggested, an insurance carrier or to rescue or comfort an elderly relative.
I will check on line and see newspaper articles about storm damage.
I had thought of Hurricane Charlie, but it seems there were lots of storms around that time period.
Was he leaving because of storms? Or was he coming into the area because of storms, as you suggested, an insurance carrier or to rescue or comfort an elderly relative.
I will check on line and see newspaper articles about storm damage.

What throws me off about this is of course his belief that he had not seen the ocean. CW brought up the fact that the hwy was called Ocean Hwy and I can definitely see how it would have been confused in his brain.

I have been unable to get the Red Cross list of the missing from that time-there was a whole lot of controversy regarding what people were reporting on the ground in terms of dead and what the government said....some estimates are closer to 500 than the 4 or 18 that were officially counted by FEMA.

Tens of Thousands were displaced-I would LOVE to know who is still unaccounted for. We did have a possible from that time, but he was ultimately ruled out.

Let me know where I can help-I am looking into Indiana for organizations that are similar to Mr. Morton's as well as Dental Organizations.
2004 Hurricane season:

Preparations began Aug. 13, 2004, in Savannah area for hurricane.

Bloggers everywhere in Aug. 2004. Interesting reading.
Just found a blog by someone on boat during Hurricane Charley.
I am off to read more blogs. I cannot post each one, but if I find something pertaining to BK, I will certainly bring the link here.

And I am finding even more bloggers reporting on Hurricane Charley.
Following is list of volunteer help lines Aug. 2004. Maybe they keep lists of volunteers in Georgia. IF BK was a volunteer or working for an agency?

More Ways To Help Map of Hurricane Charley's path there also.
This from contributor Jay Caruso, who lives in Palm Coast, FL:
Here are some numbers for anybody that wants to help out the people on the Gulf Coast who were really hit hard by Charley. There’s also some numbers for information.
1-800-HELP-NOW – Red Cross
1-800-SAL-ARMY – Salvation Army
1-888-835-9966 - Governor’s Information Hotline
1-888-786-7601 – Donations Hotline
1-800-427-4661 – National Flood Insurance Program
1-877-368-4968 – Department of Transportation (Road Closings)
1-919-715-9679 – Animal Air Lift

From airport disaster relief 2004:
Among some of the others lessons learned since 2004 ...
"I'd never send my people without RVs," says Graham. "There's an RV Campworld a few miles down the road from here — if I send them again I will go down and buy whatever I need. When they get there they have nowhere to stay.
"We all know now that they need to be pretty much self-contained when they get there, where they don't need anything else from anybody. Again, we're talking a week to 10-day period. All we're doing is trying to get the airfield and the airport operational and then back away.'
It says there was no cohesiveness in 2004, volunteers, employees stayed where they could, no lists kept of those helping.

Someone tell me if these have been posted before. No need to reinvent the wheel. ???
Any news about Wm Michael Stewart?

The phone number appears good for his family in Ms., per white pages online.
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