911 Transcription for reference point.

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Samiya said:
I thought I'd post it so folks have a reference point here. I've not included most of Cassidy on purpose.

Beginning of transcript 08:52pm Completed: 17th November 2006

911 Operator: Bold Black
Meredith: Blue
Cassidy: Purple
Sheriff's Department: Red
My Notes: Pink


Woah. I need an ambulance, it’s an emergency

What address are you at m’am

Umm, Birchleaf, 5108 Birchleaf road

And your phone number?

“oh my god”

m’am what’s your phone number in case I lose you

“umm” (statement by Meredith of phone number edited out of recording)

problem tell me exactly what happened

Umm I, I, I think my sister’s dead

Okay well tell me what happened m’am

I have no idea...oh my god

Alright, stay on the phone with me please


What’s your name

Meredith Fisher, (dispatcher’s voice cut’s in with “Meredith”) and this is the Young address. Oh my god

Right, Meredith listen to me please


Are you with the patient now

Yes I’m with her daughter, and she’s pregnant.

And how old is the patient?

And there’s blood everywhere

She’s 28, 29


should I try to move her?

Listen to me m’am


I’m gonna tell you what to do


You need to calm down so we can help her. You said there’s blood everywhere?


Alright, is she conscious?

No, I don’t think so…..should I try to help her?

Listen to me m’am

I’m listening

Is she breathing?

I don’t think so

Have you checked?

Michelle?? She’s cold

Ok. Listen to me, did you see what happened?

I don’t know…Cassidy, come here sweetie….I’m here with her daughter.


There’s like blood footprints all over the house

Dispatcher cuts in ‘kay listen to me

like my daughter, like her daughter’s little footprints (this statement is correct)

‘kay listen to me, now what’s your first name?


Alright Meredith.

Yes sir

Did you see what happened?

I I I just came here on a fluke. I usually, you know, don’t come here during the day


She shouldn’t be home, she should be at work, like

Ok listen to me

Yes sir …

Cassidy: **Aunee…I miss you**

Meredith To Cassidy……. I’m on the phone right now

can you tell me why why she looks dead, why she looks like she’s dead

I don’t’ know I I have no idea there’s blood all over the place

Did you say she’s cold?

She's... yeah


Yes? (talking to Cassidy)

Cassidy **Aunee Meme**

Ok stay on the phone

Cassidy: **There’s blood, can you see my, can you get a washcloth into me.

Yeah sweetie

Sweetie do you know what happened to mommy? Did she fall?

Cassidy **[left out on purpose]**

Do you think she’s beyond any help?

I don’t know, honestly I don’t

You don’t know? Alright

I’m normally very good I’m just (can’t work this part out but assume she's describing her state of mind)

We’re gonna tell you what to do then ok?


are you right by her now?

I’m keeping her daughter out of there

Right so you’re not with her

I, I’m right outside the bedroom

Alright can you get her daughter secured safe, can you carry the phone into where she’s at


Ok can you secure her daughter?

Cassidy sweetie can you stay in your room for three seconds ok?

Cassidy “ok”

Ok can you close your door for three seconds and I’ll be right back in ok sweetie.

Cassidy: **mostly can’t work it out but some words are “can you get her out”



Ok yes sir

Ok you got a cordless phone

Yeah (to Cassidy ‘stay right there sweetie’) ok

Alright…..Alright is she laying on her back?

No she’s laying on her stomach

She’s on her stomach, she’s face down?


Can you, can you get her on her back?

Sighing breath “ohh ok” *silence* then in shaky voice “oh oh my god…Chelle?” I don’t think so, she’s so heavy

See if you can get her on her back

I don’t really think she’s dead….(Pardon?) I really think she’s dead [This is also correct]

Ok are you certain?

Hang on…Cassidy sweetie can you go in your room…ok honey

Sir I’m umm umm umm I’m pretty sure

You are?

I don’t know I

We need to make sure


You get her on her back for me

She’s kinda…..twisted in a way that I can’t do that

You can’t roll her over?

Not easily

You’re gonna have to try

Hang on let me, I’m trying to see if I can get her pulse

We’re gotta try to do CPR if we can get her on her back Meredith

No she’s so cold

She’s cold?

Yeah (911: ok alright) and her body is stiff (note: signs of rigor mortis set/still setting in.)

Ok then don’t try if she’s cold then there’s (Meredith Oh my god, I’m not touching…try not to touch anything?) probably nothing we can do for her. Try not to touch anything more than you did. Was anything out of place or unusual when you came in?

This place does not look like what it normally looks like


There’s blood in the bed

Ok alright try not to touch anything else

Ok I just moved a pillow

Right Just leave everything exactly where it is now

Ok ……ok

Did you see anything else?


Do you see anything that looks unusual?

No…Cassidy was anybody here?. the dog was freaking out when I got here….was anybody here sweetie?

**Cassidy begins to chatter way. I can’t figure this part out because he dispatcher and Meredith are talking and on amplification there is too much background noise**

Alright Meredith


I’m gon, I’m gonna get the sheriff’s department to pick up on the line with us.


Coz they’re gonna need to talk with you about what you’re seeing ok?


Now I’m gonna brief them on what’s happened and you just stay on the line


What’s your last name Meredith?

Fisher, her last name is Young

Are you her relative?

I’m her only sister

Ok alright Meredith. Stay with me just a minute ok


Line rings to sheriffs office. Meredith talking to Cassidy ****** ok

Cassidy: **left out on purpose**

Sheriff’s office and 911

Sheriffs office, what is your emergency

Hey this is um Brent

Uh Huh

Look I’ve got a lady named Meredith Fisher here on line from this address

Uh huh

Um we got EMS on route at Birchleaf and she’s, she’s in there with her sister. Um she’s gonna tell you ‘bout what she’s seen and it’s apparent mode might be a Code 7 and maybe, there’s evidence of trauma.

We’ve got that but he’s already on route

‘Kay if you wanna talk to her I’m gonna let her talk to you ok?

Ok I will thanks.

She’s on line with you…..Meredith go ‘head


MEREDITH: “I’m also her with…..”

End of recording.
One update has been made in red.

Also noted below..

Yes I’m with her daughter, and she’s pregnant.

Thanks Sami, I know everyone studying the case appreciates your work. I look forward to your blog.
scandi said:
Thanks Sami, I know everyone studying the case appreciates your work. I look forward to your blog.


How's it coming?


With all of your capabilities Sami, I'm thinking you should send your study to the prosecutor. Seriously!

Has anyone heard that the lady Asst Prosecutor is not going to try the case if and when it goes to trial? I read that somewhere.
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