Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #181

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Yea I already explained my stance. I know oblivion is my strong suit ;) I just have so much faith in truth, justice, and karma that my focus stays there.
I have lost faith in all of those, sadly. I have faith, just not in those things. I noticed a direct proportion between oblivion and happiness over the years. Never something to apologize for, especially when you're all over something. ;)
Respectfully disagree. Why? Because, in the process of running down everything RA for 2-3 weeks, it follows that LE was contacting RA's friends and his workplace at this time. RA has reason to be concerned about his reputation. JMHO
Not really. Many, many innocent folks around Delphi and surrounding area were questioned in relation to the murders. Remember all the side-by-sides on social media? Even Mike Patty and Tobe Leazenby were tipped in multiple times as a BG lookalike. Everybody got through it, reputation intact. Well, except for the RSO’s and pedos that got hauled in along the way.

the mimicked crime scene found on Holder’s social media page
OK, that's news to me.
It was from his FB. Many of us saw the page while it was still open in 2017. It’s discussed in this article under then section “What is the defense saying investigators are hiding?

Yes let’s not forget RA good old evil doppelganger who has set him up :D
I can't buy into a frame job. There seem to be dopplegangers aplenty around there, though. I was reviewing that footage of RA in JC's bar after Tricia asked us to dig up a source the other day. Seriously, there were several guys that looked like BG, it took me 30 seconds to figure out which one was RA. The stupid sketch of young BG was right behind him, and of course, looked like none of them. I do have some concern about RA being railroaded, but not framed. All of that should be ironed out soon.
Not really. Many, many innocent folks around Delphi and surrounding area were questioned in relation to the murders. Remember all the side-by-sides on social media? Even Mike Patty and Tobe Leazenby were tipped in multiple times as a BG lookalike. Everybody got through it, reputation intact. Well, except for the RSO’s and pedos that got hauled in along the way.

7 years of names and names and names - and nobody seems to be RA's friend (except being a pub buddy), who went with him fishing/hunting/visiting the Colts or some/motorbiking?
I'm sorry, that just strikes me as a very compressed timeline. I wonder if anyone has ever bothered just to wallk that out. From the end of Monon High Bridge to the CS, then through the available exit paths back to where everybody seems sure RA parked. The state would want to use a route that includes it's eyewitnesses presumably.

That walk alone seems like it's going to eat up a pretty good chunk of that 75 minutes. And RA doesn't look overly fit to me.
I can hardly believe he tried something, even allowing he had some powerful and twisted urge driving him. Broad daylight, two girls, other people near enough to hear a gunshot if not a scream. Just one of him.

But given that he DID walk up to them, say “Guys … down the hill,” and threaten with a gun, and given that the girls apparently cooperated quietly, I can see enough time to arrive at what we know of the final state of things.

He was twice crazy to try it. Crazy to want to, and crazy to go ahead.
7 years of names and names and names - and nobody seems to be RA's friend (except being a pub buddy), who went with him fishing/hunting/visiting the Colts or some/motorbiking?
The owner/manager of that bar had nothing but praise for him. As an aside, if it turns out he is actually innocent (not just got off), the last thing he should have been worried about was his reputation. o_O
Respectfully disagree, innocent people with nothing to hide don't erupt like Mt Vesuvius. It's the guilty when they know they are caught...

IMO of course as always

Thank you for posting that, but honestly anything from the FM I'm gonna have to pass on or take with a large bag of salt. Anyone can interpret, or try and make something appear to fit something else, if they want to hard enough. I do not believe what was posted on BH had anything to do with the murders of Abby & Libby.

I respect anyone who feels otherwise though.

Apparently, I didn't get the gene for making a Mt Vesuvius out of a scrap of transcript. Nor did I get the gene to determine who is guilty from those who are innocent from how they react to being accused. (I'm pretty sure there's no gene for that. But, if there is one, it's called the MOM gene, but I think that MOM gene only works on those you're actually a mom to. :))

It looks as if Holeman's eff-bombing before Allen might indicate some heat in the convo ... but it's a tiny section of the transcript - so who knows? Context/timing is everything. And here it's missing. JMO
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I can hardly believe he tried something, even allowing he had some powerful and twisted urge driving him. Broad daylight, two girls, other people near enough to hear a gunshot if not a scream. Just one of him.
I'm not talking about belief, I'm talking about physics. Someone mentioned the Idaho timeline. It was also super compressed, but I have no problems with that one. This one is troubling. We'll see how the state lays out their theory of the case and revisit it then.
Apparently, I didn't get the gene for making a Mt Vesuvius out of a scrap of transcript. Nor did I get the gene to determine who is guilty from those who are innocent from how they react to being accused. (I'm pretty sure there's no gene for that. But, if there is one, it's called the MOM gene, but I think that MOM gene only works on those you're actually a mom to. :))

It looks as if Holeman's eff-bombing before Allen might indicate some heat in the convo ... but it's a tiny section of the transcript - so who knows? Context/timing is everything. And here it's missing. JMO
The entire case is a mountain out of mole hill. Where are we again? Thread #181 holding strong. This place will erupt when trial starts. I might need to get a couple vacation days in so I don't miss a thing.

The defense wove together an entire civil rights violation from the "scrap of a transcript". We want to know what the investigators know and some day... we will! May 13th!
Great point!
Just pray that you are never falsely accused.


Don’t need to pray I’ve worked hard to live an exemplary life. I respond quickly and appropriately to situations.

If in the unlikely event I was accused of something untoward I would for sure be saying a whole lot of I didn’t do it, I had nothing to do with it, it’s horrible.

I have no doubt that the barista at the corner coffee shop I hang around and socialize at would vouch for me but the wails of the loss of the native plant sale chair or the congregation without the active hospitality committee member would be more telling.

All imo

Don’t need to pray I’ve worked hard to live an exemplary life. I respond quickly and appropriately to situations.

If in the unlikely event I was accused of something untoward I would for sure be saying a whole lot of I didn’t do it, I had nothing to do with it, it’s horrible.

I have no doubt that the barista at the corner coffee shop I hang around and socialize at would vouch for me but the wails of the loss of the native plant sale chair or the congregation without the active hospitality committee member would be more telling.

All imo

Thanks for your CV!

We don't know if RA didn't say "I didn't do it," "I had nothing to do with it," or "It's horrible!" He did say it wasn't his bullet, etc.
Not really. Many, many innocent folks around Delphi and surrounding area were questioned in relation to the murders. Remember all the side-by-sides on social media? Even Mike Patty and Tobe Leazenby were tipped in multiple times as a BG lookalike. Everybody got through it, reputation intact. Well, except for the RSO’s and pedos that got hauled in along the way.

Were their homes searched, yard dug up and car taken away while the cameras rolled in the 5th year of the case? (I actually wouldn't know, I did not watched this case through 7 years.)

(Family is always questioned - that was over immediately.)
The entire case is a mountain out of mole hill. Where are we again? Thread #181 holding strong. This place will erupt when trial starts. I might need to get a couple vacation days in so I don't miss a thing.

The defense wove together an entire civil rights violation from the "scrap of a transcript". We want to know what the investigators know and some day... we will! May 13th!
"Where are we" is a good question.
I'm hoping ... we've arrived at pre-trial. These recent exchanges are finally looking like pre-trial ...
where the D attempts to get rid of whatever it is investigators think they know. :p
No worries, the investigators' show time is just around the corner.
You're right! We can do this. :D
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I haven't posted here in a long time but I still follow this case closely and think of Abby and Libby and their families every single day.

I just want to provide my opinion on what has recently been released with regards to the interview btwn JH and RA.

I have watched mostly every interview, presser and statement given by the different members of local and state police, superintendent, prosecuters and FBI and Jerry Holeman has always been one I held in high regard.

No gum chewing, hidden messages or egos ever came into play when he spoke. JMO

He always listened to questions when asked them, and was thoughtful and careful and calculated in his responses. If he couldn't answer...he didn't.

I never had to second guess what he was saying because he was so direct. I can't say I felt that way that for all of the 'key representatives' who have answered questions to the public on this case.

I can only imagine how high emotions were running for every member of LE when they honed in on RA.

It is evident from what we have learned that JH was not holding back during his interviews with RA and was not displaying the same calm demeanor that we have grown used to seeing in public interviews.

I hope and want to believe they had the right man in the room with RA during these critical interviews and that JH made sure that everything was done by the book and correctly so that nothing gets thrown out.

Thanks for your CV!

We don't know if RA didn't say "I didn't do it," "I had nothing to do with it," or "It's horrible!" He did say it wasn't his bullet, etc.

RA’s attorneys, naturally, say he is innocent but there are no direct quotes from RA.

We have copious amounts of details that don’t mention anything close to a direct quote of those sorts much less multiple times.

Wouldn’t it have come up in the interviews?
Then showcased by the Defense.

All imo
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