AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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The Parking Lot thread is closed, and I don't know that it will re-open. As usual, questions about forum moderation should be sent to a moderator via pm.

I am sick to my stomach to see WWH's post in this new page!!! Just sick!!!!:banghead::notgood::maddening::furious:

Chessie should not have started this new FB page she is just creating a Family Feud.
Sad this case has so many speed bumps and road blocks. Everything said and done was to find the truth or even a little tidbit of information that might lead to where Brittney is or what happened to her. That pressure was for a positive cause. Unfortunately, it has been a pattern of some to apply negative pressure towards open forum outlets to put a stop to finding that little tidbit or truth. (not saying that is what happened with the closing of the thread…just my assumption and opinion)

There hasn't been any new news/media coverage of Brittney's disappearance to keep this thread as active…don't want it to go quiet.

I will just keep hoping LE will find a break in this case and Brittney will be back in the headlines again soon.

lol just checked it again and suddenly I'm not blocked. I swear to g-d I wasn't hallucinating!
Honestly, I'm swaying towards trusting WH and his wife more than CW. Can't put faith in anyone who keeps people like WWH close despite what we know about her..
If every thread, page, website and msm/news article goes silent about Brittney then I shall resort to writing leaflets and handing them out and/or going to local parking lots and shouting my thoughts and concerns. They can take away my ability to post messages on websites of what I perceive as truth concerning this case but they cant stop me from writing my own thoughts and voicing them in public.

This isn't directed at any particular site or message board but is meant to be general in its description.
This whole situation with the family of Brittney is ugly. It has been ugly for years. The first time that one of these men decided to commit that disgusting act it became ugly. The bitterness between sides of her family is very apparent, even if justified. It is an unfortunate side affect of dysfunctional situations, whether the person's themselves are dysfunctional or not.

We can say that it is all about finding Brittney, and I would agree that the majority of people posting (general sites) are genuine and sincere in their desire for Brittney to be found. However there is another contingent of persons whose singular goal is to disrupt, disparage and utterly destroy any chance of Brittney being found. I cannot say who those persons are because I don't know. We all have speculations but that is what they are, speculations. There is another contingent of persons whose goals are more ambiguous. These persons may have their own individual reasons for hiding things or trying to deter investigators or "sleuthers" from finding the truth or connecting the dots. They also may have their own ambitions in mind when they post simply wanting to gain recognition, yearning for their "15 minutes of fame".

There is, however, only one fact that has drawn all of us, no matter which one of these we are, to the same place at the same time. That fact is the tragic disappearance of a young teen mother, daughter, sister, cousin, niece and grandchild. A real, breathing, living individual that doesn't deserve to have her life pass out of thought like a wisp of vapor or smoke. No rhyme, no reason, no determination, just gone. No clues, no understanding, no conclusions, just gone. Is that how the book containing Brittney's life is to end? It's a hard, brutal possibility. Afterall, not the first time is it? It's happened before countless times. One difference is that, for whatever reason, they didn't have people like us to keep that flame lit and keep their name out there. Let that be the difference that ultimately wins justice for Brittney, in whatever form that may be. Let that be the difference that causes the truth to eventually come out in this case unlike in those similar and equally tragic cases before where hope is all but lost and the truth all but forgotten.

I hope that the victims of the sexual abuse case are able to put the pieces of their lives back together and live as productive and happy a life as possible. I realize that it will never be the same as is often the case when humans commit horrible acts against others. But these victims have the chance to do that; the opportunity to move on in life. It is doubtful that Brittney will ever have that chance. All that can happen now, if our speculations are correct, is closure to this situation through truth and justice. I don't know about you, my friends, but that is all I want.
Why was the other thread deleted? I sent a PM asking but have heard nothing back. If someone violated TOS then why not just delete those posts?
Why was the other thread deleted? I sent a PM asking but have heard nothing back. If someone violated TOS then why not just delete those posts?

I'm sure they have their reasons. I've said it before but I'm not a conspiracy theorist so I don't believe anyone is trying to shut us up. They could do that easy enough and the moderators here have been very fair, more so than many other sites I have visited, so that leads me to believe there is a perfectly good explanation and if and or when they want us to know then they will answer the many pm's they have received asking why.
Other's gone. :dunno:

What happened? :waitasec:

In the meantime, prayers for Brittney continue. :candle:
She still needs to be found.
Listen, everyone. Threads get pulled now and then for various reasons. There is no conspiracy, and it in no way means we're going to stop looking for answers to bring Brittney home. Please be patient, and stop discussing it in this thread.
Im not american but cant you get some tv show investigating Brittneys cases? I mean with all that is going on around it...many people wiuld be shocked right?
Im not american but cant you get some tv show investigating Brittneys cases? I mean with all that is going on around it...many people wiuld be shocked right?

You'd think Nancy Grace would be all up in their business :banghead:
I don't know....I think Nancy Grace might be scared of taking on this family and the situation some of them find themselves in.

I thought it was pretty classy of WH to "like" the various posts on the new FB website, instead of trying to one up someone else.
I feel so bad that so many close to Brittney let her down while she was growing up. She must have felt terribly alone, being abused and having no parents to comfort her. Dropping out of school in 8th grade, having a baby at 17. Wasn't anyone concerned about her future? Was she just a castaway child? A welfare paycheck for her mom? Her dad in prison?


Hoping she had the means to start somewhere new, away from her abusive family.
I feel so bad that so many close to Brittney let her down while she was growing up. She must have felt terribly alone, being abused and having no parents to comfort her. Dropping out of school in 8th grade, having a baby at 17. Wasn't anyone concerned about her future? Was she just a castaway child? A welfare paycheck for her mom? Her dad in prison?


Hoping she had the means to start somewhere new, away from her abusive family.

Ditto on everything you said.

I hope she has too.

Sent from my Rezound
I feel so bad that so many close to Brittney let her down while she was growing up. She must have felt terribly alone, being abused and having no parents to comfort her. Dropping out of school in 8th grade, having a baby at 17. Wasn't anyone concerned about her future? Was she just a castaway child? A welfare paycheck for her mom? Her dad in prison?


Hoping she had the means to start somewhere new, away from her abusive family.

As Clara Says "AMEN".
Thanks so much! For whatever reason, the last several days my mind has been spinning on why LE wouldn't even check out her disappearance. The comparison that keeps going through my head is a neighbor who reports gunshots from inside their neighbors house and LE only drives by and sees no one with a gun so they write it up as all is peaceful. Just because it seems peaceful on the outside, doesn't mean you disregard the call and not check into it more thoroughly. Likewise, here, just because at a quick glance LE figures voluntarily leaving is the most likely answer doesn't mean you don't check into things a little bit more thoroughly when there are, in fact, criminals circling around Brittney.

DH's suicide alone is enough to dig deeper.
DH using Brittney's gun is enough to dig deeper.
Not 1, but 2 ex-BF's in trouble with the law is enough to dig deeper.
Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 (if I'm not forgetting anyone) immediate family members charged with being sexual predators is enough to dig deeper.
A close family friend being charged as a sexual predator is enough to dig deeper.
Drugs being rampant among her circle is enough to dig deeper.
BW's own drug use and possibly selling drugs is enough to dig deeper.

Anyone ONE of these reasons is enough to justify digging deeper, much less the fact that they are all present in this case (and I'm sure I left out many others). That's not to say LE has to suddenly believe foul play is involved in her disappearance, but how do you determine if foul play was involved if you never look? FOR GOD'S SAKE, JUST LOOK

Sorry, rant over.

Rant not over! There have been six persons arrested for sex crimes! Aunt Wendy Wood Holland was arrested for child endangerment because she allowed the sexual abuse of children. Her husband Donnie used Brittney's gun to commit suicide. How did he have her gun!


Scott Wood
Dustin Kent
Billie Brownlee
Derek Wood
Paul Holland
Wendy Wood Holland

LE says another arrest is coming. I say a female initials JGM!! MOO
I don't know....I think Nancy Grace might be scared of taking on this family and the situation some of them find themselves in.


Thats too bad, this deserves way more attention. I feel as if there would be more pressure on certain people they would crack. Imho
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