All Things Britney Spears - Part 7

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ok, if I understand and have read everything correctly, Britney was 5150'd under the "gravely disabled" criteria, not the criteria of being a "danger to self or others". From there I can't really tell if a 5250 (additional 14 day hold) actually went through or not. Either way, both holds are not exact "to the day" holds, they are "up to"- as in, Up to 72 hours and Up to 14 days.

Unless a person is extremely Psychotic/insane they are not considered "gravely disabled" for long. Obviously that is the case here with Britney. Although to "normal" society she is still screwed up, the hospital got her past the emergency and must let her go.

I realize that she should to be in a hospital and on meds but forcing her to stay would be like forcing an alcoholic into rehab against their will and locking them in. It is against the law and the law was put in place for good reasons!
Unless we are a danger, Psychiatric care in the USA is not forced upon us, nor should it be!

If, however, Britney's doctor sees her entering into the same pattern of behavior she can go ahead and have her commited again, this time probably forcing the 5250. Perhaps even going for a 5270 (additional 30 days)!

Also, Britney's father does not have an actual LPS conservatorship and has no control what-so-ever over her Psychiatric care. His conservatorship covers Finances, legal issues and basic medical care (talking to doctors, etc) and other things like visitors, etc. but not dictating that she get Psychiatric care.
Of course I feel sorry for Britney but I am not going to say she is not to blame for her problems regardless of her supposed mental illness. Just because she has whatever she has it does NOT give her the right to act like a idiot. She is not only putting herself in danger but she is putting alot of innocent residents of LA in danger everytime she is out entertaining the paparazzi's and driving around like a drunk. If she ever hurts anyone or kills someone I hope they sue her for all she got. Sorry to sound so mean but enough is enough. She is obviously sick yes but she knows right from wrong. Adnan is disgusting too..matter of fact everyone involved in her erratic behavior is disgusting. Instigators!!
Unless a person is extremely Psychotic/insane they are not considered "gravely disabled" for long. Obviously that is the case here with Britney. Although to "normal" society she is still screwed up, the hospital got her past the emergency and must let her go.

I realize that she should to be in a hospital and on meds but forcing her to stay would be like forcing an alcoholic into rehab against their will and locking them in. It is against the law and the law was put in place for good reasons!
Unless we are a danger, Psychiatric care in the USA is not forced upon us, nor should it be!

Well why not? Serious, honest question.

She clearly is still a danger to herself, perhaps to everyone on the road, everywhere she goes. Why isn't it considered neglect to not help her, wether she wants it or not - she needs it.
Sadly..I feel this drama won't end until Brit seriously hits someone with her car, does herself in, or overdoses on drugs (prescription or otherwise) Then there will be a whole lotta "coulda, shoulda, woulda" going on..JMO
Sadly..I feel this drama won't end until Brit seriously hits someone with her car, does herself in, or overdoses on drugs (prescription or otherwise) Then there will be a whole lotta "coulda, shoulda, woulda" going on..JMO

And my opinion also. :(
Now the yahoo story I read indicates she went to a hotel, so even if Jaime intends to live with her, clearly she just manipulated her way out of everything. The story also stated that she was released AGAINST her doctor's orders. That does not make much sense to me-this could put the hospital in a world of hurt if anything happens to her...;_ylt=AtnFjqtxnlDkjy78BsVuzBFxFb8C

And if her Dad clearly still has conservatorship over her accounts etc, would the hotels still extend credit to her and hope to get paid? I read somewhere that he has the legal ability to reverse any contracts she makes. I just don't get it.
The story also stated that she was released AGAINST her doctor's orders. That does not make much sense to me-this could put the hospital in a world of hurt if anything happens to her...

I agree but something has happened to her, did you see that crush of pap's, every traffic light she stopped at, everytime she got out of her car. She can not be ready to cope with that again. They also gave the creepy, money hungry attorneys and managers access to her again. Shame on the hospital. Their policy or lack thereof should and has to change. What a waste of the courts time and the resources of her Dr.s and nurses whom spent hours and hours with Britney's case, and the many other cases we know nothing about.
And if her Dad clearly still has conservatorship over her accounts etc, would the hotels still extend credit to her and hope to get paid? I read somewhere that he has the legal ability to reverse any contracts she makes. I just don't get it.

Well, she didn't stay at the hotel, she did go home last night, but even before that, I had assummed she didn't reserve or pay for a room, someone else did.
Well, she didn't stay at the hotel, she did go home last night, but even before that, I had assummed she didn't reserve or pay for a room, someone else did.

Oh..I didn't think of that. My brain is fried from reading so much about her, I can't think straight :)
this has gone far enough...Time to lock her up in a straight jacket and hide the key for a while.
And if her Dad clearly still has conservatorship over her accounts etc, would the hotels still extend credit to her and hope to get paid? I read somewhere that he has the legal ability to reverse any contracts she makes. I just don't get it.

Her alleged "attorney" is footing the bill, you can bet...or at her level she won't be paying because of the cache it gives the hotel. Fact of the matter is that her attorneys "withdrew" their withdrawal from her custody case, so she is being represented by a law firm already so the dude claiming she hired him while in the hospital is just looking to cash in on some billable hours....another bottom feeder IMO.
If the below quote is true, then we have four restraining orders against Lufti. Brit, Danny, former neighbor and Jumana Issa. And Luft's new PR guy calls him an "american patriot"? More like an "american psycho", IMO.
The case against Lutfi is not the first of its kind. LA businesswoman Jumana Issa won a restraining order against him in 2005 for a series of vicious messages he left her.
Oh please at least tell me the "court representative" is a licensed shrink.
Oh please at least tell me the "court representative" is a licensed shrink.

Not from what I read he/she is not..
I do wonder after reading another link at if Brits current problems are mostly due to Sam drugging her as her mother claims??

Maybe she is not as messed up as we all think and he has been messing around with her meds?
I would LOVE to know what all of this is costing the City of Los Angeles in police presence alone. If I were a taxpayer in that city, I'd be pretty angry. She should have to reimburse the city.
I believe Brittany is "gravely disabled". She is unable to take care of herself. If she wasn't a celebrity,believe me,she would have remained for the entire 14day hold.
Although being admitted to a psych ward is no picnic,it isn't like the old"snake pit" days either. Its not like you can just put someone away for ever and throw away the keys. If what we are hearing is true about all the drugs she was being fed,just from a medical standpoint,to make sure she is stable,I would think she should have stayed in longer.Clearing that stuff out of her system and then getting her on the appropriate meds takes time.
What is it going to take before someone treats Brittany like any citizen and gives her the proper treatment she deserves?
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