All Things Britney Spears - Part 7

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I think of all the things I could do with my family if I had just 1/2 of her money. We could buy a new house, and take out kids to wonderful and cool places around the world with no worries.

I just wish she could see how much good she could do with who she is and what she has. She could give donations to organizations that are near and dear to her heart. Use her money for good. Bring her boys into this saying, just because we have money, it doesn't mean we cant help others.
But she hasn't yet realized she can do that, because driving her new car around LA the same day she got out of the hospital is a big yell of HELLO!, I don't see her changing.

DH says she is a spoiled little girl, who is out for her, and he could never see her doing anything with what she has to help others.


Isn't that just the saddest thing- that a person could have everything most people ever dreamed of and still be unhappy?

Goes to show mental illness and addiction are not picky about who they go after. Who knows who could be next...
I have to say, I just LOVE what her dad is doing! I think it is perfect how he is getting around the fact that he cannot have her commited to a hospital!

I have a lot of respect for Britney's parents and the obvious love they have for their child! They can't force her to get well but they can make sure they don't sit back and simply watch her die!

Every person with a mental illness should have people that love them this much. Every person with a mental illness should have someone that will always love them no matter how they destroy themselves! I think that if Britney's parent keep this up and get her the hell out of Cali. she may be OK.

Godspeed, Brit!

It's good to hear this from your side of the fence, OneLostGirl. I lurk more than I care to admit, and I've followed your posts for quite awhile. We're on the other side--the parents of a bi-polar child--and I just keep telling myself we're doing the right things in fighting for our child. It takes a tough skin to hear the horrible things she's said to us and about us. By now I've got the skin of a crocodile :eek: . After multiple med trials, 3 different doctors and 2 hospitalizations we're in a good place and keeping our fingers crossed. Please keep posting your insights on living with this. You're one of those rays of light that show you can conquer this disease and live a happy, productive life!
Jeana what a outstanding thought you posted. No one has reported on this matter as to why she is allowed to drive when the court has ordered her father and attorney to handle all of her affairs because at this time she is not in the mental state to do so. You post this thursday morning and Show Biz Tonight was just talking about this tonight. I hope her parents were watching the show tonight,so that they will ask their attorney tomorrow morning to ask the judge to rule that the DMV suspend her licenses until she becomes more stable.
Well I do agree that it takes two to tango; however, what do you think will happen if Britney's allowed to drive around aimlessly the way she does, causing all the congestion with the crowds and she kills someone? What do you think will happen if she kills herself? Someone is going to sue the City for not taking care of this mess. I think the media does create some of this, but like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, if no one is there to see it, it stops. The First Amendment will make it legal for the media to be there, but personally I believe that if Britney is in and out of being a "danger to herself and others," perhaps the Department of Motor Vehicles needs to consider a temporary suspension of the girl's drivers license.
Thank you OneLostGrl, for your sharing of your own personal experiences.
It has made alot of these " Brittany episodes " more easily understood.
I appreciate all of your great informative posts!
I hope that you're doing well.

Many thanks!:)

Thanks :)

I am not proud of who I used to be but there it is... I can't change it.

Throughout my journey, I have decided that I want people to know about people like me, I want society to acknowledge the mentally ill. I try to share so that people can see it from the other side, ya know?
It's good to hear this from your side of the fence, OneLostGirl. I lurk more than I care to admit, and I've followed your posts for quite awhile. We're on the other side--the parents of a bi-polar child--and I just keep telling myself we're doing the right things in fighting for our child. It takes a tough skin to hear the horrible things she's said to us and about us. By now I've got the skin of a crocodile :eek: . After multiple med trials, 3 different doctors and 2 hospitalizations we're in a good place and keeping our fingers crossed. Please keep posting your insights on living with this. You're one of those rays of light that show you can conquer this disease and live a happy, productive life!

Everything you do to help save your childs life is the right thing, everything!

Boy, I can hear her trashin' ya now! My poor mom- my poor, poor husband.

(Not that any of it is funny but sometimes we joke to kinda break things up and my husband has always told me that my tongue is a razor blade, that I could cripple a loved with words alone.)

Gosh, I get tears in my eyes when I think of the horrible things I have said to them. I don't know why they still love me, I don't know how. I used to think I didn't deserve them, that I wasn't worthy. Now, I just know I am very lucky.

No matter what your daughter said in the past or says to you now, someday, when she is well she will thank you.. she will thank G0d for you!! You are a good mom (AkK! sorry if your a guy and I'm calling you a woman!)!

I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers! Let's hope they have finally found the right meds for her!!

Thank you for your kind words :)
Thanks :)

I am not proud of who I used to be but there it is... I can't change it.

Throughout my journey, I have decided that I want people to know about people like me, I want society to acknowledge the mentally ill. I try to share so that people can see it from the other side, ya know?

Well who you used to be, makes you who you are now. We all have pasts.
And hopefully, we learn from them, but we don't live there.

And you sure seem to be a kind, thoughtful person.
And you're helping alot of people. You're giving people hope.

Again thanks for your insight into this illness.
If Lufti is admitting to giving Britney drugs, why isn't he :behindbar ?
Isn't it illegal to drug people? I guess I am just confused as to why nothing so far is being done about him having given her the drugs in the first place. Was what he had for her a prescription for her? Was it street drugs? Was she taking all this willingly or did she even know about it at first. Obviously she knew about it or suspected it the night her mom and her mom's best friend came over because she wouldn't drink out of her glass but out of her moms. :waitasec: I am just confused on this issue. I think the guy definately needs to be behind bars! :behindbar :furious:
DB, and crushing the pills as well? That's one of the worst things you can do. Instead of a gradual dose, you get it all at once! I wonder how many times Brit almost ended up dead. IMO, Lufti was practicing medicine without a license. And he admitted that publicly today.
If Lufti is admitting to giving Britney drugs, why isn't he :behindbar ?
Isn't it illegal to drug people? I guess I am just confused as to why nothing so far is being done about him having given her the drugs in the first place. Was what he had for her a prescription for her? Was it street drugs? Was she taking all this willingly or did she even know about it at first. Obviously she knew about it or suspected it the night her mom and her mom's best friend came over because she wouldn't drink out of her glass but out of her moms. :waitasec: I am just confused on this issue. I think the guy definately needs to be behind bars! :behindbar :furious:

I'm just as confused! They must not have had proof is all I can think!
You are a good mom (AkK! sorry if your a guy and I'm calling you a woman!)!

Yes, I'm a mom! Most of her care falls to me--my choice as I couldn't just sit back and watch someone else care for her. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a control freak. :rolleyes:

Fortuantely, I have a great husband who supports me and steps in when I can't take it anymore. I also have supportive extended family in town who have stood with us through hospitalizations, court appearances, and school battles. We're VERY fortunate to have great insurance coverage and found a good lawyer to help fight the schools.

Overall, we count the blessings rather than dwell on the difficulties. That's why I'm hopeful for Britney. She has many resources that can help her get better if they can just get her stable enough to see it. I know many think her parents are out for their own personal gain, but I must say I'm pulling for them to stand by her and see it through. It's a difficult enough battle fighting for your child when they're still a minor. I can't imagine what it must be like for the Spears' having to fight for an adult child.
Tnx for the link SuziQ Her father's control of her legal affairs should keep the predators (imo) away and Brit won't go far without her money. I hope she follows through with outpatient care. I wonder if Britney had to sign off on a promise to get outside counseling in order to leave the clinic.
Tnx for the link SuziQ Her father's control of her legal affairs should keep the predators (imo) away and Brit won't go far without her money. I hope she follows through with outpatient care. I wonder if Britney had to sign off on a promise to get outside counseling in order to leave the clinic.

She was released, they could no longer hold her. She didn't have to promise them anything in order to get out.

But dad can now control her comings and goings. He can choose to take her money away, her credit cards, vehicles, can have her friend (Sam) arrested if she goes near him. These are things he can use to force her to get help.

"If you don't see the shrink, you can't have your credit cards to go out shopping with" "If you refuse your meds, you can't have money to put gas in any of the cars."

Smart guy, Mr. Spears.
Yes, I'm a mom! Most of her care falls to me--my choice as I couldn't just sit back and watch someone else care for her. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a control freak. :rolleyes:

Fortuantely, I have a great husband who supports me and steps in when I can't take it anymore. I also have supportive extended family in town who have stood with us through hospitalizations, court appearances, and school battles. We're VERY fortunate to have great insurance coverage and found a good lawyer to help fight the schools.

Overall, we count the blessings rather than dwell on the difficulties. That's why I'm hopeful for Britney. She has many resources that can help her get better if they can just get her stable enough to see it. I know many think her parents are out for their own personal gain, but I must say I'm pulling for them to stand by her and see it through. It's a difficult enough battle fighting for your child when they're still a minor. I can't imagine what it must be like for the Spears' having to fight for an adult child.

I have an enormous amount of respect for you and your husband!
I wonder how long that will go on though? I mean there comes a time when enough is enough. Britney is an adult if she goes on like this and doesn't try to ever get help I don't see the courts keeping her dad in charge for long. I hope out of desperation Britney doesn't commit suicide or anything like that just to ''show them''...

She was released, they could no longer hold her. She didn't have to promise them anything in order to get out.

But dad can now control her comings and goings. He can choose to take her money away, her credit cards, vehicles, can have her friend (Sam) arrested if she goes near him. These are things he can use to force her to get help.

"If you don't see the shrink, you can't have your credit cards to go out shopping with" "If you refuse your meds, you can't have money to put gas in any of the cars."

Smart guy, Mr. Spears.
I wonder how long that will go on though? I mean there comes a time when enough is enough. Britney is an adult if she goes on like this and doesn't try to ever get help I don't see the courts keeping her dad in charge for long. I hope out of desperation Britney doesn't commit suicide or anything like that just to ''show them''...

If the meds are a good cocktail for her all they will need is about 3 weeks and she will stabilize, hopefully having gained some clarity saying "Whoa, WTF have I done to my life?!" From there it's on her.

Sadly it is a vicious cycle when it comes to Bipolar. It is rare to find the right combo of drugs right off the bat and besides that, we often go off our meds because we miss our high's or we think because our symptoms are gone that we are OK and don't need the pills.

I really wish we knew if what Britney's dad has is an LPS Conservatorship because if he does, the court can keep giving him extentions on it.
If the meds are a good cocktail for her all they will need is about 3 weeks and she will stabilize, hopefully having gained some clarity saying "Whoa, WTF have I done to my life?!" From there it's on her.

Sadly it is a vicious cycle when it comes to Bipolar. It is rare to find the right combo of drugs right off the bat and besides that, we often go off our meds because we miss our high's or we think because our symptoms are gone that we are OK and don't need the pills.

I really wish we knew if what Britney's dad has is an LPS Conservatorship because if he does, the court can keep giving him extentions on it.

Every person I know with a bipolar diagnosis has struggled with what I highlighted, OLG - especially in the "beginning." It truly is a normal reaction for manic-depressives. I do pray that something can slip into Britney's consciousness and help her want to change the course.
How long will the courts keep granting her dad extensions if she doesn't want to get help? What if she never does? Everybody is reporting she is bi-polar but how true is that? I assume she does and will be shocked if she don't but I am just going by her actions and what everyone else is saying.

If the meds are a good cocktail for her all they will need is about 3 weeks and she will stabilize, hopefully having gained some clarity saying "Whoa, WTF have I done to my life?!" From there it's on her.

Sadly it is a vicious cycle when it comes to Bipolar. It is rare to find the right combo of drugs right off the bat and besides that, we often go off our meds because we miss our high's or we think because our symptoms are gone that we are OK and don't need the pills.

I really wish we knew if what Britney's dad has is an LPS Conservatorship because if he does, the court can keep giving him extentions on it.
K-Fed to put reality show on hold.

Kevin Federline, looking to squeeze the last drops of notoriety out of his celebrity rock, had planned to do a reality show on cable.

But with Britney on the Crazytown express, the Federleezy is putting that show on hold temporarily, reports the New York Post. The series was supposed to show the life of "a single, working dad" -- and presumably the adventures of Federline as well. Ba-dump-bump.

Such a shame I was really looking forward to it. :doh:
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