All things Joe Paterno

The late Joe Paterno, whose record at Penn State as the winningest coach in college football was tarnished by a child sex scandal involving an assistant coach, was No. 1 again on Friday after the NCAA settled a lawsuit with two elected state officials.

The NCAA agreed to restore 112 wins - 111 of which were Paterno's - to Penn State's record.

"Today is a victory for the Penn State nation," said State Senator Jake Corman, who represents the area surrounding the school's main campus. "The NCAA has surrendered."
NBC: As Many As Six Penn State Coaches Witnessed Jerry Sandusky Molesting Children

As many as six Joe Paterno assistants personally witnessed Jerry Sandusky abusing children, NBC News revealed today. That report comes on the heels of testimony given in Penn State’s lawsuit against its insurer revealed this week, alleging Paterno knew of Sandusky molesting children as early as 1976.

It's sickening how Penn State continues to try to salvage Paterno's legacy. The denial from football fans and his family is shameful. I understand it's been embarrassing for Paterno's family to have him publicly exposed regarding his complacency in regards to sexual abuse of children, but come on. At some point they need to stop denigrating the victims by refusing to acknowledge Paterno's moral failure. He may have been a great coach, but he wasn't a great man.

I know this news was referenced in another thread, but I thought it should be here as well, as it pertains to Paterno's involvement in the cover ups.
Respectfully snipped:
NBC: As Many As Six Penn State Coaches Witnessed Jerry Sandusky Molesting Children

As many as six Joe Paterno assistants personally witnessed Jerry Sandusky abusing children, NBC News revealed today. That report comes on the heels of testimony given in Penn State’s lawsuit against its insurer revealed this week, alleging Paterno knew of Sandusky molesting children as early as 1976.

It's sickening how Penn State continues to try to salvage Paterno's legacy.

We don't the details or the credibility of the witnesses at this point. This one has a long way to play out.

It is possible that some of these cases were settled because PSU thought it would be less expensive. That does happen.
Respectfully snipped:

We don't the details or the credibility of the witnesses at this point. This one has a long way to play out.

It is possible that some of these cases were settled because PSU thought it would be less expensive. That does happen.

Settled? There should have been criminal charges and Sandusky should have been banned from associating with the Penn State football program.

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This whole thing makes me sick. Just like the Church's priest rapers' scandal, this seems like a bunch of men giving a wink and a nod to child molesters. Some men- apparently- think it's okay to do this as long as football will still be played and masses will still be said. No excuses for this, "settlements" notwithstanding.
I recall that Jerry Sandusky had been at public schools as a volunteer. He would take children out of classroom, which is odd for a volunteer to do.

I wonder how long Sandusky been volunteering at public schools. If he volunteered since he started coaching in 1969, this could go beyond Penn State. I wonder anyone at school saw Sandusky molesting children at school.

I also wonder if The Second Mile had seen or been aware of suspicious behavior.

This whole Penn State Scandal is one giant CF.
Settled? There should have been criminal charges and Sandusky should have been banned from associating with the Penn State football program.

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It is too late now. These are settlements in the civil suits. A most are outside the statute of limitations.
NBC: As Many As Six Penn State Coaches Witnessed Jerry Sandusky Molesting Children

As many as six Joe Paterno assistants personally witnessed Jerry Sandusky abusing children, NBC News revealed today. That report comes on the heels of testimony given in Penn State’s lawsuit against its insurer revealed this week, alleging Paterno knew of Sandusky molesting children as early as 1976..

Six??!!! Wow. How do these people live with themselves? As for Paterno, my only regret is he's not alive to experience his well deserved shaming.
Barron has stated that there was not corroboration of the 1976 incident. The 1971 victim did not initially claim that Paterno very talked to him.
Barron has stated that there was not corroboration of the 1976 incident. The 1971 victim did not initially claim that Paterno very talked to him.

The judge's first sentence reads: “This case arises out of a series of heinous crimes perpetrated against a multitude of children over a 40-year period.” He's read the depositions, so I'm going to consider 76 to be the date of the first confirmed incident. If PSU had wanted to contest the allegation, they could have.

As for Barron, he's just covering his rear, or the rear of whomever made the decision to force the insurance company to pay out. PSU's endowment is 3.64 billion. They should have just paid the settlement and moved on.
I don't doubt the 40 years; I do doubt that Paterno was involved in '71 and '76.
I recall that Jerry Sandusky had been at public schools as a volunteer. He would take children out of classroom, which is odd for a volunteer to do.

I wonder how long Sandusky been volunteering at public schools. If he volunteered since he started coaching in 1969, this could go beyond Penn State. I wonder anyone at school saw Sandusky molesting children at school.

I also wonder if The Second Mile had seen or been aware of suspicious behavior.

This whole Penn State Scandal is one giant CF.

iirc, he took children out of school completely, which is beyond odd.

It is beyond belief the things he got away with that violated good sense and good rules. Layers upon layers of people not stopping him (parents, teachers, work, his own organization). Even if you take a generous approach and are forgiving of 'old time' attitudes, this would have been odd, and it went on far past that time. Child abuse entered the spotlight in the 1970s, the Catholic Church sex scandals exploded in the 1980s, and by 1990 the Boy Scouts officially prohibited one-on-one adult/child activities of any kind (and were widely followed by other organizations). Heck, there was an afterschool special on child molesting in 1985, you don't get anymore mainstream than that.

So, to my mind, it was not a question of people having no awareness that he should not be doing some of these things. It was a willful denial, particularly on the parts of schools and his own organization, both of whom should have bloody well known better.
Arnold was almost molested on Different Strokes in 1983, but that was one of the first.

Penn State In Open Civil War Over Joe Paterno

Saturday was a national embarrassment for Penn State University. Its spineless leaders caved to pressure from a crazed wing of alumni and football fans and chose to publicly honor former coach Joe Paterno, despite the fact that he knowingly facilitated serial child-rape over decades.

Condemnation was swift, strong and widespread when the ceremonies were first announced. And the ensuing action reinforced the worst perceptions of a once-proud school that has allowed its image to be hijacked by cruel cultists whose creeping insanity has infected Penn State’s culture.

the rest at link above

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