another theory...

Not at all. Many people have thought that. In its way, it would explain a few things.
..the only thing that bothers me about that is that Dr Spitz says JB was strangled by her shirt collar first.ST said that indicated rage...someone out of control.
so if someone was already angry enough to do that to her (enough so that the staging was an attempt to hide the marks on her neck from it),then why wouldn't that same person also be angry enough to follow through with a blow to the head?I mean strangling her by her shirt collar already indicates extreme rage twds her,so IMO that makes the head blow seem less likely to have been accidental.
not saying either of you are wrong,that just my take on it.
I agree, JMO. Three (3!) calls in ten minutes would be something a mother would remember. I'd have thought it would have warranted a call to the ER if the panic was that great but, there again, ERs have the tendency to ask questions....

WRT the shirt strangulation, would it have been possible for that to have come at roughly the same time as someone angrily throwing JBR against a bathtub or bedpost or something? I'm a total ignoramus about how these things would show up in an autopsy so this could be totally wrong but I always half-suspected someone had lifted JBR by her collar and sort of thrown her in the seconds afterwards in a rage...

ETA: WRT your points about the random manner in which the Ramseys raise points in DoI, I agree. Also, WRT the Stines, I just re-read the Beckner stuff today. I know that Susan claimed that it was just a high-spirited caper (or words to that effect) but was this any sort of case in which it was ever acceptable to act the goat? Also, I see that she tried to suck ST into the Beckner e mails. Was she trying to solicit ammunition against ST? If so, not only was she arguably guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice in a criminal case but also in a civil case. I'm with DeeDee: why was she never charged with anything?
I agree, JMO. Three (3!) calls in ten minutes would be something a mother would remember. I'd have thought it would have warranted a call to the ER if the panic was that great but, there again, ERs have the tendency to ask questions....

WRT the shirt strangulation, would it have been possible for that to have come at roughly the same time as someone angrily throwing JBR against a bathtub or bedpost or something? I'm a total ignoramus about how these things would show up in an autopsy so this could be totally wrong but I always half-suspected someone had lifted JBR by her collar and sort of thrown her in the seconds afterwards in a rage...
I've wondered that, too.I don't know,only that in his book,Thomas wrote that Dr S. said the shirt collar strangulation came first,followed by the devastating head blow.
Since a scream was heard,likely JB's,I wonder if someone let go of her (or could she still have managed to scream?),she screamed,and then the head injury occurred.of course it would help to know why she screamed in the first place...was someone wielding an object above her head,ready to strike?
Question: If JBR was stranled with her shirt collar, wouldn't that damage be different from what was caused by the rope? Would that not be discernable under microspic examination?
Question: If JBR was stranled with her shirt collar, wouldn't that damage be different from what was caused by the rope? Would that not be discernable under microspic examination?
apparently it was,since Dr S. was able to discern it from the other.
also,per poster Solace that used to post here;she said she knew from experience that the large mark on JB's neck in the autopsy pic is a thumb print,and that makes perfect sense,IMO.
Re DOI....first I read it I didn't finish it.........I did now....OH MY I so agree with you JMO8778 re having an agenda for every sentence in it.Was the "jameson" chapter really necessary?Not saying it wasn't hilarious............still....why bother trashing people with different opinions(BORG and the rest) if they are dead wrong,eh??
I thought they would write more re who they thought did it cause it's obvious they always pointed fingers at people they knew and so were their top experts.....they don't mention ANYTHING re this.WTF? :waitasec: they bash people who try to figure out who killed her but on the other hand THEY never even tried to figure out who it was??
Question: If JBR was stranled with her shirt collar, wouldn't that damage be different from what was caused by the rope? Would that not be discernable under microspic examination?

Yes, it should have been discernable if she was strangled with something else like a shirt collar first. Dr. Spitz looked at the autopsy, not at the body. He likely based it on the large, red triangular "abrasion" on the front of her throat. If Coroner Mayer saw this as evidence of strangulation by something other than the ligature, he did not mention it as far as we know, and her definitely did not write it in the autopsy report.
apparently it was,since Dr S. was able to discern it from the other.
also,per poster Solace that used to post here;she said she knew from experience that the large mark on JB's neck in the autopsy pic is a thumb print,and that makes perfect sense,IMO.

Solace's son takes karate, and he came home with the exact abrasion in almost the exact location. She asked him what caused it and he said that it was the thumb print of either his instructor or another one of the students. I certainly hope that it wasn't the instructor....I can't remember which one caused it though. I am almost certain she said another student.
Solace's son takes karate, and he came home with the exact abrasion in almost the exact location. She asked him what caused it and he said that it was the thumb print of either his instructor or another one of the students. I certainly hope that it wasn't the instructor....I can't remember which one caused it though. I am almost certain she said another student.

Ty, Ames - that's fascinating. If Trujillo had ordered the expensive but effective method for testing bodies for finger prints instead of the cheap but less effective method, someone might be in prison now....

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