Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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Not just no, but hell no on the immunity for them to do something they should have done from "day one" and that is tell the truth no matter where the truths leads. I don't think that LE even needs anymore information from the A's, I think they have everything they need to convict Casey of 1st degree murder. I also don't even think they need to be on the witness stand for any reason. They have the 911 calls and their early statements to police that can use. Now if JB and comp. decide to use the A's in his side of the case, the SA can rake them over the coals on all their lies and cover ups..

Poor Caylee, the only people standing up for her are strangers to her. Her own family let her down. I am a firm believer of karma or you reap what you sow..they will get theirs
What if they get immunity and then get on the stand and one of them confesses to this crime!!!:eek::eek:

I would expect anything to happen in this case.:mad:
At first, I really wanted to give the A's the benefit of doubt in that they just couldn't come to terms with the thought that Casey killed Caylee. It was easier to believe otherwise.

But...If they really believed Casey and really believed that Caylee was still alive, how do they explain the lying and covering up? How could those actions have possibly helped to find a live Caylee? How can they justify what they did?

I believe that they knew the truth early on, and have done everything in their power to stop the truth from coming out. Now they are ready to do an about face, but only if they aren't held accountable for their actions.

If they really loved that little girl, then they should do the right thing for her . They need to tell the truth, and suffer the reprecussions of their own actions. It's the very least they can do for Caylee at this point.
Originally Posted by BeanE
Today's Bus Schedule:

- Cindy was formerly going to throw Jesse, Amy, and Ricardo under the bus. This schedule has changed. Cindy will now throw Casey under the bus, so that LE will not throw her under the bus.

- George will continue to throw whomever Cindy tells him to under the bus.

- We predict that since Cindy (and therefore George) are now willing to throw Casey under the bus, that Casey's previously scheduled throwing of the non-existent ZFG under the bus will now have a change in schedule to Casey throwing Cindy and George under the bus.

- It is unknown at this time who Lee will attempt to throw under the bus, or who is attempting to throw Lee under the bus.

- Caylee remains dead, murdered by her mother, Casey, and fades even further from memory as each of her family members struggle and posture to avoid being the one thrown under the bus.

Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
ATTENTION: The bus has high-centered on unknown items which may or may not resemble people associated with the A fam. Please forgive the delay in the schedule as it may take awhile to resume service to the original route to Justice. The delay in getting to Justice is only temporarily suspended as the people currently riding the bus will be picked up by their defense attorneys and be given a short ride to jail in the near future by OCSO to prevent further lowering of the bus due to the weight of BS on board or items being tossed underneath. Your patience is appreciated and we will arrive at Justice when the smoke clears from the wheels spinning from the defense team. Thank you! ...and the wheels on the bus go round and round!

Hi, this is my first post. Isn't it time that everyone in the A family comes clean, tells the truth and takes their punishment? Seems to me, the unwillingness to do so created the monster in the first place. To continue in this insanity is, well, just INSANE!
Welcome. ITA. It is insane.
If they really loved that little girl, then they should do the right thing for her . They need to tell the truth, and suffer the reprecussions of their own actions. It's the very least they can do for Caylee at this point.

*respectfully snipped*

Beautifully said. I totally agree.
What if they get immunity and then get on the stand and one of them confesses to this crime!!!:eek::eek:

I would expect anything to happen in this case.:mad:

Wow. That's one I hadn't thought of. Would Cindy or George fall on their sword so their daughter could walk? Would they say so, even if true or not. Seems doubtful they'd be all that concerned about perjury.

The A's behavior from the get-go has been baffling. Until someone got through and convinced them they shoud at least look like they're concerned about Caylee, their singular focus has always been Casey. From the very beginning, they were only concerned about figuring out a defense for her. If we've learned anything by know it's that the A's are not to be trusted. Not one of them.

JMO: Their request for immunity is a trap, and quite likely cooked up with Baez. If LE takes the bait, there is no guarantee that either CA or GA will be forthcoming with helpful information at all. Yet it would suggest to Baez and Conway that LE doesn't have a strong enough case. Don't do it!
At first, I really wanted to give the A's the benefit of doubt in that they just couldn't come to terms with the thought that Casey killed Caylee. It was easier to believe otherwise.

But...If they really believed Casey and really believed that Caylee was still alive, how do they explain the lying and covering up? How could those actions have possibly helped to find a live Caylee? How can they justify what they did?

I believe that they knew the truth early on, and have done everything in their power to stop the truth from coming out. Now they are ready to do an about face, but only if they aren't held accountable for their actions.

If they really loved that little girl, then they should do the right thing for her . They need to tell the truth, and suffer the reprecussions of their own actions. It's the very least they can do for Caylee at this point.

I think that most of us wanted to also, but it became more and more difficult to do that considering what we now know....Welcome by the way!
What if they get immunity and then get on the stand and one of them confesses to this crime!!!:eek::eek:

I would expect anything to happen in this case.:mad:

There were actually a few poster's earlier & on another thread (I think) that were discussing that very thing! I never say never in this case....
as for a date for the funeral...isn't there a depo coming up?????

the reason the autopsy isn't done yet is due to the proscecution not turning over their findings yet....defense has to have something to poke holes in..:bang:

I posted an article a few days ago that said exactly that. The defense is waiting for the prosecution to turn over their findings. As of last Monday, the judge gave the prosecution 2 weeks.

People blame George and Cindy for Caylee not being buried yet, but it really has nothing to do with them.
There were actually a few poster's earlier & on another thread (I think) that were discussing that very thing! I never say never in this case....

If they get an immunity deal it will not be some open ended pardon. They would have to outline exactly what they are asking for immunity from. If they get it and lie on the stand immunity revoked, previous charges back on table with an add on of perjury.
Ehh, honor among thieves- what's the point. They are liars and that won't change. The body has been found, LE and the SA don't need their BS half-truths to get KC put away.
I posted an article a few days ago that said exactly that. The defense is waiting for the prosecution to turn over their findings. As of last Monday, the judge gave the prosecution 2 weeks.

People blame George and Cindy for Caylee not being buried yet, but it really has nothing to do with them.

Please the defense can do it without the paperwork from the prosecution.
Please the defense can do it without the paperwork from the prosecution.

Perhaps they can, but it's still not George and Cindy's decision. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the funeral home has been ordered to hold the remains until they get a release from the court.
Conway seems to have toned down a bit:

Meanwhile, the lawyer for Casey's parents said he wants his clients to have immunity before they speak with prosecutors again about their daughter.

Brad Conway said George and Cindy Anthony likely wouldn't say anything that would land them in legal trouble, but he wants them to be able to speak without fear of prosecution.


Maybe if he'd put it that way originally, people wouldn't have become all freaked out about it.
The defense doing an autopsy really makes no sense when the manner of death is undetermined. That finding only helps the defense case as they can say the state doesn't know what happened to Caylee. What do they think, the ME missed evidence of a broken neck? I hope the second autopsy unintentionally brings more evidence against his client.

Hi Impatientredhead,

Dr Berber on NG last week said the defense will be given copies of all the reports done in the autopsy and be allowed to view the bones. I took that as they wouldn't be able to do retesting.

He said if they don't do this it will hurt the defense, SS that they didn't do every thing possible to be educated on the case. xox

PS: Maybe someone caught that last part better than I did :)
It says the judge is considering the issue regarding the PI, I didn't see where it says he's considering the immunity issue?

You're right, I deleted my message
Yes, Rick is the first one who ever mentioned a "fight"...Most of his original posts are still online. Google "Casey Anthony Rick" or "Rick Casey Anthony". He first wrote on Topix but was also copy and pasted onto some discussion at MSN.


I get email exchanges between CA and her brother Rick. Is that what you meant?

The statute is in the last pages of the Will George and Cindy Testify thread, but in Fl in a felony case if you are ordered to testify by subpoena you cannot take the fifth, there is limited immunity in that your words cannot be used to prosecute you later, but you are not immune to the crime you may have committed (unless a seperate immunity deal is reached in advance). If subpoenaed they will either answer honestly, commit perjury and be prosecuted, or refuse to answer and be in contempt.

If you testify voluntarily your words can be used against you later, and you could take the fifth. They will all be subpoenaed I think, that is what they meant when they said "the Anthony's will be asked to help convict their daughter".

Thanks spells things out well

Hope this helps.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you able to -- do you have any information about the relationship that Casey might have -- because I know you've spoken to members of the family -- but the current situation between Casey and grandparents or her brother?

FUHRMAN: Well, I can tell you this. I think the brother is the closest to Casey, and maybe that might be because of age. But he seems to be the one that would be the best chance to of getting Casey to actually come clean with just exactly what she knows.

But I can tell you this. While I was still on the ground in Orlando, I talked to one of the immediate neighbors that is within earshot of the Anthony house, and he said that Casey Anthony had one hell of a temper. And he heard her swearing at her mother several times, so loud that he could hear it from his house, and that he would never talk to his parents that way. And he said even Father's Day weekend, that was going on. So whether that's true or not, it's something that he's observed and heard on repeated times. We'd never heard that before, and so that's interesting all unto itself.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did the parents or the grandparents -- did they say anything to corroborate that, or Lee, or anyone say anything that would tend to corroborate the neighbor's statement?

FUHRMAN: No. Exactly the opposite. In fact, I asked Cindy Anthony and George if there was a fight that they had with Casey that weekend or any time close to the time when she took Caylee and left, and they absolutely said not. And that seems to be, you know, a direct conflict with a neighbor who on that weekend said that there was, you know, an argument.,2933,402098,00.html

Very cool, thanks.

Does anyone else find it strange that in every interview with GA about the last time he saw KC an her daughter that "I was watching my favorite show on the Food Network" But he never specifies a show? When you usually speak about your favorite show, don't you just say the shows name vs the network or channel (I was watching my favorite show on channel 83...?) BTW I live in central Florida and probably have the same cable setup -- Paula's home cooking or Everyday Italian with Giada are on in that time frame M-F, which anyone who I have come across that love those shows call them by name. That was my first feeling of CA coaching him, she actually interrupts him as he is getting to that part in one of their interviews, IMO was to make sure it came out her way. So he wouldn't mess up the storyline.

(IMO CA wouldn't let GA watch Giada, she is very cute and may threaten CA)

I'm wondering if that's because it would make a narrow timeline for LE.

The defense doing an autopsy really makes no sense when the manner of death is undetermined. That finding only helps the defense case as they can say the state doesn't know what happened to Caylee. What do they think, the ME missed evidence of a broken neck? I hope the second autopsy unintentionally brings more evidence against his client.

That would be funny. They wouldn't be able to hide it either of it would be OJ

Wow. That's one I hadn't thought of. Would Cindy or George fall on their sword so their daughter could walk? Would they say so, even if true or not. Seems doubtful they'd be all that concerned about perjury.

The A's behavior from the get-go has been baffling. Until someone got through and convinced them they shoud at least look like they're concerned about Caylee, their singular focus has always been Casey. From the very beginning, they were only concerned about figuring out a defense for her. If we've learned anything by know it's that the A's are not to be trusted. Not one of them.

JMO: Their request for immunity is a trap, and quite likely cooked up with Baez. If LE takes the bait, there is no guarantee that either CA or GA will be forthcoming with helpful information at all. Yet it would suggest to Baez and Conway that LE doesn't have a strong enough case. Don't do it!

I'm sure the DA has thought about every angle on this.

If they get an immunity deal it will not be some open ended pardon. They would have to outline exactly what they are asking for immunity from. If they get it and lie on the stand immunity revoked, previous charges back on table with an add on of perjury.

honestly, if someone asks for immunity, they must have something to say that they are worried about - why else ask for immunity?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the more I hear, the more I think EVERYONE in the family, the attorney, and the PIs knew where that baby was for some time.
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