any verified insiders/locals still reading here?

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It seems like most people (not us on websleuths) have just given up on her with no care for justice. So sad :(

I think in certain cases, where the parents 'give up' on the case, the public follows. Like with Baby Lisa, and Ayla Reynolds. It is so sad.
It sure would be nice if WHATEVER LE agency is handling this case could send out a press release as to the status of it, now OVER 2 yrs after Hailey has been missing..IF they are even working on it any they even care??? How about it, Mr. FBI agent man, if you even read here, how about it??
What say you??? Any of you?
The Hailey Dunn deal has basically gone dormant. Occasionally you will see a flyer around, I do know the city had them take down all the stuffed animals which had been to the house where Hailey went missing from. Said they were rotting and a health hazard.
As far as we locals know sa and bd are no wherein in this area.
No searchers anymore, it has sort of been an accepted thing that Hailey was taken for a drug debt.
Or at least anyone I have talked to pretty much speculates that. Without some of Hailey's folks here it is hard to keep up any excited interested parties.
My way of thinking, they didn't release this news yesterday in order to know where all interested players are before they released incase it could possibly be Hailey. Keep our fingers crossed. We are getting a lot of oil activity around here and several crews of seismographers going all over the county on 4 wheelers doing whatever it is they do. Been going on in Scurry county also. The thought crossed my mine with so many workers in here prepping to begin drilling a massive oil find(cline shale) that if she was in the area someone would run across her sooner or later.
they found a body about 30 miles from where she lived, all they will say right now is it is in an advanced state of decomption. My sister-in-law was a cop in Brownwood Texas, I just woke up and saw her message to me, she wrote it at 11 o'clock last night.
I bet it is our sweet Hailey. I hesitate because I remember what happened last year. False alarm. But for some reason this seems for real. Maybe because it is so close to Shawn's grandmothers it seems like it is a possibility. JMO
The Hailey Dunn deal has basically gone dormant. Occasionally you will see a flyer around, I do know the city had them take down all the stuffed animals which had been to the house where Hailey went missing from. Said they were rotting and a health hazard.
As far as we locals know sa and bd are no wherein in this area.
No searchers anymore, it has sort of been an accepted thing that Hailey was taken for a drug debt.
Or at least anyone I have talked to pretty much speculates that. Without some of Hailey's folks here it is hard to keep up any excited interested parties.

I know a lot of locals or at least people that are in the vicinity and without a doubt most of them believe that Billie and Shawn are involved in whatever happened to Hailey :(

I also know of someone that has been searching fairly recently or at least said they had. I do believe if this isnt Hailey that more searching will be done shortly .
I don't think that the public has given up on Hailey in Colorado City. There are no leads, mom & boyfriend moved away. There is nothing to go on so what do you do. We all ponder what could have happened i am sure but i know living in Colorado City that it seems she vanished into thin air and there still havent been any leads after all this time other than the bogus drug debt story from odessa which was just someone's way of getting less time i assume.
I don't think that the public has given up on Hailey in Colorado City. There are no leads, mom & boyfriend moved away. There is nothing to go on so what do you do. We all ponder what could have happened i am sure but i know living in Colorado City that it seems she vanished into thin air and there still havent been any leads after all this time other than the bogus drug debt story from odessa which was just someone's way of getting less time i assume.

I have a genuine question for you. I have many friends who have handed out fliers etc. They all seem under the impression that CCity just want it all to go away. IF so many havent given up on Hailey why dont more people go to the vigils that were held? For the most part only Billie , HR, sometimes a couple of family members and HFH even went to the vigil. Normally less than twenty people :(
I am unsure about everyone. I missed some of them because of my own children's activities. I've heard alot of people say they stopped going to things because of the drama involved between certain people in the case and the searchers. Or they were taken back by how some of the people made it about them and not Hailey. Not certain how to answer you other than my family still prays for Hailey and still have memorabilia displayed until she is found.
I live in Snyder and we all want Justice for Hailey, I feel the POI knows where Hailey is. The "family" are on their way here. And if SA is one of those people,. then there is no chance that body is Hailey. They have found 3 decomposed bodies in the past year in this area this last one being the 3rd. The first two were males,, As for me and my feelings, I feel the POI has gotten away with murder. Your girlfriend's daughter just happens to be reported missing that night,, and you quit your job that morning? I really just want to beat my head against a brick wall while I try to understand why he isn't locked up.
I agree Texas mom. It's seems there have been no answers and no news and no leads and most importantly no arrests related to any *advertiser censored* etc found in this case. What more can we do locally when we went and searched etc and found nothing. Somebody has the answers and I pray that justice for Hailey soon gets served.
I live in Snyder and we all want Justice for Hailey, I feel the POI knows where Hailey is. The "family" are on their way here. And if SA is one of those people,. then there is no chance that body is Hailey. They have found 3 decomposed bodies in the past year in this area this last one being the 3rd. The first two were males,, As for me and my feelings, I feel the POI has gotten away with murder. Your girlfriend's daughter just happens to be reported missing that night,, and you quit your job that morning? I really just want to beat my head against a brick wall while I try to understand why he isn't locked up.

To be honest I dont understand why either of them arent locked up.
To be honest I dont understand why either of them arent locked up.

They released details that should have gotten charges on SA IMO but nothing... Smh one day soon justice will come:banghead:
They released details that should have gotten charges on SA IMO but nothing... Smh one day soon justice will come:banghead:

The thing is though it came out ages ago there was no child *advertiser censored* at least on most of the items that were supposed to have them on. I THINK there was some supposedly on his mothers but apparently other people went on the pc and they had to prove who was on it at the time. My personal opinion IF that is Hailey thats been found that both Billie and Shawn will be arrested pretty quickly. I am curious which will be charged with though as personally i think Billie may receive the harshest charges.
The thing is though it came out ages ago there was no child *advertiser censored* at least on most of the items that were supposed to have them on. I THINK there was some supposedly on his mothers but apparently other people went on the pc and they had to prove who was on it at the time. My personal opinion IF that is Hailey thats been found that both Billie and Shawn will be arrested pretty quickly. I am curious which will be charged with though as personally i think Billie may receive the harshest charges.

Yes I agree as she seems to have been at work and reported Hailey missing after getting home and stuff
Yes I agree as she seems to have been at work and reported Hailey missing after getting home and stuff

The only problem is like I said on another thread there is no confirmed sightings of Hailey alive by anyone other than the family after Sunday night. Billie was at home on the Sunday. When Billie says she has an alibi because she was at work that simply isnt true as there is no proof that Hailey was alive when she went to work that Monday. Incidentally many people believe Hailey was killed Sunday evening due to events that have come out and considering how close those remains were to Billies place of work ( if it is indeed Hailey) IMO Hailey could more than likely have been placed there before or after Billie went to work that morning ;(
The thing is though it came out ages ago there was no child *advertiser censored* at least on most of the items that were supposed to have them on. I THINK there was some supposedly on his mothers but apparently other people went on the pc and they had to prove who was on it at the time. My personal opinion IF that is Hailey thats been found that both Billie and Shawn will be arrested pretty quickly. I am curious which will be charged with though as personally i think Billie may receive the harshest charges.

So like you've said. DD saw her last playing the Xbox and nothing after that when he left to friends house. Then Monday am SA takes BD to work then goes to work and leaves early after drinking a soda for no reason. Maybe being out in the boonies made him thirsty. All that hard work (speculation). Then cell pings in ccity and bigsprings. Couldn't ping in the boonies so it's reported in news today. BD gets off early they go to ATM buy drugs then go home and report Hailey missing after searching for her at dads and mb house. So hmmm there's time frame open Sunday night for BD and SA after DD left. Then Monday from around 630 am till 630 pm SA is wide open except when he was in bs with his mom. So WSI is within 10 minutes of now located skeletal remains along the road that is easily accessible from back road to Dunn and bigspring. I think that covers it. Oh and the torn up rear end on BD car. Was there ever any mention of wounds or bruises on SA when they interviewed him initially? Just wondering since there are cactus and mesquite where remains located??
So like you've said. DD saw her last playing the Xbox and nothing after that when he left to friends house. Then Monday am SA takes BD to work then goes to work and leaves early after drinking a soda for no reason. Maybe being out in the boonies made him thirsty. All that hard work (speculation). Then cell pings in ccity and bigsprings. Couldn't ping in the boonies so it's reported in news today. BD gets off early they go to ATM buy drugs then go home and report Hailey missing after searching for her at dads and mb house. So hmmm there's time frame open Sunday night for BD and SA after DD left. Then Monday from around 630 am till 630 pm SA is wide open except when he was in bs with his mom. So WSI is within 10 minutes of now located skeletal remains along the road that is easily accessible from back road to Dunn and bigspring. I think that covers it. Oh and the torn up rear end on BD car. Was there ever any mention of wounds or bruises on SA when they interviewed him initially? Just wondering since there are cactus and mesquite where remains located??

OK you said he took Billie to work and then he went to work thats not exactly right. He went to work and walked out as we know but then took Billie to work which means she was lieing when she says she didnt know he had quit his job. About the scratches etc Billie made some allegations about that on a facebook page when she was angry. Whether there still there I dont know.
OK you said he took Billie to work and then he went to work thats not exactly right. He went to work and walked out as we know but then took Billie to work which means she was lieing when she says she didnt know he had quit his job. About the scratches etc Billie made some allegations about that on a facebook page when she was angry. Whether there still there I dont know.

Ah I missed that part. So it wasn't fact about his hands then which could link the cactus etc to him... Darn
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