ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#24

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Someone wrote on the previous thread surprised that the BC didn't know the procedure at the watch house - I wouldn't know what is required to visit someone there either. I doubt if I was in the situation that they found themselves last week whether I would have the presence of mind to read the QPS website.

For most of us I would imagine, a watch house visit would be a frightening experience, coupled with all the stresses, including the last 8 weeks, I can understand them getting angry. It may not help their case and they may be sorry they did it, but IMO it is perfectly understandable, should not have been printed in the CM, and I am certain it is not the first time it would have happened.

Either way I think if it was correct that they "demanded" to see their son, they found out quite quickly you can't make demands.

They could have gone quietly about asking police questions if they had no idea the arrest was going to happen but IF they did make demands, in my opinion, this showed a certain level of arrogance, on their part, to think they could demand anything.

One of the tv news stations reported the BCs abused police...this hasn't been reported in any other areas of media to date.
The rules are the same on Websleuths for everyone, no matter what part of the globe. And if the posts we've been dealing with were acceptable in Australia, we wouldn't be getting the large amount of alerts that we've been receiving - all from fellow Aussies.

I am not going to point out posts and embarrass the posters, so I'll try to give a generic example.

One poster says "I think ABC killed XYZ with a rope in the library".

Next poster says "You are nuts. Go back and read the last 4 threads that include all of our hard work and maybe you won't sound so much like a yank".

Last poster says "One poster, I will have to disagree. The evidence provided in the last three threads can educate you on the error. There wasn't a library in the home and we were able to establish that was just a rumor. Our rumor post is located here:"

Now, in this brief example above, I'm hoping it is obvious that "Next Poster" is the one who is going to receive the time out. They said the same thing as "Last Poster", however "Next Poster" was snarky and rude and "Last Poster" was respectful and helpful.

Hope that helps.


thank you Kimster

That makes perfect sense to me and is as I thought it should be - hopefully we can all understand and appreciated that point of view. The example was as I meant I didn't want individual posts to be highlighted.

thank you again and do still embarrassed that we are continually causing problems.
thank you Kimster

That makes perfect sense to me and is as I thought it should be - hopefully we can all understand and appreciated that point of view. The example was as I meant I didn't want individual posts to be highlighted.

thank you again and do still embarrassed that we are continually causing problems.

You're welcome! Let's not discuss it anymore and put it behind all of us.

Back to why we are here....

I notice a correction has been made by Courier Mail in that same report which stated the Baden Clays demanded to see their son....

* Correction: An earlier version of this story wrongly attributed a comment about Gerard Baden-Clay having no inkling an arrest would take place on Wednesday to his lawyer, Darren Mahony. This was a sub-editing error and has been rectified. The Courier Mail apologises for the mistake.

This was corrected to say....

A family friend told The Courier-Mail that Baden-Clay had no inkling an arrest would take place on Wednesday and had made plans for later in the week
Either way I think if it was correct that they "demanded" to see their son, they found out quite quickly you can't make demands.

They could have gone quietly about asking police questions if they had no idea the arrest was going to happen but IF they did make demands, in my opinion, this showed a certain level of arrogance, on their part, to think they could demand anything.

One of the tv news stations reported the BCs abused police...this hasn't been reported in any other areas of media to date.

I think Marlywings it is like many facets of this case, been reported by a sensationalizing media.

I am convinced that the more delve into this case and more facts the are released to the public, that we really have been told or had reported to us many incorrect details.

One example is the comments by the police early in the case that GBC was a suspect and then he wasn't a suspect and then he was the accused and had been the chief suspect since day one. I think most of us could see that there was some discrepancies with that opinion.

I agree as we have discussed before, that we are being fed what the police want the media to tell us and it is reported, when not officially coming from the QPS, as the journalist want it to be portrayed.
Thanks Marlywings

My above comment to your earlier post applies to this error. We are all human, but obviously GBC solicitor has a reputation to protect. Thanks again darl.
Someone wrote on the previous thread surprised that the BC didn't know the procedure at the watch house - I wouldn't know what is required to visit someone there either. I doubt if I was in the situation that they found themselves last week whether I would have the presence of mind to read the QPS website.

For most of us I would imagine, a watch house visit would be a frightening experience, coupled with all the stresses, including the last 8 weeks, I can understand them getting angry. It may not help their case and they may be sorry they did it, but IMO it is perfectly understandable, should not have been printed in the CM, and I am certain it is not the first time it would have happened.

Sprats,, that was me who made that comment.. I probably worded it badly and confusingly. What I meant to convey was considering the situation, of all the people in Qld, I would have thought the BC family would be the very ones to have considered this possibility some weeks ago, and ascertained the procedure. That the very event that in fact occured, Gerard to the watchhouse, was a high probability , and possibly inevitable at some stage.

So it surprised me that they made the wrong moves..

But then... you know.. ..maybe they thought that Gerard merely reporting Allisons disappearance was as far as their connection to the matter went.. I dunno.. Maybe it really never ever crossed their collective minds that Gerard would indeed be arrested for this hideous crime at any time on this earth, hence, big shock and fury etc.
Thanks Trooper, I know what you are saying - I feel they have been able to block the reality that many of us have felt for the past 2 months.

I think I could do the same though not let the little doubts niggle at you because if they did you would end up traveling down a soul destroying track.

The anger that they exhibited would be the frustration of the whole thing. If they have not been involved in any way, then they have a right to be angry at our GBC has destroyed there lives as well.

There are so many victims in this murder, it is like a spiders web, just when you think you have got a definitive number on the victims involved, another couple of innocent people come on the horizon.
I had better read the QPS site about the watch house, I don't know what is appropriate
and I don't suppose the BC thought they needed to know either a couple of months ago.

Thank you Trooper
The funeral would have been awkward to say the very very least. Imagine the two families silently suspecting who was guilty of this devastating crime. The BC's being stoic and impassive in theface of the Dickies theirsole purpose of attending as support for GBC and showing up really for appearances. And the poor Dickies who should have been able to unleash their deepest emotions- yet having to appear even and measured. What it would have taken to suppress so much pain and agony. JMHO

I am surprised to hear that perhaps the pastor was not present - you would think he would be their to support OW. I was also surprised that the kids of OW were not there. This funeral was all about supporting the girls and letting them say farewell to their mum. At a recent family funeral we attended all the young cousins got such a lot of support from each other it was really a heartwarming and such a positive and loving gesture for them to support each other. Kids warmth and frienships have a way of transcending family politics. Play and interaction are healing and while I am not advocating they start playing at their mothers funeral - I think having a similar aged confidante to unload to would be helpful.
I was just looking at some photos from Allison's funeral, and it just occurred to me that it was strange that Olivia husband (who is a minister) did not participate in officiating at the funeral.

I am a catholic and often ministers from other denominations participate in important life liturgies, e.g. weddings and funerals, and if I had a BIL who was a minister I would want him included in my funeral. I don't recall seeing a photo of Olivia at the funeral, but surely she was present.


Yes, Olivia was present at Allison's funeral (see link to the photo).
The funeral would have been awkward to say the very very least. Imagine the two families silently suspecting who was guilty of this devastating crime. The BC's being stoic and impassive in theface of the Dickies theirsole purpose of attending as support for GBC and showing up really for appearances. And the poor Dickies who should have been able to unleash their deepest emotions- yet having to appear even and measured. What it would have taken to suppress so much pain and agony. JMHO

I am surprised to hear that perhaps the pastor was not present - you would think he would be their to support OW. I was also surprised that the kids of OW were not there. This funeral was all about supporting the girls and letting them say farewell to their mum. At a recent family funeral we attended all the young cousins got such a lot of support from each other it was really a heartwarming and such a positive and loving gesture for them to support each other. Kids warmth and frienships have a way of transcending family politics. Play and interaction are healing and while I am not advocating they start playing at their mothers funeral - I think having a similar aged confidante to unload to would be helpful.

i didn't realise Olivia children didn't attend, perhaps that was the excuse for there Dad not being there as well. Odd family dynamic.

I totally agree with you, i think young children give support to each other in time of grief, and shared memories are really helpful. Children have an innocence and lack of remorse that adults find uncomfortable but that there peers expect.
I think Marlywings it is like many facets of this case, been reported by a sensationalizing media.

I am convinced that the more delve into this case and more facts the are released to the public, that we really have been told or had reported to us many incorrect details.

One example is the comments by the police early in the case that GBC was a suspect and then he wasn't a suspect and then he was the accused and had been the chief suspect since day one. I think most of us could see that there was some discrepancies with that opinion.

I agree as we have discussed before, that we are being fed what the police want the media to tell us and it is reported, when not officially coming from the QPS, as the journalist want it to be portrayed.

I've seen this mentioned quite a few times..."that media have sensationalized this case"....everyone knows the media are about making $$$'s but in my opinion, especially concerning print media, they've kept this case in almost daily headlines because this is what people want to read...otherwise, as with so many other cases, there would have been barely a mention of it. (I don't think we'd be here on this forum without plus...I think many of the journos want to see justice for Allison also.

Yes there have been a few discrepancies but for the majority of it I think they've reported it straight from police.

Re the comments by police as to "suspect/not suspect". Around day 1, Inspector Ainsworth said "GBC was a person of interest along with other persons of interest". Then the lawyer was engaged....after that when the Inspector was asked if GBC was a suspect, it was "no comment or I can't comment on that".
Coincidentally the pastors last tweet was about officiating at a friends wedding at Easter time from memory.

Also just noticed the sales at century 21 for the last few weeks prior. 11th April was a good day for sales. IMO 23 properties sold in 6 months means there must have been some money coming in?

The overheads are big, office, advertising, travel costs, there were 6 people listed aside from the Baden-Clays in the team. Under a million dollars in revenue, if the median house prices are $800K and the commission 5%. I don't know if I'm being overly or under generous with those figures, I looked up a couple of suburbs, not sure about the 5%. After expenses and tax, I can't imagine it was an impressive return for any of them, probably reasonable if you haven't run up debt.
i didn't realise Olivia children didn't attend, perhaps that was the excuse for there Dad not being there as well. Odd family dynamic.

I totally agree with you, i think young children give support to each other in time of grief, and shared memories are really helpful. Children have an innocence and lack of remorse that adults find uncomfortable but that there peers expect.

Apparently there were 3 young boys dressed in suits at the funeral. Not sure of the child dynamics in the family.I believe Allison's sister has children as does Gerard's sister.
I think perhaps Marlywings that what you are saying is what I am referring to. There does not seem to be impartiality in the reporting. That may be what I am wrongly calling "sensationalism".

Journalists personal feelings are coming through in the reporting and I don't thin that is right.
But then... you know.. ..maybe they thought that Gerard merely reporting Allisons disappearance was as far as their connection to the matter went.. I dunno.. Maybe it really never ever crossed their collective minds that Gerard would indeed be arrested for this hideous crime at any time on this earth, hence, big shock and fury etc.

IF a certain post made back in thread #18 is to be believed, I wonder why they thought he was "so close to the edge"

From the post made by a friend of a Baden Clay friend, (after Paul Tully mentioned on his blog about "immunity".)

"From what I have heard in the last few days, if this information gets to the killer, and I am sure it will, he is so close to "the edge" he will surely give up and there will be no need to offer immunity to anyone "
The overheads are big, office, advertising, travel costs, there were 6 people listed aside from the Baden-Clays in the team. Under a million dollars in revenue, if the median house prices are $800K and the commission 5%. I don't know if I'm being overly or under generous with those figures, I looked up a couple of suburbs, not sure about the 5%. After expenses and tax, I can't imagine it was an impressive return for any of them, probably reasonable if you haven't run up debt.

one house a week , half of the commission to the sales agent, rest to take care of expenses, doing it pretty tough I would assume but would need to keep up the image for the sake of the agency. My major pondering is around he would have made a great deal through the real estate boom and doesn t seem to own anything and really, he is a so called connected prominent Businessman, doesn t add up , where is the money, it has to be somewhere. Does not make any sense, nor do their actions , the whole family , something is hidden here IMO
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