Astrology - MUNDANE (World Affairs & Events)

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What is going on with water? The oil spill, flooding in the south and a water main break in the Boston area are all ongoing, love to hear anything about you guys and thanks!

Well, Moe, this new month of July begins with even more emphasis on water. Sun in Water, the winds of Mercury in Water and the Moon in Water. Cancer and Pisces~WET.
I've been a lurker on the Astrology threads for quite a while and I think you are all so talented!! I have a question and I hope it's not too "dorky"! I was watching the World Cup Soccer matches and they showed the "Boesmansgat sinkhole in South Africa". I have been interested in sinkholes for quite a while. Of course, some are small, but the big ones just fascinate me, although I am sorry for the destruction they cause. The Guatemala one looks like it is a door straight to He!!..
Is there anything in Astrology that speaks of the sinkholes and how it might pertain to our future?
There are monstrous ones in China, some new. We will look into this. Thanks for the question.
A female and a male suicide bomber injured from 50 to 100 people in the large Iranian city of Zahedan, July 15, 2010 at 9:20 p.m. Between 20 and 30 people were killed outright. The Moon was visiting the Iranian Republic's lunar node (exact) while Mars opposed the country's Mars and Saturn opposed the country's Mercury, both natal planets in House 8. Transit Mars was also square natal Neptune, which is treacherous and sometimes explosive. The acts (two bombings) were attributed to followers of the Wahhabi or Rigi.

Escalade driver blessed by luck and a good Samaritan when a sink hole opens up and swallows him and his vehicle. Automobiles are both Mercury and Uranus and on this night of torrential flooding in downtown Milwaukee, both planets were afflicted. Mercury was not only opposite the waters, Neptune, but was intercepted in House 7, confined in a hole. Uranus was opposed by Saturn (who was also parallel Mars).

This happened on Thursday evening, a day ruled by Jupiter and when he is stationary, matters come to a standstill. The airport was also flooded and flights were grounded. Two people were struck by lightning.

Not only was Saturn, the manhole cover, broken by Uranus conjunct Jupiter but Moon square Mars assured the breakage would come at this moment. Repair will require two weeks or more according to city engineer estimates.
I found this article that I would Really like someone to look at. Whenever anyone threatens with anything nuclear, I lose LOTS of sleep. This show of force is suppose to happen Sunday and last 4 days, NK is threatening "a physical responce." Lots of scary back and forth in this article.... Please look into this for me. Thanks
North Korea's powerful National Defense Commission, led by leader Kim Jong Il, warned that its troops would counter the move to hold military maneuvers involving a nuclear-armed U.S. supercarrier with a "retaliatory sacred war."

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young announced earlier this week in Seoul that the allies would stage a massive four-day military show of force starting Sunday to send a "clear message" to North Korea to stop its aggressive behavior.

The exercises will be "another expression of hostile policy against" North Korea. "There will be physical response against the threat imposed by the United States militarily," Ri told reporters.
If violent aftermath ensues, it will come through the agency of a youthful organisation or group of provocateurs, Pluto in Capricorn in the Sign of House 7 (North Korea) but well down in House 6, acting against the common good. Pluto rules House 5, where the Fixed Star Khambalia of the Crooked Claw is found.

Diplomatic overtures will continue, Moon ruling ASC in House 7 but there is no denying that we do have a crisis, Uranus and Saturn both at zero degrees Cardinal and both afflicted by the Plutonian element already described.

Way back in this thread we were discussing events surrounding this summer, and please correct if I'm wrong, but are these coming weeks troublesome? I seem to remember talk of disruptions this coming weekend, but I can't find the discussion. Thanks, you guys are the best!
Yes, your memory is solid. Mars and Saturn knocking over the furniture in the parlor, Pluto all beady eyed, saying "You'll pay for this!" and Jupiter saying, "Wait 'til you see the bill!"
Thank you Tuba, could you please refresh my memory on the details?
We launch the month of August on Sunday, under a Cardinal T-Square. Mars will conjoin Saturn opposite Jupiter conjunct Uranus, squared by Pluto in Capricorn. Venus and Jupiter together in Cancer in the horoscope of the United States receive all those afflicted energies. When Jupiter is afflicted, you know that too much is asked of the nation; the imposition is too great. Who is leaning too hard? Who is making the demands? The pressure is financial (because it targets our Second House) and comes from three sectors. 1.) our own legislature (2. those to whom we are indebted 3.) speculators. The Cardinal T is from those horoscope Houses, 11, 8 and 5.

This crunch is way more worrisome because it follows the lunar eclipse at 4:46 Capricorn which applied stress to the same Jupiter. The till is empty.
Yikes! Thanks so much Tuba, I very much appreciate your hard work.
Best to think of this as one process from the July eclipse onward.
When Jupiter is afflicted, you know that too much is asked of the nation; the imposition is too great. Who is leaning too hard? Who is making the demands? The pressure is financial (because it targets our Second House) and comes from three sectors. 1.) our own legislature (2. those to whom we are indebted 3.) speculators.

That's a nice analysis.

For those learning, Jupiter is expansive. Expansion can be good, except if you're gaining weight. When Jupiter is in a bad position (in a cadent house, no dignity etc) or afflicted by malefic planets, the expansion ends up being excessive, too much growth, growth occurs too quickly, over enlargement, over spending, wasteful, or anything else negative.
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It is a good thing. There is a relief well available now, if problems occur with the static kill.
On July 29, a Thursday, SB1070 went into effect at midnight. The chart is cast at the State Capitol, where it was written and enacted. The law goes forward after Federal review which ruled against two provisions, en route to appeal.

Although the Moon is in her element, Water, in legislating on this matter, she is also Mutable or Common, if you prefer. Therefore, some changes are sure in the months ahead. The Moon will eventually oppose Venus, then sesquare the Sun.

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