Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #14

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In my personal life I judge a person's character by what they do. It's hard for people to say exactly what they think and feel. Even if you consciously attempt to be totally frank, your subconscious has a huge bearing on the words you choose, on how you say them and on your body language. Skilled detectives seem to have almost a sixth sense for knowing not just when a person is lying, but what that person's body is saying.

The action of men Best interpret their thoughts.....
you are right in semi is possible to hear quite a bit from the neighbours at night.. Suprising, I think many people assume on acerage you would not hear anything- not true.

I would assume you'd hear even more if you're on acreage.
I believe people are hesitant to state their concern for him even when they feel sympathy for him as an innocent man. unfortunately he is portrayed through the media and grapevine as a disrespectful, philandering self centered man. On top of that, his actions and the actions of nearly EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS ASSOCIATE/FRIEND/NEIGHBOUR/COMMUNITY CONTACTS/GENERAL FAMILY AND FRIENDS OVER HIS 40 ODD YEARS seem to indicate that no one wants a bar of him...NO ONE..even his own family, whilst not turning him away, couldn't be described as definitively supportive...they are perhaps only supportive in their TOTAL SILENCE, its not so much that they state their believe and faith in him, they kind of just pot around and say sweet F all. There are plenty of reasons why they aren't receiving a single ounce of compassion IMO, and most of it is of their own doing

are you referring to this quote? Its the closest I could find to what you said earlier?
"The best thing about social media is that it gives everyone a voice. The worst thing about social media is that it gives everyone a voice."

When that voice is saying "We will not suffer killers to live among us" then it has to be heard I think. There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Violent offenders need to be called to account for their actions. Lynch mobs are wrong, but we shouldn't be telling decent citizens to bottle up their frustrations and outrage. They need outlets.
When that voice is saying "We will not suffer killers to live among us" then it has to be heard I think. There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Violent offenders need to be called to account for their actions. Lynch mobs are wrong, but we shouldn't be telling decent citizens to bottle up their frustrations and outrage. They need outlets.

So well said!!! :)
phone related I've still got a fixation with what time the sister in law spoke to Allison on the night........and why...

that was a damned creepy piece of news IMO....its still freakin me out too Greg....I don't believe in coincidences
In my personal life I judge a person's character by what they do. It's hard for people to say exactly what they think and feel. Even if you consciously attempt to be totally frank, your subconscious has a huge bearing on the words you choose, on how you say them and on your body language. Skilled detectives seem to have almost a sixth sense for knowing not just when a person is lying, but what that person's body is saying.

Totally agree. I have met many though who can be swayed by a few powerful words or choice sayings, and almost switch off to what they are actually seeing or sensing. Significant speakers on the power of the mind/success is yours type seminars come to mind. It's interesting to watch these on tv without sound - what is observed often seems so different to what may be heard.
When that voice is saying "We will not suffer killers to live among us" then it has to be heard I think. There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Violent offenders need to be called to account for their actions. Lynch mobs are wrong, but we shouldn't be telling decent citizens to bottle up their frustrations and outrage. They need outlets.

Very well said. I believe that intent has some meaning and credence in law, although I'm unsure of how it is applied. Nevertheless I believe that the intent of so many of those here who are certain or extremely suspicious about the behaviour of certain players in this tragedy are very well intentioned. Many people here have started out with an open mind and have not arrived at their conclusions without a great degree of angst.
that was a damned creepy piece of news IMO....its still freakin me out too Greg....I don't believe in coincidences

No neither do I minni......Not with this situation anyway
So I used your link and travelled along Mt Crosby Rd all the way to Hawkesbury Rd - no sign of the camera (?) that I thought I saw today. Must be seeing things! :)

Street view is only updated every 5 years or so at the moment.
I think the last time it went through was maybe 2010 or something like that, so a camera may have been installed since then.
Why they would have a traffic camera on such a quiet road is weird, but it might well be used for monitoring cars/trucks illegally dumping.
It's probably been mentioned somwhere on here before but how long would it take phone co. to locate it??

IF your theory is car??...thrown out at BC's to make it appear as though GBC had tossed it??

I'd still like to know if all those gutterings & septic tanks were checked at BC's & or church/child centre.

"Food for thought"...I think our thoughts are sooo over weight
I'm not sure how accurate a phone company can be. It's not GPS. It can only be based on the strength of the 'ping' on available towers and then a plot on a map as to where those three or five ping strengths could come from. Suddenly 12 days later - bingo - located within 150m. Not logical.

I don't know what to think.

Blue car did come to mind.

Did Allison leave the phone in the car of another person who didn't want to get involved in the murder investigation but felt obliged to ensure the phone was found and did so after following news reports and checking his/her car?

Fattening thoughts "). Yep. I find the phone a bit intriguing. I imagine the police now have it.
Totally agree. I have met many though who can be swayed by a few powerful words or choice sayings, and almost switch off to what they are actually seeing or sensing. Significant speakers on the power of the mind/success is yours type seminars come to mind. It's interesting to watch these on tv without sound - what is observed often seems so different to what may be heard.

I know. it's so annoying when you can see what's really going on but others will be swayed by a few carefully chosen crappy words. I've always tended to be able to read between the lines, and see what a person is really like. Mind you I've gone against my gut instincts a few times, and wished I hadn't.

Even though you wish these people could see through the lies, you can't change the way they are, it's in their make-up, and not necessarily their fault. But it's how alot of conmen get away their rubbishy lies.... sadly. IMO
When that voice is saying "We will not suffer killers to live among us" then it has to be heard I think. There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Violent offenders need to be called to account for their actions. Lynch mobs are wrong, but we shouldn't be telling decent citizens to bottle up their frustrations and outrage. They need outlets.

This goes against the very cornerstone of the justice system in Australia. There is absolutely nothing in the law that allows a place for people to express anger, outrage and frustration outside the legal system. This is what the system is in place to prevent - and is the definition of lawlessness.

I would be very interested to know what place are you referring to and where it exists, and how it operates *outside* the legal system.

Violent offenders do need to be called to account - that is why we have a justice system.

Also, the definition of the term "decent citizens" depends on who creates the definition of "decent".

Personally, I would hate to see anyone follow this line of thinking and believe they are permitted to operate outside the law, and justified in their behaviour.

If people need to vent frustrations, there is a whole industry of psychologists waiting to help them.


IMO, etc
OFF TOPIC but........ NIGHT Y'ALL :eek:fftobed:
yes. very true. I was ready to call the cops on one of the neighbours only a week or so after ALlison dissapeared. (Think I was a bit spooked by that). There was almighty row..I was at the window listening ready to dial 000.(I might add I wasn't eavesdropping..just trying to guage whether I needed to ring QPS)

Did you end up calling police or they quietened down??

To anyone...

How bad would it have to sound before you'd call police... or... not bother as you don't want to get involved??
Don't think GBC choices have done much for his romance. This will be a new form of contraception as well for him.
Should GBC draw the unlucky ticket he will have to eat his cornies with his back to the wall. :jail:
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