AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #15

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It reminds me of another case where I just have halfway concluded someone planned it so that it couldn't be figured out! Even if I try to go back to what is the simplest explanation, it seems there is no way to find one.

What really bugs me is that from Dec 8th - Dec 18th there is just way too much going on.

Soooooo much going on in that timeframe. Like a tornado.

Thank you for talking about this with me, time :)

ETA: Good night, everybody.

Time and BeanE, I am somewhere in between your two viewpoints. I think TPS might very well have been in on the original plan (if she didn't mastermind it entirely) but somewhere along the line, EJ took matters into her own hands. Maybe that happened when she found out she couldn't change jurisdictions...? Anyhow, maybe TPS knew EJ had gone rogue but there was nothing further she could do to stop her (without implicating herself). EJ either found a couple-sent-from-heaven in the park-that-might-have-been or she took what she saw as the ultimate revenge against LM - and against TPS. Poor Gabriel...

As always, MOO.
Wow, very well thought out theories, all of these. So many good points to ponder.

They all lead me back to the same place, stuck in the twilight zone between thinking Gabriel has wonderful caring new parents, Gabriel has new psycho parking-lot-CraigsList-parkvariety 'parents', or Gabriel is at peace in universal harmony and no longer with us.

Nothing we know really makes it clear which of these it is, it could be any, and a good case can be made for each of them.
This case has peoples emotions running. Forget Casey Anthony, forget other stories, forcus on this case. There is so many people here that are good at what they do, focus, focus, focus.... focus on bringing little Gabe home alive or with the angels. There is too many speculations lately and not enough truths from what I see.. Which I know it's hard to get the truths because the one key person isn't talking... wring her by the neck and make her talk... she knows more... the babysitter isn't talking and honestly i'm to the point that yes tps was involved but i really think "little miss thing" that gave birth flipped and did something.. you see so many anymore.. what do you honestly think anymore... it's sad.. and his little eyes look so sad.. do i pray that he's still here with us 100% in my heart thinks?... my little blake is skipping with little gabriel getting ready to go fishing up in the protection of all little ones.. protection against the ones that has completely failed them..
praying for gabe, hailey, and many many more!!!!!!!!!
113 people in this thread... BRING GABE HOME! TO HIS DAD WHERE HE BELONGS... If Not let him rest in peace and find him and give him peace..
What are all your thoughts on LE not releasing information from the GPS?
Obviously from the news thread, it has been analyzed.

I personally don't think it is to keep anyone from learning her locations to warn a "potential" couple that they are on to them... (that hasn't been said, I am only brainstorming)
Seems to me that they would release that information though so that if anyone in those particular places may have seen something, they can call in tips. So many people don't watch the national news, yet do watch their local news, so I don't understand why they don't release those locations.

I am going to speculate that there is not much on the GPS they can figure out -- and this is through faulty or no logic at all--

It's just that I am not convinced that it tracks where you have been without you plugging in a destination-- I could be wrong, but if I am wrong I sure would like to access that information on my own GPS because I get lost all the time using the damn thing!

Sure I can find all of the addresses I have searched out in the past, but most of the time the contraption that ~ takes me to dead ends and insists that I turn left ~ is off and in the console--

Does a Garmin store everywhere you have driven even if you have not asked for directions? IDK but Certainly not when it is turned off :p

Okay, now will qualify my original statement-- LE may have found out that TS gave her that Garmin? but that is all

LE could be not releasing that information for the same reason they may have leaked the alleged video at EJ' s hotel --

[just thinking out loud]
The good news it that I don't think there are any possibilities we haven't come up with.
The bad news is that there are so darn many possibilities and in the craziness, none of them seems more likely than any other.
There doesn't seem to be much in the publicly released evidence either.
I want Gabriel to be alive so badly and I feel that he does deserve my belief until it can be disproven. But on the other hand, I also fear that he is not, and that his memory deserves the full force of the anger for that aimed at EJ.

My head hurts from the continuous bouncing it off this wall.
Blessings to little Blake, and to you also.

Thank you baby... my little blake passed on from liver cancer at 11 1/2 months but because of his momma he's up there swinging from a big ole tire swing in the sky and showing all the little ones that come up showing them how to fish, bait their hooks, and possibly cooking that fish for them.!!!!!

Find little sweet precious gabe!
I am going to speculate that there is not much on the GPS they can figure out -- and this is through faulty or no logic at all--

It's just that I am not convinced that it tracks where you have been without you plugging in a destination-- I could be wrong, but if I am wrong I sure would like to access that information on my own GPS because I get lost all the time using the damn thing!

Sure I can find all of the addresses I have searched out in the past, but most of the time the contraption that ~ takes me to dead ends and insists that I turn left ~ is off and in the console--

Does a Garmin store everywhere you have driven even if you have not asked for directions? IDK but Certainly not when it is turned off :p

Okay, now will qualify my original statement-- LE may have found out that TS gave her that Garmin? but that is all

LE could be not releasing that information for the same reason they may have leaked the alleged video at EJ' s hotel --

[just thinking out loud]

My husband is a sales manager for dodge dealership and I will question him tomorrow on the GPS thing as I know i've heard alot of his calls about them.. will get back to you tomorrow on them!
EJ could have known she was moving on from the motel where Analisa babysat or she probably knew that housekeeping ladies are probably pretty nosey and might have already seen a man going to the other motel during the day while they were working. Then again, she already feared being traced and told Analisa not to answer the door. She could have wanted the baby out of there if she was gone in case he might be rescued.

BBM Now that is logic that I can subscribe to!
I am going to speculate that there is not much on the GPS they can figure out -- and this is through faulty or no logic at all--

It's just that I am not convinced that it tracks where you have been without you plugging in a destination-- I could be wrong, but if I am wrong I sure would like to access that information on my own GPS because I get lost all the time using the damn thing!

Sure I can find all of the addresses I have searched out in the past, but most of the time the contraption that ~ takes me to dead ends and insists that I turn left ~ is off and in the console--

Does a Garmin store everywhere you have driven even if you have not asked for directions? IDK but Certainly not when it is turned off :p

Okay, now will qualify my original statement-- LE may have found out that TS gave her that Garmin? but that is all

LE could be not releasing that information for the same reason they may have leaked the alleged video at EJ' s hotel --

[just thinking out loud]

Too bad they didn't find one of these:

"It's like having a personal Private Investigator for a fraction of the price!"
The Tracking Key is a small, pocket sized device that receives signals from the twenty-four Department of Defense satellites orbiting the earth. The internal computer accurately determines the location of the device within 2.5 meters and records this data every second.

With this data and the included LandAirSea Tracking software, you can accurately determine where a person traveled, how fast they drove, where they stopped and for how long. The recorded data from the Tracking Key can be displayed over a street map, satellite images or in a text report.

But, I'm looking at the least expensive Garmin on this page

and, it says:

Minimum Pocket PC requirements: Pocket PC 2002 (Bluetooth enabled) or Windows Mobile for the Pocket PC 2003 operating system, 16 MB program memory

Minimum PC requirements: Pentium-class processor or compatible; Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME, or XP operating system; 32 MB RAM; 800 MB – 2 GB of free hard disk space, CD-ROM drive; 16-bit color display adapter and monitor; mouse or other pointing device; Internet access recommended

So what is the PC used for? I guess it's going the other way, so you can upload maps into it?

Sorry, I have never used one in my car
So what is the PC used for? I guess it's going the other way, so you can upload maps into it?

Sorry, I have never used one in my car

Yes, You can download maps into them. I haven't used the car GPS systems that often but I've used handhelds a lot in my job. My phone has a GPS application I use in the car if I ever need directions.

I would think she would have used a standard made specifically for a car-type GPS. Think Tom-Tom or something like that. I think most of those come stocked with maps. Im not sure if those would record your location or not. They aren't like regular handheld GPS units which you can mark points or look at your tracks.
Sorry, I just can't buy that "Tammi was simply giving Eliz suggestions" or that Tammi was Elizabeth's puppet. I think Tammi has had years of experience at these thing, far more than Elizabeth. Methinks you are speculating a bit too much, but that's just my opinion. I don't think Elizabeth had the expertise to come up with some of the legal ploys and I don't think she manipulated Tammi into putting someone else's name on there as the father - frankly, I think that idea was Tammi's. Tammi has a criminal record that includes falsifying documents and other stuff. There appears to be a lot of controversy over the adoption of "H", of Tammi's connections (think Janet from The Adoption Place) and so on. Tammi knows all the ins and outs of these things, it basically looks like it was her life the past several years. Tammi was practicing without a license and looks like she skipped out on a fine. Elizabeth does not have all this kind of history - she has a history, yes, but .... look who had the real experience and expertise and had already put some of it into practice.

I honestly felt that Tammi yes had alot to do with this case but also think that at one point has some how got distant from it.. Did she met EJ in the airport possibly, was she upset about having a baby possibly. I don't think EJ and LM had a good relationship from the beginning. Honestly do I believe the airport story, i almost think it's a cover up for tammi and husband of hers... but what I'm starting to think and I could be way off is that.. EJ at the beginning was wanting to adopt, looked several times on craigs list.. tammie posted on there looking as well.. they met up possibly n a airport and probably tammie flew them out there as a potential buyer (illegal adoption) and said I want your baby I know you don't want him... and i'll be honest here.. LM is young.. not really in the babies life.. so she's all alone.. she works it out so ok. let's play this out... little miss momma decides to follow thru and tries to talk daddy into it and realizes he's more involved than she realizes with the baby and freaks.. gottta have a hit... what do i do with him... tammi is calling me non stop... luke is calling me where is my boy...what do i do... i need somthing.. call a sitter.. "Too Make Thinks Look Good".. no one is getting him.. he's mine.. but i don't want him and i don't want anyone else to have him. Babysitter leaves.... tammi is calling.. leave him let me know where you are?.... LM... bring my baby home.... HER THINKING... why does NOBODY WANT ME??????????????all they want is my baby and not me?????????
The handheld GPS also allow you to download data on your computer (say you mark points of say ponds) but like I said don't think the car-specific ones do that.
I honestly felt that Tammi yes had alot to do with this case but also think that at one point has some how got distant from it.. Did she met EJ in the airport possibly, was she upset about having a baby possibly. I don't think EJ and LM had a good relationship from the beginning. Honestly do I believe the airport story, i almost think it's a cover up for tammi and husband of hers... but what I'm starting to think and I could be way off is that.. EJ at the beginning was wanting to adopt, looked several times on craigs list.. tammie posted on there looking as well.. they met up possibly n a airport and probably tammie flew them out there as a potential buyer (illegal adoption) and said I want your baby I know you don't want him... and i'll be honest here.. LM is young.. not really in the babies life.. so she's all alone.. she works it out so ok. let's play this out... little miss momma decides to follow thru and tries to talk daddy into it and realizes he's more involved than she realizes with the baby and freaks.. gottta have a hit... what do i do with him... tammi is calling me non stop... luke is calling me where is my boy...what do i do... i need somthing.. call a sitter.. "Too Make Thinks Look Good".. no one is getting him.. he's mine.. but i don't want him and i don't want anyone else to have him. Babysitter leaves.... tammi is calling.. leave him let me know where you are?.... LM... bring my baby home.... HER THINKING... why does NOBODY WANT ME??????????????all they want is my baby and not me?????????

I know she was upset that LM didn't want to deal with her anymore and took it out of her control by filing for custody. As far as her not wanting the baby but not wanting anyone else to have him, I think she didn't want the baby but wanted to control who got him. He was HER baby and she would control who had him and the Smiths were kissing her a$$ and LM wasn't.
If EJ did the unthinkable, I wonder if she wanted revenge on Tammi (for trying to control her) as much as she wanted revenge on LM...?
Well, this is how I see it. Maybe no one sees strong evidence that Gabriel is alive, but it doesn't appear there is any strong evidence he isn't either. Unless someone confesses, LE finds some evidence to suggest he is dead, or something else drastic is announced, I just don't see any reason to think he is gone and will still keep thinking he is alive.
If EJ did the unthinkable, I wonder if she wanted revenge on Tammi (for trying to control her) as much as she wanted revenge on LM...?

Well, the babysitter did say that grandma/Tammi yelled at her loud enough that she could hear her herself, and that EJ argued back. I think they fought. I think EJ was angry when Logan got full custody. I think EJ was angry when Tammi told her to come back and EJ said "NEVER".

And, as BobbiBu says, it probably infuriated her that it was all about the BABY and not HER.

Her whining about Logan going thru the courts instead of calling her and taking that to mean he didn't care about GABRIEL was really twisted.

And then there's that explosive rage.....
I know she was upset that LM didn't want to deal with her anymore and took it out of her control by filing for custody. As far as her not wanting the baby but not wanting anyone else to have him, I think she didn't want the baby but wanted to control who got him. He was HER baby and she would control who had him and the Smiths were kissing her a$$ and LM wasn't.

I feel when you say control twice is what she wanted. Woman can be powerful. When it comes to their kids they can be very powerful. If she was not in the right state of mind say drugs(reason for babysitter) or post partum.. control is almost the last you think of when it comes to what are you going to do with him. It's already been stated he was calling her and tps was calling they lost contact.. why? because in her state of mind of deciding nobody is going to have him and that is because i'm not wanted.. (several foster homes) that nobody is going to have him... I'm starting to think this girl was the type of person that if nobody wants me they aren't going to have me. Really if you think about it he dumped her, she had adopted parents set up, she was in several herself.. he was wanting to have him back home... it was just to much pressure on herself... she took care of the situation cause for one time in her life she felt control.
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