GUILTY AZ - Six killed, 13 injured in shooting at Gabrielle Giffords event, 8 Jan 2011 - #1

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Rest in peace, Pastor Stoddard.

The young girl who was a victim was a member of her student council. She's a martyr, IMO. She was doing exactly what we want our young people to do do. She was getting involved and asking questions. Bless her.
I saw on CNN earlier (on TV, so can't link it) that cops aren't convinced the gunman acted alone. Has anyone heard anything else about this?
They x-rayed the device and didn't like what they saw in it so the used a water like bomb to destroy it. They don't think it was a live bomb but still studying it.
I saw on CNN earlier (on TV, so can't link it) that cops aren't convinced the gunman acted alone. Has anyone heard anything else about this?

Yes, they said that they have a picture of a 50 year old man who may have been at the scene with him.
Cypros, I noticed they were all over that car, but haven't a clue yet. I do know that I found the father and mothers names and ages. They are in their 50's. Not sure who is involved and too much is unfolding still.

Juts go to and search the killer's name. His parents and their ages are listed. His father is 58 (give or take a year, as ussearch doesn't always get it quite accurate).

I will NOT list their names here. At this juncture, they are just more victims in this. Until proved otherwise.

The home shows to have been last purchased in 1977, but built in 1982. Even given 1977 $$ (sub $3K), looks like whoever made that purchase bought lot, then built on it in 1982. No sales of that property since then, so either the family has owned since new, or a landlord has owned since new. Or Zillow somehow missed a sale of the property.
To address the 2nd person of interest. I've been watching the KOLD live feed off and on for several hours and bopping back and forth on TV channels, and caught mention of a man seen running away from the site shortly before the shooting started. Please don't hold me to the precise details, as today has been information overload -- but I believe it was a KOLD phone interview with an emergency room doctor who happened to be one of the witnesses to the carnage. Most of what he discussed was in regards to injuries he observed, given he is position as a physician.

He mentioned that he, or somebody else there, saw this man (although I thought was mention he was young, as in closer to shooter's age) booking away on foot and in a seeming hurry. Somebody thought (at that moment) maybe they had stolen something and thus why they were leaving the area in such a hurry.

At least that is my best recollection of the mention of the man seen running away.

Dunno if that is who LE is looking for, but my guess is, since they know what he looks like, he was on security video and something on that video made him look suspicious, and connected to this event.
KOLD_news13 KOLD News 13
Those killed today: Christina Greene, 9, Gabe Zimmerman, 30, John Roll, 63, Dorthy Murray, 76, Dorwin Stoddard, 76, Phyllis Scheck, 79
He mentioned that he, or somebody else there, saw this man (although I thought was mention he was young, as in closer to shooter's age) booking away on foot and in a seeming hurry. Somebody thought (at that moment) maybe they had stolen something and thus why they were leaving the area in such a hurry.

At least that is my best recollection of the mention of the man seen running away.

If I'm at the grocery store and suddenly hear / see some guy(s) shooting, I'd be booking away on foot and seeming in a hurry as well.
It looks like he (Loughner) had at least one duplicate YouTube account; maybe he had dupes on the social networks as well? I'm not that good at sleuthing, is there any way to check?
Also killed was 9-year-old Christina Taylor G. of Tucson.

A neighbor was going to the Giffords event and invited Christina along because she thought she would enjoy it, said her uncle, Greg Segalini.

Christina had just been elected to the student council at her school.:(

Read more:

That kids parents must be destroyed. If the neighbor survived he must be destroyed too.


TY for the correction, Nova.

IMO, Loughner seems to be trying to promote the argument that any criticism against his assassination attempt is an erroneous criticism against him - an Ad hominem attack - and that, instead, we should overlook his murderous actions since, according to him, he committed them for a *noble* cause (i.e. the end justifies the means).

I believe he fully expected to die today in that parking lot after he shot Representative Giffords and the other victims. Instead, he's now faced with the potential prospect of defending his heinously illogical, indefensible actions.

It would be interesting to see him take the stand in his own defense.

He repeats everything twice as if to hypnotize you to his beliefs. His line of thought makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. He speaks of starting his own currency and that colleges are illegal, police are illegal... He mentions at one time being removed from a college for expressing one's opinion is illegal. I wonder if and when that happened to him.

From the link;

The sheriff called it a "sad day for America." But he also hoped Americans were upset with the heated political rhetoric from radio and TV commentators.

I've heard political radio hosts saying that one group wants to destroy the economy and other crackpot theories that are expressed in an angry tone. It's no wonder things are getting politically out of hand in this country.

WHAM here in Rochester carries "The Michael Savage Show". I've never listened to a full show. I've only heard excerpts from the advertisements and he is a very, very unstable and angry man. He seems to yell everything he says. The problem is he gets ratings.

It seems people today don't want challenges to their way of thinking and gladly accept lies and/or half truths to encourage them to believe what they're told. IMO, it's this political tone that leads to these things happening. JMO
Another question I have is why did he turn on the crowd? Did he see them as the illiterates he railed against in his psycho babble?
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