GUILTY AZ - Timothy Romans, 39, & Vincent Romero, 29, slain, St Johns, 5 Nov 2008 - #6

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I recall reading something about 4 young boys in Florida dousing their friend in rubbing alcohol and setting him on fire...I think that was pretty violent and aggressive.

I doubt this is the only child who has every killed their fact I know it is not. And this is not the only child who killed an innocent bystander because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think it is right and I am not making an excuse for this child. I think this boy needs help and I'm sure he will get it.

What? Then perhaps you have a link where another child this age lured an innocent man to their death. I have never heard of such case.

But yes you are right this is not the first case where a child has killed a parent. We have seen many of them lately and they kill for the most foolish reasons imaganiable.........because they thought the parent were too strict...because they didn't like being told to do chores....because they put them on restriction or wouldn't let them play their games or date whomever they wanted.

This child premeditated the murders of two people. I have never heard of another defendant this young committing premeditated double homicide. An adult couldn't have carried this off any better imo.

I am glad that at least for now he is housed in a secured facility where he cannot leave. Whether he can be treated is undetermined at this time but I certainly hope that he can be for society's sake but imo he has a conduct disorder which is very hard to treat with success.

As Romans' wife Tanya and her two college-aged daughters sobbed and cried over the pain of losing Tim, the boy began to sniffle and then cry.

He took off his glasses and grabbed several tissues.

As Tanya explained the pain and begged the court to explain the motive behind the child's actions, the boy's mother comforted him with her hand on his small back dressed in a pressed, blue button down shirt.

Tanya described her husband as a very good man and father, the only man she's ever known since high school. "He was my soulmate," she said.

Tanya wondered aloud if other people could have played a role. "Was somone else involved? Did someone put you up to this?"

She pleaded for answers, answers only one person in the court could ever give but did not.

The Romans' family spokesman, John Andreas, was furious.

Earlier a spokesman for the Probation Department recommended that the boy see some "rentention component," adding, "We strongly feel that there needs to be consequences for the actions he has done."

Andreas agreed and hoped the child would see some time behind bars.

For the first time the court heard from the boy's grandparents, Liz Castillo and LeRoy Romero.

They outlined the difficulty of caring for the same boy accused of killing their son, Vincent Romero.

Castillo said while many people can't understand why she lets the boy, and his biological mother Eryn Thomas Bloomfield, stay with her she explained, "You don't have a child and then turn your back on his child."

She said her grandson is her responsibility and described him as "intelligent and loveable." She added, "I've taken him into my home because I love him."

The child ended the day with providing the court his DNA and entering a fingerprint card.
As Romans' wife Tanya and her two college-aged daughters sobbed and cried over the pain of losing Tim, the boy began to sniffle and then cry.

He took off his glasses and grabbed several tissues.

As Tanya explained the pain and begged the court to explain the motive behind the child's actions, the boy's mother comforted him with her hand on his small back dressed in a pressed, blue button down shirt.

Tanya described her husband as a very good man and father, the only man she's ever known since high school. "He was my soulmate," she said.

Tanya wondered aloud if other people could have played a role. "Was somone else involved? Did someone put you up to this?"

She pleaded for answers, answers only one person in the court could ever give but did not.

The Romans' family spokesman, John Andreas, was furious.

Earlier a spokesman for the Probation Department recommended that the boy see some "rentention component," adding, "We strongly feel that there needs to be consequences for the actions he has done."

Andreas agreed and hoped the child would see some time behind bars.

For the first time the court heard from the boy's grandparents, Liz Castillo and LeRoy Romero.

They outlined the difficulty of caring for the same boy accused of killing their son, Vincent Romero.

Castillo said while many people can't understand why she lets the boy, and his biological mother Eryn Thomas Bloomfield, stay with her she explained, "You don't have a child and then turn your back on his child."

She said her grandson is her responsibility and described him as "intelligent and loveable." She added, "I've taken him into my home because I love him."

The child ended the day with providing the court his DNA and entering a fingerprint card.

Excellent article. This statement stood out to me:

"Nothing like this," he (Pros. Michael Whiting) said flatly, "has happened in recorded history."
Raw uncut video of Ron Wood, defense attorney for the St. Johns boy who fatally shot his father's friend in 2008, talks about the sentencing

UNCUT Raw Video: Apache Co. Attorney talks about sentencing for St. Johns boy

So much is still left unsaid and unknown. I will say with some sadness, as someone who has held out a lot of hope for this child, I wasn't left with a tremendously hopeful feeling after listening to this. It seems like the professionals, at least, think the boy has some "hard-to-address" issues.

Also, it is apparent that Woods, knowing what he knows, wasn't aware of any terrible abuse that would lead such a young child to make such an extreme choice.

I'm an optimist and the child's age works very much in his favor as regards being able to change, so I will hold out for a positive result. But as this part of the case draws to a close, I must admit that it seems less likely that some "perfect storm" of circumstances culminated in this horrible crime and more likely that this child is innately damaged in some way.
I believe the kid is a budding psychopath. Considering what he did ...I am even willing to skip the "budding part" Since he's a child he can't be diagnosed as such. I am willing to bet that he was dx'd with Severe Conduct Disorder

"Lacking any genuine remorse, psychopaths also lack the motivation to change. It's generally thought that not only do psychopaths not get better with treatment, they actually get worse because they learn how to better manipulate the system, as well as the clinicians who try to treat them. According to Robert Hare, "Administrators actually took it to mean that not only are they not treatable, but if they're going to be worse, let's do everybody the service of not treating them." Dr. Hare believes in developing a good treatment plan; there just isn't one yet."

"Dr. Hare notes that the psychopath "can use words any way he wants. If you catch him lying, he'll just shift gears and go on as though nothing had happened."

I think we can all agree now he certainly was quite the liar!

I believe the kid is a budding psychopath. Considering what he did ...I am even willing to skip the "budding part" Since he's a child he can't be diagnosed as such. I am willing to bet that he was dx'd with Severe Conduct Disorder

"Lacking any genuine remorse, psychopaths also lack the motivation to change. It's generally thought that not only do psychopaths not get better with treatment, they actually get worse because they learn how to better manipulate the system, as well as the clinicians who try to treat them. According to Robert Hare, "Administrators actually took it to mean that not only are they not treatable, but if they're going to be worse, let's do everybody the service of not treating them." Dr. Hare believes in developing a good treatment plan; there just isn't one yet."

"Dr. Hare notes that the psychopath "can use words any way he wants. If you catch him lying, he'll just shift gears and go on as though nothing had happened."

I think we can all agree now he certainly was quite the liar!



You've said this all along, Linda, and while I will withhold my personal judgment regarding whether or not he is a psychopath, I have always understood why you believe this and have often thought much of the case evidence supports your opinion.

As a few of us said early in these discussions, "he's a psychopath" is certainly one of the potentials that has to be looked at in a case like this.

I'd like to go re-watch the confessional video - is that still available? Anyone have a handy link?
I believe the kid is a budding psychopath. Considering what he did ...I am even willing to skip the "budding part" Since he's a child he can't be diagnosed as such. I am willing to bet that he was dx'd with Severe Conduct Disorder

"Lacking any genuine remorse, psychopaths also lack the motivation to change. It's generally thought that not only do psychopaths not get better with treatment, they actually get worse because they learn how to better manipulate the system, as well as the clinicians who try to treat them. According to Robert Hare, "Administrators actually took it to mean that not only are they not treatable, but if they're going to be worse, let's do everybody the service of not treating them." Dr. Hare believes in developing a good treatment plan; there just isn't one yet."

"Dr. Hare notes that the psychopath "can use words any way he wants. If you catch him lying, he'll just shift gears and go on as though nothing had happened."

I think we can all agree now he certainly was quite the liar!


I will take that 'bet' with you. How about loser doesn't post in this thread anymore after that?
I imagine there are alot of those liar types in this world... probably nearer than you think.
Thanks for the useful post letting everyone know how YOU feel about this boy being a psychopath. :cold:

You've said this all along, Linda, and while I will withhold my personal judgment regarding whether or not he is a psychopath, I have always understood why you believe this and have often thought much of the case evidence supports your opinion.

As a few of us said early in these discussions, "he's a psychopath" is certainly one of the potentials that has to be looked at in a case like this.

I'd like to go re-watch the confessional video - is that still available? Anyone have a handy link?

It's in three parts:
I will take that 'bet' with you. How about winner doesn't post in this thread anymore after that?
I imagine there are alot of those liar types in this world... probably nearer than you think.
Thanks for the useful post letting everyone know how YOU feel about this boy being a psychopath. :cold:


It wouldn't be much of a discussion board if we didn't allow all opinions about this case here.
the disturbing thing is that those discussions about the boy are based on a high questionable interview that would not be allowed in court and it should never had been released to the media. The only good thing about the released of the video is that they released the evidence for wrong LE work to the public.


It wouldn't be much of a discussion board if we didn't allow all opinions about this case here.

The more opinions the better, but I was responding to the 'I am willing to bet' statement and was looking for some easy money/prize/no more posting from the loser of said bet. :woohoo:
The more opinions the better, but I was responding to the 'I am willing to bet' statement and was looking for some easy money/prize/no more posting from the loser of said bet. :woohoo:

You welshed on our last bet! :snooty: You still don't address me as psychic! :blushing:
Is that you EvilEye? :innocent:

Sure, how odd for an eight year old to lie... of course he could have been replicating what the two adults there were doing to him at the time, lying that is!

Yep, it's me:angel:

There is ZERO evidence his parents were lying to him about anything.

In fact his own mother talked of how close the boy and his father were.

so any change in that opinion ...was done by the boy and his lies. IMO
You welshed on our last bet! :snooty: You still don't address me as psychic! :blushing:

I never 'welsh'... but in my opinion you changed that bet around anyway. I still do not think things that happened that day concerning other suspects and LE's scenario are accurate. But if it means you will take this one I'm willing to do whatever... MS PSYCHIC... because I got me a winner here :dance: .
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