GUILTY Bali - Officer Wayan Sudarsa slain, Australian woman & British BF charged, Aug 2016

Byron Bay woman Sara Connor has emotionally accused police of fabricating things to make her look guilty after hotly denying evidence put forward by the chief investigator in her murder trial...

On Thursday, the court was shown photographs of a reconstruction of the alleged murder in which Connor was pictured sitting on the officer.

"I never sat on him," Connor told the court.

She said she fell while trying to separate the two, who were fighting on the sand, and Mr Sudarsa bit her on her leg and arm while she was struggling to get to her feet.

Taylor has admitted bashing Sudarsa, which he claims was in self-defence, but not to killing him. Connor denies any involvement in his death.
Strangely, there's no Australian love or out-pouring of support for Sara Connor.
Byron Bay mother Sara Connor has expressed disappointment that key witnesses have so far failed to turn up to her murder trial in Bali despite being summoned numerous times...

Prosecutors told the court this week that a hotel security guard who witnessed part of the fight had failed to turn up. Prosecutors said the security guard, Suryana, had since left his job in Bali and returned to Java and they could no longer contact him to have him appear at court. Judges have said that he is a key witness against both Connor and Taylor and should appear to give evidence. In his statement to police shortly after the murder Suryana reportedly said he went down to the beach after his boss heard noises and he saw people there fighting on the beach. He observed for about 15 minutes before leaving, believing it was a bit of fun and not serious.
A hotel security guard has claimed he witnessed Byron Bay murder suspect Sara Connor with her hand around the neck of a Balinese police officer who was later found dead on Kuta beach...

She insists that all she did was try to separate Mr Sudarsa and her boyfriend, David Taylor, after a fight broke out when Mr Taylor accused the police officer of being a bogus cop and stealing Ms Connor's bag.

However Mr Suryana, who was a security guard at the nearby Pullman Hotel, told the Denpasar District Court on Tuesday he saw Ms Connor lying in the sand on the left side of the victim with her hand "locked to his neck"...

Asked by the judge why he had simply walked away when he was a security guard, Mr Suryana said he thought they had just been "joking around". "The sighing was the sound of passion. I thought they were just joking," he said. "The fifteen minutes I observed them they were just fooling around." He said neither of the foreigners noticed him.

Byron Bay mother and co-accused murderer Sara Connor has given evidence in boyfriend David Taylor’s separate murder trial, telling the court she did not see him hit Bali policeman Wayan Sudarsa on a Kuta beach on August 16 last year...

She told the court she only witnessed parts of the fight, and was distracted looking for her lost purse. She said she had no idea someone had died until days later.

While the fight was unfolding, she told the court she “didn’t notice anything” concerning, until at one point she looked up to see Taylor on top of Sudarsa, and rushed in to separate the pair.

Connor claims Sudarsa bit her on the thigh and pulled her hair.

She said got away and continued to look for her purse, and then left the beach. Taylor, she said, joined her later, covered in sand...

After returning to their hotel room, Connor cut up Sudarsa’s cards from his wallet, so he would not fall victim to identity theft... The court also heard Connor and Taylor burned their clothes and got rid of Sudarsa’s phone in the days after the killing.
8 years is lenient I think, although in a Bali prison it probably feels like 20.
THE widow of a slain Bali police officer has slammed the Prosecution’s decision to demand eight-year jail terms for his alleged killers and to spare Byron Bay woman Sara Connor and her boyfriend a murder charge.

Ketut Arsini told News Corporation eight years was not enough for her husband’s life and she called on the Judges who will decide the case to give the lovers a much heavier sentence.

So too did the local police chief who investigated the August 17 death last year of Wayan Sudarsa, who was bashed to death on a Kuta beach in the early hours of the morning.
'I've lost all hope of seeing my children grow up': Sara Connor breaks down as she pleads in court to be released over killing of Bali police officer with her toyboy boyfriend
Sara Connor has told a Bali court her children miss her and are waiting for her
Her lawyers have called for her release over the death of the Bali police officer
Ms Connor told the court she believed David Taylor when he told her his fight with police officer Wayan Sudarsa on Kuta Beach was not serious
She also defended her decision to go to the Australian embassy two days later
Last week the prosecution called on pair to serve the same eight-year sentence
Watching the TV news ... Sara has arrived in court for the verdict. Must have been around 1pm in Bali when she arrived.

Connor, 46, arrived off the truck from Kerobokan jail first, saying nothing as she was shielded from the pack of journalists by fellow prisoners.
Taylor, 34, emerged afterwards, also remaining silent.

It's been almost seven months since Mr Sudarsa's bloodied body was found covered in sand on Kuta Beach in the early hours of August 17. He had 42 wounds across his head, chest and neck.

Connor arrives at Bali court to hear fate
Byron Bay mother Sara Connor sentenced to four years in jail in Bali after being found guilty over the death of a local policeman. She was found guilty of fatal assault in company, with Chief Judge Made Pasek rejecting Connor's claim that all she did was separate her British boyfriend David Taylor and Wayan Sudarsa on the night of the deadly fight. Connor, he found, had jumped on Mr Sudarsa's shoulders, effectively pinning him down.

"The defendant's action was not intended to separate (them) but to help David Taylor so that the victim could not fight back."

The jail term - which will include the seven months Connor has already served - is half of the eight-year sentence that prosecutors had demanded just weeks ago. Connor said she would consult with her lawyers as to whether she will appeal the sentence. "We still have seven days (to lodge) the appeal," Mr Khuana told reporters. Indonesian prisoners are also eligible for repeated cuts to their sentence if on good behaviour.

It comes after her British boyfriend David Taylor was sentenced to six years for fatal assault in company. He has indicated he will not appeal the sentence, with his father John Taylor saying they are "content" with the outcome.

The pair had gone down to Kuta Beach after dinner but violence erupted when Connor lost her purse and Taylor confronted Mr Sudarsa about it - frisking the police officer. The wallet contained around $A300.
Bali: Australian Sara Connor could face more years behind bars over the death of a Bali police officer after prosecutors announced they would appeal her four year jail sentence.

Prosecutor Agung Jayalantara told Fairfax Media the appeal to the High Court was because prosecutors had requested both Connor and her British DJ boyfriend David Taylor face the same sentence over the killing of Wayan Sudarsa, a father of two and member of the Bali police force for 35 years.
What next? Sara Connor's dilemma

Sara Connor's lawyer says she will be advised to appeal but this runs the risk that a higher court could impose a tougher sentence.

"This afternoon prosecutor Oka filed the notification to appeal to Denpasar District Court," he said.

However Mr Agung said prosecutors were unlikely to appeal Taylor's six year sentence.
THE four-year jail term given to Byron Bay woman Sara Connor for her role in the death of a Bali police officer is not a deterrent, does not fulfil justice and pays no attention to the victim’s family, prosecutors have submitted.

Prosecutors, in their appeal against the “leniency” of Connor’s sentence, call for the 46-year-old to be jailed for eight years instead of four....

Prosecutors have only appealed Connor’s sentence and not Taylor.
The Byron Bay woman convicted over the killing of a Bali police officer has said her four-year jail term is fair, and urged the High Court in Denpasar not to increase her sentence on appeal. Prosecutors have lodged an appeal with the court against Connor's four-year jail term for her role in the death of policeman Wayan Sudarsa. Indonesian courts often increase penalties on appeal.

Connor has not appealed her sentence, but in a letter to Denpasar's High Court written in response to the prosecutor's appeal, Connor says the sentence was correct, even though the penalty is very difficult for her and her two children in Australia. She says that an increase in the penalty would put her crime on the same level as her British boyfriend, David Taylor, who delivered the fatal blows and was jailed for six years.

BYRON Bay woman Sara Connor has been using her time behind bars at Bali’s Kerobokan prison doing handicrafts, crocheting and knitting little bags, scarves and bikini tops as she waits nervously to find out if her four-year sentence is increased on appeal. And she is teaching the jail’s new female Governor her native Italian as well as English. Connor, 46, exhibited her craftwork during Kartini Day yesterday.
Australian mother Sara Connor to find out whether her four-year jail sentence will be increased - after being found guilty of her role in the fatal assault of a Balinese police officer..
Australian mother Sara Connor will learn on May 15 if her sentence is increased...

'The verdict will be read in open session starting at 10am (1pm AEST),' he added. 'During that time, the chief judge and two member judges will discuss in court room to examine the prosecutor appeal and the counter memory submitted by Sara Connor.'
Australian mother-of-two Sara Connor has had her sentence increased to five years with Bali's High Court finding she has 'injured' the image of the Indonesian island.

The court's three judges upped Connor's jail term by one year on Monday, finding that Connor's initial four-year sentence was 'too light' over the death of police officer Wayan Sudarsa in August 2016.

Backing the appeal by the prosecution, the judges criticised the 46-year-old for not making 'any effort' to help Mr Sudarsa after be became embroiled in a fatal struggle with her British boyfriend David Taylor on Kuta Beach.
Thank you, PastTense, for updating this thread!

I feel they both got off light. This was a brutal attack.
I am not going to go into detail, but the Officials in Bali realised Schapelle had been used and gave her a very light sentence. Schappelle knew she was innocent and appealed and her sentenced was increased by five years, she appealed again and her sentence was increased by another five years. She stopped appealing. Schappelle could have been released more then ten years early.
A French gentleman visited Bali at the same time as Schapelle Corby, he was also found with 6lbs of Cannibis which he knew nothing about, he is still in a Bali prison serving 20 years (which does not include food, clothing, or medical/dental or any other needs, which his mother still provides to this very day). Along with every other bribe, which includes decent nutricious food and clean bottled water and recreation activity and books worth reading and lessons in speaking Balines language....
This is now happening to the latest victims.
Sarah Connor was given a the minimum sentence, if she had accepted the sentence, and not was the lightest they could give her......she appealed.....and they increased the sentence by five years.
I would never go to Bali.
In Bali they have a completely different judicial system. It definitely pays to understand the judicial of any county you visit......before visiting that country, otherwise you could find yourself in all sorts of very serious legal and life threatening problems.
I would never visit Bali.

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