Billie texts Clint about trading custody for house

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What happens if say for instance no taxes get paid on this house? How long can they keep it before it is taken away or whatever Texas law is?

The appraisal district will hire an attorney and file a lawsuit for advalorem taxes owed to the appraisal district. I forget what the time frame is but if not paid within that time frame a Sheriff's sale will be had on the courthouse steps and will go to the higest bidder. Any $$$ made over what is owed for taxes and attorneys fees will be split between BD & CD. There is a two year waiting period before the new owners can spend any money upgrading the house because BD & CD would have a right to buy back the house for exactly what was paid for at Sheriffs sale. If BD & CD elect after the two years not to buy back the house then the new owners can do what they want to with the house.
I am wondering what happened to DD's biological father? Is he still alive and did he ever pay child support for DD or visit him? Is his name on the birth certificate? It sounds like Clint raised DD from a fairly young age as his own son. But I don't see how BD could "give" custody of DD to Clint without permission of his legal father and the courts, especially if she doesn't even have custody of him herself at this time. Would Clint want to live in the house knowing his daughter disappeared from there and that his wife slept with her boyfriend in that house? Or would being in the house make him feel closer to Hailey? Would he worry about his new baby girl disappearing from the house also since no one knows how Hailey disappeared or who took her? BD and SA won't be in need of the house if they both go to jail. It seems like CD would want to divorce BD and marry the mother of his new baby girl, then make a home for his new family--and DD and HD if he could get custody of DD and if Hailey was ever found alive. Personally, I think Hailey has passed on and won't be found alive. I just hope she is recovered either dead or alive so the case can come to a conclusion and anyone who harmed her can be caught and punished. If Hailey has passed on and her body is found, then one of them is going to have to pay for a funeral. I don't know about costs in Texas or their desire for a funeral or cremation if her body is recovered, but it cost me over $13,000 for my sister's funeral 2 years ago. Final expenses aren't cheap. That didn't even include the cost of the cemetery plot. If the parents of a missing child can claim that child on his/her income tax, how many years can that be done? Until the child is 18? Can the expenses of searching for a missing child (like car and gas expenses in Clint's case) be considered a "loss not covered by insurance?" So many questions. I just wish we had answers, the main one being "Where is Hailey and what happened to her?"
Absolutely not true about him divorcing Billie..He needs to and should have done this already.. She can run and marry her man..Shawn Adkins and marital privilege #1 doesn't cover circumstances that took place before the marriage{i.e Hailey disappeared Dec 27 when she was still married to Clint}..and #2 none of it matters because when it comes to the well being of a child the entire marital privilege goes straight out the window..

No it wouldnt cover anything before. Anything after. Taped convestation from undercover LE operations... overheard statements from future case witnesses from conversations that have not taken place yet. If they commited a crime together they will talk about it to eachother. Fights etc.. it will be a weapon in their arsonal. If they did anything.

I think in Haileys case a divorce would be a mistake for clint . It is purely from a tactics stand point. Since no one knows exactly what crime has been commited he shouldnt really count that clause out. JMO
The appraisal district will hire an attorney and file a lawsuit for advalorem taxes owed to the appraisal district. I forget what the time frame is but if not paid within that time frame a Sheriff's sale will be had on the courthouse steps and will go to the higest bidder. Any $$$ made over what is owed for taxes and attorneys fees will be split between BD & CD. There is a two year waiting period before the new owners can spend any money upgrading the house because BD & CD would have a right to buy back the house for exactly what was paid for at Sheriffs sale. If BD & CD elect after the two years not to buy back the house then the new owners can do what they want to with the house.
Thanks...that helps....not sure that is exactly how it is done here but no matter...I did not realize there was a two year waiting period etc....maybe I am confusing this with default on house payments vs. taxes.
Anyway, thanks!!:seeya:
Uh Billie, meet Terri Horman. She can tell you how bad texting is when you're under investigation for a missing child. OMG, I can't believe she did this!!!! *headdesk*

I really feel BD thinks everything she says and does is ok. Everyone should just believe her, whether she changes the answer or not. She feels she does not have to justify herself to anyone. She has a very self-righteous attitude that is getting her nowhere but into trouble and people upset with her for being absent minded. This is your brain on DRUGS!

DD's father is not a POI in this case. He cannot be sleuthed. :) He has not been named in MSM. Police records of non POI's are never allowed either. Thanks.

Also paid sites are not allowed as source here at WS.
DD's father is not a POI in this case. He cannot be sleuthed. :) He has not been named in MSM. Police records of non POI's are never allowed either. Thanks.

Also paid sites are not allowed as source here at WS.

Thanks, grandma - my bad...sorry.
I thought the stripper thang was a rumour? Has it ever been verified?



It was verified and can be discussed as it pertains to Hailey's disappearance{i.e. if someones theory was that due to Billie's job may have put Hailey at risk with a nefarious gentleman Billie may have met thru her employment at Jaguars}..just an example....but that is how I understood it..
No it wouldnt cover anything before. Anything after. Taped convestation from undercover LE operations... overheard statements from future case witnesses from conversations that have not taken place yet. If they commited a crime together they will talk about it to eachother. Fights etc.. it will be a weapon in their arsonal. If they did anything.

I think in Haileys case a divorce would be a mistake for clint . It is purely from a tactics stand point. Since no one knows exactly what crime has been commited he shouldnt really count that clause out. JMO

The only reason I would say none of that matters is because all of it is moot when it comes to the entire privilege revolving around the case of a 13 yr old child's "disappearance"..and when it comes to a child and/or the well being of a child the entire privilege is null and void..It does not exist when it is a child's well being that is the subject of the case/investigation..there are no privileges when a child's life is the subject matter..
This reported e-mail, if it is correct at all, most likely was sent before HD dissappeared as part of their discussions about custody. For both parents, the non custodial parent would stand to lose a great deal financially if they didn't come to some sort of arrangement first. If it was left to the courts to decide, the non-custodial parent would lose the house for at least as long as the kids were there, plus they would have to pay support. Neither of them could afford to be the non custodial parent under those circumstances. The problem for CD is that with his criminal record and BDs lack of one, she would allmost certainly have been awarded custody if it was contested. On the other hand handing over title of house would have meant losing his only real asset. He probably wanted custody, but wasn't prepared to take the financial penalty for gaining it through negotiation or the risk of losing it by a court decision.

Most likely the outcome of those private negotiations was the status quo when HD dissappeared, in other words BD got custody and the house temporarily, while CD didn't have to pay support. It is a sort of compromise position between the two extremes.

It would be interesting to know who the source of that leak was. In theory only BD and CD would have known, but they might have discussed it with their families as well. I doubt that BD would have released that info since it makes her look bad, which means it must have been CD (or more probably someone in his family who wanted to inflame public feeling against BD and make her look bad).

Assuming it is true of course, it may simply be gossip or misinformation.
Previous owner info. for 1143 Chestnut (current owner is redacted)-is it safe to assume this is the property Clint inherited and owned until 2008? There is no seller listed in 2000 when Clint acquired it. Buyer in 2008 is Mitchell County TR-I don't know what that means, did he lose it in a tax sale? Mitchell County TR is listed as seller to current owner.

Parcel ID Seller Buyer Volume Page File Number Deed Date

5215 MITCHELL COUNTY TR XXXXXX XXXX 750 455 103 1/20/2009
5215 DUNN CLINTON W MITCHELL COUNTY TR 746 1065 2362 9/25/2008
5215 DUNN CLINTON W 670 9 5/1/2000
This reported e-mail, if it is correct at all, most likely was sent before HD dissappeared as part of their discussions about custody. For both parents, the non custodial parent would stand to lose a great deal financially if they didn't come to some sort of arrangement first. If it was left to the courts to decide, the non-custodial parent would lose the house for at least as long as the kids were there, plus they would have to pay support. Neither of them could afford to be the non custodial parent under those circumstances. The problem for CD is that with his criminal record and BDs lack of one, she would allmost certainly have been awarded custody if it was contested. On the other hand handing over title of house would have meant losing his only real asset. He probably wanted custody, but wasn't prepared to take the financial penalty for gaining it through negotiation or the risk of losing it by a court decision.

Most likely the outcome of those private negotiations was the status quo when HD dissappeared, in other words BD got custody and the house temporarily, while CD didn't have to pay support. It is a sort of compromise position between the two extremes.

It would be interesting to know who the source of that leak was. In theory only BD and CD would have known, but they might have discussed it with their families as well. I doubt that BD would have released that info since it makes her look bad, which means it must have been CD (or more probably someone in his family who wanted to inflame public feeling against BD and make her look bad).

Assuming it is true of course, it may simply be gossip or misinformation.

the way its all come out IF its true IMO the text was sent in the last week or so.
Has this rumor been confirmed by a reliable source yet?

Coming out of lurker mode to state that I also was wondering if it is known when the text message was sent. Regardless, if it was sent before or after Hailey went missing, I just can't fathom a mother ever bartering her child for any reason.

Several of the cases I follow here on Websleuths just have me pounding my head on my desk in amazement and sorrow to think that there are children in this world that may never know the feeling of a mother's unconditional love. If it was the only option left to save my son, I would gladly throw myself in front of a moving train for him.

Hailey, my heart breaks for you and I pray that you are found.


Thanks! You're always on top of it!
I wonder what their source was? I really hope it was LE or someone in Clint's family, and not just something that was gotten off of facebook.
Of course, we can't get LE to confirm anything much, so I'm not holding my breath waiting on that one!
Welcome to Websleuths, CarolAnn!!! :blowkiss:

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