Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #20

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We know MJ used his work laptop as well as his home pc for his dirty work. God knows what Gagnon used. I would think they are also looking at any pc's that the minors used as well, plus the library pc's.
Correct me if I am wrong, and I don't remember where I read this, but it was stated that the computer forensic team is looking through 6 different computers. .....Anyone's input would be appreciated, thank you.


I believe that you read the above in the Burlington Free Press article: "Digital sleuths play.... It mentioned that:
Burlington Police Chief Mike Schirling, who coordinates local, state and federal agency efforts for the task force, said the Brooke Bennett case involved at least six computers, each associated with at least one other peripheral device or network — which could include a flash drive, cell phones and online storage.


The wording of the 6 computer network plus peripherals made me think that LE was developing the notion of a "*advertiser censored* Network".
I still have a hard time believing KG's account of ditching the safe. If he did, he didn't ditch the contents and if they find the safe...I am willing to make a major wager that they will find KG's fingerprints on the inside of that safe where he removed the material it contained. I realize they have to look in the landfill...just in case...but I think it will prove to be a red herring.
i dont believe he got rid of the safe OR the its too easy to pass ''the goods'' onto someone else. from what ive read about pedos they live for these materials, they are more valuable than gold to them for their personal use [ugh]and then to copy and swap with others.
In response to post 196..I have been a poster on the In Session Board for a long time and I am not here just because their board went down for repairs. I was a member here before that occurred and so were other In Session posters. Oh what the heck.....I am not gona get into a discussion about post 196. Maybe I took it the wrong way. See Ya Folks.
I am new to this site. I have been reading the threads for the past 4 days. It seems much more respectful than the comments on most of the newspaper articles I have been reading. I grew up in the town that Brooke lived in. I think that everyone is in such a state of shock over this. My heart breaks for this young girl and our communities. I think that this is beyond my comprehension for the brutality of this crime. I too, have many questions about why it seemed that there were so few adults in Brooke's life that seemed to offer much in the way of 'safety' and it seems like every day there is more that comes to light. It certainly seems like there were so many predatory males in their history. I believe that Brooke's grandmother had married a man who had served time for raping a teenager in Central Vermont a long time ago. I hate to put too much information in because I think that this brings back so much to other sexual assault victims. I think that it would certainly explain some of the actions,(though not all) of Cassandra and Denise. I wish that I knew how you end this sort of cycle. Certainly keeping offenders in jail longer is a first step, but how do you get them in jail in the first place if they are able to convince the kids and the moms that it is not happening. I have new respect for the mothers that have lost their homes and often their families to protect their children. There are many courageous women who make these choices every day with very little support and encouragement. My hats off to all of them.
Welcome to all the new posters!
Hi, newbie here. Just wanted to applaud everyone for all of their hard work. I have gotten so much information from here about this case. This is an awesome forum. I was here years ago during the Laci Peterson case, however do not remember that login anymore. Again, thank you everyone. Keep up the hard work!
I have to admit, I too am a refuge from the IS board, that being said, I have been lurking here since the Warren Jeff's trial (I just couldn't figure out why my e-mail address was never accepted lo and behold it was because I needed to use my IP providers e-mail).

That being said, I can't believe that any child that has been under a RSO's thumb since the age of 2 is anything but a victim. How can she be anything but? For her to have accepted being brought into a program at the age of 9 without questioning it, she had to have been groomed since the day he was brought into her family.

That poor child (and yes she still is a child) is going to need a very understanding therapist (sp?).

The wording of the 6 computer network plus peripherals made me think that LE was developing the notion of a "*advertiser censored* Network".

From Wiki:

In computer hardware, a peripheral device is any device attached to a computer in order to expand its functionality (basically input and output devices together are known as peripherals). Some of the more common peripheral devices are printers, scanners, disk drives, tape drives, microphones, speakers, and cameras. Peripheral devices can also include other computers on a network system. A device can also refer to a non-physical item, such as a pseudo terminal, a RAM drive, or a network adapter.


The wording of the 6 computer network plus peripherals made me think that LE was developing the notion of a "*advertiser censored* Network".
i had the same thought..i also am reflecting on incestous behavior of males of past generations and how it was taboo and never mentioned. the girls and women would just live in shame with their secret. now women are working and equal in the eyes of the law... i personally believe that these types of predators have been around since the beginning of time..these types meaning men [and sometimes women] have a compulsion to corrupt a child.i think in the past generations men were more gentle and would poke and prod kids in the family untill they found one that they could use that would keep quiet qnd suffer the shame. we must remember in the past men dominated not only the family but they received respect from all women and children WHERE-EVER they lived and worked...these days with the internet[sex rings] offering such a such a variety of children to view and have fantasy about i dont see any way this can be stopped. then there are the extremers that act on these thoughts and then there are the point is that there are so many layers to this crime amd so many men seem to be falling prey to this compulsion.
I need to say something. I found this post incredibly mean. SNIP
I'm with Dark Shadows, put me on "ignore." This will be my last post.

If you or anyone else here is saying unkind things about the MINOR AGED VICTIMS of this or any case at WS it is against the TOS.
FYI-You need to put me on ignore--that way you can't read my post.:rolleyes:
VTNance..I want to say THANK YOU for your post. I am new here and I have never thought anything I read was mean or gossipy..just very informative and believe that this is what this is all about. We are all here and should be able to post as we want or ask questions as along as we abide by the rules. The "I'm not afraid to hit the alert button" had me somewhat stunned. I am a mother of 3 and grandmother of 7. I did not feel anyone was bashing Brooke by questioning anything. Thnks again VTNance and please continue to post.

Read all 20 threads here about Brooke's murder and the investigation. Rude comments were definitely made about her and AR ---the wonderful mods took care of it.

Back to the topic.
I read all the posts before I started posting. It seemed to me that anyone who tried to make a child responsible for any action, got shot down pretty darn quick!
i had the same thought..i also am reflecting on incestous behavior of males of past generations and how it was taboo and never mentioned. the girls and women would just live in shame with their secret. now women are working and equal in the eyes of the law... i personally believe that these types of predators have been around since the beginning of time..these types meaning men [and sometimes women] have a compulsion to corrupt a child.i think in the past generations men were more gentle and would poke and prod kids in the family untill they found one that they could use that would keep quiet qnd suffer the shame. we must remember in the past men dominated not only the family but they received respect from all women and children WHERE-EVER they lived and worked...these days with the internet[sex rings] offering such a such a variety of children to view and have fantasy about i dont see any way this can be stopped. then there are the extremers that act on these thoughts and then there are the point is that there are so many layers to this crime amd so many men seem to be falling prey to this compulsion.

I agree that it can't really be stopped.... just slowed down. And there will always be victims. This is an international problem & there's no way you can make laws that will cover everyone.

The most logical way to deal with the problem is to make sure people are aware of the signs & that when victims DO come forward there are EFFECTIVE ways to protect them ASAP.

If communities do not have the resources to really HELP & PROTECT families in danger (from all types of abuse) then you have more & more people who don't think it's worth it to 'tell.'
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