CA - American students catch heat for wearing red, white & blue on Cinco de Mayo

Looks like a KKK rally to me personally. I supported the school's actions to prevent a gang war.

WTH?? Un-freaking-real

I think everyone of those students should be made to wear US flag shirts on a US holiday like, oh I dunno, let's pick Memorial Day. If they fail to do so, they should be kicked out of school because they might start a gang war.

Sounds stupid to me but hey, fair game.
They don't look like parents, more like grandparents.

Not surprised, they're tea party members.
Pictures of them at a parade, float named Tea Party Patriots of Silicon Valley.

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sons, daughters, friends, democrats, republicans, members of the tea party, teachers, students, strippers, bikers, cashiers, coaches, dog groomers, black, white, purple, blue... What difference does it make? They are AMERICANS holding THEIR flag.
That certainly doesn't make them racist.


ETA: question... How can they be grandparents and not be parents too?
Just a thought.
So yeah, they look like parents to me. JMO
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sons, daughters, friends, democrats, republicans, members of the tea party, teachers, students, strippers, bikers, cashiers, coaches, dog groomers, black, white, purple, blue... What difference does it make? They are AMERICANS holding THEIR flag.
That certainly doesn't make them racist.


ETA: question... How can they be grandparents and not be parents too?
Just a thought.
So yeah, they look like parents to me. JMO

When people don't like the message, they attack the messenger in a misguided attempt to justify suppressing the message.

Every justification and objection that have been made on this thread to rationalize suppression of free speech do nothing but prove how terribly vital it is that free speech is protected.
A group of parents holding the flag of our country looks like a KKK rally? Really???

I must be missing something.

The fact that the parents are 100% white in a school with a student body that is only 43% white might be something.
It's highly offensive to me that anyone would equate the American flag with racism and the KKK.

You should probably study history.

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sons, daughters, friends, democrats, republicans, members of the tea party, teachers, students, strippers, bikers, cashiers, coaches, dog groomers, black, white, purple, blue... What difference does it make? They are AMERICANS holding THEIR flag.
That certainly doesn't make them racist.


ETA: question... How can they be grandparents and not be parents too?
Just a thought.
So yeah, they look like parents to me. JMO

How can holding /wearing an American flag in AMERICA be construed as racist? That is frightening and sick, in my opinion.

IF we have to censor the American flag to prevent a riot, maybe the rioters should be punished and/or repatriated to their own country with their own flag. Do what we say or we riot? Hell NO.
The fact that the parents are 100% white in a school with a student body that is only 43% white might be something.

Yes, it is "something". This is America, and that flag represents America. What's the problem? So now the American flag is about color? We need to get real in this country or we won't have one.
You should probably study history.


Just because the KKK embraced the American flag doesn't mean the American flag embraced the KKK. You should probably study logic.
The fact that the parents are 100% white in a school with a student body that is only 43% white might be something.

Wouldn't this typically be an argument in favor of making extra-special efforts to protect the free speech of the oppressed minority at that school?

I'm shocked at how willing so many people are to throw our precious first amendment rights under the bus, just because they don't like the message.

Every single post on this thread supporting the oppression of free speech is a perfect example of why free speech must be protected, and must be exercised regularly.
Wouldn't this typically be an argument in favor of making extra-special efforts to protect the free speech of the oppressed minority at that school?

Who is interfering with their free speech rights? They have been using their First Amendment rights to try and provoke racial unrest at that school for the last five years. They had their little racist rally outside the school. They have made it very clear to the Mexican students, that they don't want them in this country. Nobody is interfering with their rights to be racist bigots.
Who is interfering with their free speech rights? They have been using their First Amendment rights to try and provoke racial unrest at that school for the last five years. They had their little racist rally outside the school. They have made it very clear to the Mexican students, that they don't want them in this country. Nobody is interfering with their rights to be racist bigots.

Wow. If rallying 'round the U.S. flag makes them "racist bigots", count me IN. My family fought and died for that flag.
I saw the title of this thread and thought " Huh? Surely there is more to this story. I'm sure my fellow WS posters are defending the kids rights to free speech". I should have remembered this is the age of enlightenment where some are perpetually offended. Maybe the Justice Department can sweep in and punish those that so egregiously violated others civil rights.. While they are at it maybe they can ban the American flag from all government buildings also. It's obviously a symbol of hatred and bigotry :facepalm:
You should probably study history.


Thank-you!!!:clap::clap::clap: You illustrated my point exactly! They have this right to free speech, but it's highly offensive to me. It's waving the flag in your face like saying go back to your own country, you have no right to be here! It's clearly a we are better than you attitude.
And since I can't edit my prior post- I will never display the flag, and I'm glad I don't live in Morgan Hill!
Who is interfering with their free speech rights? They have been using their First Amendment rights to try and provoke racial unrest at that school for the last five years. They had their little racist rally outside the school. They have made it very clear to the Mexican students, that they don't want them in this country. Nobody is interfering with their rights to be racist bigots.

The school administration. Backed up by the foolish anti-freedom 9th Circuit court. The violence-prone criminals not only exercised their rights to be racist bigots, but they successfully enlisted the power of the state to suppress free speech and subvert the constitution.

If the mere sight of an American flag is sufficient to provide racial unrest, then the criminals at that school need to be dealt with. Not those who are merely exercising their rights by wearing a patriotic and perfectly innocent symbol of the United States of America.
Thank-you!!!:clap::clap::clap: You illustrated my point exactly! They have this right to free speech, but it's highly offensive to me. It's waving the flag in your face like saying go back to your own country, you have no right to be here! It's clearly a we are better than you attitude.
And since I can't edit my prior post- I will never display the flag, and I'm glad I don't live in Morgan Hill!

BBM. That is exactly why free speech must be protected.

Because too many people get all "I'm offended" over every little thing that they don't like. Not only do they get offended (which is their right), but they use their bigotry and racism to suppress perfectly innocent symbols of freedom, which is not their right. They use the whiny child's cry of "I'm offended" to suppress free speech and infringe on the rights of free people.
The fact that the parents are 100% white in a school with a student body that is only 43% white might be something.

Oh. Because they are white, they are automatically compared to the KKK. I find that ridiculous. Maybe it's just me.
How can holding /wearing an American flag in AMERICA be construed as racist? That is frightening and sick, in my opinion.

IF we have to censor the American flag to prevent a riot, maybe the rioters should be punished and/or repatriated to their own country with their own flag. Do what we say or we riot? Hell NO.

Apparently it's only considered racist if the person holding the flag is white. Crazy huh.
Whenever I see an eagle or a US flag flying it makes me think America! I do not ever think of Race when I see them.

I am proud to be an American at least I know I'm Free.
and I'd like to thank the men and women (whatever race they were) who fought to give that right to me and I'll gladly stand up and hold that
flag (even if I'm wearing pajamas) and defend it till I die. Cause there is no doubt that I love this Land and I love being an American!! :loveyou::loveyou:
Apparently it's only considered racist if the person holding the flag is white. Crazy huh.

And it's apparently perfectly acceptable to call people racist bigots just because they want to wear or display the American flag. That's not offensive. It's protected speech. But merely wearing or displaying the flag is so offensive that it must be prohibited at school so that the poor sensitive children don't have to be exposed to the sight of the flag, which would incite them to attack the people wearing the flag.

This attitude goes far past just being a double standard. It's ridiculous to the point of absurdity, and beyond. It's an insidious and menacing threat to the fundamental rights and freedoms that we take for granted.
And it's apparently perfectly acceptable to call people racist bigots just because they want to wear or display the American flag. That's not offensive. It's protected speech. But merely wearing or displaying the flag is so offensive that it must be prohibited at school so that the poor sensitive children don't have to be exposed to the sight of the flag, which would incite them to attack the people wearing the flag.

This attitude goes far past just being a double standard. It's ridiculous to the point of absurdity, and beyond. It's an insidious and menacing threat to the fundamental rights and freedoms that we take for granted.

It really is absurd. It is so tiring to see the racist bigot tripe thrown around anytime someone is "offended". Which, by the way, seems to be 24/7 for many.

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