GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

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In these cases when LE is silent and/or cryptic...they either know a lot, or nothing much at all. No way of knowing, until things start happening. I just hope they know a lot, since they are not asking for help. I wonder if they will agree to let TES get involved?
Butting in here because I'm about to throw my computer out the window. Is the forum running slowly?
I read most of yesterday's post last night but gave up 'thanking' due to having to refresh every time I did.
Now it is taking a full minute, at least, for a page to load. Am I the only one having problems?

On the subject of the case, I've never heard LE speak out this way (in civilian speak) before. As JeannaT said, "oh Wow"!

Now back to trying to catch up.

I want to throw mine out the window as well!! :tantrum:
So if Erin's husband was the last person to see her....where is the clothing description? Unless he left before she did, and she was still in her pajamas?

And about the neighbor who posted on facebook that she was up till 1am. That doesn't account for after 1am to the time Erin's car left base.

I agree. I just do not understand why LE won't say what she was wearing unless they don't know. This case is really hard.
In these cases when LE is silent and/or cryptic...they either know a lot, or nothing much at all. No way of knowing, until things start happening. I just hope they know a lot, since they are not asking for help. I wonder if they will agree to let TES get involved?

I sent the family a private message the first day news came out about the disappearance suggesting they contact TES so hopefully they've been working on it since then. My understanding is TES will only get involved if requested to do so by LE. Let's hope LE cooperates - if the help is needed.
But Leanne was found hanging just blocks away from the home she walked away from. The family were the ones who told LE they had
searched there specifically. LE took their word and moved on searching a huge area where, of course, LB was not.

I'm sorry but sleuths aren't against anybody for no reason. If one can't admit those are hinky coincidences, then one isn't being honest imo.
Figure the odds, Leanne would be found where a family member or members said they had already searched. And shame on LE for not going
over the area again. That situation burns me up. It's hard for me to digest.
I have not read the entire thread, so apologies if my post is somewhat redundant. And, apologies to any of this young woman's family or friends regarding the following points that I call out and ponder. This is a horrible situation, and my heart goes out to her family. One thing is for sure, if anyone can find's the Marines.

Here are my thoughts that come to mind immediately:

These are my initial impressions; that she ran off on her own volition. However, if she were upset, it's more likely she would have contacted her mother or someone by now. BTW, young couples simply, or rarely don't spend nights apart at "the ranch" or anywhere else. She was mighty upset about something IMO.

A worse scenario with this statistic in mind:

Isabelle Horon and Diana Cheng published a Maryland study in the Journal of the American Medical Association which found "a pregnant or recently pregnant woman is more likely to be a victim of homicide than to die of any other cause; Homicides account for 20% of deaths in pregnant women."

Let us hope that this is a young couple going through a difficult time that will eventually resolve itself, vs. the latter theory.
God Bless this family, may grace and mercy guide them to a positive outcome.
But is there a 24-hour rule on base?

I doubt it. Call your Marine buddies and take your arses out to look for your wife. Most neighbors (other Marines) would respond in no
time if another needed their help. That's what soldiers and marines do, they respond to crisis situations. Individually they can be flawed but,
as a group, they are excellent. Make sense?
First time posting, although I've been reading the forums for several years now. :)
What keeps coming to mind is this: JT opens at 9 AM, but she left home at 7 AM, perhaps not knowing the park hours. Is it possible she had to wait at the entrance until 9 when someone working there could let her in? If so, there is quite a bit of time to account for with her sitting alone in her car.

Welcome and thanks for the post! I just went over to the Joshua Tree gov site and it states there that the park is always open so you can go there at any time. I suppose this means that there is no gate that keeps you out of the park.
I can't put my finger on why, but when I look at her pics I see someone who may have a few secrets. Not speaking ill of her of course - she just looks like someone who may be a bit more 'playful' than she's given credit for. In a way I hope I'm right, as it may be one of the very few scenarios where she can still be alive.

In these cases when LE is silent and/or cryptic...they either know a lot, or nothing much at all. No way of knowing, until things start happening. I just hope they know a lot, since they are not asking for help. I wonder if they will agree to let TES get involved?

Fingers crossed that they know a lot because, from what I have gathered, they aren't seeking the public's help with information from anyone who may have seen her in the park or elsewhere that morning and no one is begging of people in town and on base to pass around fliers asking for information...all of the things that we usually see in the early stages of a missing person case. I hope that if they don't find her within the next few days they will allow TES to help.
So if Erin's husband was the last person to see her....where is the clothing description? Unless he left before she did, and she was still in her pajamas?

And about the neighbor who posted on facebook that she was up till 1am. That doesn't account for after 1am to the time Erin's car left base.

BBM Maybe he was still in bed from the late party the night before and he only saw her in her pajamas before she changed and left?
I'm not sure why people think the ranch people would be more visible. People need to remember this is primarily a military town. I'm sure many of the workers (paid and volunteers) at the ranch are military-related somehow and if the military put the word out to keep quiet most military people would respect that - even if they themselves aren't in the military.

I think I didn't make myself clear on the post quoted above...

I meant that I think we would have heard more about Erin visiting this ranch had Erin have spent the night there the night she went missing... Due to media reporting...

I did not mean to imply that the ranch owners/employees/etc. had any responsibility to make themselves visible...

it was an observation... Not a judgement ....on my part...

I hope this clarifies my post above....

Heard about this case yesterday. The detective work reminds me of the a Mickey Shunick case, Releasing very little info except about the car. Hopefully like Mickeys case, the police know exactly who they are going after. One thing I noticed about Erin is that her smile doesn't quite meet her eyes. She looks genuinely happy in only one photo I have seen posted, the one of her with a parrot on her shoulder.
My son is in the Navy stationed in Bremerton and they must leave their phones in the car. They also don't have cell service below the flight deck so wouldn't do any good to take it anyway.

You are also not supposed to walk talking on a cell phone on base. You are supposed to stand in place, sit, etc.
But Leanne was found hanging just blocks away from the home she walked away from. The family were the ones who told LE they had
searched there specifically. LE took their word and moved on searching a huge area where, of course, LB was not.

I'm sorry but sleuths aren't against anybody for no reason. If one can't admit those are hinky coincidences, then one isn't being honest imo.
Figure the odds, Leanne would be found where a family member or members said they had already searched. And shame on LE for not going
over the area again. That situation burns me up. It's hard for me to digest.
So what do we know so far

1. Mom talked to Erin for at least an hr on Fri before she went missing. Talked about food Erin brought for mom to make, trip to Sea World, etc. (Which tells me she was not planning to leave.)
2. Erin lived in an Apt (6652 ?something on base)
3. [modsnip]
4. At 7am Erin leaves to visit Joshua Tree park to look for places to take pics when her mother arrives. Husband last to see her per news report.
5. Early Sunday Jon reports her missing.
6. Monday LE find her car blue 2013 Toyota on Valle Vista (between Condor and Utah trail.) Don't know what color blue, light, dark, medium.
7. Reporter states that Mom told him, Jon thought she might have gone to "the ranch" to spend the night.
8. Mom learned Erin found out she was preg. on father's day.

What we don't know

1. What Erin was wearing when last seen.
2. A picture of the car-for tips, maybe someone saw it somewhere.

That's all I can think of, feel free to add to list.
I believe LE knows plenty. There is a reason they're searching JTNP when Erin's car was found close to the base. I don't want to believe the husband harmed her, but I just can't help thinking there is often a grain of truth in every lie. Knowing they were at a party the night before is troubling to me. I hope I'm wrong.....
You are also not supposed to walk talking on a cell phone on base. You are supposed to stand in place, sit, etc.

I've never heard this before. The military has some strange regulations.
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