GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Border Patrol and FBI brought in....???? A possible drug connection somehow? Not implying anything! Sheesh I'm paranoid to even post a thought! Just thinking out loud about what could bring them into the investigation..
I don't know if releasing the info would be with the purpose of making Erin look bad/less sympathetic. My thoughts are that this "leak" may bring forward tips from people who knew, or suspected an affair and know the other person alleged to be involved, without actually releasing his name at this point. But jmo.

Just to clarify, I don't think the article was released to make Erin look bad. However, it does paint Erin in an unfavorable light.

I'm leaning towards either a lack of strong enough evidence of an affair for this new info to be printed in "regular" MSM, or MSM is avoiding scaring off the perp.
It was bringing border control on board the investigation that got me thinking outside of personal as to who the perp might be.

I think I get your drift, no relevancy. BP and ICE frequently aid local law enforcement agencies in missing person searches. They helped in the search for missing hiker Mike Herdman.

Have any of you looked at the moon tonight, the light is amazing from the Supermoon.
Condor gate... has fence!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sph-5SZspmic1wC5-zq1d7A!2e0

Right of Condor gate, has fence:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sph-5SZspmic1wC5-zq1d7A!2e0

Around the corner to the right:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

It just keeps on going:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

Up toward the aparments, it continues:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

Even the wash is fenced off:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

Everywhere I look there is a perimeter fence:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc


Power grid has a fence:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

This entire base is fenced:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

Not to say a murderous young marine couldn't hop that fence. I do see barbed wire on this portion, however:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

And here, more barbed wire:!3m1!1s0x80dac726c25e7ecf:0xec37eb42c963a3fc

More ouch here:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sqZKmWUfaUhx4V93Mkt_vLg!2e0

I can't say for sure the entire perimeter is barb wired, but it looks like it is.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sBwwEX9bSJo3K1Uji2R5LoQ!2e0

This, the best part of all! Click this for sure!!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sFHxdw0YwBqTiFhyQmrcLOQ!2e0

Within the article above, it says that 600 units are located 4.5 miles from the base and are maintained by the government.
I haven't found any further information about the units off base regarding who, rank and family types, might be assigned housing off base.
Altogether there are 15 family housing areas consisting of 2,167 houses and apartments, of which, 1,567 are located on base.
Is it known where Erin and Jon live? Do they live in the area that's 4.5 miles away from the base?
Border Patrol and FBI brought in....???? A possible drug connection somehow? Not implying anything! Sheesh I'm paranoid to even post a thought! Just thinking out loud about what could bring them into the investigation..

Lots of cases have involved other agencies for help. Each one has different resources or specialties, other than their obvious purpose.
It does not have to mean anything in particular. Jmo
This is the sentence that stands out for me and why I am leaning towards it being true.

"The source noted that investigators have interviewed all the parties involved and said while their stories have checked out, the other Marine’s story is full of contradictions, and they do not believe they will find Erin Corwin alive."

I think the "their" includes Jon (his story checked out) and the other Marine is the alleged "you know who" and his story is full of contradictions. I wonder if they don't have him on camera somewhere when he said he was somewhere else. That's my :twocents::groucho: Wish I had that is. :blushing:
The Border Patrol and FBI may be involved because JTNP is federally owned land. I know the BP has helped locate people here in TX in Big Bend National Park.
He may have been with her in the car from the start. And maybe seen leaving alone. LE has not said much, but I think they have a suspect and a good reason to think she may still be in the park.

Yes, I agree this is possible, but then how did The Perp get in the car with her to start with? Did she pick him up somewhere? At a prearranged location? Was he/she hitchhiking, and it was a random pickup??

Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
I don't see why two people would have to be involved in a crime against Erin. In fact, I feel like there was only one. It seems the car was left within a distance that could be walkable back to base, without being too obvious. Jmo

I don't think two people would necessarily have to be involved, but it makes more sense logistically if this were the case. If it was an alleged Marine boyfriend who was involved, Erin and this person would've seemingly had to have left the base in her car (if she did not park it there herself). The perp would more than likely be on camera if this is the case. On the other hand, if there was collusion - say, Heather Elvis style - then it makes it much easier to leave the base without being directly tied to Erin. In other words, if he and his wife (or someone else) were involved, there is plausible deniability if they were seen leaving that AM in a different car and returning together later.

Basically, in my opinion, if this alleged boyfriend and Erin left the base in her car, he'd be in jail right now.
I agree - an affair with a married Marine would equate to 3 potential killers - husband, lover, lover's wife. But the fact is, there is no real confirmation that there was an affair and Erin is still missing.

I see your point about a confirmation. But family has not rebutted nor removed the story link posted on the facebook page (supposedly operated by her SIL IIRC). In fact Jon's great-aunt all but confirmed it. Add the SBSO press release today, and it's not hard to read between the lines.

I don't think any of us care about the affair in terms of a moral judgement, quite the contrary. I could see Erin as her family has described her, being naive about a man's attention and intentions for her.

The alleged affair is important only as to "why" Erin has been missing for thirteen days.
I think I get your drift, no relevancy. BP and ICE frequently aid local law enforcement agencies in missing person searches. They helped in the search for missing hiker Mike Herdman.

Have any of you looked at the moon tonight, the light is amazing from the Supermoon.

bbm ~ yes, kind of errily cool looking in these parts with floating sparse clouds moving across the sky. It is slightly overcast hindering the moon from shinning as brightly as it would without any clouds/overcast. The glow of the moon looks brighter within itself though but the night doesn't look bright (due to the clouds - some of them real floaty-like). I'm expecting a witch on a broomstick to fly by any moment now!

Does my description make sense? Anyway, this is the same as last time - doggone it.
bbm ~ yes, kind of errily cool looking in these parts with floating sparce clouds moving across the sky. It is slightly overcast hindering the moon from shinning as brightly as it would without any clouds/overcast. The glow of the moon looks brighter within itself though but the night doesn't look bright (due to the clouds - some of them real floaty-like). I'm expecting a witch on a broomstick to fly by any moment now!

Does my description make sense? Anyway, this is the same as last time - doggone it.

That was a wonderful description, thank you for sharing : )
I don't think two people would necessarily have to be involved, but it makes more sense logistically if this were the case. If it was an alleged Marine boyfriend who was involved, Erin and this person would've seemingly had to have left the base in her car (if she did not park it there herself). The perp would more than likely be on camera if this is the case. On the other hand, if there was collusion - say, Heather Elvis style - then it makes it much easier to leave the base without being directly tied to Erin. In other words, if he and his wife (or someone else) were involved, there is plausible deniability if they were seen leaving that AM in a different car and returning together later.

Basically, in my opinion, if this alleged boyfriend and Erin left the base in her car, he'd be in jail right now.

She may have met him elsewhere. But unless he drove out of park alone, on video, I doubt they could arrest him. And besides, he is likely being well-watched. He won't be going anywhere, while LE seeks Erin, and more evidence. Jmo
I don't think two people would necessarily have to be involved, but it makes more sense logistically if this were the case. If it was an alleged Marine boyfriend who was involved, Erin and this person would've seemingly had to have left the base in her car (if she did not park it there herself). The perp would more than likely be on camera if this is the case. On the other hand, if there was collusion - say, Heather Elvis style - then it makes it much easier to leave the base without being directly tied to Erin. In other words, if he and his wife (or someone else) were involved, there is plausible deniability if they were seen leaving that AM in a different car and returning together later.

Basically, in my opinion, if this alleged boyfriend and Erin left the base in her car, he'd be in jail right now.

BBM, but not if they met up off base. He could have walked or ridden a bike off base. Maybe they DO have him on camera leaving the base on foot or bike. That still would not be enough to put them together later and therefore arrest him.
This is the sentence that stands out for me and why I am leaning towards it being true.

"The source noted that investigators have interviewed all the parties involved and said while their stories have checked out, the other Marine’s story is full of contradictions, and they do not believe they will find Erin Corwin alive."

I think the "their" includes Jon (his story checked out) and the other Marine is the alleged "you know who" and his story is full of contradictions. I wonder if they don't have him on camera somewhere when he said he was somewhere else. That's my :twocents::groucho: Wish I had that is. :blushing:

OH NO, that might be the "one bad decision". Mods aren't snipping it, because it's linked to "MSM". But it still might not be true, if the sources aren't genuine.

I'm still hoping and praying for Erin.

Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
I see your point about a confirmation. But family has not rebutted nor removed the story link posted on the facebook page (supposedly operated by her SIL IIRC). In fact Jon's great-aunt all but confirmed it. Add the SBSO press release today, and it's not hard to read between the lines.

I don't think any of us care about the affair in terms of a moral judgement, quite the contrary. I could see Erin as her family has described her, being naive about a man's attention and intentions for her.

The alleged affair is important only as to "why" Erin has been missing for thirteen days.

People here did not condemn Heather E, for apparently having an affair with a married man, which led to her murder, IMO) but it was definitely a motive, in fact THE motive. These details are important, if true.
Knox, oh, I was thinking LE may suspect Erin was kidnapped or something (when I read about border control being involved).
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