GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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I think I get your drift, no relevancy. BP and ICE frequently aid local law enforcement agencies in missing person searches. They helped in the search for missing hiker Mike Herdman.

Have any of you looked at the moon tonight, the light is amazing from the Supermoon.

Yes, just watched a bear strolling down the street.
People here did not condemn Heather E, for apparently having an affair with a married man, which led to her murder, IMO) but it was definitely a motive, in fact THE motive. These details are important, if true.

One isn't even permitted to bring up that fact over on the HE thread. Here, I was trying to be so good! Must admit, I'm confuzzled at times around here and with good reason.
Very true Clu and good comparison. Both young girls who were just starting out on their own. It just boggles my mind how and why, this happens over and over again.
One isn't even permitted to bring up that fact over on the HE thread. Here, I was trying to be so good! Must admit, I'm confuzzled at times around here and with good reason.

Bring up the affair? It has been discussed in detail, with plenty of articles in MSM.
I live in Monrovia, CA.
Home of the late, great, Sampson - The Hot Tub Bear!
Erin could have been taken out of that park by a camper she had met.
Motor home, RV, tent trailer. All could have been used to remove her.
Does anyone who lives out there know where they have been searching? I mean specifically, has anybody seen any search teams in JTNP actually doing their work? If so where and when?
Erin could have been taken out of that park by a camper she had met.
Motor home, RV, tent trailer. All could have been used to remove her.

If she was ever taken out of the park. I don't believe she was. Jmo
Bring up the affair? It has been discussed in detail, with plenty of articles in MSM.

The relationship is discussed with all the fault being placed on the perp AND his wife. That's my perception anyway.
Erin is the victim in this case just as Heather is the victim in her case.
Very true Clu and good comparison. Both young girls who were just starting out on their own. It just boggles my mind how and why, this happens over and over again.

I'll tell you in this case at least how it happens: the teen lives a sheltered life, gets married young at 19 with no experience because she's IN LOVE, gets pregnant immediately, moves from TN to the desert in California, alone (no family support) to a Military Base no less, has a miscarriage, then gets pregnant again and goes missing.

OH, I left out where her Husband was all this time since he came back from Japan to 29 Palms, because we simply don't know.

Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
Bring up the affair? It has been discussed in detail, with plenty of articles in MSM.

clu, your original post is that no one condemns HE. And I agreed with you. Now, I'm confuzzled again - lol!
In other words, we need the rules to be consistent across the board.
She may have met him elsewhere. But unless he drove out of park alone, on video, I doubt they could arrest him. And besides, he is likely being well-watched. He won't be going anywhere, while LE seeks Erin, and more evidence. Jmo

I suppose someone could've unknowingly assisted him with getting his car back if he drove it off base and then returned on foot, but it's doubtful someone - even his wife - would risk not telling LE about unknowingly doing that, lest they be charged too. Or, he and she could have met where her car was parked, but that's an awful strange place to do so.

This is all provided, of course, that this was perpetrated by an alleged boyfriend and not a random person.
I had to Google that : )

I saw a bear on the grade, coming home from San Luis one time, that was pretty exciting, lol.

Second one today. First was a black one up on the hill.
This one is cinnamon colored and as big as a Volkswagen. I hear it now knocking over trash cans. Trying to get a pic because the lighting is so great tonight.
What is up with the local media out there? I can't believe the newspapers or TV stations have not been able to drive out and get video/photos of the search teams. I have only seen command post video from the first weekend.

Apparently SBSO vehicles, with those easy up tents seen out there.

Gives me a visual of the photo's in the McStay case (shivers).
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