GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

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I'm confused...a somewhat normal state for me. The Probable Cause wording doesn't help clear up the confusion either. It says that JC reported his wife missing, the 29th, and while investigating the missing person, Deputy M. made contact with the Corwin's neighbor, CL. That was when CL denied knowing much about Erin and that he & his wife knew her only as an acquaintance. Then, he was re-contacted after the friend in TN gave up the text messages. He admitted kissing, but little else. That's when he stated that he did not see EC on the 28th or 29th....that he was hunting in JTNP on the home at 1600 hrs.

Then, again on 7/1 Detectives spoke to CL AND his wife.

It seems to me that they first interviewed him on the 29th....and again on the 30th....and again on the 1st, along with NL. Of course, he could have been interviewed twice in the same day....maybe the 29th or maybe the 30th.

Is that clear as mud?

Yep, it's clear as mud...and I get exactly what you are saying! I have no answer for you. It certainly sounds like LE spoke with CL on the 29th. I wonder why the talk about CL needing an alibi for the 29th, which was stated in another court document (Probable Cause, I think)?
My ex-husband used to have one. He is a fireman and he and all his buddies used to go to 29 and practice shoot with them.

My ex also used to say to me, in a semi-joking way, "watch it or I'll dump you in one of those mines and you'll never be found".

:gasp: Glad to know you're rid of him. Gees!
This has probably already been addressed, because I have missed lots.
But how in the heck would she know who the father was?
Surely when she told her husband on Fathers Day that she was PG he didn't say, "how could that be, we haven't had sex in months?"
How in the heck would she know?
My opinion probably differs from the group here, but I think that given the fact EC was going to celebrate her pregnancy with CL, she either told JC she was pregnant by another man, or he found out. I suppose it's also theoretically possible that she told him she was 2-3 weeks along, as it said on the initial police report, when she was further along, in order to make the dates match up with the last time they had relations. Or she told him she was further along when she wasn't. I think EC was done with JC and just waiting for her new life to start. No judgements of EC, it's JMO.
I keep going back to the statement Erin made to the friend from TN about the surprise place they were going being 2 hours away. I feel like he's not too bright and might have been honest about that part. Where's 2 hours away that had mines or water or somewhere to possibly hide a body ?

Mines two hours away? EVERYWHERE! California has thousands and thousands of abandoned mines. As a matter of fact, while researching abandoned mines in California when I heard LE was searching mines for Erin I discovered that about 50 feet from the back parking lot of my favorite shopping center up the street is an old abandoned decades old underground tungsten mine. They are literally everywhere.
Yep, it's clear as mud...and I get exactly what you are saying! I have no answer for you. It certainly sounds like LE spoke with CL on the 29th. I wonder why the talk about CL needing an alibi for the 29th, which was stated in another court document (Probable Cause, I think)?

Yes, it was in the Probable Cause....It was IM's statement that said NL stated CL was worried because he didn't have an alibi for 6/29/14. Maybe LE interviewed CL late in the evening of the 29th?? Ugh!
Okay, since I've made a number of potato cannons, let's put this to bed. They shoot potatoes, apples, oranges, etc. but not bullets. He didn't use that.
We had an employee shoot FROZEN canned food from his....:doorhide:
I've wondered about this too...
Perhaps she thinks he killed her, is scared out of her mind, and every single thing she is doing is now strategy to protect herself and her child, but get him thrown in jail without the risk of coming right out and telling people she thinks he did it?

I am troubled by really how stupid Nicole would have to be to tell IM the things she is reported to have told her. For someone supposedly trying to cover involvement in a murder, it just becomes unbelievable that Nicole would say the things she did in front of another person not involved in the crime. So I went back and looked again at the Probable Cause document. Is it possible that Nicole is furious that her husband appears to be a liar, she herself isn't a liar and doesn't get tongue tied, she might be saying. Could it actually be that she only very strongly suspects her killed her and is very irritated that he's bumbling with stupid excuses when she herself has no trouble with a clear line of answers? And then the statement that no body no crime - that's what a lot of us say here and also the belief that the body won't be found.

So. Rereading this, is it possible that Nicole only very strongly suspects him and is not involved herself?

edited to add: I guess that doesn't take into account she was probably seen at the car at 10 a.m.

To All: I have spent two days on this and would appreciate your valuable insight.

After you read it (or some of it - it is very long, and the lengthy comments are far more telling), my question to you is this: Is CL a narcissist abuser?

Most Sincerely, Moe Joey

Shudder. Unfortunately all too familiar. But I don't think we really know enough about either CL or NL to go quite that far. Based on a few passed-along statements by NL, I could easily see her being one.

But that alone isn't IMO nearly enough to go on. Wonder what their friends are thinking about them right now? In my experience, it took some time away from the situation before I cleared my head, got my identity back and actually recognized WTF was going on. Narcissists are master manipulators and get better with practice.

To All: I have spent two days on this and would appreciate your valuable insight.

After you read it (or some of it - it is very long, and the lengthy comments are far more telling), my question to you is this: Is CL a narcissist abuser?

Most Sincerely, Moe Joey

Very, very interesting. I wish we knew more about CL's personal interactions. I just don't think we have enough, or anything really, to know for sure. Even with all the rumors and comments on sites, I haven't been able to get a real picture of what this guy is like. I appreciate the research you did. Again, a very interesting and eye opening article/comments on narcissism.
Well, this certainly isn't looking good for the L couple. If the media is right, there seems to be little question as to what happened. It is just a matter now of a confession, and retrieving the body. What is still unclear, is which one of them committed the crime, or both? The bizarre revelations from the horse rescue woman are astounding. Was the wife the puppet master, the accomplice, or simply trying to protect herself by incriminating the husband? Still unclear, and I think any of those possibilities could be accurate. It is my speculation only that there will be an arrest shortly. I predict the wife will testify against the husband to save her own hide. After all, she is a woman scorned, supposedly. All opinion and speculation only.
The Statement of Probable Cause states they moved belongings into both homes she owned.

"Isabella told detectives about her association with Lee and Nicole and how they were staying in a cabin on her property at 788 Geronimo. Isabella said they have been moving items into this cabin since 070114 when their residence was searched. Isabella also said they have been putting some of their belongings into the main structure at 733 Geronimo across from the location."

I don't understand why they starting moving things to the ranch the day their home was searched. Moved things from apartment to ranch then moved them again?
Why move things twice?
Holy smokes. This pinterest board just changed everything for me. :/
Did you read the ones under the husband section? Specifically all the ones about forgiveness and another woman?

Can I say this here? There is one cartoon where a husband appears to be beating a mistress, and the comment under it (NL?) says something like "I can't tell if this is sweet or abusive..."

I can't think of anyone I know that would post that.

Under one of her pins she also commented about her "damn temper"
I don't understand why they starting moving things to the ranch the day their home was searched. Moved things from apartment to ranch then moved them again?
Why move things twice?

Have wondered about that as well. Why not bring the Uhaul to the apartment, load up entirely there and then book straight for Alaska?

Unless it is somehow tied to it being base housing? They must have an awful lot of stuff if they were doing all that running back and forth. As much as everyone I know that despises moving, bottom line is you make it as easy as possible….and offer your friends unlimited pizza and beer once done.
A woman scorned...and a mother. I agree.

Well, this certainly isn't looking good for the L couple. If the media is right, there seems to be little question as to what happened. It is just a matter now of a confession, and retrieving the body. What is still unclear, is which one of them committed the crime, or both? The bizarre revelations from the horse rescue woman are astounding. Was the wife the puppet master, the accomplice, or simply trying to protect herself by incriminating the husband? Still unclear, and I think any of those possibilities could be accurate. It is my speculation only that there will be an arrest shortly. I predict the wife will testify against the husband to save her own hide. After all, she is a woman scorned, supposedly. All opinion and speculation only.
Well, this certainly isn't looking good for the L couple. If the media is right, there seems to be little question as to what happened. It is just a matter now of a confession, and retrieving the body. What is still unclear, is which one of them committed the crime, or both? The bizarre revelations from the horse rescue woman are astounding. Was the wife the puppet master, the accomplice, or simply trying to protect herself by incriminating the husband? Still unclear, and I think any of those possibilities could be accurate. It is my speculation only that there will be an arrest shortly. I predict the wife will testify against the husband to save her own hide. After all, she is a woman scorned, supposedly. All opinion and speculation only.

I think the wife is all three!
Have wondered about that as well. Why not bring the Uhaul to the apartment, load up entirely there and then book straight for Alaska?

Unless it is somehow tied to it being base housing? They must have an awful lot of stuff if they were doing all that running back and forth. As much as everyone I know that despises moving, bottom line is you make it as easy as possible….and offer your friends unlimited pizza and beer once done.

Certainly would have worked out better for them if they did load up the U Haul and head out considering he got arrested on the 4th for the "destructive potato launcher thingy" at the Ranch. His separation date was the 7th. Maybe he had to stick around until then? I don't know. They did not end up leaving until the 16th, I believe. The whole timing of Erin's disappearance reeks of "finish this place off, wash our hands, and go". Just my opinion.
I keep going back to the statement Erin made to the friend from TN about the surprise place they were going being 2 hours away. I feel like he's not too bright and might have been honest about that part. Where's 2 hours away that had mines or water or somewhere to possibly hide a body ?

The Mexican border is 3 hours away.....I wonder if LE checked border crossings?
Please remember - NO naming of individuals unless they are the suspect/poi or the victim and you are 100% sure you have the right person.


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