Found Deceased CA - Juliani Cardenas, 4, Patterson, 18 January 2011 - #2

Sooner or later one of these cars is gonna come up with someone..... May not be the someone's they're looking for, but I'm waiting.
I know, are they checking the trunks do you think??? I find it hard to believe nobody realizes this would be the perfect place to dump a body because they never search it!

Sooner or later one of these cars is gonna come up with someone..... May not be the someone's they're looking for, but I'm waiting.
Sooner or later one of these cars is gonna come up with someone..... May not be the someone's they're looking for, but I'm waiting.

I agree. I wonder if it'll be reported on if/when it happens? I recall reading when they cleaned the canal in 1998 that they recovered bodies.
I wonder if they have the same two hour time frame today, then another 4 hour break. If they do, they are done in 20 minutes.
No sound here either and I have external speakers, I have sound when nobody else does.
I would think if they found bodies, there would be a lot of activity going on.
What a mess! Chat folks were complaining of leak though audio, now we have none!
Yep Quiche, that's exactly what's been happening. I think it's safe to say for right now that there they haven't found their bodies otherwise the sheriff would probably be there and Raj would have been more somber.

I hope Ch 10 has it together for tonight's news-- it would be a darn shame if they blew it entirely, they've had good coverage.
I hope they replay it with the sound. I'm interested in what he had to say.

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