CA CA - Patrick McDermott, 48, San Pedro, 1 July 2005

kez said:
Hi Mysteriew,
I've narrowed it down a little to these dates going by news articles I found.
19 June 2005 still in USA
1st August 2005 in Australia

National Tree day here was on 31st July,so she left the US sometime after 19 June 2005 & arrived in Aust sometime before the end of July. The article above has a print date of 28th July & Tree day for schools is the 29th. According to some articles I've read, she was here in Australia at the time he went missing and that she then flew home. That's all I could narrow it down to at the moment, hope this helps.

Gaia Spa & Retreat opened in February 2005.[ source Byron Shire Echo January 25, 2005 ]

Great Kez that helps a lot. Are you from Au? Can you tell us the buzz going on there? And welcome to WS. It is always nice to get new posters contributing as it gives us another point of view (or sometimes, someone new to agree with us, LOL).
mysteriew said:
Great Kez that helps a lot. Are you from Au? Can you tell us the buzz going on there? And welcome to WS. It is always nice to get new posters contributing as it gives us another point of view (or sometimes, someone new to agree with us, LOL).

Hi Mysteriew, Thanks :) Yep, I'm another lurking aussie, just when you think you've met us all, another one pops out of the woodwork :D

I don't think we've had much more info than over there, although we seem to be getting the information earlier. I did hear on a news story that Olivia was over here at the time to be with a friend involved in a car accident, but I haven't seen that in the print/web media so far.

Everyone here seems to be running with the theory that he has done a runner due to his personal situation and a bit gobsmacked that it took her so long to even make a statement.

heh. I spoke too soon, speaking of which, I just found this article which says she's being questioned about why she didn't report him missing.,10221,16389908-7484,00.html

OLIVIA Newton-John's failure to tell authorities her boyfriend of nine years was missing is under investigation.

The US coastguard told The Daily Telegraph Newton-John's failure to raise the alarm was "one of the things we are looking into".
Well, one reason for the passport- has he ever lived with ONJ in Australia?
Ms Newton-John has issued an appeal for information on his whereabouts.

"For those of us who know and love him, it has been a truly heartbreaking experience and we have chosen to deal with it privately," said the star of 1978 musical film Grease.

FEARS that Olivia Newton John's boyfriend was lost at sea resurfaced yesterday when a fisherman claimed the photographer vanished four hours into the overnight boat trip.

Tony Mayo said he had befriended Patrick McDermott on the June 30 fishing trip and then Mr McDermott went missing.

"He was a cool cat," Mr Mayo said. "I remember he had a couple of good jokes during the safety speech and just seemed a nice guy."

Mr Mayo said he began talking to Mr McDermott before the boat, Freedom, even left California's San Pedro port at 10pm on June 30 for the overnight fishing trip.,5936,16399588%5E954,00.html
Trapped somewhere between grief and hope, Olivia Newton-John is in hiding and in despair, contemplating the unknowable and the unthinkable. If Patrick McDermott has died, she does not know how or when or where. If he has disappeared, she apparently does not know why.

And so, faced with uncertainty and fear, she has done what she did the last time those two demons invaded: summoned Gavin de Becker to her side.

De Becker is the man Hollywood turns to when life goes bad, and when it did so for Newton-John 22 years ago he did what he does best: saving her from a stalker who wished her harm. Today he is back, with the job of answering the myriad questions that cloud the disappearance of McDermott, Newton-John's partner of nine years.
mysteriew said:
......................when a fisherman claimed the photographer vanished four hours into the overnight boat trip.


So this fisherman noticed 4 hours into the trip that McDermott was missing but didn't say anything? What did he think happened to him?
Mabel said:
So this fisherman noticed 4 hours into the trip that McDermott was missing but didn't say anything? What did he think happened to him?

He stated that he thought maybe the guy got seasick or something. Still for him to start talking out of the blue, it is hard to judge what is going on.
If he wasn't seen after 4 hrs. into the trip, but still his bill got paid- that kinda puts a more sinister aura to this disappearance.
They are now backing off that McDermott was seen after the boat docked. They say his bill was paid, but no one actually remembers seeing him.
I should read back before I ask this, but ......

Do we know how big a boat this was or how many people were on board? It seems that there must have been quite a few if someone could go missing and not be noticed.
Mabel said:
I should read back before I ask this, but ......

Do we know how big a boat this was or how many people were on board? It seems that there must have been quite a few if someone could go missing and not be noticed.

I remember hearing it was about 23 people on board. The size of the boat is more difficult to was definitely a fishing boat. Maybe, 75 feet or so to be able to sleep that many people. This wasn't a luxury looking ship. It would have to be a bunk-up situation.
concernedperson said:
I remember hearing it was about 23 people on board. The size of the boat is more difficult to was definitely a fishing boat. Maybe, 75 feet or so to be able to sleep that many people. This wasn't a luxury looking ship. It would have to be a bunk-up situation.

Have you seen anything about how many employees were on board? You would think they would be checking on the passengers periodically and would notice if one went missing.
mysteriew said:
Have you seen anything about how many employees were on board? You would think they would be checking on the passengers periodically and would notice if one went missing.

No, that little factoid isn't showing up anywhere. The only reference to the company is that according to their insurance regs when they find someone's belongings they have to secure them in a locker until they are claimed. So, they were fairly recently released.
mysteriew said:
Have you seen anywhere, what date she left to go to Austrailia?
Her Press Agent on the Today show said something about her being in Australia to open a new business (I have no idea what) during the time of the disappearance.
As I was flipping through the channels today (sorry, don't remember which channel I landed on) I heard a TH say that the boat can sleep 45 people in stacked bunks that are very, very cramped because they are stacked 4-high.
I didn't not get get to the channel fast enough if they had stated the actual size/dimensions of the boat.
A few days ago a well-known Hollywood informant said that ONJ has homes all over the place. He did not elaborate.
CaliKid said:
Well, one reason for the passport- has he ever lived with ONJ in Australia?
Thanks :doh: , I hadn't even considered that idea.
Could go along with the theory that they had not been getting along or had split up with ONJ and was maybe going to Aus after the fishing trip to try to win her back?
Don't mind me....I'm just throwing out any idea that pops in my head. :confused:
I wondered how much cash he might have been carrying on this trip. And if his cash was found. If the cash is missing that could point to someone on the boat.
But, I still can't get past the fact that someone paid for his trip after they docked-but no one seems to know for sure who paid for it.
mysteriew said:
I wondered how much cash he might have been carrying on this trip. And if his cash was found. If the cash is missing that could point to someone on the boat.
But, I still can't get past the fact that someone paid for his trip after they docked-but no one seems to know for sure who paid for it.

I'm not buying the guy's story that he went missing 4 hours into the trip, because if the bill was paid AFTER the fishing trip, then he must've still been around to pay the bill. I think it's more likely that the others who say they saw him leaving the boat after it docked is probably more accurate. Sounds to me like someone wanting to appear dead/missing to get out of debts and other problems.

It sure is strange that ONJ didn't report him missing, but as others said, maybe they had an open arrangement with him doing his stuff and her doing hers and only catching up with each other when it suited them both. Who knows. Definitely sounds fishy, though.
mysteriew said:
Ms Newton-John has issued an appeal for information on his whereabouts.

"For those of us who know and love him, it has been a truly heartbreaking experience and we have chosen to deal with it privately," said the star of 1978 musical film Grease.

FEARS that Olivia Newton John's boyfriend was lost at sea resurfaced yesterday when a fisherman claimed the photographer vanished four hours into the overnight boat trip.

Tony Mayo said he had befriended Patrick McDermott on the June 30 fishing trip and then Mr McDermott went missing.

"He was a cool cat," Mr Mayo said. "I remember he had a couple of good jokes during the safety speech and just seemed a nice guy."

Mr Mayo said he began talking to Mr McDermott before the boat, Freedom, even left California's San Pedro port at 10pm on June 30 for the overnight fishing trip.,5936,16399588%5E954,00.html

This guy knows that someone went missing 4 hours into the fishing trip and he keeps the info to himself until recently? Where did he think McDermott had the middle of the ocean????? The galley chief says that McDermott paid his bill when they were 3 miles from shore heading home. How did he pay his bill if he went missing off the boat 4 hours after they left shore? I wonder if he paid with a credit card. You would think the chief would remember what he looked like as there weren't that many people on board. McDermott looks like he is a mixed nationality to he isn't so generic that he would just fade into a crowd.
Maybe he's a drug addict? Violent, abusive, has no money ONJ doesn't report him missing because it's not the first time he "disappeared" for days but when days turned into weeks ....missing & on a binge?:waitasec:

Linda7NJ said:
Maybe he's a drug addict? Violent, abusive, has no money ONJ doesn't report him missing because it's not the first time he "disappeared" for days but when days turned into weeks ....missing & on a binge?:waitasec:


ONJ wasnt even in the USA when he went missing, she was home here in aussieland
They were no longer an ITEM/couple, just good friends, whom she states she loves dearly.

heres a link ..... this article isnt totally accurate because ONJ stated that she has spoken to BUT had not seen him for a couple of months (that was on our radio here)

Olivia Newton-John had not spoken to her missing boyfriend Patrick McDermott for several months before he disappeared, according to a report in a British newspaper.

The Daily Telegraph said friends of the couple believed the pair "had drifted apart" recently and were no longer an item when he left on a fishing trip on July 1, the last time he was seen.

Newton-John, who the newspaper said was resting at the Gaia health spa near her home in Byron Bay, was not the first to report McDermott missing, sparking speculation about the state of their relationship.


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