Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #22

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On the flip side, why would two gun toting kidnappers release someone they kidnapped and beat up over the course of 22 days. Why wouldn't they kill her? If SPs story is true, it seems like the younger one had no problem possibly killing her older accomplice, so why would she hesitate to kill SP?

Yes, that's a big question! (I'm kinda skeptical about that part of the story, about the gunshot and then the fight in the bathroom.)

Maybe with the coverage of the case, the kidnappers were afraid of murder charges?

Then again, there is the question of the time and expense of keeping her alive? Who would take on that responsibility? Or, did they release her because they were tired of keeping watch and feeding her?

I don't know, I don't know I don't know.

I really can't wait for this one to be solved.


So Jackson says they released the video now in order to "jog some memories".

How exactly is that going to happen from what we see on that video? "Oh, you know what, I was driving by that morning. I,too, saw a woman running and flailing her arms." I don't see how it's going to be of any help. If someone actually witnessed her getting out of a car on the side of the interstate at 4 am, I'm pretty sure they don' t need their memory jogged.

:seeya: Just jumping off your post here:

RBBM: So LE says they released the video NOW - which is November 2017 - 1 YEAR - November 2016 - AFTER the abduction/release of SP to "jog some memories."

JMO but I cannot remember IF I saw someone - something - anything odd from a week ago much less a year ago !

This is a weird one. I can't possibly speculate as to the specifics, but it seems to me the explanation most consistent with the facts we have is that SP was, indeed, victimized, but in the course of doing something that she doesn't want LE to know about. In that case, she also wouldn't want LE to find her captors, since that would give them insight into whatever it is she was doing, whether that "whatever" was drug-trade related, some kind of high-class sex work, or something else.

I've come to that conclusion because it is too far-fetched for me to believe that this woman did this to herself or allowed this to be done to her as part of some organized con job. On the other hand, there's a lot that doesn't add up, and the history of dishonesty does give me pause.

The oddest thing for me at this point is figuring out why the kidnappers would have let her go. Crossing someone in the course of serious criminal activity is the kind of thing that tends to get you killed, not chained, beaten, branded and released. I know LE has ruled out sex trafficking, but a) they could be deliberately misleading the public and b) maybe they just mean "as a matter of public safety, we've ruled out the idea that this random woman was snatched from the street." Because wanting to traffic her would be one reason to keep her alive. Someone in an earlier thread suggested that the kidnappers wanted to traffic her, but realized they couldn't do so safely given the publicity the case had gotten. That sounds like a reasonable theory to me. Maybe SP was meeting with some unsavory people who decided they could make money off of her. Before they had passed her on to someone else, however, she became too hot to handle. They didn't feel that they could safely let her go right away, either (or both) because the case was too big, they had to strategize how to do it, or because they thought if they let her go before instilling the fear of God into her, she might spill to the police even at risk of exposing her own prior activities. But they also haven't actually killed anyone before, and aren't willing to cross that line. So, they keep her locked up and beat her -- but don't sexually assault her, since they don't want their DNA anywhere near her. Then, after some time has passed, they let her go.

One detail I think is a red herring in all of this is KP's claim that he told the kids their mom would be home by Thanksgiving. That's a really dumb thing to tell your kids, if you don't know where your wife is, but it would be, IMO, even dumber to tell the press that you had told your kids that if the reason you know she's coming home is that you're in on it. So, of two implausible options, the one in which he actually didn't know where she was is the less absurd one.
On the flip side, why would two gun toting kidnappers release someone they kidnapped and beat up over the course of 22 days. Why wouldn't they kill her? If SPs story is true, it seems like the younger one had no problem possibly killing her older accomplice, so why would she hesitate to kill SP?

Especially since they obviously had a great hiding place for a body!
Maybe people close to the case need their memory jogged, not the general public.

Just an idea.


RBBM: Yes ... exactly ... JMO but this video was not released FOR the general public .. it was released for those involved, IMO.

I question what the initial plan was.
The day they took her, what was the plan?
Before media coverage, before the story got hot.. why take her?
Was the plan to ask for money.. seems that KP ans SP didn't have any
Did they plan on killing her? Why? And why wait 22 days?

Two women don't just drive down a street, abduct a woman, keep her for 22 days without it being planned
To be planned, whether random or not, there had to be a reason.. money. revenge. Etc
On the flip side, why would two gun toting kidnappers release someone they kidnapped and beat up over the course of 22 days. Why wouldn't they kill her? If SPs story is true, it seems like the younger one had no problem possibly killing her older accomplice, so why would she hesitate to kill SP?

Hypothetically speaking, if there was a “message” they were sending, either to Sherri or someone else, killing her might not get the message across, especially if they hid her body and covered their tracks. They must have been pretty confident that she couldn’t or wouldn’t identify them though, because releasing her was definitely a risk. Personally, I don’t think the older one was killed, IF the shots were fired. Perhaps just wounded or intimidated by the younger one. Or the shots were meant to intimidate Sherri.
This is a weird one. I can't possibly speculate as to the specifics, but it seems to me the explanation most consistent with the facts we have is that SP was, indeed, victimized, but in the course of doing something that she doesn't want LE to know about. In that case, she also wouldn't want LE to find her captors, since that would give them insight into whatever it is she was doing, whether that "whatever" was drug-trade related, some kind of high-class sex work, or something else.

I've come to that conclusion because it is too far-fetched for me to believe that this woman did this to herself or allowed this to be done to her as part of some organized con job. On the other hand, there's a lot that doesn't add up, and the history of dishonesty does give me pause.

The oddest thing for me at this point is figuring out why the kidnappers would have let her go. Crossing someone in the course of serious criminal activity is the kind of thing that tends to get you killed, not chained, beaten, branded and released. I know LE has ruled out sex trafficking, but a) they could be deliberately misleading the public and b) maybe they just mean "as a matter of public safety, we've ruled out the idea that this random woman was snatched from the street." Because wanting to traffic her would be one reason to keep her alive. Someone in an earlier thread suggested that the kidnappers wanted to traffic her, but realized they couldn't do so safely given the publicity the case had gotten. That sounds like a reasonable theory to me. Maybe SP was meeting with some unsavory people who decided they could make money off of her. Before they had passed her on to someone else, however, she became too hot to handle. They didn't feel that they could safely let her go right away, either (or both) because the case was too big, they had to strategize how to do it, or because they thought if they let her go before instilling the fear of God into her, she might spill to the police even at risk of exposing her own prior activities. But they also haven't actually killed anyone before, and aren't willing to cross that line. So, they keep her locked up and beat her -- but don't sexually assault her, since they don't want their DNA anywhere near her. Then, after some time has passed, they let her go.

One detail I think is a red herring in all of this is KP's claim that he told the kids their mom would be home by Thanksgiving. That's a really dumb thing to tell your kids, if you don't know where your wife is, but it would be, IMO, even dumber to tell the press that you had told your kids that if the reason you know she's coming home is that you're in on it. So, of two implausible options, the one in which he actually didn't know where she was is the less absurd one.

Yes. this
On the flip side, why would two gun toting kidnappers release someone they kidnapped and beat up over the course of 22 days. Why wouldn't they kill her? If SPs story is true, it seems like the younger one had no problem possibly killing her older accomplice, so why would she hesitate to kill SP?

Especially given the fact that SP said she slammed the younger one's head into the toilet?

Why would two gun-toting kidnappers allow Sherri to carefully place her phone on the ground with neatly coiled earbuds? And why wouldn't she call 911 as she put the phone down? Wouldn't it make more sense that they would get her secured, then either throw the phone out the window or smash it or turn it off and dispose of it later? The fact that she was able to put the phone down in the way that she did means that they would have allowed it and actually wanted her phone to be found. Why would they want her phone to be found? And why would they not want to keep her phone in order to access her contacts to make ransom demands, to try to get bank account information, etc? Or to use it to send fake texts to family saying that she was okay and not to look for her?
That's a good theory. It's maddening that reporters don't ask the right clarifying questions and it's left to us to try to guess.

So far I'm not seeing anything that would have kept her from running. Having one arm bound isn't going to stop you. Having just enough chain to go around your waist is going to add at most a few pounds of weight. Hose clamps on the ankles might chafe a bit. But she only ran a total of 100 yards so it's not like it was a 5k.


Sergeant Jackson seems willing to talk to any reporter who calls him. I want to someone to ask, "do you anticipate any arrests?"
Especially given the fact that SP said she slammed the younger one's head into the toilet?

Why would two gun-toting kidnappers allow Sherri to carefully place her phone on the ground with neatly coiled earbuds? And why wouldn't she call 911 as she put the phone down? Wouldn't it make more sense that they would get her secured, then either throw the phone out the window or smash it or turn it off and dispose of it later? The fact that she was able to put the phone down in the way that she did means that they would have allowed it and actually wanted her phone to be found. Why would they want her phone to be found? And why would they not want to keep her phone in order to access her contacts to make ransom demands, to try to get bank account information, etc? Or to use it to send fake texts to family saying that she was okay and not to look for her?

All very good points. The phone and neatly coiled earbuds is what I continue to struggle with. I would think that SP and KP would want to explain that detail if there is a reasonable explanation. It’s such a sticking point in the abduction story, but there may be a simple reason. Was it Sherri who put the phone down that way or someone else? Did KP pick it up and absent mindedly coil the cord? Whose fingerprints are on the phone?
Something stuck out for me as I read a couple of links to news reports a few pages back. Each stated the husband used the phone locator app, but none mentioned he attempted to call her before doing so. If that is the case, I think it is extremely strange. Placing a call would be my first action rather than trying to trace the person by their phone locator.
I thought it wasn't legible and that was the issue?

If I have that part wrong I apologize. I never read it wasn't legible but only that the police were trying to figure out what it means? Branding to me means burning the skin. Did LE say the branding was done by cutting the skin?

In above video..

LE concerned about how vague her memory is in the minutes and hours leading up to her abduction
If I have that part wrong I apologize. I never read it wasn't legible but only that the police were trying to figure out what it means? Branding to me means burning the skin. Did LE say the branding was done by cutting the skin?

Me too Ocean. I've always thought of branding as "burning". (But I've been around cattle much of my life). I guess it can mean other things too.
In above video..

LE concerned about how vague her memory is in the minutes and hours leading up to her abduction

Well that’s a bombshell IMO!! Does trauma erase prior memories? Drug use certainly would.
Me too Ocean. I've always thought of branding as "burning". (But I've been around cattle much of my life). I guess it can mean other things too.

In KP's famous "subhumans" speech, he described her injuries as bruises, red rashes, chain markings and "severe burns". No mention of cuts, so I would assume she was branded by burning.
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