Resolved CA - Willits, WhtMale, 22-32, UP87917, found in creek bed under Hwy 101, shoulder-length hair, wearing women's clothing, Sept '21


Verified family member - Orie Donald Esh thread
Aug 2, 2021
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This case has also been added to the Trans Doe Task Force's case map.

NamUs #UP87917

Sex: Male
Race/Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Estimated Age Group: Adult - Pre 30
Estimated Age Range (Years): 22-32
Estimated Year of Death: 2021
Estimated PMI: N/A
Height: 5'10" - 6'4" (70 - 76 inches), Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Cause of Death: Unknown

Type: Unidentified Deceased
Date Body Found: September 20, 2021
NamUs Case Created: January 11, 2022
ME/C QA Reviewed: N/A
Location Found: Willits, California
County: Mendocino County
Circumstances of Recovery: The male deceased was located on September 20, 2021 in the creek bed under the Highway 101 Arnold Overpass in Willits, California (Mendocino County). He was clothed but without identification and is not visually identifiable.
Inventory of Remains: N/A
Condition of Remains: Not recognizable - Near complete or complete skeleton

Physical Description
Hair Color: Brown
Head Hair Description: Hair appears to be longer - possibly shoulder length. Appeared to be straight
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinctive Physical Features: No information entered

Clothing and Accessories
- Dark colored "Colorado Clothing" heavy jacket (On the Body)
- Women's black cotton "Forever 21" dress (On the Body)
- Women's short sleeve "SO" shirt, size large (On the Body)
- Women's "Cello Jeans" jeans blue with red inside, size 5 (On the Body)
- Women's black lined leggings (On the Body)
- Men's brown suede/leather mid rise "Sonoma Leather" boot, size 11 wide (On the Body)

News Coverage
Matt Pera, "Sheriff: Body found under Highway 101 bridge in Mendocino County," Press Democrat [Santa Rosa, CA], 21 September 2021.
<snipped & BBM>

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after two people who stopped to stretch their legs during a road trip on Monday afternoon reported finding a decomposing body below a raised section of Highway 101, authorities said.

The body was below the Highway 101 bridge over Outlet Creek, near the intersection with Underpass Road. The site was about 1.5 miles south of the intersection of Highways 101 and 162, between Willits and Laytonville, said Capt. Greg Van Patten, a Sheriff’s Office spokesman.

We can’t say at this point whether it was a homicide, suicide, accidental death or natural death,“ Van Patten said Tuesday.

The body was found on the ground and appeared to have been there for two to three months, Van Patten said. He said there was evidence of a homeless camp at the site.
A Young Man Found Dead North of Willits— An Occult Text Nearby— Was Wearing Woman’s Clothing When Located Last Year – MendoFever

*Graphic picture*

Adding to the peculiar nature of this John Doe, a book was located near the deceased man entitled The Book of Thoth, written by none other than Alister Crowley, the British occultist who believed in the existence of “magick”, saw sexual experimentation as a tool in exploring an individual’s magical capabilities, and was known to flout the conventional morality of his time.

The specific book is named after the Egyptian god Thoth, who is depicted as having the head of an ibis and was worshiped as the god of the moon, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, and magic.

Due to the advanced state of decomposition, investigators gathered limited information regarding the individual’s physical appearance. The man is thought to be white, between 22-23 years old, with long, straight, brown hair described as “possibly shoulder-length” and standing between 5’10”-6’4″. Eye color could not be determined.

Hair ties found on the body/possible a leather bracelet found on the John Doe.

Possible match? the only thing that doesn't match is the height but NamUs mentions that the status of the remains is "Unrecognizable - Skeleton almost complete or complete" so the height of the remains may not be correct.

The height is a big difference, though. A minimum of six inches to a maximum of a foot?

It's a shame, because otherwise, Hazel fits well. She's transgender, she went missing at about the right time. She's the right age. Her hair is the right colour. I think she's just too tall. But what do I know? I'm just another doofus typing from my sofa. If you feel strongly about it, send it in. Maybe the person putting in the details for Hazel meant to type 5'10" and goofed.
Family has said they dont want this persons identity to be publicly announced. It may be best to move on to another case.
I'm not sure but could family members block that when it's a murder case? Do we know at all how this persons landed there where they were found?
Speculate on the cause of death? Their name? I will always respect the integrity of a case or the wishes of family members. I was just curious.
They have asked that their name not be put on here, so I think our best bet is to not speculate their identity. That way we can avoid the possibility of us mentioning their name.

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