cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

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IIRC, if you bleed on a carpet while you are alive, dogs trained in decomp will not hit on it. However, if blood is coming from a deceased body, the dogs will hit on it.

If a body is deceased and laying in bed for a couple of hours. we might not smell it, however, once the body is removed and a trained dog goes in, they will hit on it.

But that's not what Forgey said. I recall his testimony specifically, because I was so surprised by it. He said a LIVE person could cut their finger, and if the blood drop began to decompose a cadaver dog might hit on that. That is what he said.

And now...I'm dropping the subject before you people make me go look through all his testimony for proof of what I heard. :crazy:
She was on Effexlor (sp)

I was on Effexor at one time under the supervision of my regular doc. The only warning was possible suicidal thoughts, not homicidal. And even at that it was for younger people like teens using the drug. Its supposed to have a more calming effect, not one that should get you riled up..
Why protect the boys if it is an accident? Immediate reaction would be to call the ambulance? No? I mean accidents are accidents, they happen all the time. Unless she was passes out and hours before she discovered that Lisa had come to harm? I just don't get the "cover up" for the kid theory. I've been trying to estimate when the last (seeminly) credible person actually had seen Lisa. I almost feel more comfortable relying on that time frame. I've read a next door neighbor was there, but what time? Did anyone find anything where this person had actually seen Lisa? Thanks!
Reading through the search warrant, I'm really perplexed about the rolls of tape and tape dispenser. Seems a common every day item, so what did LE find that would lead them to think..."aha! Tape dispenser!" ? Not like they have a body wrapped in tape, or weapon with tape on it. So...what gives with the tape/tape dispenser, I wonder?

But, if they find the body with tape wrapped around it, they can match the ends of the tape where it is torn off and if it know...
Left on your bedroom carpet to decompose? :sick:

I know it's gross but I was wondering if she was passed out she might not have known it was there. Not excusing her but looking at it from a decomp sense.
You are a whiz at grabbing those videos! We really can't thank you enough for all of your work. Amazing!

Do you ever purge them? Or you just knew these would be needed again?

Either way, thank you again, we don't tell you enough. :blowkiss:

I recorded the entire Casey Anthony case from day one up to an including yesterday's hearing and will never delete these videos.

Your welcome. :blowkiss:
For what purpose? It doesn't make sense.

It could be that baby Lisa was screaming her little lungs out for mommy who was blitzed on alcohol and drugs and couldn't hear a thing. One of the boys maybe put something over her mouth to stop the noise and accidentally smothered her. Perhaps mommy thought it better to claim intruder than be found drunk and negligent in charge of 3 children.
I was on Effexor at one time under the supervision of my regular doc. The only warning was possible suicidal thoughts, not homicidal. And even at that it was for younger people like teens using the drug. Its supposed to have a more calming effect, not one that should get you riled up..

Second this. It's a very common anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug that has well-documented successes.
Yeah, I think I fell off too.

How sad. I was holding out hope that the parents weren't involved this time. :tears:
If they are, it would seem that killing one's child has become the crime du jour. All the parent(s) have to do is take a piece of this story, add a piece of that story, through in some of another for good measure...and voila! What do you have? Another huge batch of lies and one very dead child.
Just announced on Foxnews, On Judge Jeanie show tonight she'll have a body expert on to go over DB and JI body language during their interviews
The first time I saw the father in a video.He seemed very calm.No emotion.Monotone.I felt it was very strange.I can't explain it.
Something happened either Sunday night or Monday while the boys were at school. Possibly, Dad was trying to sleep for his night shift and the baby just kept waking him. Either he or DB lost it and in a fit of rage fatally injured Baby Lisa. Then in a panic both JI and DB decide that they must not report this. They will lose both boys, if they do. So they come up with a plan.

They temporarily hide Lisa in the backyard. DB removes the clothes because they are soiled. One of them scopes out a good place to get rid of any evidence. They drive around and decide on the dumpster. One of them sees a kitten (if there ever was a kitten) and brings it home to keep the boys occupied and away from Lisa's room, The door is shut because, they tell the boys and the neighbor, that Lisa needs sleep. Mom sets up a movie time with the neighbor, again this keeps the boys occupied, and she asks her brother to take her to the store where she buys the biggest container of wine that she can find and things for the baby. She probably really does need a drink, now. But it is more for an alibi or reason she doesn't hear anyone break in. After the neighbor leaves, she stages the house...pushing in the screen, leaving the door unlocked and the phones are JI's afterthought. That way we can say that the intruder took the phones so we couldn't call 911. After that the dumpster is set on fire as a red herring to point to someone getting rid of evidence of the abduction & theft. At some point, right before JI drives home from work (2:38 AM) DB turns all the lights on in the house. DB turns the fan on high and makes sure that the baby monitor is turned on. Maybe younger son heard mom milling about or coming and going, woke up and got into her bed. I doubt that was part of the original plan. JI did ask her why the boy was in her bed. It's finally time to call 911. And then the inconsistencies begin to unravel.

At some point during the day, if no one other than a family member says they saw Lisa, then DB...maybe with the help of her brother took Lisa somewhere special to her and buried her. I doubt they are going to find the burial site. I still don't see anyone in that family dumping their baby.

From those TV interviews, I have a strong feeling that this couple are simple-minded people. I don't believe that they can make such a complicated plan.
I should know this, but do we have a thread that contains the parent's interviews only? Like the youtube fests we had for CSA?
I was on Effexor at one time under the supervision of my regular doc. The only warning was possible suicidal thoughts, not homicidal. And even at that it was for younger people like teens using the drug. Its supposed to have a more calming effect, not one that should get you riled up..

I'm wondering if her dosage was off... Thank you!
I also need to add, yet again, that not all dogs and more importantly dog training is created equal, there are some dogs out there working (not NASAR certified I might add) that will probably hit on just about anything.


There have been far too many cases in recent years that have really hosed the credibility of dogs, and rightfully so, and it is making it real hard on the good ones. I have come out more than once and called out bad work when I feel it is there. I will never blindly defend simply because they are in my field and we are a part of some "family". I am not a blind defender of LE either despite the fact that many near and dear to me are in LE, I was in LE, and I believe strongly in what they do. So, please, for those of you who don't know me, know this.

My husband is in the military and they had a ied dog that was awful. my husband said they finally just sent him back and got another one. He said the dog would walk right past the ied. Many close calls. moo
In answer to has anyone else lived in that house. When searching court dockets I found the ex wife of JI's had lived in that house prior to DB. Sorry if that has been answered already as the pages are flying!
But that's not what Forgey said. I recall his testimony specifically, because I was so surprised by it. He said a LIVE person could cut their finger, and if the blood drop began to decompose a cadaver dog might hit on that. That is what he said.

And now...I'm dropping the subject before you people make me go look through all his testimony for proof of what I heard. :crazy:

I am not even going there ...
I'm going to take a wild guess...the reported rumor of LE showing her burnt clothes. Perhaps they bundled them up, placed tape around it and last minute decided to burn the clothes, tape remained on the clothes that didn't get entirely burnt.

I think the cadaver dog may have alerted on the tape dispenser too, even though we didn't see it in the search warrant. Maybe PD didn't see the need to list everything the dog hit on. If 1 and 1 = 2, the tape was used to wrap something around Lisa's body. When I think of a tape dispenser, I think of scotch tape... maybe that's all DB had available.
I remember cadaver dogs hitting on a dumpster in Halieghs case, come to find out it was a used sanitary pad or a bandaide?? anyome remember??
Somewhat O/T
I remember but IMHO Haleigh was either placed in or under that dumpster for a short period of time until whoever moved her to another location...Three different dogs hit on that dumpster...JMHO
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