Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #8

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Questions: How much CASH did DG have on him? Like I said previously, perhaps he was going back to his property to get items to FLEE *again*... If the cash from the estate sale hasn't been recovered, perhaps he was going to get it before fleeing? Most people pay cash at these events.

That's a very good thought. If he thought he was that smart, and hid the cash somewhere thinking LE would have nothing on him. After being released on bail he would wait until late Sunday night to go get the money from his hiding place and flee.. hmmm
What gives with all these convoluted, bizarre kidnappings and killings( Tim B, L Saunders ect) that seem to be happening in Canada lately?!
What gives with all these convoluted, bizarre kidnappings and killings( Tim B, L Saunders ect) that seem to be happening in Canada lately?!

It seems to be a sick trend. Worse, there are usually multiple people involved. I just hope that the police have this right. I guess I Just have to have faith in the system and the evidence.
Quote Originally Posted by Carol View Post
FYI, continuing to call a non-murderer a murderer is technically libel. If the victims pop up tomorrow, or the POI is eventually charged and found not guilty, he'll own your house.

If someone is eventually convicted, you'll have years to scream about them, but doing so now is illegal (and also against board rules)

Although we have fairly sound evidence the DG being re-arrested and it relates to this case, I want to point out to you that we all have rights and freedoms, we are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I believe that regardless of past or present behaviours are not indictitive of future behaviour.

With my extended heart felt sympathy to the Liknes and Obrien families we must not forget that the extended family of DG will be suffering as well.

To quote Pooh. "Oh, bother. " Apparently some posters may have got themselves all knotted up over that silly Habeus Corpus thingy. IMO. IMHO. And I proudly count myself among them. The Magna Carta and its legislative offspring has pretty much withstood the test of time, you know, and we've managed to cobble together a pretty effective democracy because of it. Maybe we should protect those essential freedoms shared by each one of us. On the other hand, lynch mobs can be fun, I suppose, and the liquor is probably much better. It's strictly MOO, of course (and that of those who have lived through several centuries of experience behind us) that a rush to judgement is to hurl oneself, together with one's hard fought freedoms, headlong over the nearest cliff to destruction. Just sayin'. At the moment, we don't know what we don't know. IMO. Which I'd say, makes it a very good time to back off, leave this family alone so they may find consolation in their terrible grief, and let decisions of the court prevail. IMO. MOO. IMHO.

Original: Can someone confirm that these "bags of (potential?)" evidence was removed from Spyhill landfill? These bags don't seem to have received much attention. Any comments on witnessed size/shape/quantity of these bags?

Thank you for the link. However, that was published on July 9. They were still at Spyhill landfill for 2 more days. Was all that was found was clothes then?
What gives with all these convoluted, bizarre kidnappings and killings( Tim B, L Saunders ect) that seem to be happening in Canada lately?!

I don't know. I have posted on other threads that our Crimes appear to be rather heinous as of late. We don't have as many perhaps but they appear much more sadistic and calculated. IMO. Just an opine without getting into Stats.
I don't know. I have posted on other threads that our Crimes appear to be rather heinous as of late. We don't have as many perhaps but they appear much more sadistic and calculated. IMO. Just an opine without getting into Stats.

I would be interested in hearing stats about this in recent years. For me, Noelle Paquette was a marker for me. Since then (or maybe not because it was local and grabbed me) I feel like there have been such horrid, tortuous murders in Canada. Just musing about.
Original: Can someone confirm that these "bags of (potential?)" evidence was removed from Spyhill landfill? These bags don't seem to have received much attention. Any comments on witnessed size/shape/quantity of these bags?

Thank you for the link. However, that was published on July 9. They were still at Spyhill landfill for 2 more days. Was all that was found was clothes then?

I don't know. If there has been further evidence removed I have not seen referenece to it in MSM. The image at that link is the only photo I have seen of any 'bagged' evidence that was removed from that landfill.
Original: Can someone confirm that these "bags of (potential?)" evidence was removed from Spyhill landfill? These bags don't seem to have received much attention. Any comments on witnessed size/shape/quantity of these bags?

Thank you for the link. However, that was published on July 9. They were still at Spyhill landfill for 2 more days. Was all that was found was clothes then?

We don't know. You have to remember this is a Canadian Case. Much is kept close to the vest and once charges laid a Publication Ban takes effect shortly thereafter. We wont be privy to much and definitely no details.
I am heartbroken for the whole family, but of dire concern for JO. This seems like too much for one person to bear. The trauma of this will be horrendous to deal with, as well of the loss of a child AND parents. She is going to need a tremendous amount of support just to get out of bed each day.
This isn't a direct quote but didn't at some point during the press conference the police chief say something along the lines of - these are the only things the POI will be charged with at the minute but they will be looking into unsolved previous cases ... could it be that because of this case it may come to light that this was not the first time 'he' has committed murder?

On a personal note - I have my own 5 year old son sleeping next to me in bed right now ... the knot in my stomach and the ache in my heart for all the loved ones is almost unbearable. ... the family have lost ... no, not lost ... they have been robbed of SO much.
This isn't a direct quote but didn't at some point during the press conference the police chief say something along the lines of - these are the only things the POI will be charged with at the minute but they will be looking into unsolved previous cases ... could it be that because of this case it may come to light that this was not the first time 'he' has committed murder?

On a personal note - I have my own 5 year old son sleeping next to me in bed right now ... the knot in my stomach and the ache in my heart for all the loved ones is almost unbearable. ... the family have lost ... no, not lost ... they have been robbed of SO much.
I don't recall that at all.
Purely wild speculation - but one has to wonder if LE might not, in similar circumstance, suggest to a motel that they ask a suspect to leave?
If there was no question LE was going to arrest an individual (based possible on the return of forensic investigation, but without bodies) they might hope the suspect would do something that might lead LE to new evidence.
I would be interested in hearing stats about this in recent years. For me, Noelle Paquette was a marker for me. Since then (or maybe not because it was local and grabbed me) I feel like there have been such horrid, tortuous murders in Canada. Just musing about.

So true. Yes the Stats are interesting and certainly warrant a look. I just didn't want to look any up right now LOL. I remember you posting on that thread (NP) I'm close too. It is horrifying when it's close to home. We are just not use to being so close to such horror. That one hit me too. My Daughter and SIL were running one road over when the murder occurred. They are Marathon runners. Freaked me out to for sure.
I agree with someone's post that DG's sister may have provided useful tips for the investigators. She should know more about DG's personality, how he felt about the dispute with Liknes, how knowledgeable DG was about the Liknes's upcoming garage sale and moving plans. I read early on that she took leave indefinitely from her work for family emergency.

How hard it must be for DG's sister, if that's the case.
So true. Yes the Stats are interesting and certainly warrant a look. I just didn't want to look any up right now LOL. I remember you posting on that thread (NP) I'm close too. It is horrifying when it's close to home. We are just not use to being so close to such horror. That one hit me too. My Daughter and SIL were running one road over when the murder occurred. They are Marathon runners. Freaked me out to for sure.

It freaked the whole community out. The family is a benchmark for me for what good can come of things like this. I have participated in many of the events that have happened and know the family personally. I think that the terror of that one went from London right to Sarnia and further. I guess, to be honest, Tori Stafford was a bit before that one. Just as horrific. When I get around to it I may start at Bernardo and see what kind of increase if any has happened since then. It just seems so flooded right now.
My heart is broken...I can't even imagine how the family, especially the parents and brothers of little Nathan, are feeling. The image of him singing at his Kindergarden graduation is etched in my mind...the tassel of his hat dangling at times into his face, and him covering up his eyes ever so timidly as he sang, knowing in that instant he was being filmed. So cute, so much hope and promise. My head aches...hug your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, blessed that they are safe.

Adult homicides are tragic...please don't get me wrong, but it takes an elevated form of evil that just can't be explained to take the life of an innocent, sleepy eyed child.

Going for a Murder 1 charge is very bold...the onus is on the crown to prove a lot. On the other hand, it provides a bit of room for negotiating in case they have to.

Is there a chance the suspect was staying at a residence in Airdre after getting kicked out of the motel? Was he really stupid enough poking around outside on a property that the police were surveilling?

How did the suspect know that AL and KL were leaving town that particular time? Had he been communicating with someone who would have told him?

So much wisdom in old adages, and this one keeps popping in my mind when I think of this case, " money is the root of all evil!"
It freaked the whole community out. The family is a benchmark for me for what good can come of things like this. I have participated in many of the events that have happened and know the family personally. I think that the terror of that one went from London right to Sarnia and further. I guess, to be honest, Tori Stafford was a bit before that one. Just as horrific. When I get around to it I may start at Bernardo and see what kind of increase if any has happened since then. It just seems so flooded right now.

Truly. Oh and don't forget Magnotta (sp?)
My heart is broken...I can't even imagine how the family, especially the parents and brothers of little Nathan, are feeling. The image of him singing at his Kindergarden graduation is etched in my mind...the tassel of his hat dangling at times into his face, and him covering up his eyes ever so timidly as he sang, knowing in that instant he was being filmed. So cute, so much a hope and promise. My head aches...hug your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, blessed that they are safe.

Adult homicides are tragic...please don't get me wrong, but it takes an elevated form of evil that just can't be explained to take the life of an innocent, sleepy eyed child.

Going for a Murder 1 charge is very bold...the onus is on the crown to prove a lot. On the other hand, it provides a bit of room for negotiating in case they have to.

Is there a chance the suspect was staying a residence in Airdre after getting kicked out of the motel? Was he really stupid enough to be on a property that the police were surveilling?

How did the suspect know that AL and KL were leaving town that particular time? Had he been communicating with someone who would have told him?

So much wisdom in old adages, and this one keeps popping in my mind when I think of this case, " money is the root of all evil!"

I missed that ... would you happen to have a link of that graduation?
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