CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #22

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The more I ponder on this case, the more it seems like the simplest explanation (Occam’s Razor).

Kill Barry alone = likely business, bad debt, outside family, friends, enemies, hit man, etc.

What would happen if Barry were killed alone as he was entering his driveway? Honey would become in charge of the assets/money.

Apparently Honey was in the process of “updating her will” really close to the murders. So who knew this besides the lawyer that called Barry when he was dead?

How can a non-family member have THIS much inside info executed almost PERFECTLY that has caused this case to go on for 4+ years? It just doesn’t make sense.

Hell, if you gave me an option between only outside family or ALL kids involved, I would choose all kids involved without thinking twice. It just seems like some dark sinister case with a bunch of coverups.

No way in hell a hit man or someone “hired” to do the job is not getting ratted on for a reward of $50m or whatever it is, UNLESS the people putting up the reward are involved, and in that case, that reward will never be claimed.

There’s too many coincidences with regards to inside knowledge and I’m sorry, I just don’t buy that this wasn’t an inside job. And I honestly don’t trust any of the kids. Hell, if I were the kids I’d make damn sure my parents had the best security system installed in their house. That kid parent affection seems missing from this family and that’s worrisome. How can your parents be dead for 3+ days and you’re just living your life with no idea that they’re dead? No phone calls? No welfare checks? A real estate agent has to find out that your parents have been dead for days? Okay.
The more I ponder on this case, the more it seems like the simplest explanation (Occam’s Razor).

Kill Barry alone = likely business, bad debt, outside family, friends, enemies, hit man, etc.

What would happen if Barry were killed alone as he was entering his driveway? Honey would become in charge of the assets/money.

Apparently Honey was in the process of “updating her will” really close to the murders. So who knew this besides the lawyer that called Barry when he was dead?

How can a non-family member have THIS much inside info executed almost PERFECTLY that has caused this case to go on for 4+ years? It just doesn’t make sense.

Hell, if you gave me an option between only outside family or ALL kids involved, I would choose all kids involved without thinking twice. It just seems like some dark sinister case with a bunch of coverups.

No way in hell a hit man or someone “hired” to do the job is not getting ratted on for a reward of $50m or whatever it is, UNLESS the people putting up the reward are involved, and in that case, that reward will never be claimed.

There’s too many coincidences with regards to inside knowledge and I’m sorry, I just don’t buy that this wasn’t an inside job. And I honestly don’t trust any of the kids. Hell, if I were the kids I’d make damn sure my parents had the best security system installed in their house. That kid parent affection seems missing from this family and that’s worrisome. How can your parents be dead for 3+ days and you’re just living your life with no idea that they’re dead? No phone calls? No welfare checks? A real estate agent has to find out that your parents have been dead for days? Okay.
I have no problem with all of the children not being in contact with the parents for a few days, BUT I have huge concerns over their apparent lack of interest in solving the crime, with all their resources they could be doing so much more, putting up a reward but never begging for help isn’t really proactive.
I have no problem with all of the children not being in contact with the parents for a few days, BUT I have huge concerns over their apparent lack of interest in solving the crime, with all their resources they could be doing so much more, putting up a reward but never begging for help isn’t really proactive.
Agreed… it just seems so odd. I’m just surprised Toronto police did not do formal interviews/interrogations with the kids.
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I would also like to add, I might be the only lunatic that would ever look into this, but I honestly would like to see the net worth of any of the initial lead/non-lead detectives/cops on this case years before the Sherman’s were murdered compared to now. I want to see if there is an unexplainable, abnormal increase for anyone in a short period of time. Something just seems odd here.

This case just seems so weird for such a high profile homicide. From that beginning press conference to now, it just seems like NO ONE involved wants to solve the case. There’s no energy. No passion. You can tell from the faces of the detectives in the initial conferences. Something stinks in this case and I just believe we will never know the truth if the people running the show are the ones actually stinking.
See paragraph 11.
Paragraph 11:
There is also a new interview with Jeremy Desai, who had by then resigned as CEO of Apotex, a position taken over by Jack Kay. Desai and Kay have contradictory accounts of the events of December 13, the day of the murders. Kay said he left the office at noon to pick up his wife and head to New York (p. 59), but, according to Desai, “Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office at 2:33 PM.” (p. 76)
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I would also like to add, I might be the only lunatic that would ever look into this, but I honestly would like to see the net worth of any of the initial lead/non-lead detectives/cops on this case years before the Sherman’s were murdered compared to now. I want to see if there is an unexplainable, abnormal increase for anyone in a short period of time. Something just seems odd here.

This case just seems so weird for such a high profile homicide. From that beginning press conference to now, it just seems like NO ONE involved wants to solve the case. There’s no energy. No passion. You can tell from the faces of the detectives in the initial conferences. Something stinks in this case and I just believe we will never know the truth if the people running the show are the ones actually stinking.
It may not have helped at first to have a parallel investigation since it could put a damper on LE's enthusiasm.
However, it appeared to have been done because the family disagreed with the initial LE's M/S case description.
Here is an example of two affidavits that are the same except one is complete and the other has two paragraphs blanked out. It is interesting to note which paragraphs were blanked out (iv, v):

(p) Fred MERCURE, Jonathon SHERMAN’s husband.
On April 3rd, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Fred MERCURE’s statement, which he provided to Det. CAMPBELL and DC DEOLIVEIRA on December 27th, 2017. I have summarized the statement as follows:

i. Fred is marred to Jonathon SHERMAN. He has been with Jonathon for 5 years and married for 3 years.

ii. Fred knows the SHERMANs as he goes to the family dinners but besides that he does not know them too well. He has only met the SHERMANs about 20 times. Fred says that Barry is a nice person. Honey did not like Fred, at first, but has started to open up and get along with him recently. Fred says that Honey is hard to read.

iii. The last time Fred saw Barry was at Alexandra SHERMAN’s house when he went there to see Alexandra’s newborn baby prior to his trip to Japan with Jonathon.

iv. Fred and Jonathon were in Japan from November 28th, 2017 to December 14th, 2017. Fred is not sure about the exact dates. They had come home from Japan on a Tuesday and went to their cottage the following Friday.

v. While at the cottage Jonathon got a call from his aunt, Mary. Jonathon told Fred that his parents had been murdered and that they were found in the basement and that his aunt was very distraught.

vi. The SHERMANs were not the most affectionate couple.

vii. Fred attended their residence at Old Colony Road a couple of times a year.

viii. Fred went down to the basement pool area when his family visited the SHERMANs and they were given a tour of the house. Fred would go down stairs when he wanted to get away from people during family dinners. Fred has never seen anyone use the pool.

ix. Fred believes that Barry was Atheist. Fred is not Jewish and Jonathon did not follow the religion.

x. Fred says, in his mind, the SHERMANs could not have killed themselves.

xi. The SHERMANs were planning to go to Japan.

xii. Barry would have Christmas dinner at Fred and Jonathon’s home when Honey was away in Florida. This year they had arranged the same thing. The dinner was scheduled for December 24th, 2017.

xiii. Fred knows that Barry has a big company and he has heard that people had tried to sue him. (pp. 49-50)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 5 Appendix C (04-16-2018)


(g) Fred MERCURE, Jonathon SHERMAN’s husband.
On April 3rd, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Fred MERCURE’s statement, which he provided to Det. CAMPBELL and DC DEOLIVEIRA on December 27th, 2017. I have summarized the statement as follows:

i. Fred is marred to Jonathon SHERMAN. He has been with Jonathon for 5 years and married for 3 years.

ii. Fred knows the SHERMANs as he goes to the family dinners but besides that he does not know them too well. He has only met the SHERMANs about 20 times. Fred says that Barry is a nice person. Honey did not like Fred, at first, but has started to open up and get along with him recently. Fred says that Honey is hard to read.

iii. The last time Fred saw Barry was at Alexandra SHERMAN’s house when he went there to see Alexandra’s newborn baby prior to his trip to Japan with Jonathon.

iv. Blanked Out.

v. Blanked Out.

vi. The SHERMANs were not the most affectionate couple.

vii. Fred attended their residence at Old Colony Road a couple of times a year.

viii. Fred went down to the basement pool area when his family visited the SHERMANs and they were given a tour of the house. Fred would go down stairs when he wanted to get away from people during family dinners. Fred has never seen anyone use the pool.

ix. Fred believes that Barry was Atheist. Fred is not Jewish and Jonathon did not follow the religion.

x. Fred says, in his mind, the SHERMANs could not have killed themselves.

xi. The SHERMANs were planning to go to Japan.

xii. Barry would have Christmas dinner at Fred and Jonathon’s home when Honey was away in Florida. This year they had arranged the same thing. The dinner was scheduled for December 24th, 2017.

xiii. Fred knows that Barry has a big company and he has heard that people had tried to sue him. (pp. 38-39)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 7 Appendix C (09-23-2018)
Regarding FM not knowing the exact dates of his trip: how hard is it to check the plane tickets? I get that it's tricky with time zone changes but all he had to do was check the date and time on his tickets.

Also, did he go to dinner with Jonathon and his friends? I recall there was a dinner one night when the group was talking about their memories on Old Colony.
Paragraph 11:
There is also a new interview with Jeremy Desai, who had by then resigned as CEO of Apotex, a position taken over by Jack Kay. Desai and Kay have contradictory accounts of the events of December 13, the day of the murders. Kay said he left the office at noon to pick up his wife and head to New York (p. 59), but, according to Desai, “Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office at 2:33 PM.” (p. 76)

It’s a good point, but there are so many errors in the affidavits made by Detective Yim that make me lose confidence in the stated facts. On the latest warrant it’s obvious he was still cutting and pasting information with typos and conflicting information.
Here is an example of two affidavits that are the same except one is complete and the other has two paragraphs blanked out. It is interesting to note which paragraphs were blanked out (iv, v):

(p) Fred MERCURE, Jonathon SHERMAN’s husband.
On April 3rd, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Fred MERCURE’s statement, which he provided to Det. CAMPBELL and DC DEOLIVEIRA on December 27th, 2017. I have summarized the statement as follows:

i. Fred is marred to Jonathon SHERMAN. He has been with Jonathon for 5 years and married for 3 years.

ii. Fred knows the SHERMANs as he goes to the family dinners but besides that he does not know them too well. He has only met the SHERMANs about 20 times. Fred says that Barry is a nice person. Honey did not like Fred, at first, but has started to open up and get along with him recently. Fred says that Honey is hard to read.

iii. The last time Fred saw Barry was at Alexandra SHERMAN’s house when he went there to see Alexandra’s newborn baby prior to his trip to Japan with Jonathon.

iv. Fred and Jonathon were in Japan from November 28th, 2017 to December 14th, 2017. Fred is not sure about the exact dates. They had come home from Japan on a Tuesday and went to their cottage the following Friday.

v. While at the cottage Jonathon got a call from his aunt, Mary. Jonathon told Fred that his parents had been murdered and that they were found in the basement and that his aunt was very distraught.

vi. The SHERMANs were not the most affectionate couple.

vii. Fred attended their residence at Old Colony Road a couple of times a year.

viii. Fred went down to the basement pool area when his family visited the SHERMANs and they were given a tour of the house. Fred would go down stairs when he wanted to get away from people during family dinners. Fred has never seen anyone use the pool.

ix. Fred believes that Barry was Atheist. Fred is not Jewish and Jonathon did not follow the religion.

x. Fred says, in his mind, the SHERMANs could not have killed themselves.

xi. The SHERMANs were planning to go to Japan.

xii. Barry would have Christmas dinner at Fred and Jonathon’s home when Honey was away in Florida. This year they had arranged the same thing. The dinner was scheduled for December 24th, 2017.

xiii. Fred knows that Barry has a big company and he has heard that people had tried to sue him. (pp. 49-50)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 5 Appendix C (04-16-2018)


(g) Fred MERCURE, Jonathon SHERMAN’s husband.
On April 3rd, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Fred MERCURE’s statement, which he provided to Det. CAMPBELL and DC DEOLIVEIRA on December 27th, 2017. I have summarized the statement as follows:

i. Fred is marred to Jonathon SHERMAN. He has been with Jonathon for 5 years and married for 3 years.

ii. Fred knows the SHERMANs as he goes to the family dinners but besides that he does not know them too well. He has only met the SHERMANs about 20 times. Fred says that Barry is a nice person. Honey did not like Fred, at first, but has started to open up and get along with him recently. Fred says that Honey is hard to read.

iii. The last time Fred saw Barry was at Alexandra SHERMAN’s house when he went there to see Alexandra’s newborn baby prior to his trip to Japan with Jonathon.

iv. Blanked Out.

v. Blanked Out.

vi. The SHERMANs were not the most affectionate couple.

vii. Fred attended their residence at Old Colony Road a couple of times a year.

viii. Fred went down to the basement pool area when his family visited the SHERMANs and they were given a tour of the house. Fred would go down stairs when he wanted to get away from people during family dinners. Fred has never seen anyone use the pool.

ix. Fred believes that Barry was Atheist. Fred is not Jewish and Jonathon did not follow the religion.

x. Fred says, in his mind, the SHERMANs could not have killed themselves.

xi. The SHERMANs were planning to go to Japan.

xii. Barry would have Christmas dinner at Fred and Jonathon’s home when Honey was away in Florida. This year they had arranged the same thing. The dinner was scheduled for December 24th, 2017.

xiii. Fred knows that Barry has a big company and he has heard that people had tried to sue him. (pp. 38-39)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 7 Appendix C (09-23-2018)
Well we know they were back from Japan before the 14th of December because of the photo JS showed Kevin D with his fingers on the Crypto paper on the 13th and the dinner at Country Style was on the 14th.
The more I ponder on this case, the more it seems like the simplest explanation (Occam’s Razor).

Kill Barry alone = likely business, bad debt, outside family, friends, enemies, hit man, etc.

What would happen if Barry were killed alone as he was entering his driveway? Honey would become in charge of the assets/money.

Apparently Honey was in the process of “updating her will” really close to the murders. So who knew this besides the lawyer that called Barry when he was dead?

How can a non-family member have THIS much inside info executed almost PERFECTLY that has caused this case to go on for 4+ years? It just doesn’t make sense.

Hell, if you gave me an option between only outside family or ALL kids involved, I would choose all kids involved without thinking twice. It just seems like some dark sinister case with a bunch of coverups.

No way in hell a hit man or someone “hired” to do the job is not getting ratted on for a reward of $50m or whatever it is, UNLESS the people putting up the reward are involved, and in that case, that reward will never be claimed.

There’s too many coincidences with regards to inside knowledge and I’m sorry, I just don’t buy that this wasn’t an inside job. And I honestly don’t trust any of the kids. Hell, if I were the kids I’d make damn sure my parents had the best security system installed in their house. That kid parent affection seems missing from this family and that’s worrisome. How can your parents be dead for 3+ days and you’re just living your life with no idea that they’re dead? No phone calls? No welfare checks? A real estate agent has to find out that your parents have been dead for days? Okay.
I believe someone had access to H and B or even just H's email information etc. Remember her assistant said that Honey did not have a password.
I would also like to add, I might be the only lunatic that would ever look into this, but I honestly would like to see the net worth of any of the initial lead/non-lead detectives/cops on this case years before the Sherman’s were murdered compared to now. I want to see if there is an unexplainable, abnormal increase for anyone in a short period of time. Something just seems odd here.

This case just seems so weird for such a high profile homicide. From that beginning press conference to now, it just seems like NO ONE involved wants to solve the case. There’s no energy. No passion. You can tell from the faces of the detectives in the initial conferences. Something stinks in this case and I just believe we will never know the truth if the people running the show are the ones actually stinking.
I respectfully disagree, on the issue that no one wants to solve the case. I believe the interest in this case being solved is still very high in the Media, Political circles, and the Jewish community. I believe the TPS has allocated a huge amount resources to this case. It may not seem like it compared to what a typical one-hour TV crime drama. Specifically I believe the TPS has been active with investigations into electronic databases, overseas enquiries and so on. They also spent a lot of time at the Old Colony home early in the investigation.

Why have the TPS not solved the case yet even with the huge reward?
- Crime was well planned and executed by very competent individual(s).
- The criminals were very careful to leave minimal forensic evidence at the site.
- The TPS wants a iron-clad case before going to court, as I believe the defendants will have the best lawyers that money can buy.
- Nobody has been ratted-out, likely because of the fear of the consequences.
- Maybe the Night Walker is deceased.
Well we know they were back from Japan before the 14th of December because of the photo JS showed Kevin D with his fingers on the Crypto paper on the 13th and the dinner at Country Style was on the 14th.
They arrived back from Japan on Tuesday December 12, 2017
The cryptocurrency picture was on Wednesday December 13, 2017
The restaurant dinner was on Thursday December 14, 2017
They went to their cottage on Friday December 15, 2017
Regarding FM not knowing the exact dates of his trip: how hard is it to check the plane tickets? I get that it's tricky with time zone changes but all he had to do was check the date and time on his tickets.

Also, did he go to dinner with Jonathon and his friends? I recall there was a dinner one night when the group was talking about their memories on Old Colony.
Seems that jetlag may have been a factor in this since it was mentioned somewhere before. Is there any picture of their restaurant meeting and who was there and who was not there and why?
It’s a good point, but there are so many errors in the affidavits made by Detective Yim that make me lose confidence in the stated facts. On the latest warrant it’s obvious he was still cutting and pasting information with typos and conflicting information.
It appears that these specific affidavits were taken by Detective Brandon Price.
Paragraph 11:
There is also a new interview with Jeremy Desai, who had by then resigned as CEO of Apotex, a position taken over by Jack Kay. Desai and Kay have contradictory accounts of the events of December 13, the day of the murders. Kay said he left the office at noon to pick up his wife and head to New York (p. 59), but, according to Desai, “Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office at 2:33 PM.” (p. 76)

77. On December 17th, 2017, Detective Brandon PRICE conducted an interview with
Jack KAY107 I have reviewed a statement summary prepared by Kaitlynn BELL and I
learned the following:

c. KAY says he last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th. KAY was catching
a flight to New York with his wife and left the office at 12:00pm, went home
and picked up his wife then went to the airport. KAY says he returned back
from New York on Friday afternoon on a 2pm flight. KAY says they flew Air
Canada out of Pearson. KAY says they went back to the hotel after shopping
and they received the call about Barry and Honey. (p. 75)

107 Jack KAY is the vice chair of Apotex. He has worked with Bernard SHERMAN for 35 years.

81. On December 18th , 2017, Detective Constable Kristin THOMAS conducted an
interview with Omar JABRI116 I have reviewed a statement summary prepared by
Kaitlynn BELL and I learned the following:

b. On Wednesday JABRI sent an e‐mail to Barry before the lunch hour. Barry
didn’t respond but arrived in the office shortly after 1pm. JABRI states that
Barry was asking questions but the CEO Jeremy DESAI wanted to participate. (p. 80)

116 Omar JABRI is the Senior Patent Counsel for Apotex and has worked there for 6 years.

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 02 (01-10-2018).
(aa) Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

vii. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to home
to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 59)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 04 (02-08-2018).
(ee) Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

vii. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to home
to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 72)

(ff) Jeremy DESAI, ex-CEO of Apotex Inc.

On February 20th, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Jeremy DESAI’s
statement, which he provided to Det. PRICE on February 1st, 2018. I have summarized
the Statement Summary as follows:

xi. In the afternoon of the 13th, Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office
at 2:33 PM. Later on in the afternoon Jeremy left the office at 5:15 PM to attend
a Christmas dinner. Upon leaving Jeremy saw Barry’s car in the parking lot as
well as Honey’s car. (p. 76)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 5, Appendix C (04-16-2018).
(l) Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

vii. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to home
to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 41)

(m) Jeremy DESAI, ex-CEO of Apotex Inc.

On February 20th, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Jeremy DESAI’s
statement, which he provided to Det. PRICE on February 1st, 2018. I have summarized
the Statement Summary as follows:

xi. In the afternoon of the 13th, Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office
at 2:33 PM. Later on in the afternoon Jeremy left the office at 5:15 PM to attend
a Christmas dinner. Upon leaving Jeremy saw Barry’s car in the parking lot as
well as Honey’s car. (p. 45)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 6, Appendix C (06-27-2018).
(t) Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

vii. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to
home to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 62)

(u) Jeremy DESAI, ex-CEO of Apotex Inc.

On February 20th, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Jeremy DESAI’s
statement, which he provided to Det. PRICE on February 1st, 2018. I have summarized
the Statement Summary as follows:

xi. In the afternoon of the 13th, Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office
at 2:33 PM. Later on in the afternoon Jeremy left the office at 5:15 PM to attend
a Christmas dinner. Upon leaving Jeremy saw Barry’s car in the parking lot as
well as Honey’s car. (p. 66)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 7, Appendix C (09-23-2018).
i. Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

VII. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to
home to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 56)

ii. Jeremy DESAI, ex-CEO of Apotex Inc.

On February 20th, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Jeremy DESAI’s
statement, which he provided to Det. PRICE on February 1st, 2018. I have summarized
the Statement Summary as follows:

XI. In the afternoon of the 13th, Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office
at 2:33 PM. Later on in the afternoon Jeremy left the office at 5:15 PM to attend
a Christmas dinner. Upon leaving Jeremy saw Barry’s car in the parking lot as
well as Honey’s car. (p. 60)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 8, Appendix C (11-14-2018).
i. Jack KAY, Vice Chair of Apotex Inc.

On January 17th, 2018 I reviewed a Statement Summary, for the statement of Jack KAY
which he provided to Det. PRICE on December 17th, 2017. I have summarized the
statement as follows:

VII. Jack last saw Barry on Wednesday December 13th as Kay was going to catch a
flight to New York with his wife and he left the office at 12:00 PM, went to
home to pick up his wife and then went to the airport. (p. 46)

ii. Jeremy DESAI, ex-CEO of Apotex Inc.

On February 20th, 2018, I reviewed the Statement Summary of Jeremy DESAI’s
statement, which he provided to Det. PRICE on February 1st, 2018. I have summarized
the Statement Summary as follows:

XI. In the afternoon of the 13th, Jeremy, Barry and Jack had a meeting in Jack’s office
at 2:33 PM. Later on in the afternoon Jeremy left the office at 5:15 PM to attend
a Christmas dinner. Upon leaving Jeremy saw Barry’s car in the parking lot as
well as Honey’s car. (p. 50)

Sherman Murders Police Affidavit ITO # 12, Appendix D (09-01-2020).
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