CANADA Canada - Christine Jessop, 9, Queensville, Ont, 3 Oct 1984 - #1

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Check out the link below to a child abduction case involving rape and murder. The injuries to the girl in this case (Jorelys Rivera) are eerily similar to Christine’s injuries: blunt force trauma to the head, stabbing (and Jorelys was stabbed in a bathtub, so she “bled out” there)…

It might be useful as a behaviour pattern comparison to the Jessop case in terms of the perpetrator. It might help us look at the Jessop case in a new way. Brunn found Jorelys’ roller skate and used it to lure her away. Could Christine have dropped her recorder on her way to the store or park, and the perpetrator used it as a way to lure her close enough to a vehicle that she was abducted? Or something like that…? That's a possible explanation for the recorder being found with Christine.

Also, the killer in this case (Brunn) eventually committed suicide.
Did Christine’s killer commit suicide, too? Perhaps that is why Christine’s killer is not linked to any other crimes and his DNA does not appear anywhere?

Should we be looking for the suicide of a strange, creepy, loner-type young man who behaved oddly around children and who lived in the Sunderland area? Or the Queensville area, or somewhere between?

The thing with suicides… they don’t always get reported as such.
“Died suddenly” is the term often used.
I'm confused about Christine's head and the positioning of her body when she was discovered. Was her head covered with her sweater and pulled over her head? Was her body found with her back facing up?
Was her face bashed in before or after the sweater was pulled over her head? Were there bone shards found in the cloth of the sweater, blood stains? Hiding her face while assaulting her is strange, unless the point was to remove the sweater entirely and it could be difficult to do if it was the turtle neck type of sweater. Maybe it was to avoid looking at her while raping her or to muffle her voice. Maybe it was because he knew her. If she was found on her back, then I think she was killed at the recovery site based on her injuries to her chest. I always thought rapists raped their victims from behind, not while in the missionary position. Her positioning (from the Kauffman report) states she was found on her back (I had heard or read conflicting info about her being found with her back facing up). If she was found with her back facing up, then I would believe that she was dumped at the recovery location.
According to the KR Christine's was found lying face up. According to RR, she was face down as per a description quoted by the first detective on the scene.

Cuts were found in the back of the 3 upper garments found with her remains, according to RR. Her sweatshirt, blouse and turtleneck sweater.

There is no report that shards of bone were found in the sweater covering her head, which appears to have been the sweatshirt. Small holes surrounded by blood were found on the sweatshirt, her panties and two holes were found on her torso.
According to the KR Christine's was found lying face up. According to RR, she was face down as per a description quoted by the first detective on the scene.

Cuts were found in the back of the 3 upper garments found with her remains, according to RR. Her sweatshirt, blouse and turtleneck sweater.

There is no report that shards of bone were found in the sweater covering her head, which appears to have been the sweatshirt. Small holes surrounded by blood were found on the sweatshirt, her panties and two holes were found on her torso.

If the sweatshirt covered her head while he bashed her face in, there should be more than a small amount of blood found on that article of clothing. If he stabbed her first and then pulled her sweater over her head, that could explain the holes and the blood. But what about her face? There would be massive amounts of bleeding just from her broken nose, as anyone who has had a minor nosebleed could understand. When did her facial injuries occur in relation to her other injuries?

The tiny holes in her shirts could be from the piercing instrument travelling from the front to the back of her chest cavity. If she was stabbed in the back, I would expect the holes to be larger.

Also the fact that two main sources of info about this case state Christine was found in different positions is ridiculous. How can there be any validity to anything? Was a photo taken of her body at the scene before she was moved by anyone?
Good to see people are questioning everything believed to be the underpinnings of the case. There are possibilities in many an idea and looking at things in a different light cannot hurt. The original investigation and the original reports are so bad, we have to be careful what we believe for any reason. Any of us can find support for any position we want either way if that is our intent.

re: dpm
It might be useful as a behaviour pattern comparison to the Jessop case in terms of the perpetrator. It might help us look at the Jessop case in a new way. Brunn found Jorelys’ roller skate and used it to lure her away. Could Christine have dropped her recorder on her way to the store or park, and the perpetrator used it as a way to lure her close enough to a vehicle that she was abducted? Or something like that…? That's a possible explanation for the recorder being found with Christine.

Good idea's, immediately thoughts I can go another point on your list on the possibilities involving the bike. It was stolen earlier, stashed somewhere, maybe even close by and Christine forced to walk to the store. (with recorder)Someone tells her they found her bike in the dugout, the bush over there or wherever they wished to lure her? Bike is shoved back in carport and no one is the wiser. Much more complex theories arise when two persons are involved in a plan. (I keep two as a possibility also) So does Janet Jessop.

The immigrant greek store keeper calling a sweater a jacket or vice versa isn't that big a deal. I knew an older hungarian fellow who called anything worn as a top a shirt, no matter jacket or tshirt. Have to allow for some peculiarities within individual circumstance. But as in Makin's books, that and any other changes should be explained better. imo It all causes suspicion or reinforces suspicion maybe needlessly where it need not. Facts, verifiable and undisputable are elusive here.
Exactly matou - two main sources and they differ on a number of points. I agree it's ridiculous.

I have tried many times to figure out how this could have happened. The only explanation I can find for the KR having different info is the source of the info. For example, when Kaufman relates info from the time of Christine's disappearance to her body being found, he is relying on court transcripts to some degree and - Neale Tweedy.

Makin interviewed the players he quotes and managed to obtain pictures, however we are now learning Makin dropped info, added info and in some instances changed info between his first book and the revised edition. One explanation I can find for this is - because it was an open investigation and unsolved crime at the time of the release of the revised edition, was he asked, and did he comply with leaving out certain info? Or was he given 'revised' info from Tweedy?
Regardless of what the store owner called Christine's outerwear, did any of the clothing she was found with have a hood? Did the elusive blue, hand-knit sweater have a hood?
Dedpanman - I see so few similarities between Christine's murder and how it was carried out and the murder of Jorelys Rivera that I cannot comment.
As said, we can pick out and seek information to buttress either point of view. We all know eye witness sightings and the inherit potential. Minor points can be used and often are by defence council everywhere. I may ask did the blue sweater have a large collar that may have been construed as a hood? Or was she wearing any other garment in the layers with a large collar or hood? Or did she even own anything with a large collar and or hood? etc.. I do not have those answers.. sorry, at this point I just note the potential either way. I note that 4 other witnesses also point at potential sightings on the same corner as the store. Five witness accounts need be understood and put in context with each other and all else. Not just the store owner.. jmo and my way of looking at things.. . You are entitled your own too W.
Will have more time later but the quote about JJ was in one of the latest articles posted here on the anniversary date. I've heard that before from her but don't have the other reference. Sorry..

In general, the existance of a hood collar, does not necessarily mean it was up at the time of any particualr sighting.
Yes, the hood/collar might have been removed somehow before she was found as well.
Has anyone heard of any male suicides in the area, approx. 5 years after Christine was found?
Dedpanman - I see so few similarities between Christine's murder and how it was carried out and the murder of Jorelys Rivera that I cannot comment.

Here’s an explanation for why the Jorelys Rivera case jumped out at me.

I see some useful comparisons between the Jessop case and the Rivera case that might give us some insight into the killer we’re looking for and maybe fill in some blanks a little bit in terms of the bigger picture of the crime.

Also, I think looking at cases like this, and seeing how the common elements fit together might allow us to see the Jessop case from a new angle. A lightbulb might go off in someone’s mind and a puzzle piece in the Jessop case might have new meaning. Or a new place to fit – instead of trying to jam the same old pieces into the same old spots.

First, a review of John Douglas’s profile (of Christine’s killer) that are probably relevant (in my opinion).

The killer:
- (was) a loner who lived in the neighbourhood
- was youthful — late teens, early twenties.
- was having personal problems at home, school or work
- was experiencing many life stresses
- was not antisocial, but somewhat of a loner who prefers his own company
- may present a facade as a macho individual, superior to others, but has poor self-esteem and lacks self-confidence
- tends to play with children who might be impressed by his antics
- drives older model vehicle, not well-maintained and cruises area in vehicle
- spends time cruising in his car as a vehicle for convenience to escape
- has a poor self-image and may have a physical ailment, disability or disfigurement or facial scars and does not maintain good personal hygiene, is not well-groomed, needs a haircut or shave, wears sloppy, soiled clothing in need of repair
- occasionally drinks alcohol
- will have a criminal history of nuisance, arson, cruelty to animals, voyeurism, or break and entering
- lazy, not a high-achiever, of average intelligence
- a mediocre student; offenders of this type generally do not graduate from high school, but if he did he would have gotten by with barely passing grades;
- knew the area well
- misinterpreted Christine’s openness and enthusiasm and that incorrectly believed that she would welcome his sexual advances
- was known to the family
- had a hard time subduing her
- was probably in his early twenties but could be older (but with a case of arrested emotional development)
- was not an experienced offender
- this was probably his first homicide
- was nocturnal, preferring to sleep during the day
- if he had a job, would not be mentally taxing
- his car would have high mileage
-feels like something about him puts him at a disadvantage with women his own age

A review Christine’s major injuries:

- was probably the victim of a sexual assault
- was decapitated or nearly decapitated (After having her throat cut? This is one possible interpretation of that injury, but some will disagree.)
- blunt force trauma to the head
- was stabbed numerous times in a wide pattern - front and back
- massive injury to her chest (sternum injury)


- lack of blood in soil, and some other forensic data suggests that Christine was killed at another location and then disposed in the Sunderland field
- the placement of the body close to the tractor trail and the close proximity to the Culls’ trailer might suggest that the killer preferred her body to be discovered quickly after it was dumped there (but maybe that didn't happen).

Now let’s look at Ryan Brunn and see how he fits the same sort of profile as Christine’s killer (as sketched by Douglas), and let’s examine his thought processes, motivations, and his behaviours.

Ryan Brunn

- 20 years old (John Douglas: “was youthful — late teens, early twenties”)

- maintenance worker at the apartment complex where 7-year-old Jorelys Rivera disappeared (John Douglas: “was a loner who lived in the neighbourhood, if he had a job, would not be mentally taxing”)

- neighbour Lindsey Hale said that in recent weeks she had noticed Brunn driving slowly around the playground, looking at the children (John Douglas: “spends time cruising in his car, tends to play with children, was not antisocial, but somewhat of a loner who prefers his own company”)

- Police say Brunn snatched the girl as she walked from the playground to her apartment to get sodas for her friends (Christine had a plan to meet a friend at a playground and may have been abducted in close proximity to her home.)

-Brunn said he came across a roller skate while cleaning and knew it was Jorelys’ because he had seen her skating (It's highly likely that Christine’s killer had seen her before, observed her, made note of her – although this is speculation on my part, but I will argue that Christine was highly visible in the community and at the park.)

- Brunn took a picture of the skate and waited for Jorelys to come back to her apartment building so he could show it to her and ask whose it was (In other words, Brunn was waiting for her close to her home and had a plan for gaining her trust and luring her closer in order to abduct her.)

-“I told her to come with me and I’ll get it for her,” said Brunn. “And she did.” (Brunn earned Jorelys’ trust by presenting himself as a good Samaritan with something Jorelys wanted. Devious planning, really. Very clever. Did Christine’s killer use this same type of strategy? What things could Christine have desired that were offered to her by her abductor? Someone offering her a ride to go visit her father? Did someone get their hands on her recorder? Or, her bicycle? Or, her dog, Freckles?)

- Brunn said he had identified a vacant unit where he thought he could take the girl for “sexual purposes,” (Brunn had a secondary location planned out for his sick fantasy. Did Christine’s killer have a secondary location as well? Some forensic evidence suggests – yes.)

- “She asked if after she’s done, would she go home?” Brunn said. “That’s the only thing she asked.” Brunn said he told her “yes.” (Did this type of exchange occur between Christine and her abductor? Did she comply at first because she realized how dire her situation was – and she was already familiar with certain sexual activities? Did the violence to Christine happen only after the rape was completed and she knew that she would not be going back home?)

- the first thing Brunn did was sexually assault Jorelys

- Brunn said he made Jorelys partially undress and at one point get into a bathtub

- after the rape, Brunn said he thought, “I didn't want her to go home and tell her mom or dad on me. So I cut her.” (His organized thinking only went so far as his fantasy. After his fantasy was completed, he had no plan. He now becomes a disorganized killer. Also, soil samples suggest that Christine was not killed at the Sunderland field due to absence of blood – so where did all the blood go? Down a bathtub drain?)

- Brunn told the judge he “never had an idea of killing a child in my life.” (John Douglas: “was not an experienced offender, this was probably his first homicide)

- he bound her arms with plastic ties in the bathtub and then taped her face before cutting her with a razor he uses to slice carpet (Jorelys’ face was taped up – so that killing her would be easier - because Brunn wouldn’t have to see her face or her eyes. Christine’s head was found wrapped up in her sweater.)

-Brunn said he cut the girl’s throat (Christine’s throat may have been cut, but I might be reaching here. My notes on the decapitation indicate damage to the neck vertebrae from behind – but that doesn’t mean there was no soft-tissue damage from a throat-cut at the front of her neck.)

- Brunn then repeatedly struck her with the skate until she lost consciousness (Christine sustained massive injuries to the face and head)

- when Jorelys didn't die immediately, Brunn hit her about five times with a 'hammer-like object' and stabbed her in the chest (Christine was stabbed in the chest.)

- Brunn said he wrapped her body in a sheet or blanket (Did Christine’s killer do something similar to make transporting her body easier?)

- Brunn used a golf cart to take Jorelys' body to the apartment complex’s trash compactor (Christine’s body was dumped in a spot where garbage was discarded. A place familiar to the perpetrator.)

- “I guess I got scared in there and I didn’t want her to go home and tell on me,” he said. (Brunn’s simple motive for murder: to silence the only witness to his crime. Note the enormous damage done to the little girl in this case. Jorelys’ throat was cut, blunt force trauma to the head, stabbing… It looks like overkill – like in the Jessop case. In fact, law enforcement officers were extremely distressed and emotionally traumatized by the sight of Jorelys when she was eventually found.)

-two days after Jorelys disappeared, as the feverish search for her was underway, Brunn said he wrote a note on a small McDonald’s receipt and taped it to the compactor. “She’s in the trash can,” it said (For some reason, Brunn wanted the body to be found quickly and we can only speculate why. Was Christine’s body placed where it was because the perpetrator wanted it found quickly as well?)

In conclusion, Brunn fits into Douglas’s profile quite snugly (in a way that GPM absolutely does not). He may be very similar to the individual who abducted Christine Jessop on October 3, 1984. If so, his thought processes, motives, and actions may provide some dim illumination on the crime we're discussing.

One final footnote: Ryan Brunn hanged himself with a sweatshirt in his cell at the Jackson State Prison, Georgia.

Did Christine Jessop’s killer spiral so far down into a self-destructive void of delusion, depression, substance abuse, guilt, self-loathing… that he, too, killed himself?
Another 110% effort on your part Dedpanman - very admirable.

There are similarities in the injuries and likely very similar in the luring aspect. Brunn knew what would work to lure his young and innocent victim. He clearly thought about it and planned what he would do up to the assault. Possibly (very likely, imo) even beyond by having plastic ties to restrain Jorelys and something to cut her with in the bathtub of the vacant apartment. He has to deny this at sentencing.

Brunn lured Jorelys a short distance away after following her towards her apartment - being outside meant risking being seen.

Brunn had a car but did not use it to take Jorleys to a more distant location. He broke down and left a note where to find her. He didn't attempt to dismember her.

Not to take away from your efforts DPM but will always have a question for Douglas on his profile -

Douglas did not have the full extent of Christine's injuries when he came up with his profile. He did not know of the blow to the face that caused the fracture that radiated through her skull. He did not know about the attempt to decapitate. He did not know her sternum had been severed. Therefore, he did not know what weapon(s) were used to cause these injuries, or when they occurred (immediately after death, sometime later?)

Would Douglas' profile have been different if he knew all there was to know?

Brunn inflicted injuries only when Jorelys was alive - he wanted her to 'hurry up' and die so he could dispose of her. She would soon be missed and he could not afford to be missed at the same time. Many of Christine's injuries occurred after death - prolonged time spent with the body. Since they were unnecessary to cause death, there was another reason in the killers mind. Did the unnecessary injuries occur all at one time, or over a period of time after death?

Just want to keep what is not similar in the same spotlight as what is similar. Cheers!
Hi, I'm a lurker from Louisiana who came to WS for the Mickey Shunick case. I have nothing to add, since y'all are doing a great job of using strong analytical skills. I do have a few questions.

Although I've tried to read all posts, please forgive if my questions have been answered or I'm stating the obvious.

I find the bike & the recorder very interesting, more interesting than the doll.
Was the bike (her 'pride and joy') reported or stated as having been damaged?

Was a timeline ever constructed? It would seem that there are so many discrepancies from the time she was dropped off by the bus, to the store, seen by the couple, etc, that it's hard to tell her movements in any coherent chronological fashion.

I do believe in enhanced memory, or as I've heard it called, exaggerated memory. I believe people truly want to help, but in so doing they can often complicate the issue.

The car that was mentioned by the older couple...was it ever investigated? I must go back to find out how large a town it is, to see if a car can be traced to its owner by sight alone.

Aside from the two books, there appears to be no other information released by LE. Has no one able to get any investigative material out of LE? No autopsy reports? What is your equivalent to FOIA here? I do think that might have been mentioned and I forgot. It appears, Woodland, that you've tried but have ended up on the wrong radar.

And yes, I do believe she never got to the store:
No doll
The bike back at home

Again, if I'm far off, please accept my apologies. If I've not paid enough attention, again, sorry.

As to the chain of title for the land: how is it legal to obscure the chain of title? I know nothing of Canadian law. Is that possible? Can the chain of title possibly be in a probate in the courthouse that would have been opened during the time period in question for succession of the estate? Since it appears that it's been deleted/obscured, which is quite troubling, to say the least.

Does Ontario keep track of their sex offenders? The US has a system, although by some people it's a civil iberties question, whereby the SO must register with their probation officer. How many we're in the area, or does anyone know?

I agree with the poster who found the family dynamics most troubling. Even if the father just watched/and/or encouraged, his action, and lack of protection for his daughter, is abuse. Again, I know nothing of your laws. Was child endangerment services brought in to investigate? I read the father was incarcerated for a white-collar crime, but not the abuse of his daughter. Allowing her to be abused is a crime as well, because he was silent.

And, lastly, I promise..although its been a long time, has anyone made contact with Christine's best friend from that day? I agree, LE questioning was leading, so much so for a child, who would naturally want to help. I'm not sure if she could add much, but it's a long shot.

This was far longer than I intended...there I go, apologizing again.
Very much enjoyed your post Donamena - the feedback on interpretation of what is presented here is most welcome and important. Hopefully you will have more to say - and others!

Special thanks on the 'wrong radar' notation. Was already there when applying under the FOI act so my expectations were low in receiving info, but high on how far will they go with the entertainment side of it?

Need to sort one thing out though - the white-collar crime father and the father that watched and encouraged abuse of his daughter are 2 different men. White-collar crime father is Bob Jessop, the other is a neighbour with at least two family members that knew some of the Jessops.

Queensville was a town of 700 or so in 1984. For the most part, vehicles would be recognized by the residents.

It is not legal to obscure the chain of title to a property in Canada. I pointed out the obvious alteration to a senior person at the Land Registry Office at the time I noticed and he literally recoiled at seeing it. He denied me access to the original record, but that doesn't mean that's the end of that.

In order to make that change, one had to have the original in hand prior to it being copied onto tape. The bottom half of that record is a modified form that came into use early 1980's - could not pinpoint the exact year but did compare dozens and dozens of records from Sunderland and Queensville. The province of Ontario used the same forms in all areas and made the change to the modified form at the same time.

Any change to title is duly recorded - with a sale or court order. A court order will be recorded to show the change in ownership - only then could that new owner sell the property and of course responsibility for taxes on the property have to remain clear at all times. Any outstanding taxes have to be paid before or at the time of a change in owner. The name in the Grantee column is the owner and the one responsible for taxes at any given time.

Access to where SO's live is pretty dicey here.

Y'all come back now, y'hear? Chuckles.
Thanks for the clarification on the dads...can't tell th players without a program.
Would the succession of the owner of the property show any alterations in the probate record?

A shame so much time has gone by and all of the information is a rat's nest of confusion. I'd love to see a timeline that goes from school to bus to last sightings (true or no) (valid or 'enhanced') to family dentist to home to LE to investigation to finding of her remains.

I'm not so much an abstract thinker in problem solving, but a visual. I'd use a detailed map, such as you or celery/typewriter AKA Deadpanman had, with possible routes, witness 'statements' distance from school to house to store to cemetery to playground to dentist to land. I tried using the one y'all (sorry) posted but I'm a Luddite and couldn't figure out how to make it bigger. Can't download..or don't know how, I work on an iPad.

Thanks, again, for the dad info..hope I didn't go too far (otherwise Bessie, my 'homes' hey Dawlin'!) would have rapped my knuckles!! I noticed she's the primary mod working here. She's great at explaining both the spirit and the letter of the law here on WS.

I'd love to look at more information, but there doesn't appear to have been any released in a town/village that size, the elderly couple must have known whose it was.

Does Ontario have a SO registry now? I believe, though, as one of your posters pointed out, the POI is no doubt dead or gone. Still, a map with pinpoints of last-known SO would help, but as you said, not possible.

So..someone young-ish, repeat offender definitely local who either knew the land had access to it or whose family/friends owned it an SO or in-the-making. People act on what they know, what they are familiar with, don't they? Someone who knew the family well enough, knew her schedule...someone she showed her new recorder to? Happy, excited? Then her sweet, precious life taken by a madman. With all the pain she had endured already in such a short life.

I had no idea the town was that size. They must know.

Thanks, cher. I've much to ponder. (I'd love to SE your other avatar, Deadpanman!)
I think I get what you are asking on the probate record Donameda. The Will that is shown in the land record for the Sunderland lot is for someone that owned an adjacent lot. Recording a Will on adjacent lots was and likely still is standard practice. Other records shown on adjoining lots are hydro and railway right-of-ways. These things could have an effect on a buyer so it is made clear to all.

Pssst Dedpanman. I really like all the visuals Donamena suggests - multiple maps that overlap, timelines, avatars etc. Unfortunately I ain't the person for the job.

Could we start with some overlapping maps here - few if any markings? Newmarket to Queensville along Leslie Street, Leslie St at Ravenshoe Road going east to Udora and Vallentyne where one has to make a crazy kind of jog to Lake Ridge Road, Lake Ridge south to Concession 4 and the distance from there to Highway 2.

It wouldn't hurt to show the terrain south of Ravenshoe Road towards Sunderland, if someone had a few moments.

Pretty please eh'/y'all?
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