GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

Karla Homolka and Clifford Olsen make me want to puke just thinking about them. And a baby, well we know how she treats family. I saw a picture of her awhile ago looking happy and healthy.
I shared a plane ride to Toronto many years ago with a friend of Kristen French's mother. I did not know her before I sat down. It was a few years after what had happened and it was heartbreaking hearing the way the mothers in this case were affected and the details they had to live with.
I can't imagine it and I have never forgotten the pain in her voice as she talked about her friend.
Found these,,20101627,00.html

HE Should NEVER Be allowed out EVER

She should not have a baby and marriage - :( that just sh*ts all over people that are unable to have children - that is just not FAIR

(yes i sound like a child - but what else can I say :( - no I am not infertile Ive had two children, but ive been there for friends that cant have babies or who have had STILL BORN ones - this sucks)

I heard about this case a couple years ago and never gave it much thought, but I started reading this thread yesterday and went on Trutv and read what they had there. I read about the thing (cannot think of his name and do not want to call him a man, maybe monster would be better) pooping and peeing on Kristins face and thought oh my gosh, how could someone be that cruel. Now this....I am sick to my stomach that such evil exists. Having two daughters my heart is broke for the family of the victims. If it was my daughter that this happened to and this other monster gets to live a normal life, I would be furious and willing to spend the rest of my life in jail to find her and make her pay for what they put my daughter through. God bless the families and I hope with all my heart there is a very special place in Heaven for those girls and what they went through. I am going to go cry now. :(

Bold me :cry: :cry: omg

I haven't specifically read about the eyelids, but I've read about the teeth (they removed 15 yr old Kristen French's teeth with pliers and also forced her to eat her own hair, removed her fingernails and amputated her fingers and toes (all while she was still alive) The abject EVIL perpetrated by Bernardo & Homolka is unspeakably horrifying and shocking. They should both be in cages for the rest of their natural lives, in my VERY STRONG opinion.

Information about the teeth can be found here and also here -- the lack of detail and published information results from the veritable lock-down Canadian courts put on the heinous details of the crimes.

And again I am crying

WHY :( PLEASE Someone tell me WHY people get OFF sexually on doing this sort of thing ? I do not understand it

I will NEVER understand it

And surely GOD does NOT Forgive people like this
Homolka later testified her husband cut the tendons of his
victims ankles while they were still alive to prevent them from


Things that never got into the public knowledge about Clifford Olsen are equally if not more horrific than Bernardo. Like these sex predators love the torture aspect of their victims ? I wish Karla nothing but a horrible vile life, that she screws up royally and her child is removed from her care and she finds herself behind bars again. I don't doubt that when Paul Bernardo said she killed the girls, that she may very well have done that when he was gone out of the house. He never killed anyone else up to that point?! Lord only knows.
I do not think Bernardo will ever be set free - just don't see that happening with his dangerous offender status. Considering the circumstances, Karla definitely got a sweetheart deal.

Thanks PattyCake and KarlK for talking about some of the intricacies of Canadian law.
Bernardo and Olsen will never get out. I don't know too many Canadians, including myself, that are not still angry about the sweetheart deals Olsen and Homolka got.
Bernardo and Olsen will never get out. I don't know too many Canadians, including myself, that are not still angry about the sweetheart deals Olsen and Homolka got.

No they certainly will not ever! That I know. Sadly, Homolka was able to get out and also have the ability to have children.

I told my legal group years ago, just wait - wait. AS SOON as this chick gets out, she will be married within a year and have a kid. That's what she did.

How great to be a Canadian citizen, be able to violently & horrifically murder a couple of young women, yet get to give birth a few years later AND KEEP the baby. Karla is a true embarrasment to Canadian Law. It's disgusting.
I haven't specifically read about the eyelids, but I've read about the teeth (they removed 15 yr old Kristen French's teeth with pliers and also forced her to eat her own hair, removed her fingernails and amputated her fingers and toes (all while she was still alive) The abject EVIL perpetrated by Bernardo & Homolka is unspeakably horrifying and shocking. They should both be in cages for the rest of their natural lives, in my VERY STRONG opinion.

Information about the teeth can be found here and also here -- the lack of detail and published information results from the veritable lock-down Canadian courts put on the heinous details of the crimes.

i'm really confused right now... i've read 3 (what i would call "legit") books on this case inc. one written by a man who viewed/heard the tapes himself and none of this about teeth, eyelids, hobbling or finger/toe amputations is mentioned. it is mentioned however that investigators were able to identify kristen initially b/c she was missing the tip of one finger. (i can't remember if she had an accident or was born that way - sorry)... but the corpse that was found by the road was missing one fingertip only... so police suspected it was kristen and later a positive conclusive ID was made. and sorry - but that second link (from soc.culture.filipino) just doesn't seem too legit to me... "the citizen's coalition for responsible government"? seems waay "out there" and does not sound/read like an authentic article such as we read on and the first link is someone's high school (markville secondary school in the york district school board) "thesis"... i have no idea what the book s/he quotes is about... i've never heard of it... it certainly isn't one commonly cited as a book to read to obtain knowledge of bernardo and homolka's crimes, but who knows. i've just never read any of this... it would be nice to see a valid link to a legit newsource... to confirm.

of course, maybe i'm just getting forgetful and these details were in all those books... LOL
i'm really confused right now... i've read 3 (what i would call "legit") books on this case inc. one written by a man who viewed/heard the tapes himself and none of this about teeth, eyelids, hobbling or finger/toe amputations is mentioned. it is mentioned however that investigators were able to identify kristen initially b/c she was missing the tip of one finger. (i can't remember if she had an accident or was born that way - sorry)... but the corpse that was found by the road was missing one fingertip only... so police suspected it was kristen and later a positive conclusive ID was made. and sorry - but that second link (from soc.culture.filipino) just doesn't seem too legit to me... "the citizen's coalition for responsible government"? seems waay "out there" and does not sound/read like an authentic article such as we read on and the first link is someone's high school (markville secondary school in the york district school board) "thesis"... i have no idea what the book s/he quotes is about... i've never heard of it... it certainly isn't one commonly cited as a book to read to obtain knowledge of bernardo and homolka's crimes, but who knows. i've just never read any of this... it would be nice to see a valid link to a legit newsource... to confirm.

of course, maybe i'm just getting forgetful and these details were in all those books... LOL

No, those details weren't in the books. I've read them all too, with the exception of "A Marriage Made For Murder." I don't know if I can believe the other details either. I hope for Kristin's sake it wasn't true.
From what I remember of the books Kristin's mom accidentally shut a door on her hand, and I think she was missing the tip of a pinky.
No, those details weren't in the books. I've read them all too, with the exception of "A Marriage Made For Murder." I don't know if I can believe the other details either. I hope for Kristin's sake it wasn't true.
From what I remember of the books Kristin's mom accidentally shut a door on her hand, and I think she was missing the tip of a pinky.

I hadn't read those details either, WR - at least not in the books and I read everything I could get my hands on about the case. I agree with you and redheadedgirl that I'd like to see links to a more reputable site before I'll accept these other details as truth.
No, those details weren't in the books. I've read them all too, with the exception of "A Marriage Made For Murder." I don't know if I can believe the other details either. I hope for Kristin's sake it wasn't true. From what I remember of the books Kristin's mom accidentally shut a door on her hand, and I think she was missing the tip of a pinky.

thank you! i didn't think i had that much of a memory problem LOL

considering the heinous details that were divulged by legit sources, i would imagine if these other things were true, they would also have been mentioned in those books by those authors... i've seen pictures of what remained of both corpses (kristen is covered mostly by brush though)... if these pics could be published -even temporarily- you'd think those other details would've been too.
I hadn't read those details either, WR - at least not in the books and I read everything I could get my hands on about the case. I agree with you and redheadedgirl that I'd like to see links to a more reputable site before I'll accept these other details as truth.

thanks for affirming my memory is intact too : )

it's unfortunate that people often don't take the time to consider the source of information before passing off info as being "legit"/real/true... and this is not a slam of any poster in this thread... just a suggestion to read carefully next time and use your good judgment before accepting something at face value : )
thanks for affirming my memory is intact too : )

it's unfortunate that people often don't take the time to consider the source of information before passing off info as being "legit"/real/true... and this is not a slam of any poster in this thread... just a suggestion to read carefully next time and use your good judgment before accepting something at face value : )

Welcome to WS, RHG!

What we do know of these crimes is so brutal and depraved that it's hard to believe they could have been even worse. Still - for a number of reasons - Bernardo and Homolka are reviled even more than most murders, IMHO, and I think it wouldn't be hard to get people to believe any terrible thing about them.
Welcome to WS, RHG!

What we do know of these crimes is so brutal and depraved that it's hard to believe they could have been even worse. Still - for a number of reasons - Bernardo and Homolka are reviled even more than most murders, IMHO, and I think it wouldn't be hard to get people to believe any terrible thing about them.

I agree with both you guys. The books went thru the tapes pretty well, imo. I just don't see why they wouldn't have told us about the other things if it had happened.
So is it true or not ? that they ripped all the fingernails off and made Kristin eat all her hair
So is it true or not ? that they ripped all the fingernails off and made Kristin eat all her hair

Jane - those things weren't in the books I read - only on the questionable websites posted earlier. If someone else has a better source, I am all ears.
SCM isnt it about the fact that canada banned some book or something ? or the publishing of things ?
Sorry meant to say would they actually publish the really REALLY gory stuff in a book for general sale anyway?
Sorry meant to say would they actually publish the really REALLY gory stuff in a book for general sale anyway?

hi jane... there was a temporary ban during both trials... to not prejudice the juries.

these books include the "really REALLY gory stuff" details (and some gory photos):

Invisible Darkness (Stephen Williams) <---photo of kristen's corpse in the brush

Karla: A Pact with the Devil
(Stephen Williams) <---photo of leslie's body in cement if you can get the right version

Lethal Marriage
(Nick Pron)
Hi redheadedgal

I read I think that one book was banned ? and is like 60 bucks or something on amazon

Id like to know if the hair and nails thing was true

It makes me ill to think of what they BOTH did to those girls and Karla to her sister UGH


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