Canada- Sharif Rahman, owner of the Curry House restaurant, suffered brain injury after assault by 3 non-paying men, Owen Sound, Ontario, 17 Aug. '23

We should also consider the possibility that the three suspects own a cottage in and around the vicinity. Georgian Bay and Bruce Peninsula are popular areas for cottages, which often only have seasonal access. August is peak cottage season. It's possible their escape from the restaurant coincided with their last few weeks of typical cottage season. The suspects can't be found in the area because they haven't been there since the summer.
honestly their clothing reminds me of some very religious cultish groups where the women are expected to be dressed very modestly and the guys are always very plainly dressed
I've been thinking this from the first time I saw their pictures
I can't find a way to describe what I'm thinking of specifically without it seeming like I'm disrespecting certain nationalities or religions
honestly their clothing reminds me of some very religious cultish groups where the women are expected to be dressed very modestly and the guys are always very plainly dressed
I can't find a way to describe what I'm thinking of specifically without it seeming like I'm disrespecting certain nationalities or religions
I dont think that your observation is far fetched. In the end, the men are clean cut and have a uniform sort of appearance.

Though that uniform appearance is probably more commonly associated with servicemen, or in my area, some employees of large resorts, it is also associated (as you noted) with certain religious groups. Mix alcohol with members of religious groups and one can potentially get the same bad results as any other group of humans.

Then factor in that with Mennonites, Amish and Ultra Orthodox Jewish, leaving the group can have big social, family and even employment impacts. This yields some community members who are not truly religious, but remain in the group for family, social, and employment reasons. Orthodox Jews even have a Yiddish word for such members.

Needless to say, the group does not look like Orthodox Jews gone bad. But.... could they be say, Mennonites or Hutterites? Mennonite appearance can vary from "almost Amish" to "almost regular person"- but in a plain way. Or could they be say, Mormons on mission sans full uniform? Or.... less defined groups of Pentecostals or conservative Catholics?
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I dont think that your observation is far fetched. In the end, the men are clean cut and have a uniform sort of appearance.

Though that uniform appearance is probably more commonly associated with servicemen, or in my area, some employees of large resorts, it is also associated (as you noted) with certain religious groups. Mix alcohol with members of religious groups and one can potentially get the same bad results as any other group of humans.

Then factor in that with Mennonites, Amish and Ultra Orthodox Jewish, leaving the group can have big social, family and even employment impacts. This yields some community members who are not truly religious, but remain in the group for family, social, and employment reasons. Orthodox Jews even have a Yiddish word for such members.

Needless to say, the group does not look like Orthodox Jews gone bad. But.... could they be say, Mennonites or Hutterites? Mennonite appearance can vary from "almost Amish" to "almost regular person"- but in a plain way. Or could they be say, Mormons on mission sans full uniform? Or.... less defined groups of Pentecostals or conservative Catholics?

Nah, I don't think that their clothing has any identifiable religious connections.
Nah, I don't think that their clothing has any identifiable religious connections.
You are probably right. No..... you are very likely right.

But.... at the same time, I have periodically associated with certain religious groups who can have that same general look as the men:

- Clean cut
- Prone to wear non stylish, yet somewhat uniform clothes.
- Prone to as @Vern uses the word "conform" (at least somewhat) to each other clothing wise.

I can readily see people in the groups that I know wearing the non stylish shorts, shoes and socks that the men in question have.

The clothing is not religious per se. Rather, the "look" just comes from a level of group think on clothing, social isolation and big families that can lead to bulk clothing buys and alot of hand me downs and pass arounds of the same non trendy clothes. The look is more pronounced in some group families than others.

In short, I fully agree with you, but also agree with @LadyL 's "vibe" observation. It might be a: "Gotta know the bunch to understand the "vibe" type thing.
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honestly their clothing reminds me of some very religious cultish groups where the women are expected to be dressed very modestly and the guys are always very plainly dressed
I've been thinking this from the first time I saw their pictures
I can't find a way to describe what I'm thinking of specifically without it seeming like I'm disrespecting certain nationalities or religions
My feeling is that peach and baby blue coloured t-shirts for men wouldn't be considered conservative enough (maybe seen as 'off' for army reservists
too?) . Firstly, button up shirts would be the norm, secondly colours would be white, gray, brown, maybe tartan (or camo).

I think what feels odd is the t'shirts aren't sloppy enough for what t-shirt-wearing guys wear. And if they wanted to dress better than a t-shirt (cottage guys), then a shirt with buttons - golf shirt, etc, would be normal.

My feeling is that peach and baby blue coloured t-shirts for men wouldn't be considered conservative enough

I think its a good opinion. Nothing seems to fit 100%. The socks, shoes and shorts seem to imply a common origin. But...

- Servicemen in partial pt uniforms? A member has stated that the category of servicemen most likely to be wearing partial pt uniforms around town is also the least likely to have their own cars and military cars must be signed in and out. Then factor in that the local police probably have good relations with the base and commanders answer police inquiries fast.

- I have seen parents, brothers, cousins and friends that go to very conservative (and pretty socially isolated), big family churches all wearing near the same articles of budget minded, non trendy, hand me down clothing. The socks, shoes and shorts could match that. But... as you stated, the colors of the shirts seem off for the conservative religious.

- Canadian, or possibly foreign workers for an employer with clean cut, uniformed employees? Sounds possible, but are there any around the area?

- Small town beer drinking, bar goers? I am sure that there are plenty around the town. But, they dont wear conformal clothing and lean towards T shirts of the sports team, company logo, favorites products type- not peach.

The clothing could be a coincidence. But... what are the odds of that? Thinking that there must be a common source.... somewhere.... .
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I dont think that your observation is far fetched. In the end, the men are clean cut and have a uniform sort of appearance.

Though that uniform appearance is probably more commonly associated with servicemen, or in my area, some employees of large resorts, it is also associated (as you noted) with certain religious groups. Mix alcohol with members of religious groups and one can potentially get the same bad results as any other group of humans.

Then factor in that with Mennonites, Amish and Ultra Orthodox Jewish, leaving the group can have big social, family and even employment impacts. This yields some community members who are not truly religious, but remain in the group for family, social, and employment reasons. Orthodox Jews even have a Yiddish word for such members.

Needless to say, the group does not look like Orthodox Jews gone bad. But.... could they be say, Mennonites or Hutterites? Mennonite appearance can vary from "almost Amish" to "almost regular person"- but in a plain way. Or could they be say, Mormons on mission sans full uniform? Or.... less defined groups of Pentecostals or conservative Catholics?

yep I have Mennonites (my Grandma married outside her religion) in my family tree maybe that's why it's familiar to me
I have spent a lot of time thinking about the black shorts, however today when I was getting ready to go for a walk I pulled on my exercise shorts and they are black.... I might be overthinking the relevance of the shorts.
I understand your point.

But.... lets say that after pulling on your exercise shorts, you met up with a friend at the park. Would you and your friend both likely be wearing black shorts and.... black socks and black shoes?
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Maybe? The black shorts are something worth considering, but it could just be a random coincidence.
I agree as to the possibility of a coincidence. But.... its more than shorts. Its the black shoes and black socks as well.

If there is a common origin to the clothing, the first choice would probably be military servicemen. My impression, however, is that the Canadian military is relatively small and tight. That probably yields relatively small bases. I have no idea how big the base is.

Lets say that the base has several thousand soldiers assigned to it, plus hundreds or so rotating reservists for training. That is still a small number. My guess is that if contacted, the Commander would very quickly distribute the photos to unit senior NCOs for review and if from the base, identification given its a homicide and not " three possible soldiers acting up over a tab".

So.... if the base is ruled out, that leaves either coincidence for the matching clothing, or less likely common sources that seem to dwindle fast. This might flip it back to "coincidence". Yet, matching shorts, socks and shoes.....?
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ETA, if they ran in the direction of the Roxy theater, maybe they attended a show or something near there? speculation.

Claire McCormack Sep 29, 2023 rbbm.
''Specifically, police said people were at the intersections of 2nd Avenue East at 10th Street East (the intersection by the 10th street bridge, Curry House, Channing’s, The Pub and CIBC).''
''The suspects ran towards the intersection at 9th Street East (by Pizza Pizza) then ran eastbound on 9th, (in the direction of the Roxy Theatre).
Police have posted pictures of two of the three suspects running from the scene. A third male suspect is described as being Caucasian with curly hair, wearing shorts and a t-shirt and being in his late forties to mid-fifties in age.
They have also posted a picture of the suspect vehicle which they initially described as similar to a grey or blue 2000’s model Ford Escape or Mazda Tribute.''
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honestly their clothing reminds me of some very religious cultish groups where the women are expected to be dressed very modestly and the guys are always very plainly dressed
I've been thinking this from the first time I saw their pictures
I can't find a way to describe what I'm thinking of specifically without it seeming like I'm disrespecting certain nationalities or religions
As someone from Southern Ontario, the clothing makes them look like your average bro who drives a F-150.
This is one of the sports stores in Owen Sound. Black joggers seem to be pretty popular right now.

The Owen Sound Grey Motors united soccer team wear black shorts. There appears to be a basketball team with black shorts, as well. Looking through their social media, a lot of them wear black joggers as well. If the two younger men had been at training, or something similar, they may have just changed their shirt and met up with the older man at the curry house. That could be why only one meal had be consumed- the older bloke was there while the younger ones were at sport. They finish, come to meet him. Maybe they wanted curry, too, and that lead to unplanned anger when they were told it was closing time?
This is one of the sports stores in Owen Sound. Black joggers seem to be pretty popular right now.

The Owen Sound Grey Motors united soccer team wear black shorts. There appears to be a basketball team with black shorts, as well. Looking through their social media, a lot of them wear black joggers as well. If the two younger men had been at training, or something similar, they may have just changed their shirt and met up with the older man at the curry house. That could be why only one meal had be consumed- the older bloke was there while the younger ones were at sport. They finish, come to meet him. Maybe they wanted curry, too, and that lead to unplanned anger when they were told it was closing time?
That makes complete sense, imo.

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