Can't LE provide this?

Surely LE has tested the car seat thoroughly. I just can't imagine otherwise, it's a no brainer. I would like to know though if they have.

There should be a minimum of two car seats, KC's and Grandparents. I wonder if LE has an accounting of two? If not and they only have noe, then somebody has disposed of a car seat also. I really think this needs to be asked. Does anyone know if there is an accounting of two car seats spoken of? I know they weren't interchanging car seats everytime as much access Cindy had with Caylee. That would be too buggin for anyone to keep changin out car seats from vehicle to vehicle. I would like to know this.
I know LE must have gps trackers on their vehicles. I wonder if they have rented a car since they have been put on such scrutiny by LE, or have driven and changed out cars with anyone they know. Surely LE is tracking their every move when they leave the home, right?

Remember Scott P., how he kept going back to the site of Laci's body? I would be willing to bet my left shoe LE knows more about there coming and goings and they have already slipped up and LE hasn't reported it as they are waiting to compile evidence.

I haven't read yet why would KC dispose of Caylee near the airport?
I AGREE, can't somebody here tell TES to use this. I might send them an email. Anybody know their email addy? And who at LE can I direct a similar email to, so mabye TES and LE can get this going?

If you can get in touch with websleuther gigi, she's in constant contact with Tim.
Third paragraph, maybe 4th, cannot really tell, says that TES has asked the anthonys for something of Caylee's for scenting, but they are refusing. Couldn't the LE provide something that they have in evidence for sniffing?

One of the K9 handlers said that they would have an easier time during the search if Casey Anthony or her family would provide them with an item that would have Caylee Anthony's scent on it. According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it.

Dang........thats really really screwed up......
Maybe they did take a stuffed animal for that reason last night too?
i have never seen such a blatant lack of cooperation in my life. they drip of guilt!
Wow! That is amazingly sad that the family would not give TES a personal item of Caylee's.

Maybe we can look at this in a positive light and hope that they ARE afraid that Caylee's body will be found and that there is a possibility that her body was not dumped in water or send to the city landfill. Let's cross our fingers that she will be found despite their noncooperation.
IF Tim Miller or one of his spokespersons contact Sheriff Beary in Orlando, I am sure he would get Tim what he needs to help with the search. A toy, a blankie, clothes, etc.

No doubt :crazy:in my mind that whatever:eek: mental problems Casey has, she got from her Mother !:eek:
Third paragraph, maybe 4th, cannot really tell, says that TES has asked the anthonys for something of Caylee's for scenting, but they are refusing. Couldn't the LE provide something that they have in evidence for sniffing?

One of the K9 handlers said that they would have an easier time during the search if Casey Anthony or her family would provide them with an item that would have Caylee Anthony's scent on it. According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it.

That link is not working for me. Anyone have an updated link? Thanks.
I don't really think it boils down to "these ppl are sheer evil" in a nut shell.

I think they really believe their grandaughter to be alive and they just absolutely refuse to believe/participate in any aspect of an investigation that concerns death.
It's this easy: the Anthonys don't want the body to be found. Get it yet?
A search warrant will force them to give something up
It's this easy: the Anthonys don't want the body to be found. Get it yet?

OH YEAH I believe they [more like Cindy] don't want a body to be found, but not with the same cruel intentions you believe they don't want the body to found. Get it yet?
If she is 'alive and well', what do they fear?

Just a thought...could they get anything of her's from other friends/family? Maybe JG's family, if they still have anything?

To me it is three fold, they fear:

#1 that if by some small chance, "in their warped minds" OCSO figures out their diabolical plan & the body is discovered that they encouraged an expensive, time consuming, resource draining & dangerous search when they knew all along where she was.

#2 that if a scent trail, is still even possible, it may help OCSO obtain physical evidence.

#3 it's their way or the highway, they want to demonstrate their disdain for such a wonderful organization who has helped so many, like anybody would think their opinion was of any import. Pft they really think who they are, NOT. Delusional is what comes to mind.
The Anthony's do not want the searchers out there. Cindy told me to my face at the command center last weekend "I hope you don't find anything because that proves that she's out there someplace alive".
The Anthony's do not want the searchers out there. Cindy told me to my face at the command center last weekend "I hope you don't find anything because that proves that she's out there someplace alive".

And why should she hope for anything different?

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