Casey Anthony and Katherine Rutan

I'm theorizing that on the night of June 15th Casey probably felt her whole family was against her and maybe even her own daughter. Add to that the fight with Tony which may have made her think she was going to lose him as well.

Maybe in her mind her world as she had always expected it to be had just collapsed around her.
Blue are my comments

Several things strike me after reading this synopsis of the case:

There are a lot of things in common, but some differences that made it easier to convict KR than it will be for CA.

First, Katherine Rutan clearly did not want Logan. She was going to give him away and was mad that DHS was not taking him fast enough. Contrast this with Casey, Cindy and George who appear to have taken excellent care of Caylee and love her.

KC didn't want Caylee. Cindy wouldn't let her be adopited. Talked about a tumer that would be removed. Cindy & George was the responsible parents, KC was glorified babysitter.

Second, there is a witness to the exact time Logan disappeared. The roommate heard Logan crying in the night and the next morning he was gone. Mom lied and said DHS took him. Absolute BS. Then she lied a whole bunch of other times. Contrast with a month's time span when Caylee disappeared. We still have the BS story, but at least there is the tiny shred of doubt about exactly what happened an when.

Not an exact time. However, when asked about Caylee, KC would lie a bunch of times to where she was, what she was doing, and who she was with. DHS (DCF in Fl) story wouldn't work, since CA & GA would have contacted DCF for custody. Then game would have been over.

Third, there was forensic evidence in the house. Masking tape with Logan's blood and hair on it. Unless LE is keeping a tight lid on things and just waiting, they don't have enough forensics to keep Casey in jail.

There is forensic evidence in trunk. We do not know all the forensic evidence that the LE have in this case.

Fourth, the witness who saw KR carry Logan's body and the shovel into the woods and return without him. :furious: We may have a witness like this with Casey, but they have not come forward yet or I do believe she'd be in jail.

The closest thing is the borrowing of the shovel. No witness to her carrying Caylee in a rug.

After all of this, it still took them 5 YEARS to convict KR of murder, and Logan has still not been found. It makes me despair. What if Casey gets away with this???

You think folks will let her forget?

And, the fact that he's never been found and she hasn't confessed really makes you think long and hard about some other parents whose children have never been found. People who think that not finding a body lends to reasonable doubt need to read this case. It is enough to give you nightmares.

It always bothers me when cops rush to convict people to soon. Some times they get pissed at some, think that one is the one,and don't really look closely at other evidence. Not saying that is the case here. But I am saying that stuff like that happens. The goal becomes to convect someone, anyone. We have innocent folks in jail.

Which means, GUILTY FOLKS WALKING FREE! That gives me nightmares.

LE seems to be confused about why KC would act the way she does. But they have been open to other possiblites. BEGGING the mother to give them more info.. which might lead them a different direction.

So I am glad the LE are taking their time. Doing it right. So if she is guilty, she will be convected. If it's someone else, then that info will be found.

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