Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

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Yes, way back I remember the trip and canceled to F. Meyers and CA dad being in worse health.............another lie by CA?
CA wanted GA to quit being in homecide I read, but I also read that he had to quit or be fired. Since GA was a cop when he was married to another woman. Then he met CA. Did CA and GA have an affair? That caused divorse? or was he already divorced? Did GA have any children with other wife? The other wife's sister had said GA lied all the time and had a violent temper. In any case GA can't keep a job??? Does GA family have mental illness problems? At one time GA was suicidal I read also????

Yeah, in one of those emails I recall them saying one of Georges sister's or something has Bipolar. George said in an interview during all of this that he had thought of taking his life. We learned a lot about the family dynamics through those emails.
From what has been said George worked for the Trumbull County Sheriffs Office and Cindy felt that George should quit. She wanted the perceived lifestyle and money of owning a car dealership. He left the sheriff office and went into business with his father and then for himself. The when and why of the incident with a plate glass window is something that I have not seen any documentation on. I did look on line in at one time in Trumbull County and could find no records for this. It may have not been something that would have been handle on the county level and it may be with a local police department if there was ever any report at all. I did some research into deeds and such and found that there is a judgment against George from the Ohio labor and industry department for repayment of funds. The original filing documents are not on line so I cannot tell if this because George did not pay state unemployment and disability to the state according to their rules or funds that may have been paid out to George improperly. Actually without seeing the original reason for the judgment this may have been a debt that George ended up with due to the way his father may have filed for paperwork while he worked with him.
In George’s FBI interview he did make mention that he had made some bad choices in finances and failed in a business. Somewhere I did see that one of his former co-workers from the Sheriffs office spoke highly of him so I am not sure if the idea that he may have had problems being a cop is correct. I tend to take what is said about George and his past with a very large grain of salt due to the fact that what we have witnessed so far with Cindy shows that she is not above lying. On the lie-o-meter scale Cindy scores up there pretty well.

I did catch in one of Mrs. P’s. e-mails her comment about Cindy not going to Ft. Meyers as planned. [George’s parents live there now]. In Cindy’s statement with LE, I do not remember if it was the one with OCSO or the FBI she said that she was suppose to go to Ft. Meyers to visit with her in-laws but they didn’t go because her father took a spell for the worse and she went and stayed with her mother to be close. Interesting that Mrs. P. did not mention a thing about Alex P. having any trouble or Cindy coming down and staying there. George also mentions that they did not go to Ft. Meyers due to Mr. P.’s health. So did Mrs. P. not tell her sister that Alex was not well or did Cindy not want to see George’s family and told LE and George a lie? If Cindy did in fact tell George that she was going to go and stay with her mother due to her father’s health and Mrs. P. says nothing of this to her sister where did Cindy go.
This is something that I have not seen anything about. This was a trip to Ft. Meyers was to have taken place sometime in the month of June but my memory is little fuzzy so I don’t want to say an exact date. I do apologize that I have not included page and line detail of the transcripts and emails that back up what I just posted. With the holiday I just do not have the time to go through the transcripts right now. Possibly later next week I can see what I can find to give everyone the links to be able to read for themselves.

This has it's own thread too, there was quite a bit of talk there, people trying to look into family background afterowrds etc.
i would like to add my two cents to this discussion about casey and the family dynamics. I think the emails between rick & cindy’s and the emails from mrs. P to her sister about cindy, george & casey give a new look at this family.

If you read mrs. P’s interview with le i find it interesting in the fact that mrs. P. Is very much into ‘how it looks to outsiders’ just as much as cindy does. The exchange about the caylee not being hungry since she had popcorn at the nursing home and that is why she did not eat the chili but she did have peanut butter and jelly sandwich to me is a perfect example of how mrs. P had to make every thing look ‘normal’ to others.
[page 665 lines 1-6]
to me an almost three year old would have no interest in eating chili for a meal. They may try a spoonful but it would not be something i would expect any small child to really want to eat. It is not a food that small children dive into, although i am sure there are some exceptions. To attempt to make the le interviewer think that the serving of popcorn is why caylee did not eat the chili is absurd in its on right. Why not just say that we thought we would see if she would like it but well, as expected she didn’t so i gave her the old child tested and child loved standby peanut butter and jelly. Why go into the whole popcorn, chili and peanut butter & jelly sandwich bit? To minimize the fact the two adults did not think that a small child would not want chili for a meal and that would make them look bad, hence caylee filled up on popcorn and was not hungry enough for chili.

Also when asked some questions about the date of june 9th mrs. P. States that she even would have sworn it was the 8th but it was father’s day. Mrs. P. Is giving cover to cindy for being wrong about the date by saying that she thought the same thing also.
[page 662 lines 22]
why? To minimize the fact that cindy was ‘wrong’. Cindy cannot be wrong. She is my daughter and my daughter is not wrong.

During the discussion about caylee being missing and the proper date that caylee was visiting at the nursing home mrs. P. Makes the comment “that is whole week in our favor” is odd.
[page 664 lines 12-13]
again mrs. P. Is minimizing the fact the cindy was wrong with the date.

When mrs. P. Speaks about casey not coming to see her and her husband since april it is not because of any estrangement between casey and her grandfather. She just doesn’t know why…
[page 663 lines 17-20]
again mrs. P. Is not telling le what she knows. She is attempting to make things look as though there is nothing wrong in the family.

The entire interview is laced with these types of comments. Mrs. P. Does not want anyone to know that there have been problems with casey or that there have been problems between george and cindy. Mrs. P. Wants le to think that everything is ‘normal’.

The name calling between cindy and rick although you do have to factor in normal sibling push and pull to me is another sign that dysfunction has been passed down from mr. & mrs. P to the children. At ages 50 & 55 there emails show them to be acting like pre teens. It has been way past the time to grow up and act like adults. I get the fact that rick was attempting to get cindy to see what was in front of her nose but it appears that they are still enmeshed in the way that they have been raised to handled strife and crisis within a family; point the blame finger, make outlandish comments and call each other names and ridicule each other. That is a learned behavior. They learned that from someone and it is usually the parents.

As far as mrs. P. Emails to her sister, you are only getting the view that mrs. P. Wants her sister to know about cindy, george, casey & caylee or the view that cindy has given mrs. P.

It is not difficult, for short periods of time, for the mentally ill especially bpd, narcissist pd or the sociopath to act normal in front of others. It is only in the long term, close contact with such persons that one starts to recognize the inconsistencies and problems.

My opinion is that there has been long term mental and possibly physical abuse that has been passed down with in this family. Cindy, from what we have of seen her behavior as well as what she says and the assorted facts that have been made known acts like she is a classic functioning bpd.
George, with his one demeanor with le, and a totally different one to the public makes me think major long term damaged and broken down self-esteem issues. The only person he feels remotely comfortable with is le because that may have been the only time in his past, while being in le when he felt some self-confidence. He has been told he is worthless, a no good for nothing loser for so long that it has become a self fulfilling prophecy and he can no longer act on his own. He has to have cindy in his life to function. His interviews with le and his requests not to tell his son lee that he is at the police station, not to tell cindy he said this or said that is shows just how afraid he is of being seen as going ‘against’ the family.
As far as lee i have not spent a lot of time in going over his statements and media comments. I think there are some major issues between him and his father but i suspect that cindy is the one who was the instigator of those problems. It fits with bpd. The goal of the bpd person is to pit one against the other then destroy any love, respect between them causing them to feel loss. While vulnerable, the bpd becomes their life- line and puts himself or herself in the role of savior to gain full control. The fact that lee moved out of the family home makes me question if this process failed or that it was actually working but caylee came along and the focus was switched. The relationship between casey and lee is odd to say the least. I just cannot tell whether lee is another casey but more functional or he has just learned survivor skills and can act like the ‘family’ when he has to and can turn it on and off. Lee’s interview with le just does not sit right with me and i have my suspicions he is up to his neck in something he does not want known.
Casey, well i think that there will be some greater minds than mine that will not be able to agree on what is wrong with her. I also think there will be books written about her for years to come. I will keep my opinion on her to myself, at least for now. Maybe after the trial is complete when more information is known i will venture a guess.

great post!!!!
WS friends, I found the most interesting link today, which I think may be quite insightful in demonstrating bonafide psychosis: Dr. Juliann Mitchell, Ph.D.'s, Profile of a Sociopath, written about Casey Anthony. Forget the profile piece, though -- check out the comments, particularly the comments by a poster calling herself "Marcia Neil." Now, there are quite a few comments to wade through, so bear with it. It's very interesting, IMO. As a professional who works in the mental health field, "Marcia Neil"'s comments are extremely consistent with psychosis. Note, this is different than delusional, as delusions are a fixed belief (which, okay, sometimes are nonsensical -- like, sometimes a person genuinely believes the moon is made of green cheese, etc). It's very nebulous, making the distinction between delusions and psychosis sometimes, so I'll just leave it at in my experience persons suffering from psychosis, who overtly demonstrate their symptoms, often show more disorganized and nonsensical thought patterns and beliefs (although they may make sense to the individual in their own mind). Persons with fixed delusions often present very believable ideas. The main difference is that psychosis can respond to medication; delusions do not.

I thought Dr. Juliann Mitchell handled the poster's comments with extreme kindness, for what it's worth.

I'm sure this profile has been posted in the media threads at some point, but I actually found it by accident, when I was reading an article on former Cook County Illinois judge Thomas J. Maloney. Go figure!

Not only was Dr. Mitchell's article very interesting, post #116 (Holly in Orlando) grabbed my attention "I know first hand if she (Holly in Orlando referring to CA) goes back to work at Gentiva, her staff will walk OUT" I guess that gives some insight into what CA's fellow employee's think of her, hmmm...
Not only was Dr. Mitchell's article very interesting, post #116 (Holly in Orlando) grabbed my attention "I know first hand if she (Holly in Orlando referring to CA) goes back to work at Gentiva, her staff will walk OUT" I guess that gives some insight into what CA's fellow employee's think of her, hmmm...

LOL doesn't surprise me at all!
This mays sound crazy. But could KC have "Split Personality Disorder".

Multiple personality:

very rare psychological disorder in which a person has two or more distinct personalities, each with its own thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior. The personalities often are direct opposites and dominate at different times, with abrupt transitions triggered by distressful events or memories. Each may be entirely unaware of the other but aware of unexplained gaps in remembered time. In psychiatry the condition is known as dissociative identity disorder. The term “split personality,” denoting schizophrenia, refers to an unrelated disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Didnt Kiomarie and others state that KC couldnt remember from one day to the next, things she had told them.

Maybe, when she was around Caylee she referred to herself as the Nanny since she had already disassociated herself with being a mother and didnt want to keep Caylee in the beginning. But at Night time she was KC.
Maybe KC is Zanny since she can relate to her so well, and place her places that KC wanted to be, like New York or living in her own apartment at Sawgrass.Maybe the two personalites clashed and thats when Caylees life was taken.

Great idea, but I don't think KC has multiple personality disorder. If that were true, the real KC would have been freaked out when she found Caylee missing. She showed none of that emotion. JMO

However, I could be wrong.
WS friends, I found the most interesting link today, which I think may be quite insightful in demonstrating bonafide psychosis: Dr. Juliann Mitchell, Ph.D.'s, Profile of a Sociopath, written about Casey Anthony. Forget the profile piece, though -- check out the comments, particularly the comments by a poster calling herself "Marcia Neil." Now, there are quite a few comments to wade through, so bear with it. It's very interesting, IMO. As a professional who works in the mental health field, "Marcia Neil"'s comments are extremely consistent with psychosis. Note, this is different than delusional, as delusions are a fixed belief (which, okay, sometimes are nonsensical -- like, sometimes a person genuinely believes the moon is made of green cheese, etc). It's very nebulous, making the distinction between delusions and psychosis sometimes, so I'll just leave it at in my experience persons suffering from psychosis, who overtly demonstrate their symptoms, often show more disorganized and nonsensical thought patterns and beliefs (although they may make sense to the individual in their own mind). Persons with fixed delusions often present very believable ideas. The main difference is that psychosis can respond to medication; delusions do not.

I thought Dr. Juliann Mitchell handled the poster's comments with extreme kindness, for what it's worth.

I'm sure this profile has been posted in the media threads at some point, but I actually found it by accident, when I was reading an article on former Cook County Illinois judge Thomas J. Maloney. Go figure!

Excellent source. Thank you. I just sent some information on his book and work to someone else here yesterday. I find his work fascinating.
Friends of mine and I had a chat about this possibility last week! We dispelled the idea for two reasons:

1. No one has stated that KC suffers from personality changes

2. We didn't see any evidence that she has lost any huge chunks of memory.

I am sure they are looking at this or at least researched it as a possible defense.

It is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder if you want to look up some of the case studies.
I am sure they are looking at this or at least researched it as a possible defense.

It is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder if you want to look up some of the case studies.

i don't think that'll work.
they already did it in primal fear and edward norton put on a far more convincing performance.
Now this I totally disagree. I don't support whatsoever the actions Cindy did..I truly believe she was in deep denial. However, I do not believe that Cindy and Casey has the same personality disorder. Cindy was a nurse. She had goals. She provided a home for her family and granddaughter. She does not come across as selfish or self centered in any way. she does not come across as a narcisstic person. Fact is, and anyone will tell you...most nurses are extreme care-givers. Used to being "walked all over" by those around them...because they are overly nurturing. It's thier nature and its the career path that they took.

Cindy recognized hard times as she was seeing a therapist. Casey would never have.

No....I believe it is exactly the opposite personality problems that caused the clashes between Casey and Cindy.

Cindy could "fix" nearly any problem (hence is why she is the dominant one in the family)...again, by nature as that is also very common with nurses....yet, unfortunately, she couldn't "fix" Casey.

I think George was caught in the middle of the two as he loved both and didn't know HOW to fix the problem between the two so he stayed out of it....and became the passive parent. Perhaps due to his own occupation as a cop, and we all know cops have ego's and are NOT passive....but that is the role he took in parenting for fear that if he did use his cop personality it would compound problems in the household. I believe that is why he turned to gambling to avoid the problems. It wouldn't surprise me if he even possibly sought a "way out" himself by divorcing the family............until Caylee. Then there was hope again for normalcy.
I completely agree with you concerning Cindy.
However, I disagree with you concerning George.
A family member stated in an email that he didn't work for half the time they were married. Though I believe he loves his family, GA states to LE that he didn't have a gambling problem but a lying problem based on shame by losing money via an email scam and not wanting to tell Cindy about it. I personally don''t believe that story either. I think his daughter got cc in her mother's name and he was taking the rap for the lost funds. A family member, also in an email states that Casey had squandered "thousands" of dollars from Cindy via cc I think that possibly CA and GA brought this email scam story to life to protect Casey and to prevent LE from going back that far and investigating the true facts. Also, the separation/divorce filing occurred after Caylee was born, just after. This is also the time LA moved out. I find it interesting that both men moved out right after Caylee was born. jmo.
I would like to add my two cents to this discussion about Casey and the family dynamics. I think the emails between Rick & Cindy’s and the emails from Mrs. P to her sister about Cindy, George & Casey give a new look at this family.

If you read Mrs. P’s interview with LE I find it interesting in the fact that Mrs. P. is very much into ‘how it looks to outsiders’ just as much as Cindy does. The exchange about the Caylee not being hungry since she had popcorn at the nursing home and that is why she did not eat the Chili but she did have peanut butter and jelly sandwich to me is a perfect example of how Mrs. P had to make every thing look ‘normal’ to others.
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To me an almost three year old would have no interest in eating chili for a meal. They may try a spoonful but it would not be something I would expect any small child to really want to eat. It is not a food that small children dive into, although I am sure there are some exceptions. To attempt to make the LE interviewer think that the serving of popcorn is why Caylee did not eat the chili is absurd in its on right. Why not just say that we thought we would see if she would like it but well, as expected she didn’t so I gave her the old child tested and child loved standby peanut butter and jelly. Why go into the whole popcorn, chili and peanut butter & jelly sandwich bit? To minimize the fact the two adults did not think that a small child would not want chili for a meal and that would make them look bad, hence Caylee filled up on popcorn and was not hungry enough for chili.

Also when asked some questions about the date of June 9th Mrs. P. states that she even would have sworn it was the 8th but it was Father’s day. Mrs. P. is giving cover to Cindy for being wrong about the date by saying that she thought the same thing also.
[Page 662 Lines 22]
Why? To minimize the fact that Cindy was ‘wrong’. Cindy cannot be wrong. She is my daughter and my daughter is not wrong.

During the discussion about Caylee being missing and the proper date that Caylee was visiting at the nursing home Mrs. P. makes the comment “that is whole week in our favor” is odd.
[Page 664 Lines 12-13]
Again Mrs. P. is minimizing the fact the Cindy was wrong with the date.

When Mrs. P. speaks about Casey not coming to see her and her husband since April it is not because of any estrangement between Casey and her grandfather. She just doesn’t know why…
[Page 663 Lines 17-20]
Again Mrs. P. is not telling LE what she knows. She is attempting to make things look as though there is nothing wrong in the family.

The entire interview is laced with these types of comments. Mrs. P. does not want anyone to know that there have been problems with Casey or that there have been problems between George and Cindy. Mrs. P. wants LE to think that everything is ‘normal’.

The name calling between Cindy and Rick although you do have to factor in normal sibling push and pull to me is another sign that dysfunction has been passed down from Mr. & Mrs. P to the children. At ages 50 & 55 there emails show them to be acting like pre teens. It has been way past the time to grow up and act like adults. I get the fact that Rick was attempting to get Cindy to see what was in front of her nose but it appears that they are still enmeshed in the way that they have been raised to handled strife and crisis within a family; point the blame finger, make outlandish comments and call each other names and ridicule each other. That is a learned behavior. They learned that from someone and it is usually the parents.

As far as Mrs. P. emails to her sister, you are only getting the view that Mrs. P. wants her sister to know about Cindy, George, Casey & Caylee or the view that Cindy has given Mrs. P.

It is not difficult, for short periods of time, for the mentally ill especially BPD, narcissist PD or the sociopath to act normal in front of others. It is only in the long term, close contact with such persons that one starts to recognize the inconsistencies and problems.

My opinion is that there has been long term mental and possibly physical abuse that has been passed down with in this family. Cindy, from what we have of seen her behavior as well as what she says and the assorted facts that have been made known acts like she is a classic functioning BPD.
George, with his one demeanor with LE, and a totally different one to the public makes me think major long term damaged and broken down self-esteem issues. The only person he feels remotely comfortable with is LE because that may have been the only time in his past, while being in LE when he felt some self-confidence. He has been told he is worthless, a no good for nothing loser for so long that it has become a self fulfilling prophecy and he can no longer act on his own. He has to have Cindy in his life to function. His interviews with LE and his requests not to tell his son Lee that he is at the police station, not to tell Cindy he said this or said that is shows just how afraid he is of being seen as going ‘against’ the family.
As far as Lee I have not spent a lot of time in going over his statements and media comments. I think there are some major issues between him and his father but I suspect that Cindy is the one who was the instigator of those problems. It fits with BPD. The goal of the BPD person is to pit one against the other then destroy any love, respect between them causing them to feel loss. While vulnerable, the BPD becomes their life- line and puts himself or herself in the role of savior to gain full control. The fact that Lee moved out of the family home makes me question if this process failed or that it was actually working but Caylee came along and the focus was switched. The relationship between Casey and Lee is odd to say the least. I just cannot tell whether Lee is another Casey but more functional or he has just learned survivor skills and can act like the ‘family’ when he has to and can turn it on and off. Lee’s interview with LE just does not sit right with me and I have my suspicions he is up to his neck in something he does not want known.
Casey, well I think that there will be some greater minds than mine that will not be able to agree on what is wrong with her. I also think there will be books written about her for years to come. I will keep my opinion on her to myself, at least for now. Maybe after the trial is complete when more information is known I will venture a guess.
The relationship between family members and LE is completely overlooked in these statements imo.
Also, the whole family is over analyzed, imo. This family is the middle of crisis, and protecting family members is normal behavior.
Rick went overboard in attempting to bring his sister to reality imo, but his intentions were good.
Other than lying, Cindy's behavior is normal to me as well considering the circumstances.
This is just my opinion, and I'm thankful to ws for allowing me to express it.
From what has been said George worked for the Trumbull County Sheriffs Office and Cindy felt that George should quit. She wanted the perceived lifestyle and money of owning a car dealership. He left the sheriff office and went into business with his father and then for himself. The when and why of the incident with a plate glass window is something that I have not seen any documentation on. I did look on line in at one time in Trumbull County and could find no records for this. It may have not been something that would have been handle on the county level and it may be with a local police department if there was ever any report at all. I did some research into deeds and such and found that there is a judgment against George from the Ohio labor and industry department for repayment of funds. The original filing documents are not on line so I cannot tell if this because George did not pay state unemployment and disability to the state according to their rules or funds that may have been paid out to George improperly. Actually without seeing the original reason for the judgment this may have been a debt that George ended up with due to the way his father may have filed for paperwork while he worked with him.
In George’s FBI interview he did make mention that he had made some bad choices in finances and failed in a business. Somewhere I did see that one of his former co-workers from the Sheriffs office spoke highly of him so I am not sure if the idea that he may have had problems being a cop is correct. I tend to take what is said about George and his past with a very large grain of salt due to the fact that what we have witnessed so far with Cindy shows that she is not above lying. On the lie-o-meter scale Cindy scores up there pretty well.

I did catch in one of Mrs. P’s. e-mails her comment about Cindy not going to Ft. Meyers as planned. [George’s parents live there now]. In Cindy’s statement with LE, I do not remember if it was the one with OCSO or the FBI she said that she was suppose to go to Ft. Meyers to visit with her in-laws but they didn’t go because her father took a spell for the worse and she went and stayed with her mother to be close. Interesting that Mrs. P. did not mention a thing about Alex P. having any trouble or Cindy coming down and staying there. George also mentions that they did not go to Ft. Meyers due to Mr. P.’s health. So did Mrs. P. not tell her sister that Alex was not well or did Cindy not want to see George’s family and told LE and George a lie? If Cindy did in fact tell George that she was going to go and stay with her mother due to her father’s health and Mrs. P. says nothing of this to her sister where did Cindy go.
This is something that I have not seen anything about. This was a trip to Ft. Meyers was to have taken place sometime in the month of June but my memory is little fuzzy so I don’t want to say an exact date. I do apologize that I have not included page and line detail of the transcripts and emails that back up what I just posted. With the holiday I just do not have the time to go through the transcripts right now. Possibly later next week I can see what I can find to give everyone the links to be able to read for themselves.
IIRC, they didn't go because Casey told Cindy she was bringing Caylee home the next day, and then the next and the next until her vacation was over. Cindy wanted to be home so she could see Caylee. IIRC this was because of a car accident the nanny had on the way back to Orlando.
I don't remember reading about Cindy's dad taking a turn for the worse. I must have missed that. sorry.
I tread that CA decided she couldn't afford a divorce. But, that GA is on a short leash. Also that he was ultimately unsuited for law enforcement, but also tha CA convinced him to quit and work for his father's auto dealership. That ended when he threw his dad through a plate glass window. Then, he bought his own dealership, but it failed.

According to the documents, she couldn't afford the divorce as she would have had to sell the house and he would have had the rights to half...and she would have had to pay him alimony, according to her mother.
I thought it was interesting that somebody mentioned in the emails that George's family had mental illness and Casey had it too.

Who knows? Cindy's problems could all be stress related. To me, she sounds pretty reasonable in the begging of those emails, just like she seemed reasonable at the beginning of this discovery... then came all the fighting, the denials and inconsistencies.

I really don't perceive Cindy as a liar. I just don't. I see her as one extremely on the brink of overwhelming stress from the moment Casey left home and "taunted her by holding Caylee away from her." (Remember, in her mind this is what was happening. (Enough so that Cindy felt the need to write the Myspace note.)

Clearly, I see Cindy was under extreme pressure and was in a fog. Far as we know, or don't know, Cindy could have been medicated and that could account for her mistakes. (wrong hairbrush, washed pants out of "something to do under duress", etc. and not with any malicious purposes whatsoever.) I truly believe that Cindy believed Casey. I think her point in the "dead body smell in the car" was to enhance the cops to get to her house fast as she was so upset with Casey and they were supposed to have been there already and were not. (Remember, she had to make two calls)....even if Cindy felt that smell was decomposition....I honestly do not think for a second that it even crossed her mind that it was Caylee's deceased odor. I think Casey led them on to believe they were "in danger" by the kidnappers and since they believed Caylee was kidnapped.....and Casey's car abandonded...we have no idea (yet) as to what else Casey told them behind closed doors. Did Casey tell them that the kidnappers took her car and left her stranded at that park without her daughter? If Cindy's mind she could never comprehend that CASEY would have abandanded her own car....that someone else did it....and Casey fed her the whole kidnapping story, etc.

Fact is, I believe that was part of the scenario that Casey PREPLANNED once she found she could not rid the smell in the car, etc. I think that is why she left the car at the spot. I think she even purposely ran it out of gas to make it appear the kidnappers couldn't go no further so they abandonded the car.

As much as Cindy comes across as "lying"....I don't see it as purposely lying. I see it as conveying a picture of what she has been told and believed due to her extreme denial. We all see that she has lost a tremendous amount of weight from stress. I just cannot judge her as harshly as others have...albeit, I've had my moments in which I have judged her harshly. However, looking at the overall picture....all her responsibilities and all her problems that she has had to "fix" for others in her's no wonder the woman didn't have a nervous breakdown long before Caylee went missing. her own words to her mother, had it not been for Caylee...she may have just contemplated ending her own life. Now that screams overwhelmed and terribly worried and sick over the actions of her family LONG before Caylee went missing.
I completely agree with you concerning Cindy.
However, I disagree with you concerning George.
A family member stated in an email that he didn't work for half the time they were married. Though I believe he loves his family, GA states to LE that he didn't have a gambling problem but a lying problem based on shame by losing money via an email scam and not wanting to tell Cindy about it. I personally don''t believe that story either. I think his daughter got cc in her mother's name and he was taking the rap for the lost funds. A family member, also in an email states that Casey had squandered "thousands" of dollars from Cindy via cc I think that possibly CA and GA brought this email scam story to life to protect Casey and to prevent LE from going back that far and investigating the true facts. Also, the separation/divorce filing occurred after Caylee was born, just after. This is also the time LA moved out. I find it interesting that both men moved out right after Caylee was born. jmo.

It wouldn't surprise me if LA is the biological father of Caylee. I can see Casey actually and purposely seducing him...for whatever sick reason. I just can't get past all those money problems in the house and nobody cared to have Caylee obtain child support funding. Lee not wanting a DNA...and a court order having to be obtained. Time will tell.
The relationship between family members and LE is completely overlooked in these statements imo.
Also, the whole family is over analyzed, imo. This family is the middle of crisis, and protecting family members is normal behavior.
Rick went overboard in attempting to bring his sister to reality imo, but his intentions were good.
Other than lying, Cindy's behavior is normal to me as well considering the circumstances.
This is just my opinion, and I'm thankful to ws for allowing me to express it.

I agree with you. People need to remember that we all lie. It's human nature to lie. Nobody is exempt. When someone asks us "how are your children doing?" we automatically start off by divulging how wonderful one child is doing in school and how another one was caught drinking with friends the week before and how the 3d one you found birth control pills in her bedroom? No. We answer, "pretty good. They're doing pretty good. Thank you. And yours?" For the most part if we are having a totally crappy day and the bank teller asks "how are you?"....we automatically say "Fine, and you?". We don't go into the "real truth".

It's no biggie that Cindy lied about Ft. Myers to her family....we all do that when we may want to get out of having to visit someone at one point or another. There is nothing "psychologically wrong" with that. And there is nothing wrong with her lying to her family (mom) about situations at home in which she didn't want to worry her ederly mother further. And it is also possible that Cindy and George knew Casey was pregnant and lied to those at the wedding because we don't know if George and Cindy may have been trying to convince Casey to give the baby up for adoption and this way nobody need "know". We just do not know.
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