Casey Not Guilty?

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I must admit, after reading Butterfly's first post, it got me thinking, the thought of ICA walking & no justice for Caylee made me sick! I totally understand what Butterfly is saying. After reading all the responses, I feel so much better, there's just NO WAY that can happen!

There are so many things that simply cannot be overlooked! The 31 days, the lies, all her actions while her baby is "missing", the tattoo, no tears, no assistance in trying to find her baby, the smell in her car, no phone number for the nanny, no address for the nanny, not one person knows the nanny, her own family has done nothing to find the nanny, her "dream team" has done nothing to find the nanny, no one can even find anyone in the nanny's family, why are they pointing fingers at other people when the nanny is supposed to be the the killer according to the defendant????? The list just goes on & on.

I can't wait for this trial to start, I want to hear the defense bozo's explain the reasons for all those lies....if she is innocent then why the lies???? Sure lying does not make you a killer, but what innocent person is going to lie in a situation like this????

The death of this beautiful little baby makes me sick & the fact that all those people that are supposed to have loved her & protected her are now doing everything in their power to protect the person who killed her....well, there's just no words to describe those people, lowest form of life doesn't even begin to describe them. I don't know how any of them sleep at night, the A's and the "dream team", they all know the truth & they kill Caylee over & over again with their ridiculous theories, stories and lies.

I just read your post and realized all the evidence you listed has nothing to do with 'junk' science. Which brings me to my next point, they don't even need science to convict. Her own words/actions/letters/demeanor will hold more weight than anything else. I wonder if the SAs office thought about limiting the scientific evidence to the barest minimum because whatever they say, the defense will hire someone to say the opposite. The defense wants to keep the focus on ANYTHING but Casey's lies, behavior, and the death mobile she purposefully abandoned a few footsteps away from a gas station. The prosecutors should force the defense team to confront Casey's lies head on and the only way to do that is to give them nothing else to work with but her lies and behavior.

I'd also like to add a few to your list that don't involve any science. The duct tape over Caylee's face was the same rare brand linked back to the A house. Same with the Whitney laundry hamper.

They just need a jury with good common sense. The only thing I can see going wrong is getting someone like J. Faulkner (from the S. Peterson trial). He probably would have hung that jury just for giggles (idiot).

If this case wasn't all over the media, I truly believe she would be sitting on death row right now. It will become a bigger circus during the trial so a juror or two may get in that have ulterior motives (not guilty no matter what the evidence proves). If that happens, Casey stays in jail and they do it all over again. Except, the second time around it will be done by a public defender.

I honestly can't see her getting an all out acquittal...not with everything we've seen so far.

I just read your post and realized all the evidence you listed has nothing to do with 'junk' science. Which brings me to my next point, they don't even need science to convict. Her own words/actions/letters/demeanor will hold more weight than anything else. I wonder if the SAs office thought about limiting the scientific evidence to the barest minimum because whatever they say, the defense will hire someone to say the opposite. The defense wants to keep the focus on ANYTHING but Casey's lies, behavior, and the death mobile she purposefully abandoned a few footsteps away from a gas station. The prosecutors should force the defense team to confront Casey's lies head on and the only way to do that is to give them nothing else to work with but her lies and behavior.

I'd also like to add a few to your list that don't involve any science. The duct tape over Caylee's face was the same rare brand linked back to the A house. Same with the Whitney laundry hamper.

They just need a jury with good common sense. The only thing I can see going wrong is getting someone like J. Faulkner (from the S. Peterson trial). He probably would have hung that jury just for giggles (idiot).

If this case wasn't all over the media, I truly believe she would be sitting on death row right now. It will become a bigger circus during the trial so a juror or two may get in that have ulterior motives (not guilty no matter what the evidence proves). If that happens, Casey stays in jail and they do it all over again. Except, the second time around it will be done by a public defender.

I honestly can't see her getting an all out acquittal...not with everything we've seen so far.


I cannot wait for this trial. It starts in May 2011, yes - eight months away. The "Dream Team" could raise Clarence Darrow from the dead and this girl is still going down. Life without Parole. No doubt. The tape around the mouth and nose is huge - this is a deliberate action to keep the child from living. And if you have read the prosecution interviews they ask George and Cindy and not sure about Lee, but definitely George and Cindy if Caylee could open doors, put on her jacket, button it, etc. And George and Cindy (beyond stupid) go on about her good she was at everything. Prosecution is asking these questions for a reason and that reason is KC wrapped the tape around her THREE TIMES to make sure it did not come off. Incredible.

FBI asked Cindy if KC felt remorse - Cindy says no there is no reason, she did not do anything. They are asking this for a reason - to show she is a sociopath. LDB asked Lee if KC cried a lot, his answer was NO.

Morgan asked Lee if KC lied alot and he said no more than usual - white lies. Meanwhile he tells Tony Lazzaro that KC is a pro at manipulation and passing bad checks.

Lee professes to the prosecutors how stupid Morgan was and wasn't it a goof. There was no laughter from the prosecutors or reply when he said that.

No wonder KC thought all these lies would work, the rest of the family seems to think all their lies will work also. We are not supposed to notice.

Cannot wait for May. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be dumber than Scot Peterson. But then again, reading about sociopaths, it appears intelligence goes out the window. Hard to believe that these glaring lies are being told without expectation of being called on them. It is amazing.

And it is going to be asking more than a lot for a jury to find it REASONABlE that a mother would wait 31 days (and still it was not her who called police) to call authorities.
don't discount the power of common sense.
The jury will get the facts spelled out one at a time. They will hear the lies, hear/see the tapes, possibly smell the car, they will know casey's actions, words, and they will see the patterns. The defense is trying this in the press now because they know they cannot combat the facts in the courtroom. I think they hope to fool enough people before it kicks into the court room. Casey is the her own worst witness. Think about the real details without this static. The 31 days, the numerous lies about where caylee was, the sneaking around, the partying, the video store, the many nanny lies, it all makes sense if you break it down. The state will cover it all, the defense will try to fuzzy it back up and then the state will remind the jury of the facts. There's a reason the defense is pulling their stunts now....they have nothing to warp reality in the court room. Don't fall for the game, rememer the facts and remember that the state isn't in the press trying this case, they know they don't need to.let jose have his smirk moments, it's all he's got.

for the record.. i believe casey is 100% guilty.. however.. i have this haunting feeling that she will be found not guilty.. or there will be a mistrial.
unless they have some better evidence or something that ties her directly to the crime scene, i don't see a jury sentencing her to death.. or even lwop :(
i hope i'm wrong though.
The thirty one days and the dayum car smelling like a dead body has pretty much sealed KC fate IMO I would be beyond surprised if she got anything less then LWOP
thats all it took for me too.. if i were a juror, i'd vote guilty..
but then again, i've followed the case.. i know the defense's tactics.. someone out of the loop may not :(
may 2011 cant come soon enough~
If anyone deserves to be found guilty and sentenced accordingly, it is Casey. The evidence against her is overwhelming and too much for me to recall here. The defense wouldn't be schueduling all of these pressors, calling in all of these defense atty's, unless they were very desperate. The rambling they engage is strickly for the media and the jury pool. IF they had a real defense strategy, they would save it for the trial, where it counts.

Everything Casey has done or has not done, will be very easy for a common sense jury to analyze. Forget the scientific evidence, the jury will be unable to buy any of Casey's actions after June 16th. They are mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles who will have no comprehension of a mother not reporting her two year old missing for 31 days. No mother goes out partying without a care in the world, while her helpless child is missing. There will be no getting arund this with the jurors.

I wonder if Casey is really aware that she will most likely be convicted. A good attorney would prepare her for the worst case scenario...why do I think this has not been done ?
CASEY ANTHONY, CHARGED WITH MURDERING HER DAUGHTER: I have been. I mean, it`s just something honestly I have been preparing for from the beginning just because of words that were directly spoken from (INAUDIBLE) -- personnel. They were saying that this -- and what they were planning on doing from the very beginning, from the first day. So they wrote me off within the first couple of hours.

ANTHONY: I still have that feeling, that presence, I know that she`s alive. Whether you have a bucketload of evidence downstairs that contradicts that and says otherwise, or all you have is speculation or nothing at all.

The above quotes were from the JVM show last night...I see why the defense is questioning the detectives as they are. Seems ICA had set this up this way according to the quotes above, she feels they focused only on her.

Doesn't matter if you have evidence downstairs that contradicts that and says otherwise or all you have is speculation or nothing at all!

How could she keep such a clam demeanor? Will this be the part the jurors will tear apart? No, IMO, detectives checked out all of those people who ever crossed paths with ICA. They had already been 31 days behind or as TM would say, "it was a cold case before it ever was a missing persons case"!

She had 31 days pass before her mother makes that call to authorities. I do think common sense will prevail for Caylee. They will see this case for what is is, filicide. A mother who wanted her freedom, a mother who wanted to hurt her own mother for the way she was treated. Brow beaten, verbal abuse, mental abuse and I do believe if that alleged argument surfaces during trial and those fine prosecutors use SP phrase, "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee", will have those jurors in tears, seeing the autopsy photos, hearing the demeanor in ICA's phone calls, the 911 call, the frantic voice of CA and the non chalant voice of ICA, will show how cold hearted she is and will convict her as charged. I do believe she will get LWOP and not a DP sentence, IMO...unless, as CMason has stated, she will plead guilty before the jury deliberates, I don't feel she will be acquitted or found not guilty there is too much stacked against her...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Just wanted to come out of lurkdom to say I appreciate this thread. I've been watching this case since it all started and have been worrying lately that justice for Caylee may not come. This thread eases some of that worry. Thanks to all the posters.
Let us not forget, we still have some 8000 docs to be soon released and then some more. Sure, some of these will be repeats of what has been previously released.

But I feel the last ones released will be the last nut in tightening the SAOs case against ICA. Those are what I wait for. And that dang video of CAs July 08 video with LE and the FBI that was released to JB 08.29.10 and still we haven't seen it.
I believe KC is safer in jail. She may only get a sentence of LWOP if convicted, but a death sentence if released.
Can you imagine MC walking out of the court, arm in arm with an 'innocent' KC to a crowd that's assembled outside the court in anticipation of a guilty verdict?? Isn't going to happen but what a scene that would be.
Just wanted to come out of lurkdom to say I appreciate this thread. I've been watching this case since it all started and have been worrying lately that justice for Caylee may not come. This thread eases some of that worry. Thanks to all the posters.
:Welcome-12-june: We need as many butterflies as possible so lurk less!!! I have to believe that good will overcome evil here on earth, but if it doesn't I try to hold on to the idea that Caylee is free of her horrible circumstance and freedom is more important than justice. Don't worry Butterflylady :)
There is no doubt that the odor of a decomposing body is distinct. I just went through it some 4 weeks ago. It takes days to get over it if not a couple of weeks to get it out of your mind. Smells like the worst rotting food or garbage, combined with whatever smell the body gives off. It is like nothing else. Bad.

Would not wish this on anyone but if you should ever smell this odor again you're response might possibly be, "It smells like there a damn dead body in the......" It is unforgetable. Once you have smelled that smell you know immediately when you smell it again what it is. jmo
When I first opened this thread this morning, I thought - I can't believe we are still talking about ICA being found not guilty.

Seriously - it's laughable that the Defense is now saying - oh geez - bad OCSD - they only focused on ICA, and should have looked at other possible offenders.

Remember how this case started? As a missing child case. Grandma calls 911 and says her grand daughter has been missing for 31 days. The detectives arrive looking for a MISSING child. Does the mother cooperate? Sure - ICA tells them she dropped this child off at an empty apartment - not one that became empty after she dropped the child off - but had in fact been empty for months. ICA dropped this child off to a nanny she'd been using for two years. This nanny hadn't been seen by anyone else but ICA. This nanny had never sent or received a text or a phone call from the texting queen, and there were no pictures of this nanny. An over protective grand ma had never spoken to or met this nanny. This nanny and her sisters and mother cannot be traced. People who don't exist referred this nanny to ICA.

ICA took the detectives to a non existent job in a non existent office, working for a non-existing boss. ICA did not tell her parents, her friends or her flavor of the month her child was missing. She partied even harder, avoided her parents, lied about where her child was, and only when forced by her mother, even admitted her child was missing.

ICA drove a car whose trunk stunk of human decomp. Her child was found tossed away like so much garbage a couple of blocks from her home, bound in a rare duct tape, found surprisingly identical to duct tape found in her home, a bagged in garbage bags similar to those in her home, and bagged with a blanket, and a cloth bag exactly like those in her home.

ICA has refused to cooperate from day one. And the defense is questioning why the detectives didn't search for anyone else? Well, actually they did - ask Zenaida Frernandez Gonzales! Ask Roy Kronk. And so on.

C'mon people, the defense is trying to create doubt. Why is it working here at Websleuths?
Adding my thanks and appreciation for all who have posted on this thread. I've had my doubtful moments too. As others have mentioned, we've been following this intently for all this time (whether years or months or weeks or days, one thing WSers are, is intent!) and it all seems pretty obvious to many of us. But a juror who has not been immersed in this case--as jurors in this case rightfully shouldn't be, in order to assure the proceedings are just and fair--what will they take away from the evidence presented?

When my hope & faith are at low ebb, I remind myself that, as much as we feel the urgency of this case, the SA feels it even more. They know they are Caylee's last chance for justice, and I trust that they are committed to honoring that responsibility to the highest level. I trust them implicitly to sift through the evidence, the documents, the testimony, the mountainous all of it, and narrow it all down to ONLY the most relevant, compelling, factual evidence to prove their case.

Furthermore, I trust them to present those facts in such a manner that although the jurors may not be made aware of every detail that we are familiar with, they will be confronted with a clear, compelling narrative that proves their case beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt. Further, they will be prepared to counter with facts any and all smokescreens the defense throws up.

While the defense is preparing for the penalty phase and frittering away the minutes til May with overblown "press conferences," whining, and sundry distractions, Caylee's representatives are preparing solid arguments, anticipating the defense's various plans, readying their counterarguments, putting possible tactics and presentations through trial runs, and developing multiple strategies for any eventuality. In other words, acting like lawyers.

Keep the faith, people!

(ETA: logicalgirl, we were typing at same time--nice post chica!)
Adding my thanks and appreciation for all who have posted on this thread. I've had my doubtful moments too. As others have mentioned, we've been following this intently for all this time (whether years or months or weeks or days, one thing WSers are, is intent!) and it all seems pretty obvious to many of us. But a juror who has not been immersed in this case--as jurors in this case rightfully shouldn't be, in order to assure the proceedings are just and fair--what will they take away from the evidence presented?

When my hope & faith are at low ebb, I remind myself that, as much as we feel the urgency of this case, the SA feels it even more. They know they are Caylee's last chance for justice, and I trust that they are committed to honoring that responsibility to the highest level. I trust them implicitly to sift through the evidence, the documents, the testimony, the mountainous all of it, and narrow it all down to ONLY the most relevant, compelling, factual evidence to prove their case.

Furthermore, I trust them to present those facts in such a manner that although the jurors may not be made aware of every detail that we are familiar with, they will be confronted with a clear, compelling narrative that proves their case beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt. Further, they will be prepared to counter with facts any and all smokescreens the defense throws up.

While the defense is preparing for the penalty phase and frittering away the minutes til May with overblown "press conferences," whining, and sundry distractions, Caylee's representatives are preparing solid arguments, anticipating the defense's various plans, readying their counterarguments, putting possible tactics and presentations through trial runs, and developing multiple strategies for any eventuality. In other words, acting like lawyers.

Keep the faith, people!

(ETA: logicalgirl, we were typing at same time--nice post chica!)

Yes, we were ynotdivein - and I want to add one more thing to your post about juries.

Something we MUST keep in mind - is that we have combed over and over through this evidence. So much so that we aren't as horrified by it as we first were - when we first grabbed onto this case and wouldn't let go.

Do you remember what it was like to listen to Dr. G.? When we first heard that little Caylee's body was spread in tiny fragments over that large area just behind the Anthony home? When we first looked at the photos of the Winnie The Poo blanket, the Bag, the duct tape and far far more?

For those who have not followed this case from the beginning and are sitting on the jury - can you imagine what it will be like to actually be there, and hear and see it in real time, not reading about it after the fact like we are?

How many words can you think of to describe how they will be feeling? Horrified? Shocked? Disgusted? Nauseous?

But innocent? Ha! No Way!
When I first opened this thread this morning, I thought - I can't believe we are still talking about ICA being found not guilty.

Seriously - it's laughable that the Defense is now saying - oh geez - bad OCSD - they only focused on ICA, and should have looked at other possible offenders.

Remember how this case started? As a missing child case. Grandma calls 911 and says her grand daughter has been missing for 31 days. The detectives arrive looking for a MISSING child. Does the mother cooperate? Sure - ICA tells them she dropped this child off at an empty apartment - not one that became empty after she dropped the child off - but had in fact been empty for months. ICA dropped this child off to a nanny she'd been using for two years. This nanny hadn't been seen by anyone else but ICA. This nanny had never sent or received a text or a phone call from the texting queen, and there were no pictures of this nanny. An over protective grand ma had never spoken to or met this nanny. This nanny and her sisters and mother cannot be traced. People who don't exist referred this nanny to ICA.

ICA took the detectives to a non existent job in a non existent office, working for a non-existing boss. ICA did not tell her parents, her friends or her flavor of the month her child was missing. She partied even harder, avoided her parents, lied about where her child was, and only when forced by her mother, even admitted her child was missing.

ICA drove a car whose trunk stunk of human decomp. Her child was found tossed away like so much garbage a couple of blocks from her home, bound in a rare duct tape, found surprisingly identical to duct tape found in her home, a bagged in garbage bags similar to those in her home, and bagged with a blanket, and a cloth bag exactly like those in her home.

ICA has refused to cooperate from day one. And the defense is questioning why the detectives didn't search for anyone else? Well, actually they did - ask Zenaida Frernandez Gonzales! Ask Roy Kronk. And so on.

C'mon people, the defense is trying to create doubt. Why is it working here at Websleuths?
Bingo! Plus, LE always starts with the immediate family and then works its way outward. In this case, the victim's mother could NOT be cleared, she was the last known person to be seen with the victim and had direct responsibility for her care, in addition to lying about having a job (any job), lying about whom she left the victim with, and where, and the only people she supposedly reported her daughter missing to are non-existent!!! She had plenty of time, motive, and opportunity/access to the victim! And... the duct tape and stickers found on the victim came from her mother's house, and her mother's trunk reeked of human decomp in the correct time frame! This is NOT a whodunnit.:doh:
:hand:What more evidence do people need???
Do you remember what it was like to listen to Dr. G.? When we first heard that little Caylee's body was spread in tiny fragments over that large area just behind the Anthony home? When we first looked at the photos of the Winnie The Poo blanket, the Bag, the duct tape and far far more?

For those who have not followed this case from the beginning and are sitting on the jury - can you imagine what it will be like to actually be there, and hear and see it in real time, not reading about it after the fact like we are?

How many words can you think of to describe how they will be feeling? Horrified? Shocked? Disgusted? Nauseous?

But innocent? Ha! No Way!

I had not thought of that. That's a good point. Thanks for posting that. I will never forget the day they found her and Dr. G talking to the press and with her sensitive way of putting things, it was still so horrible.

That poor baby!
Let us not forget, we still have some 8000 docs to be soon released and then some more. Sure, some of these will be repeats of what has been previously released.

But I feel the last ones released will be the last nut in tightening the SAOs case against ICA. Those are what I wait for. And that dang video of CAs July 08 video with LE and the FBI that was released to JB 08.29.10 and still we haven't seen it.
Has there been any kind of official reason given why the documents have been delayed?
Has there been any kind of official reason given why the documents have been delayed?

I haven't heard one (she said very impatiently) and the defense got another 700 pages today!:furious: :banghead:
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