Casey's Defense Team Keeps Attacking The Science of the State's Case.

Do you believe a jury would convict KC without any scientific evidence?

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Velvetta with mold on it does not smell. I know this. Don't ask me how. But I know this for a fact. :fence:
:innocent: I also know that fact lol!!!
Had to vote no because removing all scientific evidence also means removing the DNA evidence that proves the skeletal remains recovered were that of Caylee Marie Anthony. Without the DNA evidence the defense would likely offer that Caylee was not deceased at all, but rather, still alive and a kidnap victim being held in what was it, PR... C and G would be very convincing on the stand that Caylee was still alive, in fact, they "know who has her and they are being watched at this very minute."

No, without any scientific evidence, i.e., the DNA, ICA walks is the way I see it.

The DNA evidence isn't in question though. Only the canine alerts, stain, chloroform levels, hair banding, sticker residue and gaseous evidence of decomposition are being questioned as valid sciences under Frye. At least that's been my understanding. The DNA is in.
Well, if swimsuits closed up in a trunk, a plastic bag, or wherever, causes choroform to form, we would have been hearing about people all over the country passing out due to chloroform toxicity, no?

Absolutely, I'm a water baby, my family are water babies and for years there were multiple wet swimsuits hanging in the laundry room to dry, or in backpacks sitting in the car. By his reckoning if you're on a swim team returning from a meet on the team bus, you would all be asphyxiated on the way home.
Well, if swimsuits closed up in a trunk, a plastic bag, or wherever, causes choroform to form, we would have been hearing about people all over the country passing out due to chloroform toxicity, no?

I just went out to my car and removed my wet bathing suit from the night before (jacuzzi'in the Gma Kat bones at a friend's house last night :rocker:) THANK GOODNESS! It was LOCKED INSIDE ALL NIGHT! :floorlaugh:
I have been loving the fact that HHJP keeps :poke: Baez about Petraco - he's done it now three or four times and he isn't letting up. It is great to see him finally clamping down on some of the more silly stuff - pink elephants, stigmata, etc. Even the M. Baaezzzz after Jose trying to be the jokester at the podium was met with the $100 smackdown.

For me thinking about how credible the DT will be in front of the jury compared to the SA comes to one easy test. Each time a member of the DT gets up, ask yourself - would you buy a new or used car from this person? From Jose?:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: From Mason?:woohoo: From Dorothy :great: ?

Okay LDB is up.....I can tell you I'd buy a car from her. JA? In a heartbeat.

Case closed. Guilty as charged.
Let's not get too far :eek:fftopic: here... IOW, stick to the Defense attacking the State's science, rather than us attacking the Defense's science or the DT in general. :tyou:
I've been trying to find what Dr. Vass's PhD is in. I think it is in anthropology but I'm not sure. Could this be behind JB's constant referral to Vass as a "non-scientist":

"Anthropologists have been thrown into turmoil about the nature and future of their profession after a decision by the American Anthropological Association at its recent annual meeting to strip the word “science” from a statement of its long-range plan."

This article is dated December 2010.
I have no problem with the simple science being let in. The stuff people see on CSI and such shows. My concern is they will try to use too much when they don't have to. All it takes is one juror to be confused enough by the defense to keep KC from being convicted. The science in the OP article is too new and it's unnecessary for a conviction. JMO

My concern is that they will try to use too much of the science when they don't need to. IMO, the state could wrap up it's case within three days. Don't give the jurors too much to think about.

If I'm reading that correctly then you agree with my post just above this one.


I agree. Chlorine is not chloroform but to a less savvy juror it could make sense that it is. Leave all of that out and there is no chance of that happening.

Good post.

It's possible the state is calling witness' it has no intention of using to keep JB distracted enough to keep him from thinking about the real evidence that will convict KC. JMO

The bottom line as I see it is to just keep it simple. Her statements about working at Universal being a lie, Zanny the nanny being a lie, the statements made about the decomp smell by GA during his interview (IIRC, he says it's a smell you'll never forget.).Cindy's conflicting stories that are all recorded on TV appearances and news broadcasts. The fight neighbors and LA talk about happening. DC looking for the body in an area veryclose to the actual location are more than enough for me to believe she'd be convicted. I don't give a crap if she gets the DP as long as she gets life without parole.


If B. confuses the jury Aston will straighten them out.I wonder
if B.has ever read the intro at the Body Farm.
They have more awards than China has rice..:banghead:
I've been trying to find what Dr. Vass's PhD is in. I think it is in anthropology but I'm not sure. Could this be behind JB's constant referral to Vass as a "non-scientist":

"Anthropologists have been thrown into turmoil about the nature and future of their profession after a decision by the American Anthropological Association at its recent annual meeting to strip the word “science” from a statement of its long-range plan."

This article is dated December 2010.

I will look around as well.. I assumed it's a PhD in Science a continuing from his Masters in Science Degree.

Dr Vass has a the following Degrees

Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology
Medical Technology Degree
Masters of Science Degree in Administration of Justice (Forensic Science)
Following the progression of education I assumed....A PhD in Science
And he has an
Antarctic Exploration certification from Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

I found this


Arpad received Ph.D. Degree in 1991 University of Tennessee, with a
dissertation entitled "Time Since Death Determinations of Human
Cadavers." This followed an M.S. degree, in Administration of
Justice (Forensic Science) from Virginia Commonwealth University in
1989, a Medical Technology Degree from The Fairfax Hospital in Falls
Church, VA in 1984, a B.S. Degree in Biology from Virginia Tech in
1981. He also has an Antarctic Exploration certification from Scripps
Institute of Oceanography, 1980.
Wow! Jose has had a long and respected career as a defense attorney. Huh?!
TB (aka GC) also had the nerve to say reports could have been doctored.
This case has been a nightmare since the beginning.

Yes it has...and Baez did the hiring..
Aside from the DNA testing to prove it was Caylee, I think the SAs could win this case with two power point slides, a couple pictures/videos, and Casey's own words. They could wrap this case up for a jury in 3 days tops if it weren't for this [unusual] defense team who seems h*ll bent on dragging this out forever. The jury will simply tune them out.

Plus all the comments about a dead body being in the car along with the cadaver dog hits.

KISS works best here. Don't give the defense much to challenge.

I've been trying to find what Dr. Vass's PhD is in. I think it is in anthropology but I'm not sure. Could this be behind JB's constant referral to Vass as a "non-scientist":

"Anthropologists have been thrown into turmoil about the nature and future of their profession after a decision by the American Anthropological Association at its recent annual meeting to strip the word “science” from a statement of its long-range plan."

This article is dated December 2010.

:twocents::maddening::twocents: For the record: I AM BIASED! Don't attack a Medical Technologist :seeya: as an individual who doesn't "know" chemistry.....who the heck do you think determines & confirms the accuracy of your cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides levels?:waitasec: :maddening: HARRUMPH, those example tests ARE chemistry!:banghead::banghead:

I :innocent: do believe that JAB is attacking Dr. Vass as a "non-scientist" per se with the greatest HOPES that somebody :waitasec: on the jury will HEAR "NON-SENSE".:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

The great "he is not a chemist" debate by JAB WILL continue UNLESS and UNTIL the SA itemizes the course background of Arpad Vass, Ph. D. and demonstrates that the vocation "chemist" is NOT exclusive of those with an in depth knowledge (working, active, hands-on in any aspect) of chemistry! AND to further that argument, there are MANY types of "chemists" as noted by the defense when JA called Barry Logan, Ph.D a "chemist" vs a "toxicologist". :truce:
Regarding the SCIENCE of any of these specialists, the INSTRUMENT (GC/MS) under debate (please N.B. Jose, it is NOT regarded as a :maddening: "machine" :maddening: by the daily USERS!) has been a workhorse of the scientific community for many years, :great:inclusive within ACADEMIC undergrad & graduate courses; clinical and research laboratories utilize the instrument too! :woohoo:
Aside from the DNA testing to prove it was Caylee, I think the SAs could win this case with two power point slides, a couple pictures/videos, and Casey's own words. They could wrap this case up for a jury in 3 days tops if it weren't for this [unusual] defense team who seems h*ll bent on dragging this out forever. The jury will simply tune them out.

Plus all the comments about a dead body being in the car along with the cadaver dog hits.

works best here. Don't give the defense much to challenge.


BBM With the last S being the key.
Aside from the DNA testing to prove it was Caylee, I think the SAs could win this case with two power point slides, a couple pictures/videos, and Casey's own words. They could wrap this case up for a jury in 3 days tops if it weren't for this [unusual] defense team who seems h*ll bent on dragging this out forever. The jury will simply tune them out.

Plus all the comments about a dead body being in the car along with the cadaver dog hits.

KISS works best here. Don't give the defense much to challenge.


That's pretty much what I'm trying to say but you put it out better. If the state doesn't call a witness then the defense can't cross examine him. The SA should keep it as simple as possible, IMO. 31 days, the tattoo, Zanny the nanny, the fight on June 15th, the DNA of Caylee, The outline of a child in the trunk, Georges admission about the car smelling like a dead body, Cindy's phone call, DC's search in the woods, JG calling KC a diabolical liar and CA's conflicting statements. That's enough to convict, JMO.

I think DC's testimony is earth shattering. To my knowledge a deposition hasn't been done or hasn't been released on him. I think he's probably negotiated a deal where he gets no legal charges in exchange for the true story. I hope so, that's the most interesting part of the case to me. Why was he out there. I think the psychic story has a .00000000000000000001% chance of being true. JMO
:twocents::maddening::twocents: For the record: I AM BIASED! Don't attack a Medical Technologist :seeya: as an individual who doesn't "know" chemistry.....who the heck do you think determines & confirms the accuracy of your cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides levels?:waitasec: :maddening: HARRUMPH, those example tests ARE chemistry!:banghead::banghead:

I :innocent: do believe that JAB is attacking Dr. Vass as a "non-scientist" per se with the greatest HOPES that somebody :waitasec: on the jury will HEAR "NON-SENSE".:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

The great "he is not a chemist" debate by JAB WILL continue UNLESS and UNTIL the SA itemizes the course background of Arpad Vass, Ph. D. and demonstrates that the vocation "chemist" is NOT exclusive of those with an in depth knowledge (working, active, hands-on in any aspect) of chemistry! AND to further that argument, there are MANY types of "chemists" as noted by the defense when JA called Barry Logan, Ph.D a "chemist" vs a "toxicologist". :truce:
Regarding the SCIENCE of any of these specialists, the INSTRUMENT (GC/MS) under debate (please N.B. Jose, it is NOT regarded as a :maddening: "machine" :maddening: by the daily USERS!) has been a workhorse of the scientific community for many years, :great:inclusive within ACADEMIC undergrad & graduate courses; clinical and research laboratories utilize the instrument too! :woohoo:

I love it when joypath goes off!!!! :rocker:

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