Casey's Lies

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I agree. Of course the dates are relevent to the case,but I don't understand why some posters are saying that ICA was confused .Regardless of the date,she was describing what was supposed to be the last time she saw Caylee. Dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass with ZFG ,the last time ICA had her,was a lie.
Whatever ICA did on the 9th,the 16th ,or any day in between,she did NOT drop Caylee off at that (empty) apartment with ZFG,and go to her job at Universal.
Whether it's a lie or not, GA has placed Caylee in ICA's care,and as the last to see her alive.He states Caylee got in the car with ICA. That is the last time anyone reportedly saw Caylee alive.It gives credence to the aggravating factor the Caylee died in her mother's care.How ironic,if GA was not telling the truth about that.
Hope this isn't OT...but you are so right, MissJames. Could be one of the reasons why the defense wants a copy of George's GJ testimony. Makes me wonder what "truth" he relayed.
Fact, KC lies. Fact, KC is a liar, who allegedly committed a premeditated murder. It is my opinion that just because KC lied to LE, that does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is guilty of committing the premeditated murder she allegedly committed.

I do not know for a fact whether KC is innocent or guilty. Just because I am skeptical of the MT. Everest of Circumstantial evidence (as JA put it), and happen to question some of LE’s actions, some of the prosecutions actions, and some of the experts reports, does not make me a an evil troll or someone who cannot comprehend what I see and read. I want Justice for Caylee as much as anyone on this site. My idea of Justice for Caylee involves getting the right charges placed on the person who is responsible for where Caylee is today, and getting them convicted and penalized for their crimes. If the prosecution in this case has the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that KC is indeed guilty, and a jury of 12 unanimously convict her, then Justice for Caylee will have been served.

When something doesn’t add up for me, I question it. For instance, It is a fact that there is video of Caylee on Fathers day, June 15th. GA said he saw Caylee and KC on June 16th. 31 days after June 16th is July 17th. July 15th the day of the 911 call was 29 days after June 16th, July 16th when KC was arrested was 30 days after June 16th. Unless KC did not utter those words, I have not seen my daughter for 31 days, until the day after she was initially placed in jail, the 31 days that everyone always talks about is wrong. I may be wrong about this, I make mistakes, but the numbers just don’t add up for me. I know that whether a person waits 29, 30, or 31 days before reporting a child missing, any of the three would be way too long. The point is, if the 31 days is actually only 29 or 30 days, then maybe there are other things that have been taken for granted as being correct.

Have you heard the expression “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” ? Isn’t it true that the chain of circumstantial evidence in the states case is only as strong as its weakest link? Or in what I think are legal terms, the prosecution must lay a foundation for its case. If the defense punches holes in the foundation the case will not hold up in court. If the prosecution builds this mile high building of a circumstantial case that looks fantastic and solid and unbreakable, but the defense removes a few key bricks from the foundation, no matter how fantastic and solid that building looks, it will tumble to the ground.

Are KC’s lies part of the prosecutions foundation of their case?

Some think the defense may read on this website, we know at one time LE was reading on this website. If a poster is so very certain KC is guilty, they should be very happy that some posters post from a defense perspective. If Le is still reading here, they may run across something they inadvertently overlooked, or simply had not thought of that the defense might use against them, and they would be able to figure out what to do about it before court, so when the defense brings it up in court, they already have an answer for it.
Looking at this case from all angles, can help one form a well rounded opinion. Opinions vary, and just because someone has an opinion that differs greatly from our own, does not make them a troublemaker, or evil, it just means that they are seeing things in a different light than we do. Just because I personally am sitting on the fence about whether KC is guilty or not guilty, and have opted to wait until I have heard all the evidence presented at trial before I decide one way or the other about whether I think she is guilty or innocent, only means that I prefer to see ALL THE EVIDENCE before I decide what to think. If believing in a fair trial, in truth, in justice, in our constitutional rights, and in the court system makes me a naïve, gullible simpleton, then so be it, because I believe very strongly in all those things. To go along with all that, I quote JA in my tagline, the defendant is presumed innocent of these charges! And until the jury reaches a verdict of Guilty, I will continue to presume the defendant is innocent.

My entire post is my opinion only.
Very well said TDA. So if you don't mind me asking...what do you think her lies mean? Now, let's remember she not only lied to LE...she lied to her family and friends as well. So what do they all mean?
Hope this isn't OT...but you are so right, MissJames. Could be one of the reasons why the defense wants a copy of George's GJ testimony. Makes me wonder what "truth" he relayed.

I always forget about the computer guy that said he saw ICA at WalMart with Caylee that day. If true,then he may be the last to see Caylee with her mom.
Most of the irony of ICA's lies is the way she has locked herself in. So many of her lies could be verified so quickly,she really didn't work on her plan : (
Very well said TDA. So if you don't mind me asking...what do you think her lies mean? Now, let's remember she not only lied to LE...she lied to her family and friends as well. So what do they all mean?

Thanks. In my opinion, her lies mean she is a compulsive liar. She bends the truth around everything.
Casey's Lies​

This is by no means a complete/exhaustive list of Casey's lies. It is also important to keep in mind that she is entitled to the presumption of innocence and as such the lies that I am about to list may read to some as true statements and not lies, as I believe them to be. My disclaimer. :croc:

1. To the 911 operator: I have not seen my daughter in 31 days. I believe she saw Caylee a few times...regardless of whether life had already left Caylee's body. My daughter was taken by the nanny. Goes with #1 because she claims the reason she has not seen Caylee and has not a clue of Caylee's whereabouts is this alleged abduction by the "nanny."

2. To the 911 operator/LE/and various A family members: I talked to Caylee today on the phone.

3. I dropped Caylee off at the stairs at the Saw Grass apartments.

4. I have a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Anything said about her, Zanny's white dog, Ford Focus, child seat, hot appearance, states lived in, the fact she worked for Casey for long Casey knew said phantom nanny. Number 4 is an umbrella for many lies but for the purposes of this list is relegated to one lie. To wit: that Zanny the Nanny ever babysat Caylee or even existed. These also include Zanny's ficitious sister Sam. Zanny's fictious mother and her supposed address that Casey pointed out to LE on their tour of Casey's lies through Orlando which was later found, just like Zanny's address, to be a lie.

5. I work at Universal. My boss is Tom Manley.

6. I have a work phone. Which is lost. My other phone won't hold a charge so I just switch my sim card back and forth through said phones. All of the numbers, Jeff Hopkins, Juliette Lewis, perhaps even Zanny's many burn phone numbers are on said Sim card which I cannot find. Nevermind those pesky cell phone records that can prove otherwise though. The phone company and LE and the whole state of Florida are together in this conspiracy to get me so I doubt you will find any real records on my cell phone bill or through my actual cell phone provider.

7. I have been trying to find my daughter for the past month. Going to various places like bars and clubs to find Caylee.

8. Zanny was in a car accident. To her parents in order to establish why she is out of pocket and they can't see Caylee.

9. To various friends during the 31 days: Caylee is with the nanny, at the beach, napping, etc...Caylee is just fine.

10. To her parent's in jail: I don't know where she is. To LE: It's the God's honest truth that I don't know where Caylee is.

11. To her parent's in jail: Caylee will be home by her birthday, August 9th.

12. To LE: I did confide in two former/current co-workers at Universal, Jeff Hopkins (not the one that people did track down, but a wholely separate one with a son named Zachary which is how she met "Zanny") and Juliette Lewis that Caylee was taken. Nevermind trying to track down Juliette Lewis. I think she is some movie star or something and actually starred in a movie favorite of Casey's Natural Born Killers.

I don't know how much I am leaving out. I am ofcourse naturally skipping Casey's pattern of lies (highschool, theft, pregnancy, job history and said job abandonment) because this was pre-Caylee's death. Post Caylee...there are quite clearly a lot of lies.

I do think that Casey is worried solely about Casey. Not her parents. Certainly not Caylee. I don't think there was some nebulous high powered person blackmailing her. I don't think that anyone other than Casey participated in Caylee's demise and disposal. JMO.

I also don't think that understanding Casey and her behavior will somehow help us to either make innocent or understand liars in our own lives. Each person and their makeup is like a snowflake (individual and unique) as are each and every circumstance and action that a person takes or the lies that they tell. Making Casey innocent won't wash clean the sins of someone else...nor will making Casey guilty nail someone else to the wall for their deceit.

Casey, imo, is a liar and a thief...and while that doesn't a murder make they are certainly necessary ingredients to being one. And if I am correct, Casey is the ultimate liar and thief...the theft of someone's life (credit cecybeans) and lying about their final resting place to further rob them of dignity. That is the ultimate lie. The ultimate theft and the ultimate act of betrayal.
I always forget about the computer guy that said he saw ICA at WalMart with Caylee that day. If true,then he may be the last to see Caylee with her mom.
Most of the irony of ICA's lies is the way she has locked herself in. So many of her lies could be verified so quickly,she really didn't work on her plan : (
I'm not sure how much stock I put in his sighting. That's another "to be determined".
Thanks. In my opinion, her lies mean she is a compulsive liar. She bends the truth around everything.
Of course...but there's also an element of being grandiose here...which takes it to a different level...story-telling perhaps? So why tell stories about where Caylee is...because it sounds better to say she's with a Nanny than stuck with her ownself (mom) somewhere? But she wasn't with a nanny and she wasn't with Casey. So when your life depends on telling where or what became of Caylee why not tell a different story? Or is there any story that a jury will find believeable?
LittleBitty35- great post! Her lies will be her undoing.
LittleBitty35- great post! Her lies will be her undoing.

TY! Good posts from you too.

Her lies will definitely be her undoing. Particularly, the unnecessary ones. You know that old phrase about giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with? That is pretty much what Casey's lies will accomplish via her defense (rendering them pretty much useless to protect her from the wrath of the jury).

But it is her just need to continue on with such obvious lies and continue to embellish those lies that is a case study in itself. For lying. Stupidly.

Instead of just saying there is a nanny named Zanny we get a full fledged description of addresses, sibling, parent, car, dog, car seat, interior of home, school aspirations, states lived in, friends (like Raquel who works at TGIF's)
Respectfully snipped and BBM.

But back to lies: The most detrimental one, I believed, at the time was the lie that she had talked to her daughter via an incoming phone call to KC's phone from the "abuctor" Zanny. Pardon the pun...but it was such a ridiculous and unnecessary lie. Easily sussed out by LE. Total overkill. "Yeah officers...Caylee is okay cuz I talked to her on the phone and she went on and on about some book and not being sad or missing anyone or anything...she was happy as a you see, ya'll can all go about your business and go back to the sheriff's station or whatever...because she totally was on the phone with me earlier and she's fine...and you can totally take my word for it....cuz I am as truthful as a politician in the midst of a sex scandal. Can I borrow a phone so I can text Tony now? I don't want him thinking like, you know, the worst of me or anything."

This, exactly. I think this lie seems to get lost in the shuffle, and imo it's the most damning one of all. There's no spinning a call from the Beyond.
I agree. Of course the dates are relevent to the case,but I don't understand why some posters are saying that ICA was confused .Regardless of the date,she was describing what was supposed to be the last time she saw Caylee. Dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass with ZFG ,the last time ICA had her,was a lie.
Whatever ICA did on the 9th,the 16th ,or any day in between,she did NOT drop Caylee off at that (empty) apartment with ZFG,and go to her job at Universal.
Whether it's a lie or not, GA has placed Caylee in ICA's care,and as the last to see her alive.He states Caylee got in the car with ICA. That is the last time anyone reportedly saw Caylee alive.It gives credence to the aggravating factor the Caylee died in her mother's care.How ironic,if GA was not telling the truth about that.

IMO it just makes the state's case stronger. Here is a mother who claims to have been looking, searching this whole time but is confused about the date she last saw her daughter. Who would forget such a date? A mother who really did not care and it proves that when you lie you better make sure the information matches up. jmo
I haven't read this entire thread so I'm not sure if this has been discussed or not. Tried searching and nothing came up.
When Casey was in jail the first time she said she wanted to get out so she could "help search for Caylee". (LIE) So, when LP bailed her out what happens? Baez tells everybody she can't talk unless he is present. It seems as though Baez knew right from the start that Caylee was not missing and that she was dead, so wouldn't this make it even worse when they sold those pics to ABC to help find a missing child? Sorry for being slightly OT, but my thoughts did begin with that particular lie.
Respectfully snipped and BBM.

This, exactly. I think this lie seems to get lost in the shuffle, and imo it's the most damning one of all. There's no spinning a call from the Beyond.

TY! You put it better...but it is the lie that really ticked me off...more so than many of the others. All of them tick me off...but this..."Oh I heard from her on an unavailable/unlisted number so you don't have to worry about Caylee anymore...cuz she is just happy as a lark being separated from her family and being abducted," knowing full well that the child would never speak as a living person again...really should put anger in the hearts of everyone. This was the unnecessary lie.

And as evil as the lie that Casey had no clue where Caylee was as she left to rot on the side of a a virtual trash dump/swamp without dignity.

The whole I talked to her today...really sickens me. It was the whole sortof...laise,

"Yeah I know she is missing and all guys...but I heard from her today...and she is just fine, just happy, loves her book, talked about it the whole time really. Doesn't miss anyone or anything...oh, I didn't even bother to ask if she was okay or anything...but that is just because I made the whole phone call up and stuff...cuz I totally would have asked her if she was okay if she really had talked to me on the phone...cuz I care about her and stuff...see my tiny hands?

Maybe I should get a tighter bra? Oh you need a picture of Caylee? Do you need a few candid shots of me too? Aren't I just the most to say the least? Oh the photo I gave you didn't have Caylee in it?'s one with her in the background...see how the sun catches my cleavage in that one? Do you guys have Tony's number?

I can't seem to find it what with my lost sim card and lost blackjack phone that can't keep a charge. I have it through my work, you know at Universal...but I just can't seem to find any numbers for the people I have been telling you about...maybe we can go to Zanny's apartment and retrace my steps to find my phone so I can get Tony's number...oh yeah...and maybe look for Caylee too."
IMO KC had to lie to her parents to get out and get ahold of the pictures. You know the A's would not have turned them over to JB. Plus if JB did get them from Cindy unless KC was out he would have to explain how KC got the money since JB was not permitted to make the deal. So KC lied, LP bailed her out and JB made the deal, according to ABC.

Another big lie is walking into Bank of America and cashing a check and presenting yourself as the owner. jmo
Yes, Casey is a liar. And just because someone lies doesn't mean they're also a murderer. That being said, ALL that Casey has done is lie, cheat, and steal her whole life. These aren't white lies to avoid hurting someone's feelings, or little lies to try and get out of a speeding ticket or not get into trouble with mom or dad.

These are boldfaced, gradiose lies after lies that have not helped find Caylee one iota or help prove Casey's innocence one iota. Casey lied to EVERYONE to get what she wanted. Lies were what she lived and breathed. It's not that she couldn't help herself, she didn't WANT to stop lying. There's a difference between being unable to stop doing something, and doing something like lying because you WANT to. That's the difference here. Casey doesn't WANT to tell the truth. She still believes her lies will get her out of jail, and that's just not going to happen.

It's this quality of her lying that enrages me the most. And yes, I am so emotionally invested in this case that the lying is not only a big red flag, but for me, definitely connects Casey to killing Caylee. I wish I could be more like some people who are able to divorce their emotions from this case and are able to think Casey might be innocent or that she's innocent until proven guilty. I admire then in a way because I myself cannot take my emotions out of this case, and so I will never be able to look at Casey that way.

But I do know an innocent person would not keep telling lie after lie after lie and just expect people to believe her and have this whole mess swept under the rug. I have news for you, Casey, it's not going away and your lies plus all of the evidence, even if it's mostly circumstantial, is going to ensure you stay in prison for the rest of your life or get put to death. You can tell yourself all the lies you want to make yourself feel better, and even continue to lie to other people and never tell the truth, but it will not set you free.

I do apologize for getting overemotional about this case sometimes, but I will not apologize for how I feel about Casey or this case. My opinion is that, my opinion. Just like I need to respect the opinions of others even if I don't agree with them, that respect should be returned in kind. The best discussion and debate occurs when there is respect all around. In the end, we're all here for justice for Caylee even if we disagree. Sometimes I have to step back and remember that.
IMO KC had to lie to her parents to get out and get ahold of the pictures. You know the A's would not have turned them over to JB. Plus if JB did get them from Cindy unless KC was out he would have to explain how KC got the money since JB was not permitted to make the deal. So KC lied, LP bailed her out and JB made the deal, according to ABC.

Another big lie is walking into Bank of America and cashing a check and presenting yourself as the owner. jmo

Respectfully BBM. I disagree with you on this one point. I don't think that Cindy or George would have had any problem sending the photos to Baez as long as Baez made sure that Cindy and George got a good chunk of the money made off of those photos. Cindy and George have both proven that Casey is most definately a product of them. It's no wonder that Casey feels so comfortable telling lies, selling Caylee's photos and thinking that she is above the law. After all, she learned those things from her parents.
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