Casey's Parents May Eventually Face Charges

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I've seen some posts comparing KC to Snot Peterson, also recalling how his mother reacted to Lacy and Connor's disappearance which CA seemed to mimic to some degree. One large difference is that Jackie thought her son was a prince who could do no wrong and Lacy only held the status of just "daughter in-law". Connor hadn't been born yet so he wasn't tangible in Jackie's world. But what gets me is Caylee was here, she was real, she trusted nana, loved nana, bonded with nana, yet this same person seemed to put Caylee on the back burner, ignoring everything her daughter did and said that made no sense, while defending her to everybody. For me, this has been the most difficult to understand.
To be honest, those of us who do not support the A's get our character bashed quite a bit on this forum.

We've been called compassionless, haters, you name it. I for one am tired of the level of immaturity that continues.

This thread is about the A's possibly getting charged. There are many of us who believe that they have committed a crime by either lying or obstructing justice or both. Cindy intentionally withheld receipts, we saw that in video with Yuri, and there is at least the issue of the brush and most likely more. They refused to offer clothing for the dogs to scent.

There are other threads that can be posted on for support of the A's. I know of one right now for condolences for them. My condolences are with that baby girl who spent the last 6 months in a trash bag with duct tape on her mouth while her family who appears to have more information did NOTHING but lie for KC, imo.

I will be happy on the day that they are charged.

ETA- no disrespect to you either, jmfstl...I probably should have just posted my thoughts seperately without replying to yours.

Very well said. I thank you. Having worked and cared for many child victims and survivors of abuse and violence, I am certain that Caylee would appreciate your commitment and compassion, too.

I will be very grateful to our system of justice on the day they are charged, as well.
Very well said. I thank you. Having worked and cared for many child victims and survivors of abuse and violence, I am certain that Caylee would appreciate your commitment and compassion, too.

I will be very grateful to our system of justice on the day they are charged, as well.

ty. my heart breaks for her.

and ty for your work with child must be heart wrenching.
If you ask me, the items removed from the house smack as "cover up" items to me. And yes, my gut is feeling this search is more about the Anthonys than Casey.

Where's Lee?
I think that refers to Cindy going to the tow yard to question the man about did he smell decomp or wasnt it possible someone could have broken in & put a body in the trunk.
Personally, I think all the "meetings" she had with all KC's friends should also be considered as tampering.
I also seem to remember something in the docs about George talking to the neighbor with the shovel. I think LE was asking the neighbor to not be swayed or intimidated about his timeline.
I've seen some posts comparing KC to Snot Peterson, also recalling how his mother reacted to Lacy and Connor's disappearance which CA seemed to mimic to some degree. One large difference is that Jackie thought her son was a prince who could do no wrong and Lacy only held the status of just "daughter in-law". Connor hadn't been born yet so he wasn't tangible in Jackie's world. But what gets me is Caylee was here, she was real, she trusted nana, loved nana, bonded with nana, yet this same person seemed to put Caylee on the back burner, ignoring everything her daughter did and said that made no sense, while defending her to everybody. For me, this has been the most difficult to understand.

In my opinion, and in the face of countless facts, complicity, if not conspiracy, explains Cindy and George's confabulation and betrayal of Caylee.:croc:
I've seen some posts comparing KC to Snot Peterson, also recalling how his mother reacted to Lacy and Connor's disappearance which CA seemed to mimic to some degree. One large difference is that Jackie thought her son was a prince who could do no wrong and Lacy only held the status of just "daughter in-law". Connor hadn't been born yet so he wasn't tangible in Jackie's world. But what gets me is Caylee was here, she was real, she trusted nana, loved nana, bonded with nana, yet this same person seemed to put Caylee on the back burner, ignoring everything her daughter did and said that made no sense, while defending her to everybody. For me, this has been the most difficult to understand.

I think that just speaks to the level of denial CA is in. I also believe that CA feels tremendous guilt over what has happened. To admit the truth is to admit that you grew a monster and allowed an innocent, defenseless child to be victimized at her hands. CA would have to admit to herself that she was negligent as a grandma for not seeing the red flags for 2 years. She had to have known that there was no job, no nanny, etc. Any responsible mother/grandmother with a daughter raising her grandchild under her roof would want to know contact info-phone numbers, addresses,etc. CA would also have to admit that there is much, much more to being a Grandma than paying bills, buying food, and buying clothes and toys. Didn't she ever ask KC where her money was? CA was apparently content to be kept in the dark-I guess she figured what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. BUT-IT KILLED CAYLEE!!!:furious:
I truly want peace and healing for the Anthony family. I hope that they are able to find it. Unfortunately their actions and words are going to have a large impact on the amount of future support they'll receive. I can't imagine how anyone could fault a parent for continuing to love their own child. But the Anthonys can't continue to choose "Cain over Abel" without reaping the bitter harvest that goes with it.

Me too.I do believe they are grieving. After my son died we stayed at an amazing beach house for a month.We were beside ourselves with grief and may as well been in a shack. The beach house was offered to us .Friends came over,we sat on the deck drinking beer and wine.People sent terrific meals.Were we enjoying ourselves? Not for a minute.We could barely breathe we were in so much pain. You can't escape the pain no matter where you go.

I believe Cindy and George loved Caylee.I think Cindy has such a warped way of viewing their family that she is struggling to make it all right again. There is a lot wrong with the A family and these are the consequences,but I don't hate them.Don't like them either. Jsut glad I'm not one of them.
My post was not to anyone in particular and neither is this one. The post was to point out that so many were so willing to jump on "sources" word as fact and trash the Anthony's more. There are thread after thread bashing them and wishing all kinds of hateful things about and to them and what does it gain? Why is it so important to go on and on about wishing bad things on them? I have seen acutal killers get more understanding than the Anthony's. IMO all they have done is is love and give Casey and Caylee all they could and found it all but impossible to believe Caylee was dead and possibly at the hand of their daughter. I really do find it hard to believe there are so many that feel so superior to others that they spend hours and hours on a board such as this trashing and wishing bad things to people they do not even know. They feel their opinion should count but God forbid someone disagree with them or wonder what they gain by the constant trashing.

I do wish bad things for the Anthonys. I wish them the consequences of their actions. If their actions were bad, let their consequences be worse. In a way they are receiving this now, and will for the rest of their lives. These are not grieving parents, but in my opinion, accomplishes to a murder. I believe they need to be charged with obstruction and lying to the FBI. I believe they know this is coming, and that is why they hurriedly hired a new lawyer.

I want them to have to account for every lie they told, every dime they collected to live on from kind hearted people who loved Caylee and wanted to believe their lies. I want them to have to look at that baby's body and see exactly how their monster of a daughter left her.
I do wish bad things for the Anthonys. I wish them the consequences of their actions. If their actions were bad, let their consequences be worse. In a way they are receiving this now, and will for the rest of their lives. These are not grieving parents, but in my opinion, accomplishes to a murder. I believe they need to be charged with obstruction and lying to the FBI. I believe they know this is coming, and that is why they hurriedly hired a new lawyer.

I want them to have to account for every lie they told, every dime they collected to live on from kind hearted people who loved Caylee and wanted to believe their lies. I want them to have to look at that baby's body and see exactly how their monster of a daughter left her.

*bold mine

I couldn't have said it better myself, so I will not even try.
I want them to have to account for every lie they told, every dime they collected to live on from kind hearted people who loved Caylee and wanted to believe their lies. I want them to have to look at that baby's body and see exactly how their monster of a daughter left her.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I agree with this part wholeheartedly.

Since the evidence inside that horrific "coffin" which Caylee was entombed and left to rot with duct tape on her connects directly back to the A fam home, there could be answers coming soon about what, if any, role did anyone else in the household play in either the death, getting rid of Caylee, or a cover up. The amount of evidence they took out after finding her says that it didn't all come from Casey's room. The four vacuums are Cindy and George's domain. The pesticide containers, the backyard, and the shed are George's.

Let the testing begin on the latest evidence collected and LE will respond with either arrest warrants or it will go back to a Grand Jury to see if there is enough to charge either one of them. We still don't know what George testified to in his GJ appearance or what this new evidence could provide to either support or discredit it.

While the last sentence is harsh, they need to see her in this condition, imo. You already have them still trying to spin that it is not Caylee. 50/50?! GMAB! It was stated they HAVE been told that the size of the remains found and the hair matches Caylee exactly yet they still have the gall to continue their charade?!
Before this thread gets shut down, I propose that we continue it, as sleuths.
How 'bout we share insight and fact related to what could be possibly considered to be criminal offenses?
We already have a thread which outlines their discrepancies, I believe. How about we refer back to the ones already started?
Talk about realism. If the A's had their way, Jesse and Amy and Ricardo would be in jail, along with Yuri and god knows how many other people who only tried to help. Yeah, that's invokes a lot of sympathy for me. NOT.
I want them to have to account for every lie they told, every dime they collected to live on from kind hearted people who loved Caylee and wanted to believe their lies. I want them to have to look at that baby's body and see exactly how their monster of a daughter left her.

Before this thread gets shut down, I propose that we continue it, as sleuths.
How 'bout we share insight and fact related to what could be possibly considered to be criminal offenses?

-Withholding receipt(s).
-Withholding the brush.
-Withholding personal items (ie clothing/stuffed toys/blankets) for dogs to scent.
-Continuing to obstruct an investigation/taint the jury pool by going on nat'l tv to say that that Caylee is alive after LE said she was gone.

Don't know if all of these are criminal, but imo they should be.
We already have a thread which outlines their discrepancies, I believe. How about we refer back to the ones already started?

Ok. I haven't seen that in awhile. I've got to go out for awhile, then if it's not re-activated, I'll post to it.
What, then will become of this space? I think a bunch of our stuff here would fit nicely in the Rant thread.:crazy:
WOW...your last line is really twisted and frightening!!!:eek::eek::eek:

other than that, tell us how your really feel!!

In my humble opinion

What is twisted and frightening is to knowingly aid and abet the activities of a murderer.

What is twisted and frightening is to have knowledge that someone is deceased and to proceed on a course of conduct in trying to convince a nation of humanity that the deceased is alive and missing.
It is beyond twisted to seek financial assistance to search for a "living" person you know is dead, to hold candlelight vigils and on and on.
People put themselves in harms way, and were physically, emotionally, financially hurt by search activities. I cannot imagine having the power to end the searching, and in spite of that, either remaining silent, or when speaking, openly criticizing the search efforts
I can hear the people talking:" Should we drive to the vigil at church?
We don't really have the gasoline. Oh but it is for Caylee, we have to go."

You get the picture.

And I am in no way saying the Anthony family did those things. I am not privy to all the evidence.
I merely hypthesize that those things, if they happened are what is sick and twisted in the sad mess.
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