Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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One other possibility is that Casey did have a confederate help her in at least part of the crime(coverup etc.) who is as yet unknown to the police.
If the soil on the bottom of the cans does NOT match the soil in the backyard... it might tell them where the cans were taken.

It also would add evidence that Casey stole the gas IN the cans. She didn't just steal the gas. That could point to Casey using the gas for something other than driving that car.

It also would give a closer approximation of when Casey borrowed the shovel, adding another piece to the timeline and helping to track Casey's movements.
I would like nothing more than for LE to find Caylee alive and that Casey pulled this as a stunt to pay her parents back for perceived slights. Given Casey's "mama draaama" attitude I could see her doing this. However, the child's been missing a LONG time and that kind of scenario appears unlikely the longer time passes and she doesn't tell anyone where Caylee is.
The other day I sent a letter to Deputy Carlos Padilla because I was tired of the news media reporting this and that and confirming OCSD said this and that ... so here is the letter I sent via email ...

Up until Friday, August 1, 2008, I have had no problems what-so-ever with all the briefings you gave to the media or any of the information you spoke about on any of the Morning Shows, or Cable News Shows I even respected the fact that during your media briefing on Friday, August 1, 2008 you didn't reveal any information to the media as the general public was watching in anticipation for "bigger news".

However, after watching "Geraldo" last night (August 2, 2008), it was reported and confirmed that you clearly told the FOX news reporter that it was gas cans that were taken by CSI on Friday from the Anthony home. Also just about every on-line newspaper, TV stations etc., are saying: "sources said, local investigators said etc., etc., that CSI took gas cans from the Anthony home.

I like facts, not speculation from journalists running around and speculating or giving the general public information from sources, local investigators and revealing that it is "confirmed" that they spoke with Deputy Carlos Padilla and this is what was said.

So, Deputy Padilla, if you truly said that "gas cans" were removed from the Anthony's house, please share this with the general public and either confirm or deny the reporting by FOX as well as other local or cable news stations.

Thank you,
Bradenton, Florida

and he just responded to me:

We in the Orange County Sheriff's Office endeavor to provide pertinent information in a timely and accurate manner. Due to the "emotional" circumstances surrounding this case, the media coverage (as you may well know) has been 24-7.

We have appreciated the media's coverage of the missing child Caylee Anthony. As I have stated numerous times, our goal is to locate Caylee. That being said, I can assure you that at the time of the conference, I was not aware of what was removed from the house. It is my understanding that George Anthony informed the media that gas cans had been removed from the residence.

I understand the importance of the case and the medias involvement. Although, our working relationship with the media is positive, we must be prudent in the release of information that may affect the integrity of the case. As stated bfore, our desire is to locate little Caylee.

I appreciate your concerns that have made me aware that certain news outlets are stating that I have "confirmed" certain information. The information released from the Orange County Sheriff's Public Information Office is released equally to all media outlets. We will continue to provide information that is correct and pertinent .

If you should have any other concerns, please feel free to call me at (321) 558-9147

I will thank him for responding to me personally because he certanly didn't need to get back to me at all especially with all that is happening. My faith in Deputy Padilla has been restored!

Carlos M. Padilla

Patty G...............thanks! It's clear to see that the media is not completely accurate in their reporting. I think it's nice that you got a personal reply from Officer Padilla. :)
I know this sounds horrible, but I feel like Casey is buying time. If she killed Caylee and buried her she may feel like the longer she keeps silents there may not be a body to find (decomp).

I did want to believe that she'd just given Caylee away, but it's just not believable anymore. She or someone in the family would have told LE the truth by now just to get Casey out of jail.

She is absolutely buying time, at the very least. Honestly, I bet she thinks she'll get away with this all together. God, I sure hope not.
I wander if George had anything showing the mileage on casey's car. I'm guessing he did a lot of the work on it.. changing oil and things like that.... what kind of mileage did Casey put on that car recently? He knows to look for that kind of stuff. I know its been a while since he worked in LE, but at some point his LE training had to kick in.

I'd also ask the church members who come to pray to please go knocking on doors in that apartment building where the Nanny lived with her mother, Gloria. They won't find Caylee on the lawn of the Anthony's home.
Y aknow - I had the same thought yesterday about the mileage. Don't know about keeping track from when she took off with the car BUT - the car was impounded and sat at the lot for days. It can be measured how far from the lot back to the Anthony home. And the lot would have written down the mileage when they took it in (I think). Now LE has the car - if you compared the mileage written down when impounded and the mileage now. Wonder if George went anywhere else with that car instead of straight back home.

Just thinking out loud.
One other possibility is that Casey did have a confederate help her in at least part of the crime(coverup etc.) who is as yet unknown to the police.

I don't think that for the reason that there are some crimes that are easier to rationalize...assault, burglary, drug dealing, murder of a "bad" guess is that people who would assist someone in these types of crimes would not assist in covering up the death of a 3 year old....

I don't think anyone but Casey knows what happened or where Caylee is.
I'm still really scratching my head about what she would have needed all of that money she took from her "friend" - $1,000 - for...
Might she have paid somebody off to dump the body?
One other possibility is that Casey did have a confederate help her in at least part of the crime(coverup etc.) who is as yet unknown to the police.
Possibly. I'm sure that's one point they are investigating, whether someone among her friends helped her or someone even the friends are unaware of.

Someone on an interview mentioned that all of the people Casey was hanging around with were Tony's friends, that she didn't seem to have any of her own. LE has been talking to them and they're reportedly cooperating.
I'm still really scratching my head about what she would have needed all of that money she took from her "friend" - $1,000 - for...
Might she have paid somebody off to dump the body?

I'm leaning towards party money, new clothes, new blackjack phone, gas for the car - even once she borrowed Amy's car, she needed gas.
Let's hope they don't break out the silly string!

You know what....

I hope they have THE BIGGEST & BEST birthday party celebration for Caylee..... cake, balloons, silly string.... the works.

And I hope it hits home to all of them....

the reason Caylee is not there.... the reason Casey is not there....

is ONLY because Casey is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR & TERRIBLE MOTHER who refuses to do anything to help find Caylee.

Birthday parties without the guest of honor....

way to go Casey.... hope you're proud of yourself.
I'm still really scratching my head about what she would have needed all of that money she took from her "friend" - $1,000 - for...
Might she have paid somebody off to dump the body?
I don't think so. I think Casey is the sole person responsible for Caylee's disappearance.

The money was for Casey herself or for partying, having a good time.
"the photos of Casey shown partying were not taken during Caylee’s disappearance, but rather three years ago when Casey was actually pregnant"...quote from George.

What??? she sure didn't look pregnant to me. and the photos are with Anthony's friends, who she didn't even meet until late June. and her hair is exactly the same style and color as it is now. Was Fusion even in existance 3 years ago?
I'm leaning towards party money, new clothes, new blackjack phone, gas for the car - even once she borrowed Amy's car, she needed gas.

Her share of the rent with Tony.
Well Cindy keeps saying things like "Get off your*** and look for Caylee" Well okay, where are WE supposed to look. No sketch of "Zanny", the elusive nanny, no place where they think she might be, nothing at all to go on, but the lies of a sociopath!

I believe that Cindy knows what happened to Caylee. I base this on the fact that NOBODY, NOT ONE PERSON has seen Caylee since the video we have of her at the Assisted Living facility on father's day.

The only person that has said that they even "heard" Caylee is Jesse. Can we believe him? Don't think so!

The glaring fact that there's no organized searches going on is very telling. I find it strange that the family is spending time handing out flyers asking people to search for Caylee, but no one has a clue where to look for her.
I don't think so. I think Casey is the sole person responsible for Caylee's disappearance.

The money was for Casey herself or for partying, having a good time.

Exactly! I mean, afterall, it is ALL about HER!!
She is absolutely buying time, at the very least. Honestly, I bet she thinks she'll get away with this all together. God, I sure hope not.

Oh, she's buying time all right!!! If - and that's a really big IF - they ever find Caylee's body, it will be so decomposed that there won't be a cause of death determined and she's going to stick to the story that the "kidnappers" killed Caylee. She's never going to admit to any accident or any responsibility on her part. She thinks sitting in jail is just a blip on the radar screen and she'll be out and about before too awfully long, because she doesn't think they have enough evidence to charge her with anything relating to Caylee - no body, no cause of death, no evidence. She's just biding her time until she's released and back to partying it up in the clubs.
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