Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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What bothers me most is that YOU KNOW she deleted all comments on her my space page during the crucial time line under the premise that she was creating the page to "search for caylee and get the word out there" No she was dumping evidence so that her mood and state of mind during that period could not be immediately traced. Casey was on my space every day and boom all activity is deleted on her page from that time period. That always bothered me. She also has a facebook account but you have to be a friend to view anyones page on facebook. Bugs me immensely.

Ya, who the hell goes to Myspace of all places to "get the word out about Caylee"? That's what Cindy testified to doing, herself and Casey, the morning before Casey got arrested. On some thread here there is a link to a cached version of Casey's myspace page, prior to Caylee's disappearance...Someplace between 35-42 or 43.
Y aknow - I had the same thought yesterday about the mileage. Don't know about keeping track from when she took off with the car BUT - the car was impounded and sat at the lot for days. It can be measured how far from the lot back to the Anthony home. And the lot would have written down the mileage when they took it in (I think). Now LE has the car - if you compared the mileage written down when impounded and the mileage now. Wonder if George went anywhere else with that car instead of straight back home.

Just thinking out loud.

Hmmm...didn't they say they had the receipts... wander if they have her last gas fill up... but how could George drive it off the lot if it ran out of gas??

George, we have speculated to death about the shovel... please just ask Casey, "Why did you borrow the shovel and what did you do with it? Otherwise, the world thinks you buried your daughter so lets give them the answer and end that speculation, sweetie."
They've made a point several times of saying a number of people have been convicted of murder with no body found.

You don't need a body anymore. Forensics will tell the tale. It is astounding what they can do today. Astounding. She will not get away with it. DNA DONT LIE.
I've skipped several pages because if I try to read them all as they are posted, I just simply will NEVER get through! So, if this has already been said, please excuse my repeating it.

According to what I understand, Casey said that the babysitters number was stored in the blackjack and not on the SIM card; however, she also had not had the blackjack for long. (two weeks is what I think I remember reading). Sooo, that would mean that she loaded the sitters number in the phone within the two weeks that she had the phone. If she had been using this sitter for the past two and a half years as she said she had, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the sitters number was in her previous phone?? Otherwise where did she get the sitters number as she seems to be denying that she has it memorized. So is she trying to convince everyone that she put the sitters number in the new phone and deleted it from the old one? If so, wouldn't it also stand to reason that she had done the same with the REST of the numbers in her old phone? So if she still had all the numbers in her old phone EXCEPT the sitters number, then it doesn't seem that it would be a very far leap for the police to make a case that she is obviously lying through her teeth about the phone number. Her family (Lee) should be able to come to the same conclusion.

Exactly! And welcome, Benji.

LE can get a list of ALL phone numbers Casey called or got calls from... it doesn't matter if she added the person's number to a phone's memory or not.

Casey HAS TO HAVE called this nanny many times over the years.... maybe at different numbers BUT there has to be a record..... if she exists outside of Casey's imagination.

The Anthonys can only ignore the obvious for so long.
Didn't Lee ask Casey, during one of the phone calls, for her password for some account?

More than likely, Casey had her passwords saved to her computer so that he didn't need them to get into websites like myspace. I think the only reason that the photobucket account is still up is that often it logs you out, and you can't get back in unless you know your password.

Lee already had the passcode to Casey's MySpace account. Not sure when he got it, but he got it! He did ask for AT&T passcode on the phone.
Ya, who the hell goes to Myspace of all places to "get the word out about Caylee"? That's what Cindy testified to doing, herself and Casey, the morning before Casey got arrested. On some thread here there is a link to a cached version of Casey's myspace page, prior to Caylee's disappearance...Someplace between 35-42 or 43.

Really?????? Can you link me? I read her entire page when the news first broke. paints a pretty picture. Pretty Please?
Which leads my back to Casey being involved in a crime. No she does not have to fear her safety when she is in jail, but she does have to fear for the safety of her child.

Her life was going down fast. She was hanging around a crowd that was not the most up and up. In the very least there had to have been drugs involved. From what many have uncovered here there is most likely much deeper crimes there as well.

Think about it. If you were that young, naive, and scared would you go to any lengths to protect your child? She had not been involved in this lifestyle long enough to know what the hell they were capable of. She knew what she knew and that was bad, what would lead her to believe that any threats they were making were not true?

For a naive girl like her looking for an out she would be prone to believe anything was told to her.

I respectfully disagree, I don't think outside of Hollywood that criminals steal people's children to use as leverage agasint them or to keep them quiet. Casey stayed quiet for 31 days but still no baby. She has been quiet for another month and still no baby.

This group seems to me like the typical partying bar hopping crowd...they probably do drugs, but are not "drug dealers" or "gang members" in the stereotypical sense. High level drug dealers are smart, not stupid. If they wanted to keep Casey quiet for some reason, they would have just killed her, not stolen her baby and precipitated a massive FBI/LE investigation.
she could still get charged and convicted of child neglect and obstruction...I heard max of 5 years on those charges...that could hold her for awhile. And then be charged with murder of Caylee sometime after that, right?

Although I think she may crack right before or on Caylee's birthday.
In 31 days Casey lost her:
House she lived in
Her friend Amy
Her pretend job
Her nanny

She is either guilty or the most unlucky person on the planet.
Hmmm...didn't they say they had the receipts... wander if they have her last gas fill up... but how could George drive it off the lot if it ran out of gas??

George, we have speculated to death about the shovel... please just ask Casey, "Why did you borrow the shovel and what did you do with it? Otherwise, the world thinks you buried your daughter so lets give them the answer and end that speculation, sweetie."

Casey: "I can't tell you daddy because if I do Caylee will be in more danger. But you can ask mom because I told her everything & she just has to figure out all my riddles to find out where Caylee is."
I've skipped several pages because if I try to read them all as they are posted, I just simply will NEVER get through! So, if this has already been said, please excuse my repeating it.

According to what I understand, Casey said that the babysitters number was stored in the blackjack and not on the SIM card; however, she also had not had the blackjack for long. (two weeks is what I think I remember reading). Sooo, that would mean that she loaded the sitters number in the phone within the two weeks that she had the phone. If she had been using this sitter for the past two and a half years as she said she had, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the sitters number was in her previous phone?? Otherwise where did she get the sitters number as she seems to be denying that she has it memorized. So is she trying to convince everyone that she put the sitters number in the new phone and deleted it from the old one? If so, wouldn't it also stand to reason that she had done the same with the REST of the numbers in her old phone? So if she still had all the numbers in her old phone EXCEPT the sitters number, then it doesn't seem that it would be a very far leap for the police to make a case that she is obviously lying through her teeth about the phone number. Her family (Lee) should be able to come to the same conclusion.

No sitter = No phone number, nowhere. Period.

They can subpeona her phone records for all of her phones. They don't need the phones, don't need the SIM cards.

Guaranteed they will find that there weren't daily calls back and forth between GM and Casey. Maybe one way calls, voice messages and text messages from GM to Casey (I would love to see the content of them!).

AND, no calls to or from anyone other than her friends.
Lee already had the passcode to Casey's MySpace account. Not sure when he got it, but he got it! He did ask for AT&T passcode on the phone.

Listen to Christina in the first jailhouse call, she gets the myspace info from Casey, she (Casey) even discounts anyone posting or leaving messages on there but then relents and gives up the info.
They are doing investigative work that we can't even begin to imagine. But they're not going to publicize it.

I don't think that they're in panic mode at all. I've no doubt that they are working this case 24 hours a day...and I do think they feel pretty secure in knowing that the forensics results will give them what they need to file formal charges against Casey--probably 2nd degree murder.

I too believe that LE is working on this case 24/7 and is actively searching for Caylee. There was a report last Friday............I think it was on Greta..........that "LE is doing exclusive searches, based on the forensic evidence found in the car." The reporter went on to say that LE is mum about the location of those searches.

We can only hope that there was something in that car that's led LE to other areas to investigate. The dirt?
You don't need a body anymore. Forensics will tell the tale. It is astounding what they can do today. Astounding. She will not get away with it. DNA DONT LIE.

Cause of death could be rough in this case and at whose hand.

Casey did not sell her baby. She killed her baby. Stolen or Sold Children Do NOT smell of decomposition. Period.
I respectfully disagree, I don't think outside of Hollywood that criminals steal people's children to use as leverage agasint them or to keep them quiet. Casey stayed quiet for 31 days but still no baby. She has been quiet for another month and still no baby.

This group seems to me like the typical partying bar hopping crowd...they probably do drugs, but are not "drug dealers" or "gang members" in the stereotypical sense. High level drug dealers are smart, not stupid. If they wanted to keep Casey quiet for some reason, they would have just killed her, not stolen her baby and precipitated a massive FBI/LE investigation.

Regardless of what happened, her waiting 31 days is what has the public in an uproar. NO mother waits. I don't care what kind of threats were being made. (I don't believe that scenario for a second anyway)
Cause of death could be rough in this case and at whose hand.

With DNA the trunk, the lies, the shovel, and the state of mind could be enough to convict her. I've seen people convicted onless.
This is where I am coming from....

I have a younger cousin. At the time she was Casey's age she was a mother to one, unwed, living at home, etc....

She is drop dead beautiful. Much more beautiful than Casey, who is stunning. She was an honor student with a full ride scholarship to college.

She lived in Ft.Laud (originally typed as Miami) at the time. She started clubbing, which led to drinking, which led to drugs, which led to her living on the streets. Her parents took her child and kicked her out.

At that time she met a man who took her to Miami. He bascially locked her in a gilded cage. He controlled her and scared her. She did what he said, including sleeping with men for money. She was terrified. She lived like this for over a year. He fed her only when he chose, beat her, etc...

When her parents finally tracked her down and she got help it was discovered that he was a nothing. He was just a punk. Her perception of him as being this huge bad arse was due to her fear at the time.

When her parents found her she literally trembled with fear of the thought of this man. She would sleep with a knife and one eye open. She thought for sure he was connected to the mafia, etc.... lies, all just lies.
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