Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #74

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I, too, take noticed to what my family is wearing each day...just in case they do go missing.
Came in handy when I lost my child in an amusement park
I rattled off his clothing, hair color and style, shoes,socks, eye color and height to security.
Another thing about the particular apt. Casey picked that Zenaida was supposed to live in, I wonder who lived there before and if Casey knew them? I really do think she's got some connection with that complex.

Good point! I hope LE has checked that.
Yes, but that usually happens much closer to the event itself. Oh well, I guess he's just got a good memory! :)

Yes, but she had been living with them and Cindy probably had been doing her laundry. He could have remembered because he is observant, or LE could have worked with him - they could have looked at all her clothes to jog his memory. Or he could have been hypnotized.
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Does anybody find it strange that George new just what Casey and Caylee were wearing the last time he say them? I don't even remember what my family was wearing yesterday. Let alone the amount of time he did.

Very odd, so very odd... like rehearsed??
I think the key is it was the last time he saw them... that's something that will come back to you....

Truthfully... I have a memory like that, so it's not weird to me at all....

If it is true that they had a falling out of sorts on that day (speculation)- a fight that made Casey leave, it may be more significant than "any other day" and that may be why it sticks out in his mind.
So if they TOWED it on the 27th, then most likely it had been sitting there for a while before. Not many businesses will tow on the same day they notice a car in their lot, just in case it's a customer. They'll usually wait a few days, 3-4 maybe, just to be sure that it has been abandoned. Depending on whether George actually DID see her on the 24th, it could have been sitting there for quite some time.

I thought they towed it on June 30th.
the HIPPO is still in the middle of the room

today the grandparents have seen the HIPPO


Ya rehearsed. But every time I think I feel one way about this case. I change my mind and feel another. This is crazy!
I think that Tony told LE that he picked Casey up on the 25th from Amscot and that the tow company records say that they towed it on the 27th. Confirmation?

If thats true it tightens things up a litte more. If she abandoned the car on the 25th and not the 27th then she abandoned it one day after george discovered the gas cans.....(evidence burning) moving caylee's body on the 24th or 25th

I just questioned that too. According to him it was just another ordinary afternoon (paraphrased) so what made it so special he'd remember what she had on? I could see it if she was wearing a uniform to work and those were her work pants, but otherwise it doesn't make sense! I'm pretty observant with people, but I couldn't tell you almost 2 months later what someone was wearing!

He is X LE , its like second nature to them, but then again so is recognizing the smell of decomposition.
Ok, I know that there has been a lot speculation into the type of person Casey is, but what about the type of child Caylee is? I am not insinuating that even if she is difficult that she in any way deserves what happened. She could be the most difficult kid on the face of the earth and still be completely innocent. But it might shed some light on what might have actually happened. The hot car theory would be more apt if she were the more passive kind of kid and the Casey intentionally hurting her would be more likely if she were more rambunctious.
To stress: I do not hold Caylee responsible for Casey or anyone else's actions against her. Identifying the type of child that she is may help narrow down the theories a little. That's the only reason I bring it up. I consider Caylee an innocent victim.
If these people were so observant, knowing how long laundry was sitting on the bed. Which clothes Casey was wearing , why did they not know just who nanny was, where she lived and so on....
That's what I'm thinking. I see people come in to the rental office where I work all the time, some picking up applications, some just asking questions and I couldn't tell you who was there over a month ago, especially if I was busy at the time taking care of other people. Another thing about the particular apt. Casey picked that Zenaida was supposed to live in, I wonder who lived there before and if Casey knew them? I really do think she's got some connection with that complex.

What if the connection with that complex is that her friend lived close by? Am i wrong that the police found out that there was some address nearby that a friend of hers was living? I don't remember who it was?

What if the connection is that she was familiarized with the area, knew the area, and also if there were witness accounts of her around the building or the neighbourhood could be easily explained later?
The thing about George remembering because it was the last time her saw her is that at the time he didn't KNOW that it would be the last time he would see her, so why would he have paid any attention for recall about what she was wearing? As far as he knew at that point, she would be back to the house the next day. I know that some memories are better than others but I too think it kind of strange that he has such good recall about what she was wearing so long ago. I can't really even remember what I had on yesterday! LOL
If it is true that they had a falling out of sorts on that day (speculation)- a fight that made Casey leave, it may be more significant than "any other day" and that may be why it sticks out in his mind.

I could buy that if it were Cindy describing the clothes, but he even looked odd when he was describing what they were wearing... didn't come out natural. Its just something most men don't make note of and that is why its one more strange piece of the puzzle.
24th home, sees george, goes to trunk
25th abandons car

Does George know? Did he assist? He would know best what to do
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