Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #82

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And, Cindy lies again, IMO. The phantom babysitter has the phantom phone. The phone without the SIMM card. Why do LE allow these people to lie like this???
I'm glad someone found the missing "blackjack" that was a new and expensive phone, I wonder how the "babysitter" is getting it to keep it's charge Casey had a problem with that. I am glad that she found it and could call the family and let Caylee talk to someone, cuz she probably didn't have any of the family's numbers in her cell phone either. Yeah "blackjack", lost, found and now
providing phone numbers to the kidnappers.:waitasec:
And, Cindy lies again, IMO. The phantom babysitter has the phantom phone. The phone without the SIMM card. Why do LE allow these people to lie like this???

it only helps their case
If they have those records, then I bet they can pinpoint at least a few possible locations based on pings. With a phone bill that high, Casey may have been making club plans while digging a grave.
Have any of you took the time to actually look up ZG on myspace. I found one that I believe is the one that was on channel 6(due to the hair color that you could see in the back of her head by the window.). The screen name is something different but she is from Orlando. I found this page towards the beginning of this. I just find her page interesting. Check it out if you find it let me know what you think.
I personally am glad her phone bill was $724. That means she was using it alot, and there should be a good record of who she was calling and where she was when she made the calls. Not sure if that works the same for texts? Can they triagulate texts like they can phone calls? Can they retrieve the actual text messages? (I am not a texter! LOL)
I'm glad someone found the missing "blackjack" that was a new and expensive phone, I wonder how the "babysitter" is getting it to keep it's charge Casey had a problem with that. I am glad that she found it and could call the family and let Caylee talk to someone, cuz she probably didn't have any of the family's numbers in her cell phone either. Yeah "blackjack", lost, found and now providing phone numbers to the kidnappers.:waitasec:

And, of course, that's how the kidnappers were able to contact Caylee's 80 year old great grandmother. Such thoughtful kidnappers...
I'm sitting here trying to figure out why Cindy would lie....other than trying to hide some type of guilt? Why would she call LE to begin with if she knew something sinister had happened? I just don't get it....
And, of course, that's how the kidnappers were able to contact Caylee's 80 year old great grandmother.

Just think - if Casey had only used Verizon we would have that whole group of people following the kidnappers saying "can you hear me now?" LOL. We could spot them very easily!
And, of course, that's how the kidnappers were able to contact Caylee's 80 year old great grandmother. Such thoughtful kidnappers...
Despite the fact that Casey had that phone after Caylee went missing.
And, of course, that's how the kidnappers were able to contact Caylee's 80 year old great grandmother.

Two words for that Cra and zy. I will really have to eat my hat if these things that Cindy and George are saying come to fruition, and I will be happy to do that if this story has a happy ending.
Smith told FOX 35 that she believes that Caylee is close, definitely in Central Florida. In her vision, she says she clearly sees shoes covered with "pink flowers." She wouldn't offer too many specifics beyond that.

Look at that article again. Does it not say that Cindy denied that the psychic was there, but the Fox 35 news crew saw her coming out the door.

I am starting to think that Cindy can also lie about non-relevant things.
Just think - if Casey had only used Verizon we would have that whole group of people following the kidnappers saying "can you hear me now?" LOL. We could spot them very easily!

Maybe that is who is watching them right now, :eek: like George said, I would rather have them than blind driving psychics.
Lee had the pin# for Casey's account to access it online. If he can't get any information now past June 8th, possibly LE put a block on the account so no one can access the last billing statement, as this is the most important information.

I'm sure LE didn't want Lee and his go-go-gadget spyglass doing his own investigation. That's what landed Casey in Fusian every weekend.
Perhaps that is her billing cut-off date. I have alot of bills that don't cut-off at the exact end of the month. I don't know though - I am just talking about what I heard MF say. But we know the phone was being used because I know LE has said she got two calls on July 15 around the time she said she talked to Caylee - one from Tony and one from some guy named Kyle.
Maybe it was a start of the new cycle and because the bill wasn't paid by a certain date (which very well could have been after the 15th) it's part of the new bill which she can no longer view. Does that make sense?
The "In" network would all be subpoenaed as witnesses.
I'm glad someone found the missing "blackjack" that was a new and expensive phone, I wonder how the "babysitter" is getting it to keep it's charge Casey had a problem with that. I am glad that she found it and could call the family and let Caylee talk to someone, cuz she probably didn't have any of the family's numbers in her cell phone either. Yeah "blackjack", lost, found and now
providing phone numbers to the kidnappers.:waitasec:

Oh the BlackJack that Casey said she purchased about a week BEFORE her arrest????? Dang that kind of blows the not seeing the Nanny and child for 30 days right out of the water!!! When will these people STOP!!
Just think - if Casey had only used Verizon we would have that whole group of people following the kidnappers saying "can you hear me now?" LOL. We could spot them very easily!

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