Check Fraud case information

No way! Why should she catch a break for committing two different horrible crimes that everybody may have heard about. I don't think Florida can afford to keep coddling this prisoner, and her defense team.
I find it funny that the defense is filing motions asking the courts to keep the evidence from the murder case out of the fraud case, yet turns around and files for a COV siting the same things he is asking the courts to leave out! :waitasec:
I have found a source that says they are Target employees. Can't guarantee it though. . . Am not sure I can post the link here.

Well, that would make sense!!
The only thing that would work for this trial, COV-wise is to go for a place that generally hates LE. Forget the Latino demographics of Miami. Satsuma (Jax area) would probably be a better venue to get a jury of 12 Misty-types who might be sympathetic with a woman who would rather party than take care of a child she thinks belongs to someone else and who have no qualms about uncooperative defendant-types.

Here is the juror questionaire for KC's check fraud case!! On page 9&10 it asks if you know or have you heard of YM, JA, or CA!! The other names I don't recognize-do any of you?:waitasec:

I have found a source that says (4) and (5) are Target employees. Can't guarantee it though. . . Am not sure I can post the link here.

So, then assuming that 4&5 and the others maybe witnesses-that would probably mean YM, JA, and CA are also witnesses!! So, then CA will be called to verify what she said to Amy?? Can't wait!!!:dance:
"What a waste."

The check fraud case is a slam-dunk. They shouldn't waste taxpayer's money piddling around with it and especially not moving for a CHANGE OF VENUE on it. Seriously.

It's ridiculous! Anything to drag it out time wise.:banghead:
So......when Casey is convicted of these fraud charges, will she get jail time? And better yet, will they put her sorry a$$ into general population??? That, in and of itself, may make her rethink her plea for the murder trial!!

One could only hope!:dance:
The following is a serious question (because unlike KC I've never been called for jury duty)...

What happens when you refuse to answer the personal questions on a deal like this? For instance, I would not answer such questions as anything to do with my children or grandchildren, etc.

And I mean that as - I wouldn't answer them...would I get contempt of court?
Wait a minute, I take that back...I'd fill that part in with

"All are alive and none have ever been in my trunk."

That's it.
Wow if that's the voir dire for the check fraud case imagine what the criminal case voir dire will look like?:deal:

I read somewhere that the questionaire for the jury for the OJ case was 124 pages!!:shocked2:
I am serious, though. I wouldn't answer those and I really do wonder what would happen because of it.
Well, the closest thing I could find is that the FLORIDA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE


The prospective jurors shall be asked to complete and return the forms.

They can ask all they want, I guess. No where does it say the jurors are required to complete the questionnaire. Now, I'm sure at their refusal they are booted as a potential juror, but that's okay by me.

Thanks for the link!
Wouldn't it be awful that because you didn't disclose something, the case is ruled a mistrial?

No silly! I didn't say I would not be honest. I would refuse to answer the section of the questionnaire. That can't lead to a mistrial. They would, I suppose, have to reject me if the personal information on my children and grandchildren was the "linch pin" of the whole friggin trial!

No worries - I'd just get booted.

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