China killing Dogs For Food

Oh h3ll no. They have overpopulation there they need to use birth control.
I agree, we need to stop all imports from them; we've had poisoned children's toys, pet food, and they had that brainstorm about making hairbands from used condoms. No way. We need to stop imports from them, maybe more people will buy American made things.
Oh h3ll no. They have overpopulation there they need to use birth control.
I agree, we need to stop all imports from them; we've had poisoned children's toys, pet food, and they had that brainstorm about making hairbands from used condoms. No way. We need to stop imports from them, maybe more people will buy American made things.
actually they have birth control. families are allowed only 1 child. a second child can result in prison. this is why china has such a large difference between the number of men and women. poor families that need a son to work the farm have a choice when a daughter is born... kill the daughter or starve when she grows up and moves away and they are too old to work. i think eating dogs is not their worst problem.
I don't know Sherri...I just can't go with killing dogs. :(

MILLIONS of dogs are killed in this country every year! It would make far for sense to me if all those dogs didn't die in vain. I say..lets feed them to prisoners.
Im with the rest on here who try not to buy Chinese and this is one reason. They did poison alot of our pets with the tainted rice gluten that was shipped over here.....I have now switched my dogs to a grain free diet, not trusting the pet food industry much.
They not only EAT dogs they also use the fur in clothing, etc. Ug whoever could condone this has got to be ca-razy.
And the article says their dog of choice is German Shepherds? Oh h*ll no
I have 2 and the GSD is on the top 10 most intelligent dog list in case you don't know. This is PATHETIC to let this go on.
Poisoning children, too when I saw the poor parents going nuts at Christmastime trying to buy something not from China for the kids, that really did it for me.:mad:
I believe Playskool is not made in China and of course, theres always Legos.
There IS a list somewhere but wish there was a list of everything made in China for us who dont want to do business with them.
MILLIONS of dogs are killed in this country every year! It would make far for sense to me if all those dogs didn't die in vain. I say..lets feed them to prisoners.

So we inject dogs with the deadly pink liquid and then feed their flesh to prisoners? Is that like killing two birds with one stone?
I find it amusing that it is French people who started the ruckus. Horse meat is eaten in France.

Yes, I found it ironic as well lol

I've had horse meat. While I wouldn't call it my favorite and I didn't know I was eating it at first, I didn't spit it out. That would have been rude. My hosts didn't think it was weird to order it, who was I to argue? I don't live there where it's normal.

I've also had raccoon, snake, gator, shark and a host of other meats. To me it's an animal. People are putting human emotions onto the animal. Raccoons can make good pets too but you'd never think they feel like humans. People do think their dogs act human, because that's what they want to see and feel.

If it stops people from starving like they do in Africa and it's not taboo there, why should we care?
Yes, I found it ironic as well lol

I've had horse meat. While I wouldn't call it my favorite and I didn't know I was eating it at first, I didn't spit it out. That would have been rude. My hosts didn't think it was weird to order it, who was I to argue? I don't live there where it's normal.

I've also had raccoon, snake, gator, shark and a host of other meats. To me it's an animal. People are putting human emotions onto the animal. Raccoons can make good pets too but you'd never think they feel like humans. People do think their dogs act human, because that's what they want to see and feel.

If it stops people from starving like they do in Africa and it's not taboo there, why should we care?
My little Sophia, a miniature poodle, IS a human. She is my FAVORITE kid because she is the only one who NEVER talks back! ;)
We find it horrific because we are a country that loves our dogs. If they want to eat dogs, fine. The issue in China and every other country including the US is the treatment of animals and how they are killed. That is what needs to change. Humble reverence for the animal giving its life for us. No gloating, no ego, no cruelty. Show them respect and they will be willing to die for us. Animals know why they are here and they know the laws of nature. Humans are the only ones that just don't get it.
China IS out of control. I now am trying to avoid anything from China. China is a cesspool.
What else could be expected from something like China. They're trying to hurt our children and us with their poisoned products and people here are just buying and shopping at department stores where everything is made in China. No one in our country is being held accountable for bringing these tainted goods here. I wouldn't expect that country to respect dogs or to even have enough sense to eat animals that the majority of the world considers unclean to eat.
actually they have birth control. families are allowed only 1 child. a second child can result in prison. this is why china has such a large difference between the number of men and women. poor families that need a son to work the farm have a choice when a daughter is born... kill the daughter or starve when she grows up and moves away and they are too old to work. i think eating dogs is not their worst problem.

I know about that and heaven forbid they have a daughter. However even that "birth control" isn't working over there as there still is an overpopulation. I honestly don't know what they could do at this point..
BTW, i fostered a puggle once, they are adorable!!

With the huge pet food recall awhile back; you have to wonder if they're trying to control their population with certain "methods" over there as well. Did they eat the dogs they poisoned with their own pet food?
I think many of you are forgetting that it's american companys that took jobs away from folks here and sent them overseas to make a BIGGER profit and those are the companys that need boycotted. Just my 2 cents.
I know about that and heaven forbid they have a daughter. However even that "birth control" isn't working over there as there still is an overpopulation. I honestly don't know what they could do at this point..
BTW, i fostered a puggle once, they are adorable!!

With the huge pet food recall awhile back; you have to wonder if they're trying to control their population with certain "methods" over there as well. Did they eat the dogs they poisoned with their own pet food?
as for what they can do at this point to deal with over population i think that will begin to cure its self when you have a country extremely over populated by men.

yeah my puggle is soooo cute.:blowkiss:
MILLIONS of dogs are killed in this country every year! It would make far for sense to me if all those dogs didn't die in vain. I say..lets feed them to prisoners.

The "meat" they call hamburgerish substance in prison (Aramark food service) has the look, feel and texture as if you take the blood from the bottom of a pan of something meat that cooked, then stirred up the blood and cooked it some more. It's vile. So, I'm about POSITIVE that prisoners here in Florida would really appreciate a good slab of dog ribs, any day.
Glitch, I've heard horrible things about Aramark. Ugh.

Me, too. Entire prisons of people getting ill and they treat it like it's a "3 day flu." When Donna's IT school was housed at a vocational school whose cafeteria used Aramark - that's when I started packing her lunch. I'm sure the quality of food is higher for schools - but I wasn't taking chances.
So we inject dogs with the deadly pink liquid and then feed their flesh to prisoners? Is that like killing two birds with one stone?

I hadn't thought of that...but since you brought it up....I love the idea!

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