CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #22

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The good news is that, usually, they return to their bodies at 19 0r 20, and they are mature, sensible, grown ups and they even laugh at how silly they were at 16. Hopefully anyway. { Mine did that and I hope they stay this sensible.]

I am 30. I have known for a long time that I was a real challenge as a teen but about a month ago I woke up just filled with shame and feeling sick for all that I'd put my mom thru back then. We had a good cry together about it over Christmas break...but we had some laughs, too.
I think DR was supposed to have been found right away. That would have been the goal, if the motive was to have a family tragedy (boy falls in lake and drowns) unite everyone.
but then I think, if it was for revenge or jealousy, maybe he wasn't supposed to be found, and the lake/fishing pole was an alibi of sorts.

I would think if it was about reuniting, then he would have returned text messages to ER. He would have been buttering her up. So I doubt that could have been a motive. JMO
That is what I was wondering. What if they got into an argument over the excessive cell phone use? (very understandable, especially if dad had built this visit up in his mind) What if dad just pulled over and threw the phone into a river, and Dylan, being a kid, and not thinking correctly, jumped in after it? Dad could have tried to find him, he could have gone in after him, but lost him. It could all have been just a few tragic minutes, and can't bring himself to call the police...maybe he'd been drinking, or he's just freaking out.

*IF* dad did have anything to do with Dylan's disappearance, I'd so much rather it be just a sad accident...

Hmm, that is interesting scenario...I would think dad would tell someone though? Would that really be his fault?
That is what I was wondering. What if they got into an argument over the excessive cell phone use? (very understandable, especially if dad had built this visit up in his mind) What if dad just pulled over and threw the phone into a river, and Dylan, being a kid, and not thinking correctly, jumped in after it? Dad could have tried to find him, he could have gone in after him, but lost him. It could all have been just a few tragic minutes, and can't bring himself to call the police...maybe he'd been drinking, or he's just freaking out.

*IF* dad did have anything to do with Dylan's disappearance, I'd so much rather it be just a sad accident...

I'm sure *IF* MR did anything, he's hoping folks think it's a sad accident too...
yes, and then when told he could use the interview as a platform for whatever message he wanted to get out, his message was - take the focus off me.

That's because all the focus was on him and not Dylan. What's wrong with that? His ex had gone on national tv and pointed a finger at him, according to what was posted earlier, the neighbors suspected him, look at so many posters here, everyone automatically assumes because he was in charge of the child and he disappeared, he did something to him. I wouldn't have been as nice about it as he was when addressing that.

Then people ask why he doesn't speak to the news media more and get those accusations straightened out.......
LOL Nooooooo. Someone said "Bayfield and someone else thought they said "Ballfield" and this whole thing got started that they were going to play baseball at a ballfield. Sort of like that game ***Telephone ****where you start out with one sentence, and whisper it to the next person all the way down the line and when it gets to the end it's something completely different. We use to play it as kids.

OT - is that not Chinese whispers ?

Has there been any posts recently by Elaine or D on the Facebook page ? , I keep thinking we have more chance of hearing new there first for some reason .
Searching for another quote & found this:

"Shupe says they are not ruling Dylan's father out as a person of interest nor are they calling him a person of interest at this point."

Wow, I haven't seen it stated like that before WTH??? Forgot what I was searching for, but this is one of those cases that will drive you crazy.

This was interesting to me. They were not ruling him out at that point, and as far as I know, still have been unable to do so. So neither can I. JMO
This is the only thing that baffles me. Why would MR (if he placed him there) lead LE to the lake? Wouldn't the dogs have picked up MR's scent there? I'm sure that avenue was addressed.

Good point. You would think they would. Now from what I've read, people think he said it to deflect LE from looking where Dylan REALLY was. So at this point, IF MR had anything to do with this, Dylan would not be in the lake.
This is the only thing that baffles me. Why would MR (if he placed him there) lead LE to the lake? Wouldn't the dogs have picked up MR's scent there? I'm sure that avenue was addressed.

You think they had tracking dogs there scenting for MR? I would have thought just for Dylan and then the HRD dogs.
Good point. You would think they would. Now from what I've read, people think he said it to deflect LE from looking where Dylan REALLY was. So at this point, IF MR had anything to do with this, Dylan would not be in the lake.

Yep , I think the lake could be a wild goose chase IMO
What if, for example LE does have MR's phone pinging at or near lake? That would not be enough to arrest him, but it would be enough to make them want to keep checking the lake.

Not saying they do, but we sure wouldn't know if they did.
That's because all the focus was on him and not Dylan. What's wrong with that? His ex had gone on national tv and pointed a finger at him, according to what was posted earlier, the neighbors suspected him, look at so many posters here, everyone automatically assumes because he was in charge of the child and he disappeared, he did something to him. I wouldn't have been as nice about it as he was when addressing that.

Then people ask why he doesn't speak to the news media more and get those accusations straightened out.......

simply by saying "take the focus off of me", he not only places focus ON him, but he also misses an opportunity to do what parents are desperate to do when their child is missing out there - communicate with them. He also clearly states his agenda - that people stop looking at him. very transparent. and a bigger concern for him than communicating with his child or with whomever may have his child. or even asking for community help. it's very curious.
Mark lives in a remote area and didn't he hire a lawyer to protect his back?
I think he is afraid to answer the door because he thinks someone might want to shoot him or stab him, so if he has a thick pillow in front of him, he can deflect blows to his body.


According to Lt. Shupe Redwine has not retained an attorney, unless things have changed and we just don't know it.

As for the pillow, I don't think its because he's afraid of being shot or anything. If we're speculating here then maybe its the pillow Dylan slept on and that's why he was holding it.

He also told the media at this time that he was waiting for family to get their to help him deal with the situation since he didn't have any support.

Yep , I think the lake could be a wild goose chase IMO

I dunno. i really get the feeling that the fishing pole comment was a way to explain why DR will be found at the lake. I doubt they had dogs tracking MR's scent at the lake. and he could have said he went there to look for DR when he noticed the fishing pole missing. he said he was out looking for DR all day Monday, so he could place himself anywhere he needs an excuse to be, saying he was looking for DR.
You think they had tracking dogs there scenting for MR? I would have thought just for Dylan and then the HRD dogs.

Not sure, but if I thought about it, surely LE would! I would hope so anyway
According to Lt. Shupe Redwine has not retained an attorney, unless things have changed and we just don't know it.

As for the pillow, I don't think its because he's afraid of being shot or anything. If we're speculating here then maybe its the pillow Dylan slept on and that's why he was holding it.

He also told the media at this time that he was waiting for family to get their to help him deal with the situation since he didn't have any support.


"Mark Redwine told The Denver Post he hired a criminal lawyer to watch his back while he presses the search for his 13-year-old son, Dylan Redwine, who disappeared from the Pine River Valley two weeks ago."
Read more:

Other news articles just said that MR had consulted with a defense attorney. Both were after the extensive forensic search and interview.
simply by saying "take the focus off of me", he not only places focus ON him, but he also misses an opportunity to do what parents are desperate to do when their child is missing out there - communicate with them. He also clearly states his agenda - that people stop looking at him. very transparent. and a bigger concern for him than communicating with his child or with whomever may have his child. or even asking for community help. it's very curious.

From the interview:

R: Do you have anything directly to say to Dylan?

M: Dylan, my prayers are with you and I love you very much. He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. And I just want him home just like everybody else does. And that's why we've got to keep searching for him. Because somebody knows something. We've got to find him and we need to know he's okay.

R: This is you guys' platform today. You can use this to get out any message you want.

M: Well, I don't want the focus to be mainly on me. I want the focus to be mainly on Dylan because that's where, that's the most important thing right now. And you know, if the process of what's going on with the authorities and the people handling this is to search my home, all the had to do was ask. I would have willingly let them come in. I've given them, I've cooperated with them in every way. Anything they've asked me for, I've been willing to do. Anything they suggested I do, whether it be sitting at the house waiting for the phones to ring or Dylan to walk through the front door, I'm willing to do whatever I need to do. And that's what I want everyone to understand is that, you know my focus is on Dylan and what's going on with him and trying to keep the investigation moving forward in whatever necessary means that is. So, you know in cooperating with them and we can you know, keep the focus on the search for Dylan. And that's where I'm at with all of this.
He is asked to address Dylan.
But instead of saying to Dylan to contact his family if Dylan is able, he goes on how Dylan was the light of his life and how much Dylan meant to him. Does that sound like coming from someone who thinks his son is alive out there somewhere?
From the interview:

R: Do you have anything directly to say to Dylan?

M: Dylan, my prayers are with you and I love you very much. He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. And I just want him home just like everybody else does. And that's why we've got to keep searching for him. Because somebody knows something. We've got to find him and we need to know he's okay.

R: This is you guys' platform today. You can use this to get out any message you want.

M: Well, I don't want the focus to be mainly on me. I want the focus to be mainly on Dylan because that's where, that's the most important thing right now. And you know, if the process of what's going on with the authorities and the people handling this is to search my home, all the had to do was ask. I would have willingly let them come in. I've given them, I've cooperated with them in every way. Anything they've asked me for, I've been willing to do. Anything they suggested I do, whether it be sitting at the house waiting for the phones to ring or Dylan to walk through the front door, I'm willing to do whatever I need to do. And that's what I want everyone to understand is that, you know my focus is on Dylan and what's going on with him and trying to keep the investigation moving forward in whatever necessary means that is. So, you know in cooperating with them and we can you know, keep the focus on the search for Dylan. And that's where I'm at with all of this.

He is asked to speak directly to Dylan--and he does not do that, imo. Instead he speaks of him as if he KNOWS he is dead, and in a way that is defensive about whether he loved him or not.
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